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diculous thing this country would ugly a bit of country as any in become, if this thing could go on England. A poor spewy gravel only for a few years! And, these with some clay. Few trees but rows of new houses, added to the elms, and those generally stripped Wen, are proofs of growing pros-up and villanously ugly.-Croyperity, are they? These make don is a good market town; but part of the increased capital of is, by the funds, swelled out into a the country, do they? But, how Wen.-Upon quitting CROYDON is this Wen to be dispersed? I for GODSTONE, you come to the know not whether it be to be done chalk hills, the juniper shrubs and by knife or by caustic; but, dis-the yew trees. This is an extenpersed it must be! And this is sion Westward of the vein of chalk the only difficulty, which I do not which I noticed (in page 92, presee the easy means of getting sent volume) between BROMLEY over. Aye! these are dreadful and SEVEN-OAKS. To the Westthoughts! I know they are; but, ward here lie Epsom Downs, they ought not to be banished which lead on to Merrow Dowus from the mind; for they will re- and Saint Margaret's Hill, then, turn, and, at every return, they skipping over Guildford, you will be more frightful. The man who cannot coolly look at this matter is unfit for the times that are approaching. Let the interest of the Debt be once well reduced (and that must be sooner or later) and then what is to become of half a million at least of the people congregated in this Wen? Oh! precious "Great is in Surrey also, is a beautiful Man now no more!" Oh! " Pilot village, chiefly of one street with that weathered the Storm!" Oh! a fine large green before it and "Heaven-born" pupil of Pretty- with a pond in the green. A little

come to the Hog's Back, which is still of chalk, and at the West end of which lies Farnham. With the Hog's Back this vein of chalk seems to end; for then the valleys become rich loam and the hills sand and gravel till you approach the Winchester Downs by the way of Alresford.-GODSTONE, which

man! Who, but him who can way to the right (going from Lonnumber the sands of the sea, shall don) lies the vile rotten Borough number the execrations with which of Blechingley; but, happily for thy memory will be loaded!-GODSTONE, out of sight. At and From London to Croydon is as near Godstone the gardens are all

very neat; and, at the Inn, there and corn-fields and pastures. is a nice garden well stocked with At about three miles from Grinbeautiful flowers in the season. stead you come to a pretty village, I here saw, last summer, some called Forest-Row, and then, ou double violets as large as small the road to UCKFIELD, you cross pinks, and the lady of the house Ashurst Forest, which is a heath, was kind enough to give me some with here and there a few birch of the roots.-From GODSTONE Scrubs upon it, verily the most you go up a long hill of clay and villainously ugly spot I ever saw sand, and then descend into a in England. This lasts you for level country of stiff loam at five miles, getting, if possible, top, clay at bottom, corn-fields, uglier and uglier all the way, till, pastures, broad hedge-rows, cop- at last, as if barren soil, nasty pices, and oak woods, which coun- spewy gravel, heath and even try continues till you quit Surrey that stunted, were not enough, you about two miles before you reach see some rising spots, which instead EAST-GRINSTED. The woods and of trees, presents you with black, coppices are very fine here. It ragged, hideous rocks. There is the genuine oak-soil; a bottom may be Englishmen who wish to of yellow clay to any depth, I dare see the coast of Nova Scotia. say, that man can go. No moss They need not go to sea; for here on the oaks. No dead tops. it is to the life. If I had been in Straight as larches. The bark of a long trance (as our nobility seem the young trees with dark spots to have been), and had been in it; sure sign of free growth waked up here, I should have and great depth of clay beneath. begun to look about for the InThe wheat is here sown on five-dians and the Squaws, and to turn ridges, and the ploughing is amongst the best that I ever saw. -At EAST-GRINSTEAD, which is a rotten Borough and a very shabby place, you come to stiff of but poorish wettish land. Passloam at top with sand stone be-ing through the village of UCKneath. To the South of the place the land is fine, and the vale on both sides a very beautiful intermixture of woodland

have heaved a sigh at the thought of being so far, from England.From the end of this forest without trees you come into a country

FIELD, you find an enclosed country with a soil of a clay cast all the way to within about three miles of LEWES, when you get to

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beginning to write my First Letter to the Landlords. Without knowing any thing of the matter myself, I asked my host, Mr. BRAZIER, what good corn country was

a chalk bottom, and rich land. I harvest was begun. WORTH is a was at Lewes at the beginning of woodland country. I wished to last harvest, and saw the fine know the state of the crops; for, farms of the ELLMANS, very justly I was, at that very time, as will renowned for their improvement be seen by referring to the date, of the breed of South Down sheep, and the younger Mr. John Ellman not less justly blamed for the part he had taken in propagating the errors of Webb Hall, and thereby, however unintentionally, as-nearest to us. He said Lewes. sisting to lead thousands to cherish Off I went, and he with me, in a those false hopes that have been post-chaise. We had 20 miles the cause of their ruin. Mr. Ell-to go and 20 back in the same man may say, that he thought chaise. A bad road, and rain all he was right; but, if he had read the day. We put up at the White my New Year's Gift to the Far- Hart, took another chaise, went mers, published in the preceding round and saw the farms, through January, he could not think that the window of the chaise, having he was right. If he had not read stopped at a little public-house to it, he ought to have read it, before ask which were they, and having he appeared in print. At any stopped now-and-then to get a rate, if no other person had a right sample out of the sheaves of wheat, to censure his publications, I had came back to the White Hart, that right. I will here notice a after being absent only about an calumny, to which the above visit hour and a half, got our dinner, to Lewes gave rise ; namely, that and got back to WORTH before it I went into the neighbourhood of was dark; and never asked, and the Ellmans to find out whether never intended to ask, one single they ill-treated their labourers! question of any human being as No man that knows me will be- to the conduct or character of the lieve this. The facts are these: Ellmans. Indeed the evidence the Ellmans, celebrated farmers, of the elder Mr. Ellman was so had made a great figure in the fair, so honest, and so useful, parevidence taken before the Com- ticularly as relating to the labourmittee. I was at WORTH, about ers, that I could not possibly sustwenty miles from Lewes. The pect him of being a cruel or hard



