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and Chapman. By selling their portions of the | Mary College, and commenced the study of the small patrimony derived from their father, they law, to which he applied himself with untiring raised the means of sending their eldest brother zeal and perseverance. Thus engaged he passed to William and Mary College. Their exertions, a year, to which he often referred in after times their sacrifices, were not in vain: they succeeded as one of the happiest of his life. It was here in detaching him from the dissipated courses to that he became acquainted with the Tucker famwhich he was inclined, and in fitting him, by a ily, and formed a strong and enduring attachcompetent education, to make his way in the ment for them. Here also he first met with Mr. struggle of life. Thus early did the subject of Leigh : and their acquaintance, slight in its bethis sketch begin to exhibit towards his relations ginning, strengthened in the course of this brief and connexions a generous regard, which through- year, into the warm and devoted friendship, out his life allowed no occasion for its exercise to which ever after bound them to one another. pass by unimproved. Indeed, the benevolence of his disposition, not only to them, but to all who sought his aid, was almost a fault: for it accustomed him to forget the extent of his own resources, in his desire to supply their wants and promote their interests.


In the course of the following year, being then twenty-three years old, Mr. Johnson left William and Mary and came to Richmond, where he shortly after obtained a license to practice law. At first he thought of commencing the practice in Richmond; but Mr. Wirt, who was then ChanNot long after their father's death, the broth- cellor in the Williamsburg district, having strongly ers had returned to live upon the farm; and when recommended Staunton as a place where he would Chapman had sold his interest in it as already find a better opening than any where else, he mentioned, he still continued to work upon it for went to settle in that place in the same year, 1802. regular wages. By the aid of these earnings he He did not escape the anxieties and disappointwas enabled, at the age of nineteen, to enter the ments which fall to the lot of almost all young school of the Rev. Peter Nelson,* of Louisa practitioners, and by which so many of them are county, with whom he continued for nearly two disheartened and defeated. Even his resolute years. During this period, he studied with an spirit was half discouraged, and he thought seardor and diligence peculiarly his own, and laid riously of going to set up a school in Lexington, the solid foundations, upon which his labor in after until he was dissuaded by the kind advice of one years built a massive superstructure. He always of his warmest personal friends. This was the cherished a respectful and kindly attachment for late Judge Coalter, of the Court of Appeals, his old teacher, together with some humorous re- who lived at that time near Staunton, at a pretty collections of his odd habits and quaint expres-rural spot called "The Grove." In Mr. Johnson's own words,-"I should certainly have left Mr. Johnson, about this time also, derived con - | Staunton, despairing as I was of success, had siderable benefit from an intimate association not Coalter-God bless him!-advised me to with Mr. Patrick Michie, who had married one wait, and have patience. I did-I perseveredof his sisters, and who, after living some time in and in reward, succeeded." The following exSouth Carolina, had returned to Louisa county, tract from a letter, written to a friend in 1806, Virginia, and settled on a farm adjoining the old portrays as well the despondency which clouded homestead. Mr. Michie's collegiate education, the first years of his practice, as the joy with and acquaintance with the world, made his so- which he hailed the brightening prospect that ciety at once both agreeable and instructive to succeeded. "In truth, my friend, I have of late his young relatives; while his influence encoura-experienced pleasure in a higher degree, and seen ged them in the efforts they were making to im- perfect happiness in a nearer prospect, than at prove themselves. any other period of my life. And no doubt, but that the unusual depression which my spirits have suffered for the greater part of the last two * This gentleman, under the more familiar title of old years-indeed, for almost the last four yearsParson Nelson" is well recollected by many now living in has given them an additional elasticity, which Richmond, where he afterwards taught. He was a singu- has made the height of their ascent in some mealar compound of shrewdness and simplicity: an upright sure proportioned to the depth from which they man, a good scholar-but, although by no means sparing of arose. While I was at Williamsburg, I was rethe rod, ill calculated to manage a company of unruly boys. His pupils will never forget the pranks they played, nor the marked for my equanimity and uniform cheerpunishments he inflicted. He often referred with pride to fulness; since I have been in Staunton, I have Mr. Johnson, in whose fame and success he felt himself in been frequently observed to be gloomy, somesome sort a participant; and more than once the pretext times irritable. While in Williamsburg, I was that Mr. Johnson was to speak at the Capitol, or the Court House, procured a holyday for the boys, when that gentle-permitted to pursue those occupations which my judgment approved, to enjoy such society as my man was actually attending court in a distant county.

