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this I am sure of, that, if the Par-" a struggle between the taxliament be not reformed before the" payers and tax-receivers is inecrack come, it will be a crack" vitable. The chief receiver is such as the world never witnessed" the PUBLIC CREDITOR. before. "Does any man believe, that a

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cious!" as Castlereagh says," how long have I been saying, that there would be such a struggle!

THIS gentleman has come out" as long as we can? And will it in a pamphlet. Bless us! It is "not be such a struggle as shall an Address to the Landowners;" be nearly fatal to both?" that is to say, according to Mr. Yes, Sir, I think it "shall" be RICARDO, the fundholders; and quite "fatal to both," unless they now really are the owners the people have reform before the of the land. This, nineteen years struggle begin!" "Good Graago, I said would be the case. The landlords should read, not Mr. Western's pamphlet, which only tells them that they are on But, I dare say, that Mr. the verge of ruin, which they Western forgets this: perhaps, knew before; but the Preliminary does not know that there is any Part of Paper against Gold, such person: never heard of me, which contains all the sponging or of my "prophecies," which arguments. It is in vain to blink Nicodemus Cropper swears are this question any longer. Indeed" all falsified as soon as they are the time is at hand, when it will be spawned." I need not tell my too late to talk of blinking. Mr. disciples to laugh: they will laugh Western says: "If some relief be enough, when they read this pas"not applied, and that speedily, sage from Mr. Western, with


whom I remonstrated in 1814, | warded for their efforts! If I 1815, and 1816, with as much had been in my proper place; in earnestness as if the object had that place where my superior been to save my life. He was knowledge and foresight fully seeking for a remedy by keeping entitled me to be, things could out foreign wheat and coleseed. never have arrived at their presentI told him, I prayed him, I im- state. If possessed of the power, plored him to look at the Bank I should have produced, years

ago, the adoption of measures of prevention : if opposed to the persons in power, I should have had

and the Debt. He kept on; and he does not even now, when he adopts, not only my doctrines, but my arguments and my very words, the means of remonstrating, and make the smallest acknowledg-of making my remonstrances heard ment to his teacher. If he had by the whole nation. If I had said to the Landowners: "Read been in parliament only as long "Cobbett's Letters to Landlords; as "Glory's" cubs have been "read his Paper against Gold, there, things never could have "and especially the PRELIMI- come to their present state: and "NARY PART; read his Far-yet, the whole body of those, whom "mer's Friend; read his Rustic this state of things threatens with "Harangue at Huntingdon; and a fall from splendour to beggary, "fling my pamphlet into the fire;" he would have acted a manly and

sensible part.

have, to keep me out, laboured with as much eagerness as if they had been striving for the salvation of their souls! For the thousandth time I say, "Verily they have their reward." Now, I do not

Oh! what pains all these people have taken to keep me down! All of them, without a single exception, whom I have ever known, or care a straw about the matter; heard, any thing of: and how and I would not walk across Kenjustly, good God, are they re-sington-street to ask any seat

owner to put me into parliament. her true glory to all other things

The desire ever uppermost in my that this world can present to my

heart has been to see the labour-view.

ing classes, amongst whom I was

born and bred, as well off as they

were when I was born. To endeavour to make them thus I have always regarded as a sacred duty. I am now sure that I shall see them in that state; and, as for the rest, I have nothing to answer for. I have, nevertheless, constantly wished to see no change in the form of that government; under which for so many ages, England enjoyed so much happiness and renown. I wish it still and most anxiously wish it; but, I have not the power and cannot have the power to cause my wishes to be gratified. I must, like other men, be the creature of events and circumstances; and all that I can foreknow of the matter, is, that I shall always be faithful to my

allegiance and my country, and always prefer her freedom and



I WILL do myself the very great honour of dining with you on Monday the 25th instant, on my return from Chichester, where I shall be on Wednesday next.

I am, Gentlemen,

Your most obedient
And most humble Servant,


WANT of room compels me to postpone any particular notice of this very important Meeting. I shall notice it in my next, particularly the Resolutions moved by Mr. Nicholson.


VOL. 41.-No.8.] LONDON, SATURDAY, FEB. 23, 1822. [Price 6d,

Published every Saturday Morning, at Seven o'clock."

THE OFFICE OF THE REGISTER Is Changed, from No. 1, Clement's Inn, to NO. 183, FLEET STREET, All Letters (post paid) are requested to be directed to the latter place.


Kensington, 21 Feb. 1822.

on many accounts. It was an adjourned meeting in fact; and the adjournment had taken place, too, for the sole purpose of making Reform a part of the petition. The result will be seen, All the counties ought to do, and that

done; and then the thing would soon be set to rights. The Meet

THE present Register will consist principally of the proceedings at the County Meeting in Surrey, on Monday last, and the farmer's Meeting at Chichester, on Wed-speedily, that which Surrey has nesday last, in which it will be perceived that I have taken some part.-At the former meeting at Chichester, on account of ing several of those arguments, the great number of farmers prewhich have been used in the House of Commons, against taking off taxes and against reform, were brought forth; and I think, that the reader will find them fully answered in the account of these proceedings. The Meeting in Surrey was of great importance

sent, was also of importance; and, I trust, that, in this way, I have refuted the whole of those wild notions of Mr. RICARDO and others, by which, without such refutation, the country might still have been long deluded.



Printed and published by C. CLEMENT, No. 183, Fleet Street.
[Price Sixpence Halfpenny in the Country.]

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