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of music: shortly afterwards a light appeared, remained stationary for a moment, and then faded away, leaving both tower and cliff shrouded in almost sepulchral blackness. There is nothing, I grant you, very remarkable in finding out a tower, nor in hearing music, nor in seeing lightsthese are the natural consequences of a place being inhabited; but why so old and awful-looking a ruin should be selected by any one with a voice of half the sweetness and pretension (for I am convinced it must have belonged to a female) as the one I heard, I must confess, surprises me. Explain then the mystery, if you please, father; and if there be a touch of romance about it, so much the better, I will remain here till I unravel it."

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ported, I know not with what truth, to be gifted with the unerring power of prophecy."

"I have," replied Edward, who was tinged in no slight degree with the prevalent superstition of his times," and have never presumed to doubt the fact for an instant: however, proceed; I am all attention."

The abbot continued:-" it is just four years come Martinmas that a venerablelooking stranger of this class first took up his abode in the tower you saw to-night: he arrived there late in the evening, with all due solemnity, unknown to a soul in Talley; and when in the course of a few days it began to be discovered that he never once stirred from home, not even to obtain Now the abbot, you must know, though provisions, the wonder of the whole vila good-hearted old gentleman in his way, lage rose at once to a miracle (a good joke, was precisely at that age when the charms by-the-bye, that same miracle, as if a real of sociality have succeeded in usurping miracle could be wrought by any but an those of sentiment in the breast; he was, orthodox abbot), and so from that time in fact, just fifty-three years old. He forward the old gentleman, who, I have no smiled, therefore, at what he thought a doubt, has got good friends below, has been foolish spirit of romance in young Edward || held in utter respect and abhorrence by de Lancaster; but, finding him resolved, the whole village, the abbot of Talley, one way or other, to be satisfied, comAhem! Ahem! included. And now, menced (first taking a reasonable draught young gentleman, you know as much of canary as an exordium) a long-winded || about the matter as myself." explanation, something to the following effect.

"You may have heard, perhaps, my young friend, of a learned order of men, very celebrated at present throughout England,* called Astrologers, who are re

* For the better understanding of this tale, it should be premised that most of the firstrate nobility throughout England (during the two most chivalrous centuries) retained astrologers among their establishment, to whom they looked up with awe, as to men of superior notions, and without whose advice they rarely undertook any thing of consequence. After the massacre of the Welsh bards, by Edward I., many of their descendants concealed themselves among the mountains and fastnesses of their native country, where they indulged alone in the visionary dreams of astrology; being too proud to associate or mix themselves up with the Welsh, whom they deemed the traitors, or with the English, whom they considered the enemies of their country. Now and then they were consulted by chance travellers, on whom the mysterious jargon of their language, their

"But," replied the youth, deeply interested in this singular detail," have you made no further inquiries about this mysterious astrologer? He must surely hold some communication with the village, if only for the sake of procuring provisions."

66 One would think so, indeed; but, however this may be, he has never yet been seen to stir from home, has never once spoken to, or conversed with, man, woman, or child; has never permitted mortal footstep to tread the floor of his ugly unsociable den; and, in fact, is altogether the most camelion-like astrologer I ever saw or heard of, living only on air! || Air, indeed! Very good. Think of that now.-He! he! he! What should I be if I lived only upon air!" and the good abbot chuckled mightily at the idea.

After a few further inquiries respecting the music, to which the monks and their

manners, and their solitude, in those superstitious days, made a deep and never-failing impression.

