THE NINETEENTH REPORT OF THE SOCIETY FOR BETTERING THE CONDITION AND INCREASING THE COMFORTS OF THE POOR. LONDON: PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY, BY W. BULMER AND CO. CLEVELAND ROW, ST. JAMES'S; AND SOLD BY J. HATCHARD, OPPOSITE YORK ALSO BY BECKET, HOUSE, PICCADILLY; PALL-MALL; ROBSON, BOND-STREET; PAYNE, MEW's GATE; YARD; EGERTON, WHITEHALL; CADELL AND DAVIES, STRAND; AND VERNOR AND HOOD, POULTRY. TODD, YORK; HAZARD, BATH; NEWCASTLE; ALSO BY AKENHEAD AND SONS, BROWNE, HULL; EASTON, SALISBURY; HOUGH, TREWMAN, EXETER; CLARKE, MANCHESTER; GLOCESTER; AND LEE, AT LEWES, Patron, THE KING. President, THE LORD BISHOP OF DURHAM. Vice-Presidents. The Earl of Winchilsea. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M. P. The Hon. G. Villiers, M. P. William Knox, Esq. The other Members of the General Committee. Right Hon. H. Addington, M.P. Sir Thomas Clarges, Bart. William Devaynes, Esq. M.P. Lord Dynevor. The Earl of Egremont. Thomas Edwards Freeman, Esq. The Lord Bishop of Lincoln. John Sargent, Esq. M. P. David Scott, Esq. M. P. George Vansittart, Esq. M. P. The Right Hon. John Charles John Warburton, Esq. Sir J. Cox Hippisley, Bart. M. P. John Whitmore, Esq. M. P. Henry Hoare, Esq. Charles Hoare, Esq. George Jeffery, Esq. William Wilberforce, Esq. M.P. Lord Kinnaird. Extract from an account of the dreadful ef- fects of Dram-drinking, with directions 23 INTRODUCTORY LETTER TO THE FOURTH VOLUME, ADDRESSED TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE HENRY ADDINGTON, bc. &c.bc. I MY DEAR SIR, FEEL a real and enviable gratification, in addressing personally to you the fourth volume of the Reports of the Society for bettering the Condition of the Poor.—At an infant and doubtful period of our establishment, we had the pleasure of enrolling your name on the committee, and of receiving |