In 1801, Mr. Johnson went to William and

own wishes would have chosen, to indulge the sary to form a profound and accomplished jurist, feelings which were most grateful to my heart, he superadded to them an energy and vigor of and to taste of most of those pleasures which thought, a clearness and force of expression, and are agreeable to my palate. There, none of the an earnest, warm sympathy with the feelings of cares of life interrupted the tranquil 'noiseless his fellow men, which won him an easy entrance tenor of my way.' In Staunton, my situation into their hearts, and secured him an extraordihas been very different. However, the day is nary power over their convictions. To the traits gone (I hope) when I have any cause of accu- we have ascribed to him—if not implied in what sation against Staunton : for now I see in it the has been already said-must be added the perscene of all my future happiness." Nor was he fect truth, rectitude, and simplicity of his chardeceived in his anticipations. The lapse of more acter; which, in every scene of his exertions, than forty years served only to draw more tightly whether in the Senate, the Courts, or in the humthe bond of mutual attachment, which united him bler questions of municipal and social concern, to his old friends and neighbors. The warmth of disarmed his hearers of all personal prejudice, his regard for them was never abated: and no and prepared them to listen with candor and conwhere was his loss more sincerely felt and la-fidence. meuted, than in the society of Staunton.

But the busy avocations of civil life did not make him unmindful of other duties, which sometimes devolve upon the peaceful citizen. Upon two occasions, during the war of 1812, when it was apprehended that the British would make an attempt upon the city of Richmond, Mr. Johnson marched thither at the head of a company, to take part in its defence. The alarm was given

from the Governor, which arrived about the middle of the day on Sunday. Mr. Johnson was the first man to volunteer: and the next day, the whole company were mounted, and upon the road to Richmond. Happily, the state of preparation and activity, throughout the State, deterred the enemy from the meditated attack.

Long before the date of the letter just quoted, Mr. Johnson's amiable disposition and gentle manners had attracted the regard, while his talents and integrity had acquired for him the esteem, of a large circle of friends and acquaintance. In his association with the more intimate of these, and in his consciousness of innate energy and uprightness, he found resources, which in Staunton, at one of these times, by an express often dispelled his gloomy thoughts, and revived his natural cheerfulness. And in the course of the year 1806 he realized his hopes of domestic happiness, in a marriage with Miss Mary Ann Nicolson, the estimable lady who has survived him. Her fair and delicate beauty was the least of her attractions: her open, artless disposition, gentle demeanor, warm and generous feelings, The limits of this sketch will not permit us to and guileless simplicity of character, won the follow him, year by year, through the course of hearts of those who knew her then, and con- his long and useful life. In the Senate of Virtinue still to rivet the affections of all who come ginia, he represented for many years the Augusta within the sphere of her influence. From the district, to the entire satisfaction of his constitutime of his marriage, Mr. Johnson fixed his resi-ents, and with great and acknowledged advandence in Staunton, until the year 1824, when (for tage to the legislation and jurisprudence of the reasons to be hereafter adverted to) he determin-whole State. He retired from it, when his ined to remove to Richmond.

creasing practice in the Court of Appeals and On the first of May, 1805, he was admitted to the Chancery Court at Richmond, together with practise at the bar of the Court of Appeals, and the long absences from his family thus occasionbegun that career of forensic distinction, which ed, induced him, as has been already stated, to in a few years elevated him to the highest rank remove to the capital. From that period until bis in his profession. In this country, the progress death he continued to reside here; but his social of a rising lawyer not being marked (as in Eng-relations with his old neighbors were never wholly land) by his advance from one grade to another, interrupted. He never failed to pass a portion his standing can be estimated only by the opin- of the summer and fall at his farm in the vicinity ion which is entertained of him, either on the of Staunton; seasons of relaxation from his lapart of his professional brethren of the Bench bors, which were happily spent in the renewal and Bar, or on that of the community in general. of old intimacies and hereditary friendships, and These tribunals not unfrequently differ in their in the quiet enjoyments of domestic life. judgments; and the merit of an individual is Nor were his energies altogether withdrawn highly estimated by one of them, while his rep- from the public service. Though no longer ocutation with the other is comparatively inferior.cupying a public station, his advice and assistIt was the peculiar good fortune of Mr. John-ance were often sought on occasions of great pubson to combine in his favor the suffrages of both. lic interest; and there were few measures, inPossessing, in a rare degree, the qualities neces- Ivolving the general welfare of the State, which


