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' a request or challenge to drink a glass of wine with the proposer; if the party challenged answered nob, they were to chuse whether white or red." In Shakspeare's Twelfth-Night, a character speaking of a duellist says, "His incensement at this moment is so implacable, that satisfaction can be done but by pangs of death, and sepulchre: hob, nob, is his word; giv't or tak't." Mr. Monck Mason, in a note on this passage, asks, "Is not this the original of our hob-nob, or challenge to drink a glass of wine at dinner?" Mr. Brand observes, "In Anglo-Saxon, habban is to have, and næbban to want. May it not therefore be explained in this sense, as signifying, 'Do you choose a glass of wine, or would you rather let it alone?" This appears to be the only reasonable account of the origin of this term of request or challenge.


This term signifies a cnallenge to a


This saying is stated to have taken its rise from the ancient convivial entertainments, where it was customary to wear chaplets of roses about the head, on which occasions, when persons desired to confine their words to the company present, that they "might go no farther," they commonly said "they are spoken under the Rose." Hence the Germans have a custom of picturing a rose in the ceiling over the table. In Lingua, a comedy 1657, Appetitus says: "Crown me no crowns but Bacchus' crown of roses."

On this passage, in the first part of Shakspeare's Henry VI.

From off this brier pluck a white rose with me, Warburton says, "This is given as the original of the two badges badges of the house of York and Lancaster, whether truly or not is no great matter. But the proverbial expression of saying a thing under the Rose, I am persuaded, came from thence. When the nation had ranged itself into two

person to pour out all the wine in the great factions, under the white and red rose, and were perpetually plotting and counter-plotting against one another, then when a matter of faction was communi cated by either party to his friend in the same quarrel, it was natural for him to add, that he said it under the Rose;

bottle into his glass, the challenger undertaking to drink it, should it prove more than the glass would hold. It is also a term commonly said to one who hesitates to empty a bottle that is nearly out. We.

intimating a threat, in the way of pleasantry, to black the person's face with a burnt cork, should he flinch or fail to empty the bottle. Possibly it may have been derived from the German "buzzen," sordes auferre, q. d. "Off with the Lees

at bottom."*

December 26.-Day breaks

Sun rises

h. m.

3 53


are told of it as being a college expression; meaning that, as it concerned the faction, it was religiously to be kept secret. Upon Warburton's supposition, Mr. Upton, another of Shakspeare's commentators, says: "This is ingenious! What pity that it is not learned too! The rose (as the fables say) was the symbol of silence, and consecrated by Cupid to Harpocrates, to conceal the lewd pranks of his mother. So common a book as Lloyd's Dictionary might have instructed Dr. Warburton in this: 'Huic Harpocrati Cupido Veneris filius parentis suæ rosam dedit in munus, ut scilicet si quid licentius dictum, vel actum sit in convivio, sciant tacenda esse omnia. Atque idcirco veteres ad finem convivii sub rosa, Anglicè under the rose, transacta esse omnia ante digressum contestabantur; cujus formæ vis eadem esset, atque ista Μισῶμνάμονα συμποταν. Probant hane rem versus qui reperiuntur in marmore : Est rosa flos Veneris, cujus quo furta laterent Harpocrati matris dona dicavit amor. Inde rosam mensis hospes suspendit amicis, Convivæ ut sub ea dicta tacenda sciat."

Twilight ends

December 27.



There is sufficient respecting this festival in the Every-Day Book.

If the reader have a dread of poisoning, and faith in preservatives, the Every-Day Book, on St. John's Day will supply a recipe for marvellous wine-manchets.


Newton, in his "Herball to the Bible,"

1587, says: "I will heere adde a common countrey custome that is used to be done with the Rose. When pleasaunt and merry companions doe friendly meete together to make goode cheere, as soone as their feast or banket is ended, they give faithfull promise mutually one to another, that whosoever hath been merrily spoken by any in that assembly, should be wrapped up in silence, and not to be carried out of the doores. For the assurance and performance whereof, the tearme which they use, is, that all things there saide must be taken as spoken under the rose. Whereupon they use in their parlors and dining rooms to hang roses over their tables, to put the companie in memorie of secrecie, and not rashly or indiscreetly to clatter and blab out what they heare-protesting that all was spoken under the Rose." Peacham in "The Truth of our Times, 1638," mentions this saying, and the convenient practice "in many places, as well in England as in the Low Countries," of painting a rose. He deduces the origin of the saying from the authority cited by Upton in his stricture on Warburton. *

[blocks in formation]

* Brand.

