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Charles thought of the scene he had lately that the love of freedom, one of the noblest of witnessed and felt sure that Edith had not been human feelings, and one too which has led to actuated in this instance by curiosity, but he also such glorious results in our own country, should perceived that she was unwilling for her good produce such frightful excesses in France." deeds to be known or commented on, and there was something in her manner which induced him to think she was anxious to show him that she was not desirous to gain his approbation.

"You see," said Juliana laughing, "though I am always considered not at all good, that Anna Maria and Edith are not much better. Edith only takes interest in the poor from motives of curiosity, and Anna Maria takes none at all from any motive."

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"Frightful!" said Edith, her eyes filling with tears of mingled pity and indignation, "say rather deeds of which fiends might be ashamed." Say any thing you please, my dear, and you cannot say too much," said Mr. Travers, "but really proceedings such as those overset all my theories, and convince me that I am but a tyro in the knowledge of human nature."

"This page in the history of France," said Charles, is an awful lesson as to what human Edith laughed, but Anna Maria's color rose to nature can be when the restraints of Governher temples, though she constrained herself to ment and Religion are entirely thrown off; a say with tolerable composure, "you quite mis-lesson too which can never be forgotten. When understood me, Juliana, I did not mean to say we consider the age, the circumstances, the counthat I took no interest in the poor, on the con- try in which these horrors are being perpetrated, trary, I pity them and endeavor to relieve them; they have not their parallel in ancient or modern I only remarked that my opportunities were lim- history." ited of acquiring much experience as to their habits and character.

"You know." said Edith, finding it necessary to come to the rescue, "Juliana never gives herself the trouble to listen to our remarks or to give them a right construction, so explanations and vindications are lost upon her, she would only turn them into a jest ;" then perceiving from Juliana's looks that some saucy reply was upon her lips which she thought probable would provoke Anna Maria beyond all power of endurance she took Juliana's work from her saying: "how very neatly and prettily you are making this cap, but it is a positive waste of time to put ornamental stitches on work for such a purpose."

"Well I have nothing very particular to do with my time," replied Juliana, "and I don't see why, because the baby is poor, it should have a frightful cap as an additional misfortune."

Just then an involuntary exclamation of horror which escaped from Mr. Travers, who was intently employed in reading the newspapers, directed the attention of every one to himself.

"Bless me, my dear," said Mrs. Travers who was thrown in a tremor from head to foot at this exclamation, "are any of our friends dead?"

"No, not that I know of," replied Mr. Travers, "but listen to this, Mr. Selden, and tell me if you could have believed that such demons exist in human shape?"

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True," said Mr. Travers, "but we can scarcely account for the unparalleled atrocities committed by the French. by the circumstance of their having thrown off all religious restraints, for they have certainly a better creed than the Pagans, and yet their practices are far more abominable and horrible."

"You will observe," said Charles, "that Paris is the centre of these abominations, and judging of the state of morals and religion there, from all the pictures of society gathered from letters and memoirs, we may well pronounce the Parisians to be less under the influence of moral and religious restraints than the nations of antiquity, for the profession of the Greeks and Romans did not differ so much from their practice as that of the Parisians, and there is nothing which produces so fatal an effect on national and individual character as this constant discrepancy between faith and practice. The distinction between good and evil cannot be perceived or cared for. Political causes have, doubtless, likewise contributed to produce these fearful results, so totally different from the effects of our own efforts for freedom."

Juliana broke up the political discussion by reading aloud from the paper which her father had just laid down. the marriage of Mr. Norris of Belvoir, to Miss Wilson of Primrose Cottage.

"Who would have thought," she exclaimed turning to her father with a laugh, "of old cousin John Norris' getting married, and to that prim Miss Wilson too? I wonder what Thomas and

Mr. Travers then read aloud a passage from the paper, detailing some of the most revolting cruelties of the Revolutionary Tribunal, to which his audience listened with countenances of hor- the girls will say to it."


"I don't see what Mr. Norris' marriage has to “Well sir,” he said when he had finished read- do with the French Revolution," replied Mr. ing the passage, turning towards Charles, "what Travers rather gravely, "but I don't know what can you say to this could one have supposed his children can have to say about it, but that

their father is old enough to judge for himself; | fully would require an essay. Though I am a and as to his being so very old, as you seem to preacher," he added smiling, "I could not consuppose, Juliana, that is quite a mistake, he is sent, in cold blood, to inflict such tediousness on just about my age.” an unoffending audience."

