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has both the smoothness and strength of an inland river flowing through a level country, upon whose breast you may sail ever along without fear of interruption from rocks or shallowness. It is not broken with the rapids and falls that lend diversity to Macaulay's bolder course, but it imparts more confidence to the mind while less exciting its admiration.

ticipate in the interests of the occasion; and each, |noble lord himself and published. Wiley and however humble, may claim a share in the glory. Putnam afterwards gave the work to the AmeriThe principles of the constitution chasten all the can public in their Choice Library. It was read excitable elements of popular will. The instant with great interest by the true lovers of elegant letthe successful candidate is invested with the chief ters and won general admiration. But excelmagistracy, partisan weapons are laid aside; lent as it was, that production falls far below and as the head of the nation, universal respect the able work, which, with the best taste and is awarded the President. Such are the redeem-judgment, the Messrs. Appleton have recently ing features of our political system and the noble published. There is a calmness and dignity episodes in the ceaseless struggle for power that in the style of Lord Mahon, which fits it pe revive hallowed memories and patriotic delight. culiarly for historical writing. His narrative The Inauguration Ball, as a social demonstration, was an appropriate finale. Between three and four thousand people of both sexes, of every class, from all parts of the land, assembled in an immense saloon erected for the purpose. Members of the diplomatic corps and naval and military officers by their rich dress gave variety to the scene. From the stage at the head of the room, the view was magnificent when the old General appeared. The mass opened to the right and left to allow him to pass freely; a sea of heads swayed to and fro; the band played exhilarating martial airs; jewels sparkled, murmurs of applause rose and fell, smiles beamed, cheers resounded and the crowd reunited like a swelling flood, as the unassuming object of all this festivity moved slowly on, with a meek, yet gratified air. When he reached the elevated platform he was received by a group of fair women and men of noble aspect; he stood among them in the simple dignity of a faithful citizensoldier. The dance was resumed; and the eye fell on a vast and brilliant throng, whose courteous hilarity afforded a hopeful presage to every reads less like an opinion and more like a congenerous heart.

Washington, March 7th, 1849.


New York, March, 1849.

The stand-points, to use a Germanism, from which these two historians view their subject, are wide asunder, being separated by that broad space which divides the English Tory from the British Whig. So far as my preference goes, I must avow that I repose more undoubtingly upon the lord than the commoner. The former writes like a judge, the latter like an advocate. The former gives a seemingly just, impartial, elevated verdict; the latter indulges in a full, eloquent and often heated argument.

Since my last letter was written, I have read the second volume of Macaulay's History as issued by Harpers. There is a decided falling of in the interest and character of the work. It

troversy. There is not the slightest doubt that the writer's object is to justify the lords, who invited over William of Orange, and to show that the people could not do otherwise than rebel against the weak and wilful King James. No palliation whatsoever is found for that monarch's faults, and he is held up to the scorn and contempt of the world as the most cowardly, cruel and contemptible of monarchs. Mr. Macaulay's views may be the true ones; but they might have D. Appleton and Co. of this City have pub- been presented with less acrimony, and not so lished a 66 History of England from the Peace of much in the manner of a partizan, endeavoring Utrecht to the Peace of Aix La Chapelle, by Lord to set forth in strong array the considerations Mahon." I have for several years had this ad- which had justified, even on historical grounds, mirable work in my library in the handsome the positions he had himself elected. English edition in four volumes octavo, as pub- Dr. J. G. Cogswell,—formerly well-known lished by John Murray in 1839. throughout the country as the principal (in Attracted first by a review in the London Quar-connection with George Bancroft) of the Round terly of Lord Mahon's Life of Condé, written Hill School at Northampton, Mass., and suboriginally in French, I became desirous to read sequently as Editor of the New York Review, that brilliant sketch. As, however, only a lim- private Secretary to the late John Jacob As ited number of copies had been printed in Lon-tor and Librarian of the Astor Library to be don for private distribution, I could not gratify established in New York,—is now in London that desire until a translation was made by the gaged in the purchase of books for this Library.