did not derive some aid from the resources of his midnight, and then suspend them only to be remind, and the weight of his influence. With the sumed at early dawn: while the hours more commodesty which was characteristic of him, how-monly appropriated to business were filled up ever, he neither sought nor desired notoriety: with tasks no less continued and severe. and was content, without show or display on his own part, to contribute all that lay in his power, towards the success of every effort for the common good.

early as the year 1837, he began to feel the effects of over exertion in occasional attacks of vertigo and uncomfortable affections of the head, which from time to time compelled him to abstain from When the convention was called in 1829, to labor. But he always yielded with reluctance; revise the Constitution of Virginia, Mr. Johnson and returned to his usual avocations the first mowas summoned by the general voice of his old ment he felt capable of doing so, without allowconstituents to represent them in that body. Em-ing himself time to recruit his strength. The bracing, as it did, some of the most illustrious habits of industry, which had in truth become his and venerable men of the generation then pass-second nature, denied their usual exercise in the ing away, and almost all the distinguished states- quiet and confinement of the sick room, produced men of Virginia, who were at that period in their a depression of his generally cheerful spirits, and prime, it presented an array of wisdom, learning impelled him to escape as soon as possible from and dignity, not often paralleled in history. The this condition of inactivity. Such vicissitudes as pithy saying of John Randolph of Roanoke, that these naturally and inevitably resulted in the it was "the grave of local reputations," was no gradual decay of his physical powers. For sevless true than sarcastic. Few men came out of eral years prior to his death, he was seldom able the intellectual conflicts of that arena, without to appear in court, or to engage in the active dulosing something of the prestige derived from for- ties of his profession: and the burden devolved mer victories: still fewer, with an increase of upon his eldest son, who had been for some the celebrity they had previously enjoyed. But, years associated with him in practice. During among these select few, nevertheless, Mr. Johnson the last twelve months of his life, his decline and Mr. Leigh were conspicuous. Ranked upon was more marked and rapid than before; and at opposite sides of some important questions, which length, on the 12th July, 1849, the light, which were long and warmly debated, the collision of had for some time flickered in its socket, was mind served only to surround with greater lustre finally extinguished. the names of both statesmen, while it was not We have hitherto spoken of Mr. Johnson chiefpermitted to disturb the harmony of their per- ly as a public man: as an eminent lawyer, and a sonal relations. To the mutual regard which sub- distinguished statesman. We feel that our atsisted between them, and between others simi- tempt has failed to do him justice, even in these larly circumstanced, was to be ascribed in no aspects of his character, the most obvious and small degree, the compromise that was effected intelligible to the common eye. How shall we of sectional interests and jealousies, and the hope to depict the singular and attractive beauty agreement upon that scheme of government which of his private life, which no one can well apwas ultimately adopted. preciate, who has not enjoyed the privilege of But these employments were only occasional. knowing such a man at his own fireside? The reThe regular business of his life was the practice collection of his genius, his fame, his learning, of his profession: and he so pursued it, as to his influence, was speedily lost in the contemleave an example to his successors in the courts plation of qualities more endearing,―admiration worthy of all imitation. His zeal, his persever- of his greatness was forgotten in the affectionate ance, his high sense of duty, his liberality of sen- reverence, inspired by his goodness. Through timent, and his urbanity of manner, commanded, every relation of life, from those of husband and as they merited, the admiration of his contempora- father, to the remote connexions of casual acries. Those who heard it will not soon forget the quaintance or common humanity, his loving and heart-felt and affectionate tribute to his virtues, generous spirit made its influence felt, in due pronounced by one who had known him from the proportion, but in abundant measure. It was beginning of his career, and who has since fol- his fortune to survive all his brothers and sisters. lowed him to the tomb, the venerable Judge Ni-Several of these left children, young and slencholas. His high character and consummate derly provided for. One after another, they were ability could not fail to secure a very extensive taken by him to his own house, placed at schools practice; and he devoted himself to it with an of his providing, or otherwise assisted and cared intense and unremitting labor, which in the end for according to their respective wants. He proved too much even for his vigorous and manly reared and educated them as his own children, frame. He has been often known, for weeks to- and to him they looked up with the filial regard, gether, to prolong his studies several hours after which he so well deserved. With his immediate