"La, Papa!" said Juliana, with a saucy look and laugh.

"I could never understand," said Mr. Travers, "why the ladies should entertain such unreasonable prejudices against second marriages. A gentleman pays the highest possible compliment to his first wife by seeking to supply her place."

Anna Maria cast a side-long glance towards Charles, as if to discover his sentiments on this subject, but as his countenance gave no indication by which she could discover them, she concluded his opinions were the same with those just expressed by Mr. Travers, as she knew they were entertained by men almost universally. Determined, therefore, to show that she was above the prejudices just ascribed by her father to women on the subject of second marriages, she observed: "I think if Mr. Norris' children have a real affection for their father they will prefer his happiness to their own.”

"Very sensibly observed," said her father. "So then if mamma were to die you would have no objection to a step-mother, Anna Maria," said Juliana in a reproachful tone.

"I should certainly wish my father to do whatever would best promote his happiness."

A slight flush passed over the cheek of Mrs. Travers at Anna Maria's speech, but she said nothing. Juliana, however, exclaimed with great indignation, "wonderfully good indeed at mamma's expense-I at least should"—

Charles would scarcely have been able, however, to avoid giving his opinions at full length on this subject, as Anna Maria was determined not to let him off so easily, but to plead her right as one of his flock to his views on all moral questions, had not the entrance of George Travers put a forcible end to the conversation. His favorite riding-horse had been suddenly taken very sick, and he came to consult Mr. Travers as to the best method of treating him. Charles, after listening attentively to George's description of the state of his horse, which was addressed to his father, said that he had himself cured one a few months ago, similarly affected and proposed to go with George to the stable to see the borse.

George accepted the offer with great surprise and some gratitude, and during their walk Charles rose a hundred degrees in his estimation by the knowledge he discovered him to possess of farriery. His good opinion was still farther increased by the success with which Charles' prescription for the horse was attended and the interest he showed in its recovery, and when Charles took leave that night George exclaimed as soon as he had left the room-"He is a fine fellow after all, if he is a preacher. What could have possessed him to make such a horrible choice of a profession? he was intended for better things." "To cure horses for instance," said Edith laughing.

"Yes, what could be more useful or charitable."

"Come, come," said Edith, gently laying her hand upon Juliana's arm, "fortunately there does "Oh nothing, not even to save souls." not seem to be any probability that aunt Travers "Pshaw! you are disposed lately, Edith, to will afford a vacancy for a successor. You know ridicule every thing I say. You think then, it all gentlemen approve and defend second mar-was beneath Mr. Selden's dignity to cure poor riages, they consider it as one of their inaliena-Saladin."

ble privileges, even when they have no wish or "Not at all, George," said Edith, with a goodintention of availing themselves of it. Even humored smile, "and I am sincerely glad your papa would not say for the world that he disap-fine horse is likely to recover. But good night, proved of them." for I have a letter now to write before bed-time." So saying she glided quietly from the room,

"Then I should be afraid that some of these days he would present me with a step-mother," and it is certain that she thought several times of Charles, his observations and his character, before the letter was begun.

said Juliana.

"Ah, that is because you are not acquainted with my father, if you knew him as well as I do the possibility of such an event would not occur to you."

"Will you not give us your opinion on this subject?" said Anna Maria, turning towards Charles with a smile which she meant to be one of irresistible sweetness.

"My opinions on this matter," said Charles, "are subject to so many qualifications and exceptions from circumstances, that to explain them


Alas! our young affections runs to waste,
Or water but the desert.-Childe Harold.