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superior answered only by a universal evening had long since departed; the moon snore, the deep bell from the monastery sailed in unclouded majesty through the announced the approach of midnight, upon sky, dimmed here and there perhaps with which the whole party, waking up from the haze of a passing vapour; while the their sleep, prepared to move off-the holy || only sounds that broke upon the hushed brethren to their last nocturnal chaunt,|| stillness of the hour were the distant and young Edward de Lancaster to repose.|| gurglings of some sparkling rivulet, as it To repose, think you! no, indeed; the stole its way in music and in moonlight curiosity of a high-spirited, romantic, and through some low green meadows into the exceedingly susceptible youth of nineteen, || unruffled waters of the lake. Young de who has nothing but adventure to think of,|| Lancaster gazed out upon the landscape is not so easily satisfied as you might sup- with an almost breathless interest; his pose. Our hero at least felt all the demon heart overflowed, as all finely-tuned hearts of inquisitiveness stir within him. Ac- will, at a sight of peculiar beauty-with cordingly, he threw himself on his couch almost woman's softness; when, as if to with the firm intention of sleeping: in- increase the enchantment, a strain of stead of which he fell into a sort of waking|| music, proceeding from the direction of reverie about mysterious astrologers, im- the tower, came towards him faint and prisoned damsels, love, courtship, matri- softened upon the wind: it was an ancient mony, music, and murder; all very natu- Welsh melody, descriptive of the wrongs of ral, and not a little interesting to the the country; and its subjugation by the sleeper. Throughout the next day he foreign Englishman; but the voice, the employed himself in wandering about in expression, the tenderness, that animated the direction of the tower, and endeavour- the music; oh, who can that belong to, ing to obtain a peep at the mysterious thought Edward, but a female; and she astrologer. He was doomed, however, to (of course) of the most bewitching and disappointment, even though he ventured delightful beauty. In a few minutes the close under the old grey tower, and seated music ceased; but de Lancaster, on whom himself among the dark rocks that frowned it had made a more lasting impression, relike guardian giants around it. It was, in- solved, come what might, to explore the deed, a lonely place; hemmed in on all tower; and having accordingly prepared sides by barren cliffs, which descended per- || himself with all due necessaries, sallied out pendicularly to the shore. Not the slightest softly from the convent, and bent his steps vestige of verdure appeared, for every beneath the moon, towards the old grey thing, and more especially the ruin, bore tower of Talley. Arrived at the spot, he the stamp of desolation and decay. The could not but admire the solemn grandeur greatest part of the day having been con- of the scenery-the utter solitude-the sumed in such fruitless wanderings, Edward majesty of desolation that seemed to hover returned at nightfall to the monastery, like a demon in dark dignity around it. where he was bantered by the good-hu- Around, above-beneath him all was moured sarcasms of the abbot; a species silent-all was forlorn. The tower itself, of annoyance, however, which was infi- situated between two black cliffs-nestled nitely dulcified by a flask or two of most in rather like an eagle's eyrie among themorthodox canary. Late at night he return- lay in frowning blackness before him. As ed to his lonely couch; his thoughts, as he approached gradually nearer to it, a before, running wild upon the subject of sudden tremor took possession of his the old astrologer, his music, and his mys- faculties, and he half repented of his tery. For upwards of an hour his mind undertaking. But the voice, the angel revolved all these singular circumstances voice! he exclaimed, he must, indeed, be in succession, until overpowered, as it a craven who shrinks after the recollection were, by an intense nervous interest, he of that, and he pursued his road manfully rose from bed, dressed himself, and throw- until he reached the foot of the stairs. ing open the window, stationed himself Here he paused awhile-the idea of inbeside the casement. It was a calm de- truding upon the solitude of a stranger lightful night: the storm of the preceding arrested his faltering steps, but soon the

hold it, it will bear blight and misery along with it; but when for the last time you see it, tremble-a voice of murder shall rise upon the gale, and thou art he that must perpetrate it."

idea of that voice-that sweet voice-and || your destiny: whenever in future you beof course that female voice, overcame him, and he hurried hastily onward, while the old staircase tottered at each step he took, and the owls, alarmed as it should seem, || by the unexpected arrival of a stranger, came hooting and flying above him. Ar- As he concluded this anathema, the rived at the first landing-place, a door pre- countenance of the astrologer grew singusented itself; hastily he opened it, and larly terrific: mixed, however, with its on entering, found himself in the midst of wilder traits, was a feeling, apparently of an apartment, strewed all over with caba- pity, for the young and adventurous de listical devices. A telescope, placed upon Lancaster, on whom the menace seemed a common deal table, was stationed beside to act with the force of electricity. He the window but the owner of these curio- trembled from head to foot with a sort of sities was absent. As Edward stood gazing || nameless dread of some future but indeupon the furniture, and other appurte- finite calamity, until roused by the voice of nances of this forlorn apartment, lighted the astrologer, who, beckoning him towards only by the moon, which now shone down the window, directed his observation to in full unclouded majesty, he was suddenly the moon which now sailed unclouded struck by the light sound of a distant foot- || through heaven. "No, no, young stranfall, which seemed slowly and cautiously ger," said the sage, finding that his attenstealing towards him. For about a minute tion was fixed upon that regent planet, the noise seemed as it were descending "it is not the moon that you need dread, from above, when suddenly it approached 'tis yon shining star beside it, which nearer, nearer still; and already the slow points out the secret of your fate, and tread of a man's firmest footstep drew to- stamps you a murderer. Listen to me, wards the apartment. Immediately after- Sir-to me who have grown grey in the wards, the door opened; and in walked a wisdom of celestial influences: at the birth severe venerable-looking stranger, with a of all men certain planets preside; some long beard flowing down to his waist, which || of a fortunate, others of a malignant nature. was bound by a sort of zone, inscribed with || Your's, as I ascertain by the horoscope now nameless cabalistic characters. Edward before me, is of the latter kind; retire started at this apparition-for so at first it then with this conviction, which you have seemed—but suddenly recollecting himself,|| drawn down upon yourself, and never more made a respectful obeisance to the old intrude upon the solitude of an unwilling man, and, with a profusion of apologies, host. Away! Sir, away!" At this inexplained the nature and cause of his in- stant, while the young man was preparing trusion. For an instant the astrologer to obey, a voice of the most ravishing was silent-it might be in the dignity of sweetness was heard breaking upon the thought-when suddenly addressing him- night, apparently from the room in which self to the intruder, "Young man," he he sat. Slowly the notes came lingering exclaimed, "I owe you no ill-will; your- || upon the wind, thrilling in their softness self have sought your misery-your conlike the matin music of the lark, until, demnation-your eternal condemnation, I after the lapse of a few minutes, the sounds should say." ceased, and all was silent as before. The

