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of phyfic. And he, whofe fortunes and difpofitions have placed him in a convenient station to enjoy the fruits of this noble art; he that can with Epicurus content his ideas with the films and images, that Ay off upon his fenfes from the fuperficies of things; fuch a man, truly wife, creams off nature, leaving the four and the dregs for philofophy and reafon to lap up. This is the fublime and refined point of felicity, called, the poffeffion of being well deceived; the ferene peaceful state of being a fool among knaves.

But to return to madness. It is certain, that according to the fyftem I have above deduced, every species thereof proceeds from a redundancy of vapours; therefore, as fome kinds of phrenzy give double ftrength to the finews, fo there are of other fpecies, which add vigour, and life, and fpirit to the brain: now, it ufually happens, that these active fpirits, getting poffeffion of the brain, resemble those that haunt other waft and empty dwellings, which for want of business either vanish, and carry away a piece of the house, or elfe stay at home and fling it all out of the windows.

windows. By which are myftically dif played the two principal branches of madnefs, and which fome philofophers, not confidering fo well as I, have miftaken to be different in their causes, overhaftily affigning the first to deficiency, and the other to redundance.

I think it therefore manifeft, from what I have here advanced, that the main point of skill and address is to furnish employment for this redundancy of vapour, and prudently to adjust the feafon of it; by which means it may certainly become of cardinal and catholic emolument in a commonwealth. Thus one man chufing a proper juncture, leaps into a gulph, from thence proceeds a hero, and is called the faver of his country; another atchieves the fame enterprize, but, unluckily timing it, has left the brand of madness fixed as a reproach upon his memory; upon fo nice a diftinction are we taught to repeat the name of Curtius with reverence and love; that of Empedocles with hatred and contempt. Thus alfo it is ufually conceived, that the elder Brutus only perfonated the fool and mad-man for the good of the public;

public; but this was nothing elfe, than a redundancy of the fame vapour long mifapplied, called by the Latins,* Ingenium par negotiis; or, to tranflate it as nearly as I can, a fort of phrenzy, never in its right element, till you take it up in the business of the ftate.

Upon all which, and many other reafons of equal weight, though not equally curious, I do here gladly embrace an opportunity I have long fought for, of recommending it as a very noble undertaking to Sir Edward Seymour, Sir Chriftopher Mufgrave, Sir John Bowls, John How Efq; and other patriots concerned, that they would move for leave to bring in a bill for appointing commiffioners to inspect into Bedlam, and the parts adjacent ; who shall be impowered to fend for perfons, papers, and records; to examine into the merits and qualifications of every ftudent and profeffor; to obferve with utmost exactness their several difpofitions and behaviour; by which means, duly distinguishing and adapting their talents, they might produce admirable inftruments


* Tacit.


for the feveral offices in a ftate, ‡ ** civil and military; proceeding in fuch methods as I fhall here humbly propose. And, I hope the gentle reader will give fome allowance to my great folicitudes in this important affair, upon account of the high esteem I have born that honourable fociety, whereof I had some time the happiness to be an unworthy member.

Is any student tearing his ftraw in piecemeal, fwearing and blafpheming, biting his grate, foaming at the mouth, and emptying his piffpot in the fpectator's faces? let the right worshipful the commiffioners of infpection give him a regiment of dragoons, and fend him into Flanders among the rest. Is another eternally talking, fputtering, gaping, bawling in a found without period or article? what wonderful talents are here miflaid! let him be furnished immediately with a green bag and papers, and * three pence in his pocket, and away with him to Westminster-Hall. You will find a third gravely taking the dimensions of his kennel; a perfon of

+ Ecclefiaftical.

A lawyer's coach-hire, when four together, from any

of the inns of court to Wellminster.


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