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which was much fashioned with reference to some
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The elder creations.

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the wild"

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& Bal seal, which we call that world, a hich is perceptible only

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be the archetypal mode God."

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§ vin p. 7-8. "the in isible desine reason, perceptible

the image

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God and the eng

is that lights, pour aptible which is the image y the image of the divine reason!"

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connected with divine reason, being

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That blessed

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the divine on alume! § xv. p 118. Mind Book
Ally wies Buroku. I £1x p15.2. xx" the Goody
"the Lord" (streating of Man

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xx" the word way thaps-sighted && brilling. by participation in which all other than fo mith & dackness, being casen to throw in the lighty Milan $IX1. f 153." I word of Fed is our all the world, and is the most ancient, and the most universal y that are created. This word one fathery few not. xx Shema the quil, saying to it that man thale

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live by bread alone, but by way
cury the month of God," that is he shall be meriste

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The word, dice als create at the same

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who in no respect disers


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the montatrace, whici also the aw vapadon sent by Trona mysices in the gift sexuall anced stood in the midet belive as God, urgencorated usque, bi like a hasdaje, as it were to both and security that the whole row disorder the than order, and acufident dope, but the Frond will proclaine peaceful in helligence to the combin from him, whe dias de teren ined to destroy wars, namely Fed, alwis wver the guard any peace" $ XVIII = $139. "One of their being the archetypol sattione and the fermeny sliding with us. And Lod anajey,


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From it is then didir Frank, which divided and distributed

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in resemblance (that is 4).

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"Of sucking in soon chen & XXIV. fo 185. "This is a boart of a great and store magnanimeres one to rise above all creation, xx and boiling to the ser .created for alme" "One Frugitives "fit". "Pout the ward chalf y is the seal, by which each of exerting things is inverted with form." xx. 21. "I The Creative Paren ana images y His thingly Power now the winged a levetrine, 0 dan die liveine Joud, which is above them, does not come into appearance in as much as it is unlike to things that came and to extitial senses, but is itself the image off had, ki most ancient & all the wish The objectio inteltech in the whole world, and that which is pland in the closest proximity to the only truly existing bed, without any. Juantation on distance being in lin foured blueen theme: Fit is said, I wile oprati unto thee from aborr Thurmancy seat, in the uidet, betivem 10 The Sweichs of the the Cheree bine!" 5XIX. "The Thon cities are the France & visse & his Creative Power is his Kimply Duver. "SXVlll to 214." He ex hoti he swiftly xx to the highest reword Wisheshward Ged, which is the fountain of form quit sein onder that by drinking of that stream de anay find werlasting life The most ancient Bud in the ad of the living Budis clothe with the word, as with a jaouen be for it Las fout mixy (the clone why) "// werdy the living bed, breing the boud of all things, xx doedd all things togel hon XXT." as long the west wasma word lives & suvriers in the oval, is um grille her anse The Cele augey Serif keine trames" Streakin & Feed ever to enter it _xx The undefiled digten དr་་༨༩༠༧༩་ཙ ་ ་ ། འ 2 Scripline raviny from my "the dichte" "the maficent in Le say, $TV. Jos 244. "Akin to there powers is the Cereative Power, which is called God: for by me ausy Jouwver, the Frather, who begor & created all things, did also wish & anaye Khein, so that the Ry pressin "I am thy God" is equuncut do." maken to arealm. "On Ipe aus "x. to 310. Le ho po

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