[blocks in formation]

Carromancy, by melting of wax.
Lecanomancy, by a basin of water.
Catoxtromancy, by looking glasses.
Chartomancy, by writing in papers; as

in choosing valentines, &c.

Macharomancy, by knives or swords.
Chrystallomancy, by glasses.
Dactylomancy, by rings.
Coseinomancy, by sieves.

Axinomancy, by saws.

Cattabomancy, by vessels of brass or

other metal.

Roadomancy, by stars.

Spatalamancy, by skins, bones, &c.
Sciomancy, by shadows.
Astragalomancy, by dice.
Oinomancy, by wine.
Sycomancy, by figs.

Typomancy, by the coagulation of


Alphitomancy, by meal, flour, or bran. Crithomancy, by grain or corn. Alectromancy, by cocks and hens. Gyromancy, by rounds or circles. Lampadomancy, by candles and lamps. Nagomancy, or Necromancy, by inspecting, consulting, and divining by, with, or from the dead.

In Holiday's "Marriage of the Arts" is introduced a species of divination not in the above ample list of them, intitled Anthropomancie.

A writer in the Gentleman's Magazine, for March, 1731, introduces " a person surprising a lady and her company in close cabal over their coffee; the rest very intent upon one, who, by her dress and intelligence, he guessed was a tire

woman: to which she added the secret of divining by coffee-grounds; she was then in full inspiration, and with much solemnity observing the atoms round the cup: on one hand sat a widow, on the other a maiden lady, both attentive to the predictions to be given of their future fate. The lady (his acquaintance), though married, was no less earnest in contemplating her cup, than the other two. They assured him that every cast of the cup is a picture of all one's life to come; and every transaction and circumstance is delineated with the exactest certainty."

The same practice is noticed in the Connoisseur, No. 56, where a girl is engaged in divining of what rank her husband shall be. She says, "I have seen him several times in coffee-grounds, with a sword by his side; and he was once at the bottom of a tea cup, in a coach and six, with two footmen behind it."

In the life of Harvey, the famous conjurer of Dublin, 8vo, 1728, we read of "Immersion of wooden bowls in water, sinking incharmed and inchanted amulets under water, or burying them under a stone in a grave in a church-yard."

Among love divinations may be reckoned the dumb cake, so called because it was to be made without speaking, and afterwards the parties were to go backwards up the stairs to bed, and put the cake under their pillows, when they were to dream of their lovers.

There is a prodigious variety of these divinations, alphabetically enumerated and explained, in "Faoricii Bibliographia Antiquaria." See also Potter's Grecian Antiquities.

John of Salisbury enumerates no fewer than thirteen different kinds of diviners, or fortune tellers, who (in his time) pretended to foretel future events, some by one means, and some by another.



According to Indagine's "Book of Palmestry and Physiognomy, translated by Fabian Withers," 8vo. 1656, the lines n the palm of the hand are distinguished by formal names, such as the table line, or line of fortune, the line of life or of the heart, the middle natural line, the line of the liver or stomach, &c. &c. &c., the

triangle, the quaurangle. The thumb too, and fingers, have their "hills" given them, from the tops of which manual diviners pretended they had a prospect of futurity. The little finger they call the ear finger, because it was commonly used by our ancestors to make clean the ears; a practice which does no great honor to their delicacy.

Gaule, in his "Mag-astro-mancer posed and puzzled," tells us, tha the lines spreading at the bottom joint of the thumb signify contentions; the line above the middle of the thumb, if it meet round about, portends a hanging destiny; many lines transverse upon the last joint of the fore-finger denote riches by inheritance; right lines there, a jovial nature; lines in the points of the middle finger (like a gridiron) a melancholy wit, and unhappy; if the sign on the little finger be conspicuous, they denote a good wit and eloquent, but the contrary, if obscure. Equal lines upon the first joint of the ring-finger are made of a happy wit. Cornelius Agrippa, in his Vanity of Sciences, says that chiromancy "fancies seven mountains in the palm of a man's hand, according to the number of the seven planets; and, by the lines which are there to be seen, judges of the complexion, condition, and fortune of the person; imagining the harmonious disposition of the lines to be, as it were, certain celestial characters stampt upon us by God and nature." Agrippa gives a catalogue of great names of such authors as have written on this science falsely so called, but observes that "none of them have been able to make any further progress than conjecture, and observation of experience. Now that there is no certainty in these conjectures and observations is manifest from thence, because they are figments grounded upon the will; and about which the masters thereof of equal learning and authority do very much differ."

