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sister, and illustrates well how things go in Mongolia. It takes a long time to see any results of any kind, or to produce much impression; but though there may seem to be no immediate results, after many days' something may be seen. Preaching and teaching have yet produced nothing. Is the seed lost? Tarry many days before you say so. One part of Scripture seems peculiarly applicable to any one who tries Christian work in Mongolia:

In due season ye shall reap if ye faint not.' The difficulty is to keep from fainting. Things go so slowly.

"I am now packing up books, necessaries, medicines, &c., for a season in Mongolia. I should say we, for Mrs. Gilmour intends to go with me. We hope to start about April 4th.

"One part of my duty here, since Dr. Dudgeon left, has been to look after the hospital. Dr. Bushell comes every second day, and the medical and professional duties devolve upon him. All I have to do is to see that the natives employed about it are at their posts and do their duty, and to keep the accounts.

Ten months ago my Mongol teacher died. He died of asthma: he had been suffering for some years. He it was who assisted Drs. Edkins and Schereschewsky in revising Matthew's Gospel. He knew a good deal about Christianity, but, as far as I am aware, died as he had lived-a heathen. Another of Noah's shipwrights drowned in the flood."


The Society's hospital was erected in the village of Neyoor, in the year 1854, and since the commencement of 1873 it has been under the care of Dr. T. S. THOMSON. Additional accommodation being required, in December, 1875, chiefly through the liberality of His Highness the MAHARAJAH OF TRAVANCORE, a new building was completed, and it has been well occupied ever since. Respecting the training-class for native assistants, Dr. Thomson reports :—

"The six young men mentioned in last report have been diligently prosecuting their studies, and two of them, who have entered their fourth year of study, will soon be able, I trust, to take charge of Dispensaries. They have been doing the work of dressers alternately on the hills for the last six months, and have given satisfaction.

"Oral and written examinations have been conducted as hitherto, from time to time, to test the knowledge of the students; and clinical note-taking and reporting has been recently added. Their progress is such as to encourage further endeavour to overcome the hill difficulty, and attain to that position

in which a real benefit to their fellow men may be anticipated by the confidence which a true knowledge of the healing art will afford them.

"In addition to their studies and hospital work (wherein opportunities to dress cases and perform minor surgical operations, prepare and dispense medicines, &c., are afforded), they take their turn on dispensing days of addressing the patients, and on Sundays they conduct services in Hospital and in adjoining congregations. The Saturday evening prayermeeting has been to us all a delight, and as usual the Eraneel address has been rehearsed and commented upon,"


Again we are happy to supplement, by fuller and more complete details, information already furnished to the Society's constituents through the medium of the Annual Report.

"Our evangelistic work may be divided into two classes, indoor and outdoor. Indoor, first among the agents themselves. All excepting two young men are members of the Church, and give good proof of their love to the Master. This we try to stimulate at our weekly prayer-meeting by reading accounts of the glorious work of revival at home, and circulating such periodicals as will give them food for their souls, and material for their work. The two young men referred to have decided for the Lord, and are looking forward to join the Church.

"With reference to the convert 'Sinoo,' mentioned in last report, we are happy to say that he has been baptised, and still continues steadfast in the faith, witnessing for Christ. A Sudra employer said, when I inquired concerning him, 'He is always speaking to others about Christ.' brother attends morning services at Eraneel, and shows a leaning towards Christianity; and many have been led by him to forsake heathenism.


"The Eraneel service on Sabbath mornings has been regularly conducted during the year; but it has been to us a constant striving, by the grace and help of the Lord, to Hold the Fort,' for this town is as yet full of heathen apathy and prejudice. The average number attending has been from twenty-five to thirty. Some come very regularly, showing marked attention; and a few young men have for some time past met with me of their own accord at the bungalow on Sunday evenings for Bible reading.

Many educated Hindoos now say,

'We have given up offering to idols, and worship the one living and true God;' but the fear of losing caste, and want of a true knowledge of sin, and of faith in Jesus Christ, prevent them from accepting Him as their Saviour. During the year we have sold among the heathen ten Bibles, twelve Testaments, and 311 Scripture portions.

