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his authority, nonsuited the plain-well, Gentlemen, the necromantic tiff, and thus put an end to this powers of the numbers three, sort of use to which the Lawyers seven and nine, and particularly were turning his court!-During of the number seven.' Thus is the course of his observations, the wonder explained; and for Mr. Scarlett, speaking of me, this we are indebted to Mr. Scarspoke also of the necessity of lett. His name, unhappily for disabusing those classes of so- him, has no such charm. His "ciety upon which his (Cobbett's) first name, Peter, having five letand not his character, ters, and his last name having "seemed to have had such influ-eight; names having nothing "ence."-You are of these un- "singular" in them, and numfortunate classes, Gentlemen! It bers nothing necromantic! and, is my name, you see, and not my accordingly, we find it agreed on character, that has given me "so all hands, that Peter Scarlett is much influence." It is my "sin- no conjuror, and has not "suck gular" name! Why, to be sure influence," I will not say upon "classes of society," but upon


(and that neither you nor I ever

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perceived it before) my name any half dozen men in the kingis very "singular. For, upon dom, who have the reputation of examination, you will find, that having brains in their Christian name begins Gentlemen, if you can bring yourwith a W, and that my Surname selves back to seriousness for a ends with a double T; that in the moment [there had been great middle of the first there is a laughing here], let me ask you double L, and in the middle of what wonder it is that we behold the last there is a double B.- ruin all around us, when there are Besides these " singular" cha- even half a dozen persons to listen racteristics, each name has seven to projects from a man like this? letters in it; and, you know To listen to projects of such a

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person for making changes that of calling the fundholder "a rastrike at the very root of civil pacious creature ; and they society, as it has, for ages upon know that they now call him so ages, stood in this Kingdom? themselves. We were then accuGentlemen, I put it to your serse sed of wishing to take away (what of honour, of candour, of common nonsense!) all landed property; decency, what must be the mind but, the landlords now find that of the man, who, standing before others, not we, are really taking a jury on their oaths, and before it away. Yet, they are made to the Chief Justice of England, believe, that reform would ruin could give way to feelings so piti-them! Just as if reform could ful and to languge so consum- do any thing more than take away... mately ridiculous!--In conclusion, their estates ! Still, however, Gentlemen, let me observe, that absurd and monstrous, as the the prospect of the great and belief is, on it they are induced to deeply - interested opponents of try another year! They are inreform is dismal in the extreme, duced, in short, to venture their and, of course, ours is bright in" last acre," as Mr. WESTERN the same degree. They would truly calls it, from the apprehenbut, they are sion that reform would « overturn induced to fear the only means of every thing." To reason with such making it well. The crafty per-persons is like reasoning with the sons in whom they trust, persuade winds. On my own part, howthem, that reform would be revo-ever, I declare, that I have never lution, destructive of all property, known any man, who wished for and God knows what. The land- any change in the form of the lords still remember, I dare say, government of England; and I that we were, in the Reports of here, before a body of radical the two Houses, in 1817, accused reformers, explicitly state, that

that all were well;

having had much experience; was expressed that decided and having had ample opportunity manly spirit which is entertained of judging of the effects of con- for Reform by a very great part stitutions of government different of the inhabitants of Brighton, from that of our own, and know- amidst great applause. The coming that our forefathers enjoyed pany separated at about 11 o'clock, more real freedom and happi- after spending the evening in the ness under a government of King, most perfect harmony and hilaLords and Commons, than ever rity.

were enjoyed by any people

under any other form of govern

ment, my anxious desire is (the

abuses and corruptions being removed by reform) that my children and my children's children may live under a government of King, Lords and Commons. [A burst of approbation followed the termination of this speech.]





As you seem to regret, that my "name has so much influence with "certain classes of society," the information contained in the

Prosperity to the Town of" DEVIZES GAZETTE" of the 7th Brighthelmstone" was then given of February, may be pleasing to by the Vice President, after which you, and may make up, in some several songs were sung in a very degree, for the mortification which excellent manner by different you lately experienced in having gentlemen, and the evening was your harangue about me cut short spent throughout with the greatest by the nonsuit, owing to a flaw conviviality. The sentiments of in the pleadings which you and several gentlemen were delivered your worthy brother, Denman, on the subject of the day, in which left to be discovered by the Chief

Justice! "Some capital meadow-he only exposes those feelings, “land, in the neighbourhood of and really honours him whom he “Calne, was, last week, put up is so anxious to vilify.

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What surprises people most, in

"to auction, and sold to the high"est bidder at thirty pounds an you, is your weakness. The other "acre! for which, only a few parts of your character surprises "weeks before, fifty pounds an nobody; but, that you should be acre were offered, and refused! so weak as to suppose, that any "This sudden depreciation may, thing said by you can do injury to me is what no one can account for; no one, at any rate, but me, who know you a vast deal better than you appear to know yourself.

❝in some measure, be accounted "for, when it is known, that, since

"COBBETT has figured at the

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Agricultural Meetings, the above

neighbourhood has been inun-But, even with this perfect know

"dated with his tracts."

There, Lawyer Scarlett! Does not that please you! Now, mind, persons that can give fifty, or thirty, pounds an acre for land, cannot be of those classes, to

ledge of you, I myself am surprised, that you should be vain enough to suppose, that, by any humbug exhibition, or any cuckoo cry about "inconsistency," you could make the people of England, and at this time of day too, distrust

whom you would fain hope my "influence" is confined. How my judgment or disregard my long might you bawl and rant and warnings! And that the same scold and tear your throat, before thought should possess the head you could cause land to fall, not of Mr. Denman, who with his forty per cent, but the millionth unhappy church-yard voice and part of a farthing in the hundred look of half-drowned mariner, pounds! The feelings and objects talked for an hour, not about of this foolish Editor are very plaintiff or defendant, but about much like yours; and, like you, the "inconsistency," of Mr. Cob

bett! That you should entertain you, that you, that a man like you,

such a hope, does really surprise

even me.

"Inconsistency!" Vain and weak Lawyer Scarlett! Do you

is going to beat this out of their heads!

But, why did you not come to EPSOM, and there tell the farmers

imagine that the people of Eng-of my "shocking inconsistency?" land, with all that they now behold, You live in Surrey: I heard the are to be drawn away from at-name of (I think it was) · Peter tending to me by any such worn-Scarlett read at the end of the out nonsense? Do you think, first requisition. You know that that the people split straws, as that meeting had been rendered you do? Do you think that you can furnish them with any motive to dislike him who has been their teacher, forewarner, and guide? Do you think, for instance, that you will persuade any of the thousands of farmers whom I have saved from utter ruin, and who

nugatory by me. You must have known, that I should be at Epsom at the second meeting. Why, since you thought necessary, so fit, so proper, so becoming, so suitable to the place, to entertain the Chief Justice and the Jury, with endeavours to "disabuse "certain classes of society, upon

proclaim aloud that I have so saved them; do you think, that" whom the name of Cobbett had they will listen to your everlasting" so much influence;" why, since harpings about "inconsistency?" such was your view of the necessity What do they, or what do any of of achieving this object, that you the people, care about the result attempted it at such a risk of the of your garblings? They say, charge of a want of common deand they all say, "Cobbett's cency; why did you not come right! It is all come true! It to Epsom, and there "disabuse" "is just as he always said it would the people to my face? Why "be" And, do you think, that did you not come, and, before the

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