Week after week passed by, and Margaret found her perplexities and disturbances daily increase, and yet the time glided on swiftly, and in some respects, very pleasantly. Scarcely a day

We must

write to Charles-you know he can safely be trusted with any thing-tell him the whole truth, and he will, without alluding to our information, write to insist upon Virginia's visiting him. I think if he urges it very strongly, she will go, partly because there will be no plausible reason to allege for not doing so, though I know she will do it with great reluctance."

passed that she did not see Gerald Devereux and but this, you know, we have determined should Augustus Vernon. The Davenports were near be the last resort, for many reasons. neighbors, and the families at Davenport Lodge and Sherwood had always kept up habits of the most social and intimate intercourse. Lewis and Arthur were always fishing, hunting, shooting and riding together, and it had been generally understood by all their acquaintances, that Lewis had been in love with Virginia from his boyhood, though he had never yet found courage to tell her so, and it would have been thought something very strange at Sherwood if two or three days had passed without seeing Lewis. His guests, Gerald Devereux and Augustus Vernon fell into the same habits of frequent intercourse, and were becoming quite domesticated at Sherwood.


That is an excellent idea, Margaret; if Virginia could be prevailed on to go from any motive whatever, I should hope that this infatuation might be removed. It is merely a delusion of the fancy; it can be nothing more; for there is certainly nothing in Augustus Vernon to inspire real love, and Charles is so skilful in managing diseases of the mind, and is so deeply interested in Virginia, that I should hope every thing from his society and influence, combined with a total change of scene and associations-to say nothing of the cheerful, practical good sense of Charlotte, who with all her strong feeling and tender affection, is, you, know the very antipode of romance and sentimentality."

These gentlemen were now the almost constant subjects of thought and discussion amongst the family circle at Sherwood. While habits of almost daily intercourse made the noble heart, and superior talents and endowments of Gerald Devereux more apparent, Augustus Vernon lost ground proportionably in the estimation of Mrs. Selden and Margaret. Unfortunately it was but too visible, that if he lost favor with the other Margaret shook her head sorrowfully, "I do members of the family, he gained it rapidly with not wish to destroy your hopes, mother; I hope Virginia, and Mrs. Selden and Margaret perceiv- something, too, but I fear much more. Virginia's ing the state of her feelings with great and in- feelings are much more deeply rooted than you creasing disturbance, devised all sorts of meth-imagine; they are founded on delusion; but they ods to destroy his influence, and weaken the are, alas, but too real. I have studied the state too favorable impression which they perceiv- of her heart most closely, but if any one can died he had made upon her heart. To break up vert her thoughts, and change her feelings, Charles the intercourse was clearly impossible, and the would be the person." only other possible method to divert Virginia's This plan was no sooner resolved upon, than thoughts into other channels, would be a change it was put into execution. Margaret wrote imof place and objects; but to effect this would be mediately to her brother, and she awaited his a matter of some difficulty. When Charles had reply with anxiety and uneasiness. She was first settled in his new abode, Virginia had fre- convinced that Virginia ought to be removed as quently expressed a great desire to visit him, and soon as was practicable from Augustus VerMargaret and her mother could think of no bet-non's society. Nothing could be more dangerous ter plan than to endeavor to persuade her to spend a few weeks at The Rectory.

"It will be impossible, I am afraid, to persuade her to leave Sherwood now," said Mrs. Selden with a sigh to Margaret, after they had been discussing the subject for some time, without coming to any satisfactory conclusion.

than this sort of intimate intercourse; especially to a person of Virginia's modest and retiring character. The easy hospitality of Sherwood had completely domesticated Augustus Vernon, and this sort of familiarity rendered a thousand things natural and proper, that would not have been thought of in more formal society; and Vir"We could not well propose such a plan to ginia thus insensibly glided into habits of intimaVirginia, without making our secret thoughts cy, which could not have taken place under any and wishes so obvious, as to wound and alarm other circumstances. Something must be done her feelings, and rouse within her a spirit of re- at once to remedy this evil; something, too, sistance; for though she is so gentle in most which would seem to be in the natural course of things, in this, I am sure, she would be inflexibly things, that suspicion might not be awakened as firm, if she once believed that her friends under- to the state of Virginia's feelings, and to the efstood her feelings, and deliberately designed op- fort her friends thought it necessary to make, to posing her attachment-for such I fear it is. Of enable her to subdue them. Yet Margaret shrunk course she would submit to a positive command from the pain which she knew this step would from you, that she should go to The Rectory; inflict on Virginia, if she consented to go to The