"An interesting case occurred at the Hill Dispensary. A man, whose wife and family were all ill and being treated by the dresser, refused to hear anything regarding the Christian religion, saying he only wanted medicine. This was given, with prayer to God to bless the means used for the recovery of the patients. However, his afflictions increased, and ere long he himself was suffering from a painful disease. At length he was led to pray to God for help and understanding. Soon after they all gained their health, and he gave up to the dresser his two household gods, and a charm he had worn on the diseased hand, resolving henceforth to trust in Jesus only. He desires to be baptised, but as yet he has much to learn.

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III-Proposed Mission on Lake Tanganyika.


INCE we announced to our readers the safe return of the REV. ROGER PRICE from his mission to Eastern Africa, and laid before them an outline of his route from the coast to the interior, Mr. Price has presented to the Board of Directors a full report of his proceedings, accompanied by statistics and suggestions for the guidance of future travellers. Mr. Price's report has been issued in a separate form specially for the information of the Directors and such of the Society's friends as may be more nearly interested in the details of the scheme which it unfolds. For the general reader it will suffice to indicate the main features of the journey in its strictly missionary aspect. Selecting a route some thirty miles north of that adopted by STANLEY, MR. PRICE made SADANI his starting-point, and, with his entire caravan, consisting of thirty men, four oxen, a donkey, and a cart, he left that town on Saturday, the 10th of June. The journey throughout took a westerly direction. The villages of NDUMI and MKANGE passed, the travellers entered a somewhat extensive jungle, through which the cart was safely conveyed, but only to break down a little further on. The oxen, however, proceeded and returned with the party without suffering injury or loss, thereby showing conclusively the practicability of this mode of transit. The country soon became more open, and, ascending a mountain ridge, the caravan followed its course for miles. At a distance the valley of the WAMI was seen, into which, on the 21st of June, Mr. Price and his followers descended. Passing the borderland between the district of USEGUIA and that of NGURU, the great hill ranges came into view. The route from SADANI to MPWAPWA and the lakes lies through a break or pass, about twenty to thirty miles wide, in the main ranges of NGURU and KAGURU-USAGARA. "I could scarcely believe my eyes," writes Mr. Price, "as I gazed upon the mountain sides, in the evening, and saw the smoke ascending from a score of peaceful villages. I unexpectedly found myself in the centre of a large population. The slopes of the great Nguru, which during the day appeared still and lifeless, were now seen to be dotted over with villages to a great height." Mr. Price continues:— Mkundi is about thirty yards wide, shallow and swift, with sandy bottom. It rises on the western side of Nguru. The Mkundi is the boundary between the Nguru and Kaguru districts, so far as any boundary is recognised.

"From Mkiropa our course still lay through the Nguru valley for about seven or eight miles, when, having rounded the southern end of Nguru, we made a good deal of northing till we came to the Mkundi river. The

"The opinion which I had formed of the Nguru district as an interesting and important field for missionary effort was greatly strengthened as I passed through the valley. The whole valley and mountain sides are dotted over with little villages, many of them within gun-shot of one another. Judging from the number of villages which were visible, and the corn and sugar-cane fields, through the depths of which our path lay for the most part, the Wanguru must be very numerous. And yet the great valley is capable of sustaining five times the number. Its fertility is something marvellous: much of the corn was sixteen and eighteen feet high. to the sugar-cane it was apparently almost uncontrollable-a perfect forest. The valley itself is too rank in its vegetation to be suitable for live stock; but on the mountain sides flocks of sheep and goats are kept, and on the northern side of the range horned cattle also.


