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love; but, when a man dwells in love, then the breasts of his wife are pleasant as the droppings upon the hill of Hermon, her eyes are fair as the light of heaven; she is a fountain sealed, and he can quench his thirst, and ease his cares, and lay his sorrows down upon her lap, and can retire home to his sanctuary and refectory, and his gardens of sweetness

and chaste refreshments. No man can

tell, but he that loves his children, how many delicious accents make a man's heart dance in the pretty conversation of those dear pledges; their childishness, their stammering, their little angers, their innocence, their imperfections, their necessities, are so many little emanations of joy and comfort to him that delights in their persons and society. -Jeremy Taylor.

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There is nothing can please a man without love: and if a man be weary of the wise discourses of the Apostles, and of the innocency of an even and a private fortune, or hates peace, or a fruitful year, he hath reaped thorns and thistles from the choicest flowers of paradisc; for September 8.-Day breaks nothing can sweeten felicity itself, but

Than all that bards e'er feign; or tuneful skill
Has e'er struck forth from artificial notes :-
Theirs is that language, ignorant of ill,
Born from a perfect harmony of power an


C. Lloyd, 1821.

h. m.

3 25

Sun rises

5 27

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Entertainments in the City of London." It is printed in octavo, and embellished with a folding quarto plate (from which the preceding engraving is copied), after

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one of seven very rare folio prints representing "The Arches of Triumph erected in honor of the High and Mighty Prince James, the first of the name king of England, and the sixth of Scotland, at his Majesty's entrance and passage through his honorable Citty and Chamber of London, upon the 15th day of March, 1603. Invented and published by Stephen Harrison, Joyner and architect; and graven by William Kip." In 1803 a set of these prints, at Mr. Woodhouse's sale, produced twenty-six guineas, and therefore Mr. Nichols's view of one of these coronation arches enhances the interest of his work. It abounds in curious knowledge, familiarly communicated upon competent authority, and is consequently a desirable publication publication to all who wish to be acquainted, at a small expense, with the old royal processions in the metropolis. On reference to Mr. Nichols's "London Pageants," we find, that, from very early times, the kings of England made processions through London to their coronation.

In 1236, Henry III. having solemnized his marriage with Eleanor of Provence, at Canterbury, they were met, on their way to London, by the mayor, aldermen, and principal citizens, on horseback, richly arrayed in silk embroidered robes, each carrying a gold or silver cup, in token of the privilege claimed by the city, of being chief butler of the kingdom, at the king's coronation; and so they rode with the king and queen to their coronation at Westminster: there were set out in the streets pompous shows, and at night the city was splendidly illuminated with cressets and other lights. This seems to be the first coronation procession through the city upon record.

The procession of Richard II. on St. Swithin's day, 1377, is remarkable. The king, then a youth, clad in white garments, with a multitude of attendants, rode from the tower after dinner, through the city. The conduits ran with wine. In the Cheap was erected a castle spouting wine with four towers, and in each tower a beautiful virgin in white, of like stature and age with the king; on his approach each virgin blew in his face leaves of gold, and threw on him and his horse counterfeit gold florins, and, filling wine from the castle spouts into go.d cups, presented wine to the king and his nobles; and on the top of the castle was a golden angel, holding a crown, and so contrived,

that he bowed down when the king came, and offered him the crown. There were other pageants, or shows, at other places in the line of route, but this was the most striking.