In a letter to a friend in this city he speaks warmly editions, which I am very anxious to have for the of the uniform kindness and courtesy with which Astor Library, one is the Mazarin Bible, which he has been greeted and treated in England. He observes:

I despair of obtaining, the other Shakspeare, which I am resolved to have. As books, these "I would like to say a few words about things are my three objects of veneration, and I mean in England generally. I would like to have it to speak of the Bible with all reverence, when I known at home, that every possible disposition connect it with anything human, as a book has been shown here to facilitate the great object merely, and not as the volume of inspiration." of my visit-everything I have asked for has The Astor Library is fortunate indeed in havbeen granted me without hesitation; many gen- ing so erudite and tasteful a librarian. It will be tlemen on whom I had not the slightest claims

have bestowed upon me hours and hours of their truly a magnificent collection and add greatly to time, in helping me to form catalogues of books the attractions of this Metropolis. No considin the special department of science to which erable part of the endowment, ($400,000,) will they were devoted, or in examining buildings be expended on the building—but a handsome which had some improvement important to be and appropriate edifice, not too costly, will be known; in these and in various other ways has erected. The management of the whole matter a spirit of uniform kindness been manifested to- could not be in better hands, and not only the New wards America-for I regard none of this as personal to myself, it is to me as the representa-York, but the American public are to be warmly tive of a great Institution of our country. You congratulated on the literary treasures in store know how men of science are sparing of their for us. time, and it may surprise you to hear, that in Mr. Richard H. Dana has just concluded here several instances, after an accidental introduction at a party to some celebrité, I have inquired at our University Chapel an exceedingly valuaof him what were the great books in his depart-ble course of lectures on Shakspeare. They are ment, and had for answer, Come and breakfast the same which he gave in this city some eight with me the first day you are at leisure and we years ago, and which were then highly praised will talk over the whole matter-this has repeat- by our New York Sir Hubert Stanleys. Their edly given me three and four hours of the valua

ble time of the inviter. If it were not wrong to present repetition has been attended by our intelpublish anything of another, even praise without lectual aristocracy and others, forming a goodly his knowledge and consent, I would name sev-assembly. You should have Mr. Dana in Richeral individuals who have done this. I have mond. He would infuse a new spirit into now been two months in London, and not an ill-literary circle. natured or discourteous word has been addressed to me by either high or low.


This employment of giving lectures on popular topics seems, during this season, to have been Such language, such a tone indicates the gen- taken up by several respectable writers. It is tleman as well as the scholar. In his avoidance certainly honorable. The most distinguished of of mentioning publicly the names of those even lawyers, physicians and divines have been lectuwhom he is desirous to praise; in his extreme rers. It is both a pleasant and a reputable mode delicacy, his reverent regard for the implied confidence of social intercourse, how does he differ from many American tourists and pencillers who have dishonored their country.

for an author to increase his income, besides bringing one in his perigrinations acquainted with numbers of agreeable and accomplished persons. I have myself conceived the idea of giving Dr. Cogswell's description of his visit to the courses of lectures, as much for the entertaineelebrated Althorp Library is very interesting, ment as instruction of audiences, in our different and deserves transfer to your columns from those towns, on a somewhat novel plan-novel with of the Literary World. It is too long for intro- regard to such oral discourses, though not as to duction into this letter, but I enclose it that you printed books. I refer to making such mental may give it honorable place, if you think proper diversions cheap and within the range of humto do so. At the late sale of the Stowe Library, ble means. I would, par example, fix the maxiwhich Dr. Cogswell attended, he purchased for mum price of admission for each person at a sinthe Astor Library a princeps Homer for twenty-gle New York shilling, (12 cents,) or even our nine pounds. "On getting possession of it," he United States dime. Thus a pleasant evening's remarks, "I could not but call to mind Petrarch's excursion into the field of letters may be taken eloquent apostrophe to the 'illustrious bard,' as for a trifling sum. So far as I have tried the exreported by Gibbon, when the Byzantine Am- periment, I have been met and cheered by large bassador presented him with a manuscript copy; audiences, steadily increasing with each new lecand something of the same veneration which he ture. Perhaps it would be an affectation of modthere confesses, induced me to deviate from my esty in me to attribute my success wholly to the rule and buy a book at a great price, because it low price of admission; nor is it mere vanity to is a first edition. There are but two other first assert that people came in crowds to hear me,

VOL. XV-31

Her reading of the exquisite poetry

Mrs. Butler has taken up a regular residence with her friends the Sedgwicks in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Her intimacy with this family of talents and blue-stockingism was a main cause of her husband's dislike of his wrath, the direful spring.

