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The darkness of those three hou ness with Him, such as to preve seeing, and sorrowing for each d was then committed, and all tha all that ever shall be. He bore of some of our sins, but of every and overwhelming remembran sin so heinous, but He griev brother's love! No act of sin felt its bitter pang as an offence a Majesty of GOD. Each word d or impure levity that ever has lips of man into the ear of his then with the awfulness of di through the heart of the Holy J should we learn contrition, if no Oh! where, if not at the foot of hitherto, you have thought li reflect to-night that your SAVIC If, hitherto, you have been as yourself in penitent confession that no concealment can keep from its individuality, or lessen before the sorrowing mind of for it. Cast not then away a How will you meet Him by th

if you have scorned His propitiation on the Cross?

Oh! look upon His Breast where the heart is heaving with the anguish of sin, and think, as you watch each spasm, it is for that sin of mine-done yesterday, or done some years ago. I never knew its foulness until now; and now I see it in the measure of the suffering heart of GOD. My sins come back upon me as I gaze upon the Cross; for there, oh! there, is every one. Intolerable burden of my sins, which makes the Lamb of GOD to quail upon the Cross as one forsaken of the FATHER! O my good GOD! where can I go to quit this sight? Wherever I turn, the vision of my sin springs up before me. I have seen it on the Cross, and never more can lose its haunting, terrible ghastliness. From the Heart upon the Cross, it echoes to my own heart, though I never felt its dark accusation before. If I turn anywhere else, the spectre meets me, and I can only turn to despair. I must fling myself in humble confession at the foot of the Cross, for there is the love of GOD manifested in majesty equal to my misery. There is the Lamb of GOD, and He reveals to me my sin, that He may take it away. If I die unto the world with JESUS by the power of the love of

the Cross, I shall yet live with Him unto GOD by the power of the Eternal SPIRIT. It is enough then now! Let the power of Satan cease! "GOD hath made Him to be sin for us, Who knew no sin,; that we might be made the righteousness of GOD in Him."*

I beseech you, every one, when Satan tempts to any sin, to put your hand upon the heaving breast of the SON of GOD, and ask yourself whether you will purchase the gratification of the world by adding yet another sin, and that with conscious ingratitude and scorn, to the heavy, heavy burden with which that heart has quivered for you already. Let the sound of that throbbing heart beat upon your ears as a knell to dissipate all worldly pleasure and vain self-seeking. Let the death of CHRIST be a barrier between you and the world for ever. Happy are ye, if "ye are dead," and have found a better life than this-a life of holiness-which is "hid with CHRIST in GOD."† Seek it, and you shall find; but seek it now at once, ere it be too late. Behold to-day upon the Cross," the Lamb of GOD, Which taketh away the sin of the world," and never let that sight of a

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SAVIOUR pass from before your eyes. He calls you to Himself, although you have so long provoked Him. Let not His Almighty forbearance be in vain. Let Him see of the travail of His soul, and be satisfied in your response to His gracious invitation. O strange words of comfort from that hard bed of His last anguish! The Crucified SAVIOUR speaks to every one-" Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

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S. Matt. xi., 28.





(Preached at S. Thomas, M. in Oxfo

HEBREWS V., 9, 10

"Being made perfect, He became t salvation unto all them that obey Him; c Priest after the order of Melchisedec."

JESUS is declared to-day t GOD, with power by the res dead and the declaration of H acknowledgment of His Royal Jewish nation had long been lan Friday morning they avowed th past wholly away-" We have n How could they shut their eyes that if this were the case, the come. He was come, but the The sceptre had past away, and confessed themselves in bondage Not only so. The Priestho

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