family, his intercourse was not only affectionate by his high talents, pure character, assiduous and tender, but sportive and familiar, tempered labor, and by the universal confidence reposed in by a gentle dignity, which operated insensibly his knowledge, wisdom, and integrity, attained to restrain the exuberance of youthful spirits an influence unequalled by any man of his day; within just bounds. In the larger circle of his and has left the impress of his mind and characfriends and acquaintance, though always unassu-ter on the legislation of this State.

ming in demeanor, he was easy and cheerful in conversation, and entered with alacrity and relish into the amusements and diversions of those around him. In short, had his abilities and public honors been less than they were, he must still have won the admiration and esteem of his fellow citizens by the purity of his life, and the social excellence of his character.

"After his retirement from legislative life, a large portion of Mr. Johnson's time was directed to schemes for the advancement of the interest of his native State; and in all such schemes his sound judgment, extensive knowledge, and enlarged scope of thought, made him an invaluable counsellor.

"In private and social life, Mr. Johnson combined all the qualities which make a man beloved and honored, and he has left, to his friends, the recollection of a life in which there is no act to regret, and a character without stain."

"At the bar he was distinguished for an extent This sketch might be considered incomplete, of knowledge, fertility of thought, ingenuity, without some notice of the religious sentiments ability, and force of argument, which placed him of Mr. Johnson. It is true, that the uniform in a position, in which he had few compeers. tenor of such a life affords evidence of the highest character to show that it was regulated by the dictates of piety and morality: men do not gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles. It is true also, that, beyond this outward proof, the fallible judgment of mortals can never pene- We are sensible, that no words of ours can trate: it is for God alone to read the secret heart. add anything to what has been said. We adopt, But it may be gratifying to many to know, that, in concluding, those of another, whose solemn several years before his death, he openly professed and beautiful thoughts are worthy of application his faith in the religion of Jesus Christ, and united himself with the Protestant Episcopal Church; thus adding his express and solemn testimony of belief to the practical illustrations of it afforded by his conduct.


"Peace to the just man's memory ;-let it grow
Greener with years, and blossom through the flight
Of ages; let the mimic canvass show

His calm benevolent features; let the light
Stream on his deeds of love, that shunned the sight
Of all but heaven; and in the book of fame
The glorious record of his virtues write,
And hold it up to men, and bid them claim

The intelligence of Mr. Johnson's death was everywhere received with emotions, that sought expression in private letters of condolence, and public tributes of respect for his memory. From A palm like his, and catch from him the hallowed flame."

among these, we select for quotation the preamble of the resolutions, adopted at a meeting of Judges, and members of the bar, and officers, of the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia, then in session at Lewisburg; as well on account of the high authority, by which the eulogy is pronounced, as of the feeling and eloquent language, in which it is expressed.


Sir Edward Coke, in Queen Elizabeth's time, estimated the population of England at 900,000 of all sorts. Harrison makes the men fit for ser"The exalted position which Chapman John-vice 1,172,674, while Guicciardini makes the son occupied, at the bar, in the seuate, and in the general estimation of his fellow citizens, demand some notice of his death.

"As a man, Mr. Johnson, through a long life, was distinguished for lofty integrity and purity, to which was added the most disinterested benevolence.

population two millions.


The following explains the origin of the term 'grog."