(more always than could get into the lecture- of the ear. room,) because they were amused. My constant of the Midsummer Night's Dream is also woneffort was not to be dry-but to irrigate my dis- derfully charming. sertation with little rills of humor, I will not say wit, since that is said not to excite laughter. I have been willing to expend a little dignity even, if I could keep pleased expressions on the faces of my hearers, and prevent any undue distension of visages by yawns. Thus have I, with no great merit of my own, succeeded where I have I must as a special favor, ask here for the attempted lectures on the plan which I contem-space to praise two recent publications—the one plate carrying out extensively by-and-by, and a romance, and the other a magazine. "Merry which I have taken the liberty to speak of here, Mount" is decidedly the cleverest novel of the because it is recommended at least by its novelty season. I am not sure that there are many books and reasonableness. of the kind written with so much splendor of

when the Puritans or Roundheads had acquired almost exclusive possession of the colony and had begun to rule after the Cromwellian fashion with despotic and iron hand. A few brave and

Let me tell you about Fanny Kemble Butler. fancy, felicity of description and artistic paintWhen she proposed to read Shakespeare in Bos-ing of character. An experienced dramatist ton, because it had become necessary for her to might work its materials into a play that would do so, she did not anticipate to be listened to by run fifty nights. The scenes are laid at that more than some two hundred persons. Great eventful period in the history of New England, was her surprise therefore to find more than four times that number crowded into the hall of the Masonic Temple. Her auditors consisted entirely of that intelligent and fashionable set of exclusives, who in Boston seem to preserve their jolly cavaliers who were still remaining, claimed social position as undisputably as similar folk do in England, and to give the tone to wider and lower circles. Accordingly, the whole town thronged to Mrs. Butler's readings and paid her some three hundred dollars a night, net, as the dry-goods dealers say. This must have looked to her like old times, when her father and herself created in the quiet capital of Massachusetts a theatrical furore of the wildest sort, and box tickets were sold at auction and brought five dollars a piece, before her unpropitious marriage with Mr. Pierce Butler of Philadelphia, who was at that time a young man and not a perverse Benedict bent on having his own way.

a portion of territory and held their jocund revels on an eminence, which they christened "Merry Mount." I know of few things finer in its way than the account of the May-day revels and of a Hawking Party. If I were to say that this romance would be popular, I might prophesy falsely-for much of it is decidedly “caviare to the general"-but if I should say that it will be read with delight by people of taste and imagination, I should run no risk of speaking other than strict truth. The author of the novel is J. Lathrop Motley, an accomplished gentleman, a member of the present Legislature of Massachusetts and formerly United States Secretary Mrs. Butler has recently repeated her readings of Legation to the Court of St. Petersburgh. in New York. She has not exactly carried the The magazine which I beg leave highly and citadel by storm, for we are rather less notional with emphasis to recommend to Southern readthan the Bostonians, and seldom suffer our per- ers, and espeically the fairer portion, is "Sarsonal feelings to sway our judgment concerning tain's Union Magazine," published by John Sara public performer. But Mrs. Butler has made tain & Co. in Philadelphia. Mr. Sartain is an a decided sensation. Her Merchant of Venice artist of extraordinary merit. No one could be was immense; her Shylock greater than any-more capable of tastefully arranging and select body's except George Frederick Cooke's, who, ing the embellishments of a periodical of this by-the-by, is remembered only by that omnipres- kind. His mezzotint engravings have never ent individual, “the oldest inhabitant." She lets been surpassed, and he may justly claim the you know what characters she is personating honor of giving that style vogue in this country simply by a change of tones, after she has an- Look for example at the most beautiful speci nounced them at the beginning of each scene. men after Richard Westall in the March num Here she employs her full, rich, flexible vocal or- ber, and "Undine" from an original, by C. L gan with fine effect. For instance, in the dia- Muller. The Editors are Mrs. C. M. Kirk logue between Portia and Nerissa, the change land and Professor John S. Hart-the forme from the lady-like tone of the former, to the pert, known to the lovers of genuine and happy ha chambermaid manner of the latter is strikingly mor by her "New Home, Who'll Followperceptible and even dramatic in its deception and the latter a man of fine talents and a scholar

