REPORTS OF THE SOCIETY FOR BETTERING THE CONDITION AND INCREASING THE COMFORTS OF THE POOR. VOL. IV. LONDON: PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY, BY W.BULMER AND CO. CLEVELAND ROW, ST. JAMES'S, AND SOLD BY J. HATCHARD, OPPOSITE ALBANY PLACE, PICCADILLY; ALSO BY ALSO BY BECKET, PALL-MALL; ROBSON, BOND-STREET; PAYNE, Those Subscribers who are not supplied regularly with the publications of the Society, are requested to send their directions to Hatchard, 190, Piccadilly, fixing the place in the metropolis where they are to be left. Imperfect directions have been left in some instances; and, in others, none at all; so that it has not been practicable for the publisher to send the Reports round to all the Subscribers, so exactly and regularly as could be wished. 1st February, 1805. CONTENTS. PAGE |