The return of Henry V. from his victory at Agincourt was welcomed with great rejoicing. The king was met at Blackheath by the mayor and aldermen of London, arrayed in orient grained scarlet, and 400 commoners in beautiful murrey, all with rich collars and chains, and on horseback. At St. Thomas a Watering he was received by the London clergy in solemn procession, with sumptuous copes, rich crosses, and censers. At London bridge, on the top of the tower, stood a gigantic figure with an axe in his right hand, and in his left the keys of the city hanging to a staff, in manner of a porter; by his side was a female figure, of scarcely less stature, intended for his wife: around them was a band of trumpets and other wind instruments: and on the towers were banners of the royal arms. each side of the drawbridge was a lofty tower; one was painted to represent white marble, and the other green jasper; they were surmounted by figures of the king's beasts, an antelope, with a shield of the royal arms from his neck, holding a sceptre with his right foot; and a lion bearing in his right paw the royal standard. At the foot of the bridge, next the city, was raised a tower, having in the middle a splendi pavilion, under which stood beautiful image image of St. George, armed, except his head, which was crowned with laurel, studded with precious gems; behind him was crimson tapestry, bearing a multitude of glittering shields, and on one side of him was his triumphal helmet, and on the other his arms, a red cross; he held in his right hand the hilt of his sword, girted, and in his left a scroll, extending along the turrets, and inscribed, Soli Deo Honor et Gloria. In an adjoining edifice innumerable boys, representing the angelic host, in white, with glittering wings, and sprigs of laurel in their hair, on the king's approach sang an anthem, accompanied by organs. The tower of the Conduit on Cornhill was decked with a tent of crimson cloth, and ornamented with the king's arms, and those of St. George, St. Edward, and St. Edmund. Under the pavilion was a company of hoary prophets, in golden coats and mantles, and their heads covered with gold and crimson; who, when the king passed, sent forth a great quantity of small birds, as a sacrifice agreeable to God, some of which alighted on the king's breast and shoulders, and others fluttered around him: the prophets then sang the psalm, Cantate Domino canticum novum, &c. The tower of the Conduit at the entrance

of Cheap was hung with green, and ornamented with escutcheons. Here sat twelve old men, having the names of the apostles written on their foreheads, together with the twelve kings, martyrs, and confessors of England; these also chaunted at the king's approach, and sent forth upon him round leaves of silver mixed with wafers, and offered wine from the pipes of the conduit, imitating Melchisedek's reception of Abraham, when he returned from his victory over the four kings. The Cross of Cheap was concealed by a noble castle, constructed of timber, and covered with linen, painted to resemble squared blocks of white marble, and green and crimson jasper; the arms of St. George adorned the summit, those of the king and the emperor were raised on halberds, and the lower turrets had the arms of the royal family and great peers of the realm. From a stage in front came forth a chorus of virgins with timbrel and dance, as to another David coming from the slaughter of Goliah; their song of congratulation was, "Welcome, Henry the Fifte, King of Englond and of Fraunce:" throughout the building there was dispersed a multitude of boys, representing the heavenly host, who showered on the king small coins resembling gold, and threw boughs of laurel, and sang, accompanied by organs, Te Deum laudamus. The tower of the conduit at the west end of Cheap was surrounded with pavilions, and in each pavilion was a virgin, and each virgin held a cup, and these virgins blew forth from their cups golden leaves on the king: the tower was covered with a canopy resembling the sky and clouds; and the four corners of the celestial canopy were supported by angels, and on the summit archangel of brilliant gold. Under the canopy, on a throne, was a resplendent image representing the sun, shining above all things, and around it were angels singing, and playing all kinds of musical instruments, On the king leaving this pageant he passed on to his devotions at St. Paul's, and thence he departed to his palace at Westminster.



In order to make due mention of the subject of the present engraving, all notice of other processions, and scenes of uncommon splendor, must be omitted. Arriving then at the coronation progress of James I., Mr. Nichols says, "The king left the tower between the hours of eleven and twelve, mounted on a white jennet, under a rich canopy, sustained by eight gentlemen of the Privy Chamber, instead of the Barons of the Cinque Ports. His notice was first directed to three hundred children of Christ's Hospital, placed on a scaffold at the Church of Allhallows, Barking." He next came to the first arch, which was at Fenchurch, and is decribed in Mr. Nichols's work. Proceeding onwards towards Cornhill the cavalcade reached the edifice represented by the engraving at the head of this article, and which occurs to be spoken of in Mr. Nichols's words: "The second Pageant was erected in Gracechurch-street, by the Italian merchants. Its ground plan was a square ornamented with four great columns; in the midst of which was cut one arch, twenty-seven feet in height. Above the arch was represented king Henry the Seventh, seated, approached by king James, on horseback (as he was usually seen), to receive the sceptre from his ancestor. Between the columns were also four allegorical paintings. On the roof, on a pedestal, stood a female figure, holding a crown, which she seemed to stoop to bestow upon the king. At the four corners, were erected figures with trumpets; and over the gateway, on one side, were palm trees, and on the other a vine, with angels." This is the arch depicted in the print.