"Condemnation-eternal, too-I un- astrologer seemed confused at this-howderstand you not."

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ever harmonious interruption. The "hectic of a moment" flushed his wasted cheek, 'till suddenly recovering himself—

Not," interrupted the old man with severity; "you are guiltless as yet, granted; all men are so until the express moment" I insist, Sir," he exclaimed, addressing of their fall but listen to me, stranger; himself to de Lancaster, 66 on your instant fortune never yet smiled upon me, or mine, departure; if to-morrow you would wish when yon night-star"-pointing to one to have futurity further revealed to your that rode high in heaven-" was bright in eyes, at your command it shall be so-but the horizon. That star bears the secret of at present you must retire, or danger, both

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Unwilling to intrude further upon the old man's solitude, Edward slowly retreated; but still, as he quitted the town, and during the whole of his road home, the dreadful denunciation of murder seemed ringing in his ears, till his brain became literally bewildered. Of a high enthusiastic disposition, Edward was nevertheless, as has been mentioned above, deeply tinctured with the bigoted superstition of the day. His feelings in consequence, when thus subdued, were softened even to effeminate weakness; and the heart that knew not fear when boldly opposed to man in the ranks of war, trembled and shivered like a reed before the influence of an accredited philosopher.

to you and myself, will be the conse- posed part of their dress, were sauntering quence." and laughing in all directions; while the sound of the Welsh harp from within some rustic tent, fitted up as a sort of extempore ale-house for the occasion, sent up its sweet but mournful sounds into the air. Attracted by the novelty, and still more by the graceful vivacity of the scene before him, Edward's heart seemed once more relapsing into its native cheerfulness; when suddenly a pretty peasant girl, who had withdrawn herself as if on purpose from a laughing group of which she formed the centre, passed him with a basket in her hand; and, looking on him archly as she brushed swiftly beside him, whispered in his ear-" You saw the astrologer last night; I was with you-I shall be with you when you visit him again-but you cannot see me; adieu-we may perhaps meet again-do not, however, attempt to follow me"-and she glided like a spectre from his path. Astonished at this unexpected rencontre, De Lancaster rubbed his eyes, as if to ascertain whether he were dreaming. At last, roused to a sense of action, he rushed from the village in the direction which the peasant girl had taken, and soon reached the dreary rock at whose further extremity rose the astrologer's desolate tower. Here he looked carefully round him; nothing, however, could be seen but now and then an eagle that wheeled round and round the summit of the loftiest cliff, or the unwieldly black-cook browsing upon the stunted herbage that in some favoured places grew up between the loose naked crags. While thus busied in

On returning to the monastery, and just before he entered the huge postern gate, he cast back one look, half in hope half in fear, towards the tower; it was still shining in the full splendour of moonlight, but all within it was silent as the grave; and even the waters of the lake that rippled beneath it seemed hushed into stillness, as if fearing to intrude upon the universal sleep of nature. After a few minutes spent in thought, Edward also retired to rest; nor did he wake from a deep sleep, protracted by excessive fatigue, until the monastery bell, chiming for morning prayers, aroused him to the duties and amusements of the day.