of high celebrity. Mr. C. H. Wiley, author of erary gems of tasteful collectors. His prose is, "Alamance,”—a Southern writer-has just com- moreover, strong, nervous, ornate, “drawn from menced in this magazine a novel that promises the pure wells of English undefiled" and cast in to be exciting in its interest. It is entitled a style similar to that of the old divines. "Roanoke, or Where is Utopia." William How- Is it not rather an amusing fact, apropos to my itt, Frederica Bremer, (translated by Mary How-comments on the liberties taken with the orthogitt) Willis, Mrs. Sigourney, Dr. Bethune and raphy of Mr. Macaulay by the Harpers in their several others of equal fame are contributors. edition of his History of England. that these Longfellow is also engaged to contribute a poem very publishers, who persisted that their standard monthly. The critical notices are fairly and of spelling was the true one, should now adverhandsomely made. tise a cheap edition of the same work, "spelled I met Mr. Halleck a few days since looking according to the English edition?" Do not bevery intellectual and very well as usual. I asked lieve that the critics brought about this favorable him if he intended that all his new poems should change: it was entirely owing to the appearance be published posthumously; but he replied laugh- of two correct editions, one published in Boston ingly that he should not put his executors to and another in Philadelphia. much trouble in that respect. I suspect, nevertheless, that he writes, but is too infinitely fastidious to publish. I love Halleck; he is emphatically a gentlemanly poet.

Your correspondent, Tuckerman, who is another capital specimen of the genus homo, has been some time in Washington enjoying the Inauguration festivities.

A new American Drama, entitled Kate Woodhall, from the pen of Mr. C. Edwards Lester, has just been produced at the Broadway Theatre. I sincerely hope that it may succed.

The Italian opera has closed its first season with considerable loss to its urbane and competent manager. The successive failures of two winters must have at length convinced a set of people, whom Mr. Willis exaggeratingly called "The Upper Ten Thousand," but who would be more than comprised in Hundreds, that they cannot sustain an establishment of this sort against the roo. Their "odi profanum vulgus et arceo," will not do for this region. They cannot monopolize all the best boxes and turn up their noses at the commonalty in the pit and upper tiers. No theatre or opera can be sustained here unless all parts of the house are free to all comers. Exclusiveism must confine itself to private edifices. It is an exotic that dies in the open, strong air of democracy.

I take pleasure in transmitting to you a fine and spirited poem by an English gentleman of high abilities. Though written in 1824, when its author was connected as editor with one of

the prominent journals of the time, it is now published for the first time in the United Stateswhere the genius and wit of Sheridan have been always appreciated at their full value.


They fled from thee-all the gay, titled and proud,

They fled from thee-all who had joined with the crowd
When thy evening of life in its dreariness came ;
To echo thy praise in thy morning of fame.

To thy bedside unblessed came the harpies whose fangs
Were rudest and sharpest in fortune's decay,
And of all who should soften the victim's last pangs,
None scared the foul birds from their desolate prey.

In loneliness withered the spirit that shed
Who the mask and the pageant and revelry led
The eloquent charm that might Senates command,
And waved over fashion a magical wand.

Not lonely-one minist'ring angel was there!

Oh, woman! how faithful, how changeless thou art To the man of thy love; though his eye gleam despair And a wilderness gather its gloom round the heart.

The numerous friends of the good Bishop Doane of New Jersey will be glad to learn that his health has greatly improved. He was, during the winter, sick unto death; but the arm on which he has ever leaned confidingly for support, has upheld him so that his footsteps have wandered on the borders of the dark valley of the Oh, faithless such chivalry—ye who rely

The struggle is over-the mutes at the gate,

Thy spirit had felt, ere it bowed to its fate,
And the recreant grandeur which struck the worst blow

Now follow thy bier in the trappings of wo.

And then with late homage embrace its cold urn.

shadow and he has not been hidden from the On its promise, behold! how its friendship could spurn light of existence. Not only to the church but Misfortune's last claim, and leave genius to die to literature would this excellent Prelate have been a serious loss. Though his name is scarcely mentioned now among the herd of common writers, yet has he produced many beautiful short poems, remembered and hoarded among the lit

They thronged round his hearse, who had let him depart

Like an outcast too mean and too worthless to save;

Who cheered not his gloom with one ray of the heart

And threw the vain splendor of pomp on his grave.