But, upon the same spot, in Gracechurch-street, a Pageant of far greater splendor had been erected a century before, in 1501, to welcome the entry of the princess Katherine of Spain, on occasion of her approaching marriage with Arthur prince of Wales. In the middle

* This custom, that Arches of Triumph should be erected by foreign merchants, prevailed also on the Continent. At a public entry into Lisbon, in 1729, on the marriage of the prince of Brazil, when there were twenty-four Triumphal Arches in the several streets, each of the nations of strangers was obliged to erect one. "The English arch will be the finest, and will cost at least 20,000 crusadoes; the Hamburghers about 15,000." -Whitehall Evening Post, Feb, 22, 1728-9.

of Gracechurch-street "where the water runneth into the channel," was fixed a foundation of stone of three or four feet high, having a passage for the current of water as usual: on which foundation was constructed a castle, formed of timber, but covered with canvas painted to resemble masonry. Within a man's height from the stone work, were battlements ornamented with these badges; 1, a red rose with a white one within it, surmounted by a crown of gold; 2, three blue garters, with the posey of the order, also crowned; 3, a golden fleur-de-lis; and 4, a portcullis with two chains, surmounted by a crown.


some parts also were clouds, with beams of gold, in a blue firmament; in other places white harts; and in others peacocks displayed. Above the first battlement was a great gate, with folding leaves, full of great bars of iron with nails, and over the gate a large portcullis, having in every joint a red rose; over this gate, on the stone work, were the King's arms, supported on the right side by a red dragon, dreadful, and on the left by a white greyhound; and a yard from these arms on every side was a great red rose of half a yard in breadth. Above this gate was another course of battlements and badges, like the former. Beneath, in the opening, stood a Knight, armed cap-a-pié, named Policy. The building stretched on each side into the adjoining windows and shops, with two other portcullises embattlemented, and ornamented with numberless repetitions of the badges and royal insignia already described; and at each corner of this middle story and great tower was a turret, decked with roses, greyhounds, portcullises, and St. George's crosses of white and red, each turret having at top seven sides, and on each side a pinnacle and a vane. Above all this great story was another somewhat smaller, leaded above, and painted on its four sides like rag and flint stones, with hollow crosses, windows, and gunholes, and on the top great vanes with the King's arms, and at the summit of the whole a red dreadful dragon holding a staff of iron, and on it a great crown of gold. In this upper story was another large door wherein stood a knight with a head-piece, called Nobleness; and on his right hand a bishop who was named Virtue. The Knights and the Bishop all delivered long poetical addresses. The horseways and passages were under the wings of this Pageant, which was called the Castle of Portculleys. The prescribed limits restrain all notice

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My mind to me a kingdom is;
Such perfect joy therein I find,

That it excels all other bliss

Which God or nature hath assign'd: Though much I want that most would have Yet still my mind forbids to crave.

No princely port, nor wealthy store,
No force to win a victory;
No wily wit to salve a sore ;

No shape to win a loving eye :
To none of these I yield as thrall;
For why? my mind despise them all.
I see that plenty surfeits oft,

And hasty climbers soonest fall;
I see that such as are aloft

Mishap doth threaten most of all.
These get with toil, and keep with fear:
Such cares my mind can never bear.
I press to bear no haughty sway;
I wish no more than may suffice;
I do no more than well I may;

Lo, thus I triumph like a king,
My mind content with any thing.
I laugh not at another's loss;
Nor grudge not at another's gain;
No worldly waves my mind can toss;

Look, what I want my mind supplies :

I brook what is another's bane;

I fear no foe, nor fawn on friend;
I loathe not life, nor dread my end.

My wealth is health, and perfect ease;
And conscience clear my chief defence :
I never seek by bribes to please;

Nor by desert to give offence: Thus do I live; thus will I die : Would all did so, as well as 1!

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