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eights are explained in a footnote to be Eight to work, eight to play, eight to sleep, and eight shillings a day." (See also COKE)

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I count my time by times that I meet thee; These are my yesterdays, my morrows, noons, And nights, these are my old moons and my

new moons.

Slow fly the hours, fast the hours flee,
If thou art far from or art near to me:

If thou art far, the bird's tunes are no tunes;
If thou art near, the wintry days are Junes.
R. W. GILDER-The New Day. Pt. IV. Son-
net VI.


So schaff' ich am sausenden Webstuhl der Zeit.
Thus at Time's humming loom I ply.
GOETHE-Faust. I. 1. 156.


Ein stiller Geist ist Jahre lang geschäftig;
Die Zeit nur macht die feine Gährung kräftig.
Long is the calm brain active in creation;
Time only strengthens the fine fermentation.
GOETHE-Faust. I. 6. 36.


Mein Vermächtniss, wie herrlich weit und breit; Die Zeit ist mein Vermächtniss, mein Acker ist die Zeit.

My inheritance, how wide and fair Time is my estate; to Time I'm heir. GOETHE-Wilhelm Meister's Travels. Trans. by CARLYLE in Sartor Resartus. My inheritance how lordly wide and fair; Time is my fair seed-field, to Time I'm heir. CARLYLE'S version in Chartism. Ch. X. Mein Erbteil wie herrlich, weit und breit; Die Zeit ist mein Besitz, mein Acker ist die Zeit. GOETHE-Westöstliche Divan. VI. Buch der Sprüche. (Original version.)

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And panting Time toil'd after him in vain. SAMUEL JOHNSON-Prologue on Opening the Drury Lane Theatre. L. 6.


Seven hours to law, to soothing slumber seven, Ten to the world allot, and all to heaven. SIR WM. JONES-Ode in Imitation of Alcaus. See LORD TEIGNMOUTH-Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Sir William Jones. Letter to Charles Chapman. Aug. 30, 1784. Also Errata. P. 251. "The muses claim the rest," or "the muse claims all beside" are the changes made by JONES, according to ANDREW AMOS-Four Lectures on the Advantages of a Classical Education. London, 1846. P. 78.

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Vingt siècles descendus dans l'éternelle nuit. Y sont sans mouvement, sans lumière et sans bruit.

Twenty ages sunk in eternal night. They are without movement, without light, and without noise.

LEMOINE Euvres Poétiques. Saint Louis.


Potius sero quam nunquam. Better late than never. LIVY. IV. II. 11. BUNYAN-Pilgrim's Progress. Pt. I. DIONYSIUS of Halicarnassus. IX. 9. MATTHEW HENRY-Commentaries Matthew XXI. MURPHY-School for Guardians. Act I. TUSSER-Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry. An Habitation enforced.


Time has laid his hand Upon my heart, gently, not smiting it, But as a harper lays his open palm Upon his harp, to deaden its vibrations. LONGFELLOW-The Golden Legend.


Time is the Life of the Soul.

LONGFELLOW-Hyperion. Bk. II. Ch. VI.

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