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custom for his rabble - rousing, | certain I am, that, if Common gossip-gratifying and fool-feeding Sense be suffered to get full pos

manufactures, and may again quietly follow his lawful calling and enjoy undisturbed the lawful gains thereof as heretofore. And your Petitioner, as in duty

bound, shall ever pray.

(Sign here)

Whether this Petition will succeed, or not, I cannot say; but,

session of the public mind; and even if no rows take place, the consequences will be fatal.-The TRAMPER and the OLD TIMES

and BOTT-SMITH ought to makę a joint concern of it.---I will attend a Meeting, with all my heart, and do my best to put them in the right way to get redress.

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custom for his rabble - rousing, | certain I am, that, if Common gossip-gratifying and fool-feeding | Sense be suffered to get full posmanufactures, and may again session of the public mind; and

quietly follow his lawful calling and enjoy undisturbed the lawful gains thereof as heretofore.

And your Petitioner, as in duty

bound, shall ever pray.

(Sign here)

Whether this Petition will suc

ceed, or not, I cannot say; but,

even if no rows take place, the consequences will be fatal.-The TRAMPER and the OLD TIMES

and BOTT-SMITH ought to make a joint concern of it.---I will attend a Meeting, with all my heart, and do my best to put them in the right way to get redress.




I have merely stated my opinion of Republican government, as you have yours about what is to take place in the next world, and, surely, I am as likely to be well informed with regard to the former as you are with regard to the

sence of that elaborate confession of political faith, which you demand and against which I protest, a practical anecdote or two will afford you any satisfaction, here they are at your service. In

Kensington, 27 January 1822. You have publicly, and in a tone somewhat imperious, called upon me to state the reasons, on latter. However, if, in the abwhich I ground my dislike to Republican Government. I might as well call upon you (which I am by no means disposed to do) for the reasons on which you have grounded your change from the religion of Mr. Paine to that of the year 1819, a man was tried M. Mirabeau; that is to say, in NEW JERSEY, under the Act from Deism to Atheism. It is of King William III. for immatter of taste; and, when we

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are ourselves complaining of per

secution for opinions, we should

be careful how we attempt to

controul the opinions of others.

pugning the Holy Trinity, found guilty and punished by imprisonment, in the common jail. A few years before Mr. PAINE's death, a man shot at him, through the


Printed by C. CLEMENT, and published by J. M. COBBETT, 1, Clement's Inn. [Price Sixpence Halfpenny in the Country.]

window of his own farm-house, the circumstances and proofs, as he was sitting by his fire-side, were laid, in the form of peti

tions, before the Legislature; and that the Legislature passed to the order of the day! Not to tire you

missed him, indeed, but sent the ball and slugs into a table, or some other thing, near him. The man, who had no hesitation in with a thousandth part of what acknowledging and boasting of you have so loudly called for, let the deed, was held to bail, tried me conclude with a caution that and acquitted amidst a cheering may be of real use. You talk audience! Mr. PAINE tendered about this, and that, which you his vote at an election in the will say to the Americans if you county where his farm lay. They ever go to that country. Now, if would not let him wote.

He you were, in that country, to put brought his action against the forth a paper, dated" in the year parties, lost his cause, and had" 1822 of the Carpenter's wife's to pay costs! These, I take it," son," you would, as surely as which are facts quite notorious, your name is Richard Carlile, be might suffice; but, I will just add, instantly dressed in a coat of tar that the Republican, BINNS, who and feathers, and, in that dress, slipped his head out of the noose be ridden bare-rumped upon a at Maidstone, leaving that of poor rail, till you dropped off by the FATHER O'QUIGLEY in it, keeps side of some wood or swamp, a newspaper-office at Philadel-where you would be left to rumiphia, which was, in 1817 and nate on the wisdom (to say nothing 1818, also an office for openly of the modesty) of setting up for a trafficking in places under the maker of span-new governments government of Pennsylvania; that and religions.

particular instances of this traf

With as deep an abhorrence

ficking, with names, sums and all of persecution and of your perse

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