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all to proceed upon one immutable Founda tion (which will be the fame in all Ages and Countries) namely, the Expreffion and Vindication of his Juftice and Goodness in this World.

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And for my part I have always been of this Mind, That there is no other Difference between the Hiftory of God's Dealings with his own People the Jews, and that of other, Nations, but this; That in no other Nations the Publick Events that happened, whether Good or Bad, though they were taken Notice of, yet they paffed without any Reflection on the true Caufes from whence they proceeded. The Hiftorians did indeed often lay their Fingers rightly upon the immediate, vifible, outward Occafions, or Means, or Inftruments, from whence their good or bad Fortune was derived to them. But they fearched no further. They confidered only fecond Causes, and took no great Notice of the first and principal Caufe of all Things, God Almighty, and his influencing Human Affairs. They left God, in a great measure, out of their Hypothefis, and out of their Hiftory. But now that the World might be awakened to a more hearty Belief and Senfe of his Providence, God took Care to fingle out the Nation of the Jews; and in them to give us a true Pattern or Platform of his Dealings with all the Nations of the World. And for that Purpose he ordered, that all the great Strokes, both of their Departure from God, and of their Return to him; and like

wife both of the good or bad Fortune, that did at any Time befal that Nation, should be faithfully regiftred, and the true Causes of them faithfully affigned; That all Mankind might from thence receive Inftruction how they ought to behave themselves towards God; and what, according to their different Behaviours, they were to expect.

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To conclude this Point: By all that hath been faid, it appears, That the State, and Condition, and Fortune of all Kingdoms and Nations, is the very fame with that of the Jews, as it is reprefented by Achior the Ammonite, in the Advice he gave to Holofernes, when he came up with an Army against that People. You have the Paffage in Judith 5. 17. Whilft (faith he) thefe People finned not before their God, they profpered; because the God that hateth Iniquity was with them. But when they departed from the Way that he appointed them, they were deftroyed in many Battels, after a wonderful Sort, and were led Captive into a Land that was not theirs. But now they are turned to their God, and are come up from their Captivity, and have again poffeffed Jerufalem. Now therefore, my Lord and Governour, if there be any Fault in this People, fo that they have finned against their God, let us confider, that this shall be their Ruin and let us go up, that we may overcome them: But if there be no Iniquity in this People, let my Lord paß by, left their Lord defend them, and their God be for them, and we become a Reproach before all the World.


Thus it is, and will be always with all States and Nations, if they notoriously fin against there God, this will be their Ruin. But if there be not found Iniquity in them, it is in vain for any Enemy to fet upon them; for God will be for them, and their Lord will defend them. ·

If this which I have faid, be not fufficient to fatisfie any one about the Truth of this Point, I might bring other Proofs for it. I might for Inftance, in the Third Place, infi upon this, That Vertue and Piety do, in their own Nature, tend to promote the Welfare and Happiness of Peoples and Nations. As, on the other Hand, all Vice and Irreligion, is deftructive of Human Society. And this, without refpect to any Appointment or Decree of God, that Things fhould be managed in this way; but purely in the very Nature of the Thing..

It is obvious, that Vertue and Religion lay the fureft Foundation for all thofe Bleffings, wherein the Happinefs of a Nation doth confift, that is poffible; both by making Magiftrates to govern well, and by rendring the People cafe to be govern'd. And likewife by furnishing both the Governours and the Governed, with fuch kind of Principles and Habits, as cannot fail, with the Bleffing of God, to produce both Peace and Plenty, and Victory, and all other forts of Profperity in a Nation.

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As on the other Hand, all Vice and Wickedness, and Profanenefs, and Impiety, do sow


the worst Seeds in the World for the diffolving and breaking in Pieces all Societies; or at least, for the fo enfeebling them, that they fhall either be in a very low wretched Condition among themfelves, if they have no Enemies, or if they have any, become an eafie Prey to the next Invader.

But I will not enter upon this Argument, because I think the Matter needs no further Proof. And I would fpend the rest of my Time in making fome Application of what hath been faid upon this Point, to the Business of our present Meeting on this Day.

WE are here met together for the fo


lemn Humiliation of ourselves with Fafting and Prayer, before Almighty God, in order to the Supplicating his Divine Majefty for the Pardon of our Sins, and the Sins of our Nation; and the imploring his Bleffing and Protection to the King and Kingdom, by continuing those Mercies to us we do enjoy; by averting thofe Judgments from us we have reafon to fear; and more particularly, by giving a Happy Iffue to that dangerous War. in which his Majefty, with the Kingdom, is now engaged.

And very great Reafon there is, that you the Reprefentatives of the People of England, fhould moft feriously, and folemnly join in this Religious Office; fince the Fortunes of the Nation you reprefent, did never more lie at Stake, than at this prefent


You have hitherto been acting and endeavouring for the Happiness and Security of your Nation by Human Methods, and we all put up our daily Prayers, that what you have done, and what you fhall do, may be for the Glory of God, and the Good of his Church; and the Safety, Honour, and Welfare of their Majefties and their Kingdoms. And we hope all will fo come to pass.

But now on this Day, both Tou and We are to think of other Methods, for the procuring Success to our Affairs. Namely, by having Recourse to God Almighty; who when we have done all that we can, is the Governour of the World, and will do what he pleaseth. But yet will always do that which is beft for Mankind, and that too which is beft for our Nation, if we be capable Objects of his Favour. And to make ourfelves fuch, if it be poffible, is our Business on this Day.

This is indeed, a seasonable Business at all Times; but at this Time it feems abfolutely neceffary. Since we have Reafon to apprehend the Crisis of our Nation, as to Happiness er Ruin, to be upon the Point of approaching.

The Judgments of God are now abroad in the World. We have not only Rumours of Wars founding in our Ears, but all Europe is now in an actual War, and a terrible one; and what the Confequences will be, we know


Some very great Thing God certainly de figns to bring to pass in thefe Parts of the


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