"Admiral Vernon usually wore a grogram cloak in bad weather, from which the sailors "His influence over the minds and charac- called him 'old Grog.' Hence the name in honor ters, not only of those who associated with him, of him was transferred to the spirit and water, but of the community in general, was much because he was the first officer who ordered it greater than ordinarily falls to the lot of distin- in this manner on board his Majesty's ships." guished public men; and this influence was alScot's Mag. Vol. 52, p. 38 in note. ways promotive of virtue, patriotism, and be


The smoky haze of the Indian summer has by “As a senator of his native State, Mr. Johnson, some been attributed to the burning of the woods

and grass at that season, but that notion has been lake Michigan) and Huron. He says that great exploded. However, there is no doubt those con- ships may go up the Mississippi to the Illinois flagrations enhance the natural haziness of the river. Fort Pensacola (in New Mexico as then atmosphere. Indian summer was in old colo-styled, lat. 29. long. 91,) the best harbor in St. nial times associated with images of savage in- Louis' Bay (the Gulf of Mexico) was taken cursions and massacre. It is a period when the from the Spaniards by the French in 1719. St. lover of nature and poetry wanders with delight through the forests of frost-dyed foliage, orange, gold and crimson, as if painted with the rainbow. Especially amid the primitive woods of the mountain, afar from dust and turmoil, how sweetly enchanting is it to roam, lulled by the scene and the balmy lazy air into a sort of voluptuous repose and reverie, a pleasing languor, bathed in an atmosphere of poetry—a half-oblivious, pensive enchantment, somnambulistic, in a land of dreamy beauty.

Austin (Augustine) and St. Matthew he men-
tions as situated on the Bahama canal. New
Mexico he divides into Apalacho on the North,
Corsa West, Tegeste or Florida proper East,
and the Bay of St. Louis South. In shape New
Mexico is likened to the sleeve of a coat.
was in lat. 25 to 39, long. 83 to 107, extended
1000 miles from East to West and 900 miles
from North to South.


The site of Philadelphia in Indian was called Kùequenaku, i. e. "the grove of the long pine trees."

Schenectady-German "a pine barren."

In the Athenian republic (so called) there were 84,000 free citizens, 40,000 aliens, 400,000 slaves, or more than four slaves to one freeman. The slaves were either freedmen or absolute bondsmen. The slave-trade was carried on then as now. The condition of the Athenian slaves enclosing several other boxes of similar form appears to have been in some points better than though lessening size. The person with whom that of ours, in others-worse.

"I am like one of those boxes I have seen

I have least congeniality sees only the outermost; another person has something more in

John Foster.

Some writers have intimated that the title of teresting in his character, he sees the next box; Lord Sterling (Major General in the American another sees still an inner one: but the friend of army during the revolutionary war) assumed by my heart alone with whom I have a full sympahim was never recognized as valid by the legal thy sees disclosed the innermost of all." authorities of Great Britain. But the following advertisement is to be found in the Scots Magazine for 1759 p. 212. "William Alexander Esq. of New Jersey was proved March 1759, by an inquest before the sheriffs of Edinburgh, to be the lineal male representative of the Earl of Sterling."

"When I recall to mind at last, after so many dark ages wherein the huge overshadowing train of error had almost swept all the stars out of the firmament of the church, how the bright and blissful reformation by divine power shook through the black and settled night of ignorance The distances of some of the fixed stars have and anti-christian tyranny-methinks a soverbeen estimated at from 986,000 to 224,500,000 eign and reviving joy must needs rush into the times the length of the radius of the earth's orbit bosom of him that reads or hears; and the sweet or its distance from the sun, which is 95,000,000 odor of the returning gospel imbathe his soul miles. The number of stars in the whole celes-with the fragrancy of heaven."-Milton. tial sphere as seen by Sir W. Herschel's 20 ft. telescope was upwards of 20 millions.

The increase of twenty principal cities of the United States between 1830 and 1840 was 55 per centum, while that of the whole country was less than 34 per centum.

Truth is a naked open daylight that doth not show the masques and mummeries and triumphs of the world half so stately and daintily as candle light.-Bacon.

Some French writer has illustrated Christian humility thus: "the emptiest heads of wheat are

Niagara-O-ni-aw-ga-rah, "the thunder of carried the highest, but when they become filled with grain they bend modestly down."


Pascond, an old writer, mentions three lakes

The Yeardly Oak in Buckinghamshire, Eng

in North America—Superior, Illinois, (probably land, was said to have been coeval with the time

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