Dr. Ferrand, in his Love's Melancholy, 1640, tells us that "no man professeth publickely this cheating art, but theeves, rogues, and beggarly rascals; which are now every where knowne by the name o Bohemians, Egyptians, and Caramaras." It may be well to observe the date of this reprobation of fortune-telling by the hand. - We have still fortune-tellers of this class.



Minster, about two miles distant from Ramsgate, derives importance from its celebrated abbey for veiled virgins, founded by Domneva queen of the Mercians in 670. Reinains of this edifice still exist; and bear the name of Minster court. This is the mansion-house of the manor of Minster. The north front has a fine Gothic doorway, with its arch and ornaments entire.

The church is considered the most ancient in Thanet. It is a very fine structure: the chancel and transept are of pure Gothic architecture; the nave is Saxon. The chancel is lighted by several lancet windows, and has eighteen collegiate stalls in good preservation. At the west end is a handsome tower and leaded steeple, with a clock and five bells. On the top of the spire was formerly a globe, and upon that a wooden cross covered with lead, over which was a vane, and above that an iron cross; until about 1647, Richard Culmer, commonly called "Blue

Dick, fixed ladders, before day, by moonlight, and hired two men of the parish to go up and demolish the ball and crosses as "monuments of idolatry."

Dr. Meric Casaubon became vicar of this parish in 1634, and held the vicarage until it was sequestered by the parliament in 1644, when Richard Culmer was appointed in his stead.

Ebbs Fleet, in this parish, seems to have been the usual landing-place from the sea upon the isle of Thanet. At this spot the two Saxon chiefs, Hengist and Horsa, landed with their forces in 385, when, according to Gildas "they first fixed their terrible claws on the eastern part of the isle of Great Britain, as if they were about to fight for the country, but in reality to lay siege to it and destroy it." Here, in 596, Austin, called the apostle of the English, landed. Here, likewise, landed from France, St. Mildred the second abbess of Minster.


Upon the authority of certain statements in the "Cambrian Antiquities," it is supposed that war was anciently proclaimed in Britain by sending messen

gers in different directions through the land, each bearing a bent bow, and that peace was in a like manner announced by a bow unstrung, and therefore straight.


There was heard the sound of a coming foe,
There was sent through Britain a bended bow,
And a voice was pour'd on the free winds far,
As the land rose up at the sign of war.

'Heard ye not the battle horn ?
-Reaper! leave thy golden corn!
Leave it for the birds of Heaven,
Swords must flash, and shields be riven !
Leave it for the winds to shed-

Arm! ere Britain's turf grow red!"
And the reaper arm'd, like a freeman's son,
And the bended bow and the voice pass'd on.

"Hunter! leave the mountain chase,
Take the falchion from its place!
Let the wolf go free to-day,
Leave him for a nobler prey!
Let the deer ungall'd sweep by-

Arm thee! Britain's foes are nigh!"
And the hunter arm'd ere his chase was done,
And the bended bow and the voice pass'd on.

"Chieftain, quit the joyous feast!
Stay not till the song has ceased.
Though the mead be foaming bright,
Though the fires give ruddy light,
Leave the hearth and leave the hall-
Arm thee! Britain's foes must fall."

And the chieftain arın'd, and the horn was blown,
And the bended bow and the voice pass'd on.

"Prince! thy father's deeds are told,
In the bower and in the hold!
Where the goatherd's lay is sung,
Where the minstrel's harp is strung!
-Foes are on thy native sea-
Give our bards a tale of thee!"

And the prince came arm'd, like a leader's son,
And the bended bow and the voice pass'd on.

"Mother! stay thou not thy boy!
He must learn the battle's joy.
Sister! bring the sword and spear,
Give thy brother words of cheer!
Maiden! bid thy lover part,

Britain calls the strong in heart!"
And the bended bow and the voice pass'd on,
And the bards made song for a battle won !


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