On wandering through the village towards the close of the next afternoon, he discovered that it was market-day; and, anxious to relieve the intolerable oppres-reflection, a female form appeared upon a sion of his brain, he strolled through the only desert street in Talley, endeavouring to allay the nervous excitement that weighed like lead upon his heart. If any thing, indeed, could have roused his attention, and so withdrawn him awhile from himself, it must have been the gratifying sight that now greeted his eyes at every part of the village through which he chanced to pass. Young girls and peasant lads, dressed in all the graceful finery of their country, with the national leek visible at every ex

rock beside him; he advanced, he shouted towards her-but the sound of his voice seemed to act like magic upon her movements, for no sooner had she beheld his approach than she became invisible to his eyes, having melted apparently into thin air, and leaving no memorial of the place where she had just stood but the cold grey rock that now frowned in utter nakedness before him-the very spirit and genius of desolation,

(To be continued.)

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Feb. 17th.-I have been an invalid for a long time past, and I have been ordered to try highland air; so here I am, in a lonely old castle, far away from balls, routs, and plays. What, then, shall I do, pour passer le temps, in this most triste abode? Shall I keep a diary? Yes, I will-every one keeps a diary, and why may not I? Have I much to say of today?-Nothing, I believe, except that I attempted to walk, but found even my clogs were not a defence against the wetcame home-yawned over the last number of Blackwood-played with my cousin's baby, and then-I fear the rest of this day must be a blank in my diary.

19th.-Never was there a lovelier morning! The sun shone bright and beautifully out from a sky of unclouded azureit was impossible to resist the beams of that glorious luminary, and out I wentaway and away-over the heath that was glittering with countless drops of the early dew-forgetful that I was an invalid—forgetful of my oppressed breathing-forgetful of every thing but the sweetness of that early hour, and the gracious author of its beauty. Yes, it was indeed a sweet, sweet hour, and on I wandered-stopping at times to inhale the fresh breeze, and at times to gaze on the lovely glens that lay beneath me in the lowlands. I had reached the very boundary of the heath, and be- || fore me stood, in most peaceful quietude, a little happy-looking dwelling. Its white walls gleamed in the sunshine from under the dark foliage of the ivy, that climbed even to its roof; and the garden, simply inclosed by a paling, was gay with many coloured crocuses. Suddenly from that quiet habitation came out a merry-looking party, dressed in their holiday garments: the more aged seated themselves under the shade of two tall and beautiful birch trees, while the young men selected their rosycheeked partners, and began to dance reels on the green-sward. In a moment I understood it all-it was a wedding-a country wedding that most festive of all festivities. In a moment, too, I was observed; and an aged female, whose gold brooch and scarlet plaid bespoke her consequence,


exclaimed-" In it be nae the young lady, and surely its hersel' that's welcome;" and a chair was brought to me, and I was seated among the matrons of the land. "And which is the bride?" inquired I of the old lady who had so kindly recognized A look of mysterious and sorrowful meaning passed over her aged face as she pointed to a pale girl, who sat in sadness and silence apart from all the rest. Alas! alas! I had never till then looked upon such a bride. But beautiful, very beautiful, was Mary Lee; and her loveliness was of a character seldom to be met with in that humble walk of life. Her hair was braided over her lofty forehead, and her tall slender form was bent like a dying flower, and she was so pale-so very pale; and yet she looked like a queen in those bridal garments;-but, poor thing! she felt like a victim decked for sacrifice; and no wonder, for what a bridegroom! So coarse in his vulgar merriment, and his countenance so full of savage unfeeling triumph. He must at least be fifty, and she to-day-her wedding-day-she is but seventeen! What a husband for so beautiful a creature! And she is an orphan, and that pretty cottage is her own, and she had not one relation to force her into this unnatural marriage! What does it mean? Never shall I forget that ill-omened wedding. At last she came and sat down beside me; but I did not dare to speak to her, for I feared to rouse the agony she was struggling with; but I looked on her pale compressed lips, which seemed striving to suppress the low moans which, notwithstanding her efforts, burst from her at times; and I looked upon her dark melancholy eyes till I felt my own filling with tears. She saw. that I pitied her; and, when I rose to leave her, she caught my arm with the grasp of phrenzy-it seemed as if she thought my presence a protection from the hated being she had married-and I feared that all her feelings were now about to burst forth without control; but she pressed her hand tightly across her brow, and hid, for a moment, her wild and troubled countenance; and when she again raised her head, she looked calm-fearfully and terribly

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