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JANUARY 19, 1822.


master. He told the Committee, underhand means, and particu

larly by means of a calumny of this kind, which argues the contrary of frankness and manliness

that when he began business, forty five years ago, every man in the parish brewed his own beer, and that now, not one man did it, un-in the mind of the inventor or less he gave him the malt! Why, propagator.

LEWES, Wednesday, 9 Jan. 1822.

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are now over. Mr. DAVIES GIDDY was in the Chair: the place the County Hall. A Mr. PARTINGTON, a pretty little oldish smart truss nice cockney-looking gentleman, with a yellow and red handkerchief round his neck, moved the petition, which was seconded by LORD CHICHESTER, who lives in the neighbourhood. Much as I had read of that great Doctor of virtual representation and Royal Commissioner of Inimitable Bank Notes, Mr. DAVIES GIDDY, I had never seen him before. He called to my mind one of those venerable persons, who administer spiritual comfort to the sinners of the "sister-kingdom;" and, whether I looked at the dress or the person, I could almost have sworn that it was the identical Father Luke, that I saw about twenty-three years ago, at Philadelphia, in the farce of the Poor Soldier. Mr. BLACKMAN (of Lewes I believe) disapproved of

here was by far the most valuable part of the whole volume of evi--The Meeting and the Dinner dence. Then, Mr. Ellman did not present a parcel of estimates and God knows what; but a plain and honest statement of facts, the rate of day wages, of job wages, for a long series of years, by which it clearly appeared how the labourer had been robbed and reduced to misery, and how the poor-rates had been increased. He did not, like Mr. George and other Bull-frogs, sink these interesting facts; but honestly told the truth. Therefore, whatever I might think of his endeavours to uphold the mischievous errors of Webb Hall, I could have no suspicion that he was a hard master, -If, therefore, Mr. Ellman the younger have propagated the above calumny, or encouraged others to do it, let him learn from this, that such is not the way to answer those who attack him through the means of the press; and that, however great the mortification arising from such attacks, it is much better to endure the petition, and, in a speech of it than to seek revenge by any considerable length, and also of



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considerable ability, stated to the were carried by a great majority meeting that the evils complained by show of hands. But, pieces of of arose from the currency, and not for the voters to write their names paper were then handed about, from the importation of foreign on for and against the petition. corn. A Mr. DONAVON, an Irish The greater part of the people gentleman, who, it seems, is a were gone away by this time; but, magistrate in this "disturbed at any rate, there were more sigcounty, disapproved of dis-natures for the petition than for cussing any thing at such a the resolutions. A farmer in meeting, and thought that the Pennsylvania having a visitor, to meeting should merely state its whom he was willing to show how distresses, and leave it to the well he treated his negroes as to wisdom of parliament to discover food, bid the fellows (who were the remedy. Upon which Mr. at dinner) to ask for a second or CHATFIELD observed; "So, Sir, third cut of pork if they had not we are in a trap. We cannot enough. Quite surprised at the "get ourselves out though we know novelty, but emboldened by a repe"the way. There are others, who tition of the injunction, one of them "have got us in, and are able to did say, Massa, I wants another get us out, but they do not know cut." He had it; but, as soon as "how. And we are to tell them, the visitor was gone away, “D-n "it seems, that we are in the you, says the master," while he trap; but are not to tell them belaboured him with the " cow"the way to get us out. I don't skin," I'll make you know how to "like long speeches, Sir; but I understand me another time!""like common sense. This was The signers of this petition were neat and pithy. Fifty professed in the dark while the show of hands orators could not, in a whole was going on; but, when it came day, have thrown so much ridi- to signing they knew well what cule on the speech of Mr. Dona- Massa meant! This is a petition von. A Mr. MABBOTT proposed to be sure; but, it is no more the amendment to include all petition of the farmers in the Rapes classes of the community, and of Lewes and Pevensey than it is took a hit at Mr. CURTEIS for his the petition of the Mermaids of speech at Battle. Mr. CURTEIS Lapland.-There was a dinner defended himself, and I thought after the meeting at the Star-Inn, very fairly. A Mr. WOODWARD, at which there occurred something who said he was a farmer, car- rather curious regarding myself. ried us back to the necessity of When at Battle, I had no intenthe war against France; and told tion of going to Lewes, 'till on the us of the horrors of plunder and evening of my arrival at Battle, a murder and rape that the war had gentleman, who had heard of the prevented. This gentleman put before-mentioned calumny, oban end to my patience, which Mr. served to me that I would do well Donavon had put to an extremely not to go to Lewes. That very severe test; and so I withdrew. observation made me resolve to After I went away Mr. BLACKMAN go. I went, as a spectator, to proposed some resolutions, which the meeting; and I left no one


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