Rectory-and if she refused, from the explana- | heart as life, I ask your confidence. Why should tions and persuasions which must ensue. She there be any reserve or circumlocution between was doubtful, too, whether or not to seek Vir- us? Let us understand each other fully. Is it ginia's confidence, fearful that an expression of not Augustus Vernon against whom you think her feelings would give her courage and strength- me so much prejudiced, that his very attractions en her determination not to sacrifice Augustus and virtues are sins in my eyes?" Vernon to the prejudices of her friends. But as Margaret's kind and firm tone had always powis often the case in life, our doubts and difficul- er over the tender heart and wavering resolution ties are settled by apparently the most casual cir- of Virginia; and she felt impelled to yield up her cumstances, and we find ourselves saying the feelings and thoughts almost unconsciously to her very things, upon the propriety of which we had sister. "Yes, Margaret," she said, “you cannot been long pondering daily almost without know-but be conscious of the justice of my assertion; ing how, or why, our thoughts were changed into it is the first time I have ever seen my mother words. and yourself unjust to any one; and it seems so strange, so unkind, when you have so many reasons to be partial to him.”

"In the first place, then, Virginia, I will answer for myself—I am not at all prejudiced against Mr. Vernon, and so far from wishing to see faults in his character, I should be rejoiced to see virtues."

It happened one evening that Margaret and Virginia were left alone; the gentlemen were all out on a fishing party, and Mrs. Selden had gone to visit à sick neighbor. Margaret was looking out on vacancy, thinking of Virginia, when she was roused from her reverie by the sound of a light footstep, and looking around she saw the object of her meditations busily engaged in ar- Oh, Margaret, if these are indeed your feelranging and contemplating some flowers in a ings, why cannot you perceive what every one small china vase on the table. Margaret said else does?" from an almost irresistible impulse, "These flowers are scarcely worth preserving with so much care, Virginia; I could make you a prettier bouquet from any bed of flowers in the garden."

A slight blush passed over Virginia's fair face, as she replied half-reproachfully, "You have scarcely deigned to look at my poor bouquet, which you speak of so contemptuously, or you would have seen that it was selected with more than usual taste and sentiment."

Margaret knew that this bouquet had been the gift of Augustus Vernon two or three evenings before, and an involuntary sigh escaped her, though she smiled good humoredly, as he said, "Let us see, roses that are full blown and beginning to drop their leaves, bruised mignonnette, and a few sprigs of ill-thriven myrtle, cropped no doubt from Charlotte's sickly bush. A few wild flowers from the woods would suit my taste infinitely better, and suggest more pleasing associations."

"You have a great deal of charity for some persons, Margaret, and none at all for others. There are some persons whose very attractions and virtues are sins in your eyes." This was said with a look and tone of pettishness, so unusual to Virginia, that Margaret looked at her steadily for a few minutes with surprise, until she perceived that Virginia's eyes were filled with tears; then taking her hand affectionately, she said in a gentle tone,



Who is every one, Virginia ?"

Virginia's face flushed with a deep crimson tint, and with a slightly tremulous voice, she said, "I, at least, am some one, Margaret, if I am not your equal in judgment and good sense, I am not wholly devoid of those qualities, and you must admit, that I have had better opportunities of understanding his character than you."

"Pardon me, Virginia, I admit no such thing." "Because you are determined to make no admission, some how or other, it has certainly happened, that—perhaps because he perceived your aversion to him, or from some other cause that we have, that is, that he has❞—

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That you have been much more together, and conversed more with each other,” said Margaret, pitying her sister's confusion, “that he has been much more attentive to you, more anxious to gain your approbation. All this I admit fully, and I can easily perceive, arises from the most natural causes imaginable, and yet, Virginia, I do not think your opportunities for studying Mr. Vernon's character have been so good as mine."

"If that is the case, it can only arise from my very inferior powers of discernment.”

"That is by no means a necessary inference. Mr. Vernon has been so much more assiduous in his efforts to gain your favor than mine, it is but natural you should view him with more indulgence, and you know that it is possible to be prejudiced favorably, as well as unfavorably. Now,

"Do not be vexed with me, Virginia; you I deny that I am prejudiced unfavorably, and know that I would always gladly save your feel- think that I am able to pass a more impartial ings, even at the expense of my own, and in re-judgment on his character and understanding turn for that love, which is strong for you in my than you are."