With bards rest thy ashes whose fate like thy own
Was neglect from the proud in Life's cheerless decay,
Who were left, unbefriended, to wither alone

By those who strewed flowers on their passionless clay.

Had talents like thine but by virtue been crowned,
Their blaze had not set in so sullen a night;
But the circle allured thee where folly was found
And the red cup of Circe was sparkling and bright.

Had wisdom, oh Sheridan, guided thy mind,

She had taught thee that genius was best when its powers Beam forth like the sun for the good of mankind,

Not neglecting the fruits in its fondness for flowers.

The glory which genius thought never could die
Too oft on the bosom of riot decays;
Like the bird that, while singing his wild song on high,
Droops, flutters and dies by the rattlesnake's gaze.

Thy laurels were twined with the roses that grew
In the garden of pleasure, all flaunting and gay;
But the canker lurk'd under their brightness of hue
And the rose and the laurel both withered away.


P. B.

must on to the park; it is very spacious and grand, adorned here and there with a fine old far-stretching oak or a stately elm, varied with clumps of evergreens or smaller trees; the drive through it to the house is half a mile or more, winding amid a lawn as clean as a parlor carpet. The house has nothing imposing in its external aspect, and is in no particular style of architecture; but in passing its threshold, one feels that he is standing on holy ground, and would almost instinctively 'put off his shoes from his feet. I read Dibdin in my young days, and from him learnt to regard the Spencer Library with nearly the same veneration I entertain for the Vatican, and the feeling came back upon me in its full strength when I found myself within it. Knowing that I had allotted but one day to the inspection of the library, Mr. Appleyard the librarian, who was all courtesy and kindness, proposed to begin our work at once. The library is distributed through various rooms of the house, eight altogether I think, several of which are very large; the first in order is the room of the Incunabula, which is devoted entirely to editions of the fifteenth century, and works inseparable from them. This room is larger than a common sized parlor in New York, and is completely full. And here, indeed, are the things which the prophets and kings of literature might well desire to see, some of which can be seen in no other library in the world. What shall I select from this multitude of treasures to describe to you, for the time must fail me, were I to attempt only to name the curious and precious volumes which were successively placed before me by the learned librarian? I have already referred to the Althorp Library, We must begin with the block books. In speand as I have recently made a visit to it, you cimens of this forerunner of printing, Lord Spenmay like to have some account of it from me, cer is very rich; his earliest is a single leaf, on however familiar you may be with the Biblio- which there are two wood cuts, one representing theca Spenceriana and Ædes Althorpianæ of St. Christopher carrying the infant Jesus through Dibdin. Althorp, as you doubtless know, is one the sea, the other the Annunciation; beneath of Lord Spencer's country residences, about five the cuts is an inscription, with the date 1423, miles from Northampton, and seventy-two from which is regarded as the earliest known use of London, or as distances are now marked, it is printing ink-there is clearly no falsification of three hours from the metropolis by rail, with any kind about it; there cannot be a doubt that three quarters of an hour more for the five miles it was executed at the time it was dated, and footing. The country between Northampton nothing of an earlier date exists, which is admitand Althorp is not particularly striking, but it ted to be genuine, that of 1418 not being so. was certainly pleasant to enjoy an old fashioned From this onward there is a fine series of block drive, sitting in an open carriage drawn by books, besides many of the blocks with which horses, with an opportunity of seeing things by they were stamped; nowhere can one see more the road side, and not have them flit by you like perfect specimens of the early Xylographic art. spectres; it was pleasant, too, to look upon the One portion of the Biblia Pauperum is in eurigreen fields, as green as ours in June, and see ous old skin binding, on the cover of which the the men at work ploughing the long furrows as name of the owner is stamped, with the date of cheerily as if spring were back again. It was the binding, 1467—probably it would be difficult most refreshing also to breathe the fresh air of to produce a book bound earlier than this. We the country, after being cooped up two months passed from the block books to the movable type in the smoky atmosphere of London. But I incunabula; of the art in this style Lord Spencer

We gladly act upon the suggestion of our New York correspondent in republishing from the Literary World, the following description of the Althorp Library by Dr. Cogswell.-[Ed. Mess.

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