"The Nguru district is one which could not fail always to be a centre of population. In addition to the wonderful fertility of the valley itself, the mountains are very strong and afford protection from enemies, and

water is abundant. With a good road to the coast, and it is easily made, the Nguru valley might become very important as a source of supply of cereals and other products. The Wanguru are eminently an agricultural people and seem to trouble themselves very little either about trade or hunting, much less about marauding expeditions against their neighbours. They are certainly about the most friendly and tractable people that I have ever come across in Africa. It is a rare thing in Africa to find so many people within a somewhat small area, and yet comparatively independent of one another. We cannot pass by these quiet, peaceloving, industrious tribes, who do not happen to be so well known in the world as those of Mosilikatse, or Sebituane, or Mtesa. The quiet stay. at-home people are generally the tribes which repay missionary labour most, embrace the advantages of civilization, and stand the test of its many concomitant evils. Apart from the fact that there is here already an immense population in a district capable of sustaining five times the number, the position itself would be important in view of further operations in the interior."


In the tracts of uninhabited and rocky country which had now to be traversed the only break in an available wagon-road was encountered. Soon, however, the scene changed: the two mountain ranges, the distance between which had been gradually lessening, again separated, and the landscape became wider and more level.

"Emerging from the pass, we gradually rose for about four miles, when there opened out to us the most cheering sight I had yet seen in East Africa. To the southward lay the great Kaguru-Usagara range, with a long gorge leading up into the very heart of the great mountains, which seemed piled up one behind another

as far as the eye could reach. Through this gorge comes out the beautiful stream which gives its name (Kitange) to the district, and which forms its principal water supply, although there are several other smaller streams. To the northward, and round to the west and south-west, are high ridges and detached hills; the whole en

closing a basin about ten miles wide. The whole of this was covered with a fine and comparatively short grass, such as I had often seen in the great pasture lands of the south. There was but little bush, except along the course of the ravines. The large spreading mimosa, growing in its usual fashion, here a solitary tree, there a clump of half-a-dozen, gave to the open parts of the basin quite a park-like appearance. As this lovely scene was viewed from the height which we had attained, I could not help saying to my South African servant, 'Oh, that I had a wagon and a span of oxen now, and a proper African whip.' As might be expected, when we descended into the Kitange basin, considerable flocks and herds began to appear. But what was most interesting to me, from a missionary point of view (although to men with empty stomachs and good appetites the appearance of flocks and herds was by no means uninteresting), was the sight of the villages with which the whole of this great basin was dotted over. Look wherever I would, I could not fail to discover several of these, often within rifle-shot of one another. Up the sides of the great

mountains, on both sides of the Kitange gorge, as far as the eye could reach-east, west, north, and souththey were to be seen. The villages are mostly of the Tembe kind. This mode of building seems necessary in this part of the country, where they have none of the protection afforded by the thickets nearer the coast. One of the saddest features of the state of things in East Africa is the constant fear which the people have of being attacked. It is a rare thing to see a male above the age of twelve to fifteen, by day or by night, in the town or out of it, without arms of some kind.

"I need not say that this is another very important and inviting missionary sphere. If there is any where a country so near the Equator where Europeans could live and enjoy health, Kitange is such. Kitange combines pastoral and agricultural advantages, although, in the latter respect, it is not equal to the Nguru district. The population of Kitange consists principally of Wakaguru, although there are a few people from other tribes there. Even the Masai are represented there. (The people of Kitange get much iron ore in the KaguruUsagara mountains.)"


MPWAPWA, the limit of the present journey, was reached on Wednesday, July 5th, the twenty-sixth day from Sadáni. Of these twenty-six, nineteen were marching days, and included stages of varying duration. On the whole, the time occupied was somewhat under the average.

"Mpwapwa is decidedly dry, high and dry, and therefore healthy; and this is saying a good deal of a place in equatorial Africa. There is nothing like a swamp, or anything that would generate malaria anywhere near, so far as I could see or hear. In fact I could not conceive the place to be otherwise than healthy for Europeans. The district seems to be productive

enough of everything that can afford to wait for the rain, which, I am told, never fails to come in the proper time. Native food is abundant.

"There is a considerable population at Mpwapwa; but it is of a very mixed and nondescript character. The most numerously represented people are, I think, the Wasagara. Then come the Wakaguru. There are

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