"And that judgment has been unfavorable?" inexperience should have become interested in And as Virginia said this, she cast an earnest Augustus Vernon, nor can you have any reason and beseeching look at Margaret. for the humiliating reflection that you have given your love unsought, for though he has made no declaration of love in words, his every look and tone, since he became acquainted with you, has been a declaration."

Margaret perceived as she returned these words that a bright and beautiful flush of joy passed over Virginia's face, and that she cast her eyes down to conceal the pleasure that sparkled in them, and she sighed as she continued. "But, my dear Virginia, how can we know that these looks and tones are indications of true love?"

"I am very, very sorry it has been," and Margaret, conscious of the pain she was inflicting, averted her eyes from Virginia and did not perceive the emotions that swelled her heart almost to suffocation. She remained silent, her color varying from marble paleness to the deepest flush of crimson until she was at length relieved by a burst of tears. Ashamed of betraying how deeply her heart was interested, shocked at herself, and vexed with Margaret, she was about to rise precipitately and leave the room; but Margaret took her reluctant hand, pressed it closely between her own, then Virginia's brow was instantly overcast as she raised it to her lips, and Virginia felt a warm replied in a low and hesitating tone; "I should tear fall on it. Vexation was always a weak suppose that looks and tones were the truest inand short lived sentiment in Virginia's heart. In- dications of genuine feeling. Words may destantly softened by this proof of Margaret's sym-ceive but looks and tones cannot." pathy, she returned the pressure of her hand and her tears flowed more gently and were less bitter.

"Forgive me, dear Virginia, I ought to have remembered how delicate and sensitive your feelings are and should have spoken with more consideration, should have prepared you for sentiments so different from your own and which I knew would be painful to you, alas! I knew not how painful. But your happiness, your character, Virginia, which is even dearer to me than your happiness, are of too much importance to allow of any prevarication, any temporising upon so serious a subject. I have studied Augustus Vernon's character with the deepest interest and attention, and the result of my observation is that he is not worthy of my precious sister, that he could not make her happy, and moreover"— "Spare me, Margaret," said Virginia in a faltering tone, and with her face averted, "you know the weakness of my heart, do not take advantage of it; you cannot help despising me, I know, for caring so much for a person who has never made any declaration of love for me, but even though I incur your contempt I cannot hear you do him so much injustice without saying something in his vindication. I have observed his character likewise, you must at least acknowledge, by the humiliating proof I have given you of my interest in it, that I have done so-and my conclusions have been very different."

"Your looks and tones I admit cannot, because they express unconsciously the feelings of a warm and single heart; but this is not the case with every one, especially with those who have made a profession of captivating.”

"What cruel things you say, Margaret, why should you believe that he is so mean, so deceitful and ungenerous, unless it appears to you impossible that I should be loved?"

"So far from this being impossible I think you were made to be loved, one of the flowers of creation, meant to be cherished tenderly, and never exposed to the storms and conflicts of life, and it is for this reason that I feel so anxious about you. I have never for a moment doubted that Augustus Vernon admires your beauty, ardently wishes you to love him and probably loves you as much as his nature is capable of, but nothing hardens the heart so much as the constant effort to make conquests merely to gratify vanity, and I fear that this has been the practice pursued by Mr. Vernon."

"This is indeed prejudice unworthy of you, Margaret; why should you think so?" asked Virginia in an indignant tone.

"For several reasons. You know this is the character we heard of him at the commencement of our acquaintance. I know this is the opinion of persons who have been acquainted with his past life, but what is to me most conclusive is, that I have observed that all he does and says seems to spring rather from vanity than feeling."

"Common report is often unjust, Margaret, and as to the persons who think so, you must tell me who they are and what grounds they have for their opinions. We should not condemn any one without examination, I am sure I have often heard you say so."

"I do not condemn you, I do not despise you, Virginia, I only lament deeply the circumstances that have led to this state of feeling, and I grieve still more that it should be utterly impossible for me to enable you to perceive the truth, which to me seems written in characters of light. With so many pleasing external qualities to captivate, it is not strange that a person at your age, with "And I say so still, nor do I expect the eviyour lively imagination, quick feelings and total dence, which is convincing to me, to be equally

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