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as lentopas y te Zugih omarinent in 197. The sent udermed from the siendid exorums of Torvitsen #athes of the Twelve Apostles, leadThe watertumsturs Paytismal Ango" kneels at the steps, whilst The grand wife outset defeched arme appears above the altar.

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* Pointer Gotie edilice, erected by Christian IV. in 1642, Az eteteded for de Honda Tarn Round Tower, built as an observatory from I The prmuch admonomer Langberg alias Longomontanus. It is forty-eight I moted, and one hundred and fifteen feet high, and consists of two cylinders, alochy en mclined plane winde spirally from the street to the summit. During Szebnent of 1907 the mner cylinder served as a repository for the rare books and &lue bom regały Labrary In 1716 the Empress Catherine is said to have ridden tomimi in 4 touch and four, preceded by her husband, Peter the Great, on horseHore they got down again is not stated, but it is morally certain that the coach duk not forn round at the top.

I Pridanda Kirke (Our Saviour's) has a steep winding staircase outside the spire. from the summit (two hundred and eighty-eight feet) is very extensive-across Wheatond in one direction into the Swedish districts of Malmö and Lund, and far across Add in the other At the corners of the square base of the tower are figures of the four Frechata, and on a globe at the summit is a colossal figure of our Saviour bearing a Trout of victory Of the interior of the church, a beautiful font with alabaster sculptures is thus chief ornament. The Helligeist Kirke (Church of the Holy Ghost) has an interesthe ancient chapel with monuments of burghers and nobles. St. Johannes is a modern Gothic edifice of red brick. Near the Amalienborg stands the Marble Church, begun in 1/19, and for want of funds never finished. The immense square to

all fort now remains of the first church in Copenhagen in w1 ́

He famation were preached.

The Holmens Kirke was originally built as a place It was made a parish church in 1612 by Christian IV

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are the sarcophagi of two great sea-heroes of Denmark-Niels Juel and Peder Vessel-the latter is more commonly known as Tordenskjold ("Shield against Thunder "). The first flourished in the seventeenth, the other in the eighteenth century, and both attained fame in fighting the Swedes. To this church appertains a cemetery outside the city walls, consecrated in 1666. In it is the monument of those who fell in the great sea-fight with the English in 1801. The Danish cemeteries are all extramural; near the me just mentioned is the Garnisons Assistenkirkegärd, where numerous naval and may men of note are interred, including a large number of the victims of the SchleswigHolstein campaigns. The largest cemetery is beyond the Norrbro, and in its beautifully laid-out grounds are many stately tombs. Amongst the persons of eminence buried here are Rasmus Rack, the philologist; J. C. Forchhammer, the mineralogist; H. C. Oersted, the discoverer of electro-magnetism; and though last, far from least, Hans C. Andersen, the writer of delightful fairy tales, who died on August 4th, 1875.

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The Arsenal of Copenhagen, near the Christiansborg Palace, is occupied by 1, 1977 collection of arms of all descriptions. Some of the oldest extant specimens of tire-quan- en shown here; amongst them is a sixteenth-century cannon, twenty-three unix boi in length. The Royal Library is contiguous to the Arsenal, and st.I weupes tim erected for it by Frederick III. in 1667, having escaped numerous res 500,000 books and 20,000 manuscripts. Here are found the earliest copies of the Euius, and other treasures of Scandinavian literature; also the noted Icelandic code of laws known as "Graygoose," collections of medieval letters, early Danish books, and so forth. The University Library is much younger, as it replaces one burnt in 1728, but contains much that is very valuable. The principal wing of the University Buildings faces the Frue Kirke; the buildings date from after the bombardment, but the University was founded in 1479 by Christian I. Nearly a thousand students now attend the teaching of some forty professors. In the oak-panelled hall, used for special solour, is a picture by Marstrand, representing the granting of the University Charles En Christian I. There are zoological and mineralogical museums attached to the garden, chemical laboratories, &c. The upper classes in importance of higher education, but the Folkesting and technological schools than to high art art"

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The theatres of Copenhagen are an important feature of social life, and have done much to foster national sentiment; and patriotic Danes witness with enthusiasm the heroic dramas of Ewald or Oehlenschläger, or the light comedies of Holberg. At the Royal Theatre foreign operas and dramas are represented, but are kept strictly subservient to the national element as interpreted by Hartmann and other Danish composers. Even the ballet has acquired a special phase from its association with the mythic poetry of Scandinavia. "Ej blot til Lyst" ("Not only for pleasure") is the motto which the present Royal Theatre (erected in 1874) received from its predecessor. There are some other theatres and places of entertainment in Copenhagen, but the favourite place of popular resort is Tivoli. This is a public garden, beautifully laid out, on the site of part of the old ramparts. Restaurants, bazaars, theatres, concert halls, and other attractions are to be found here-all high-toned and well conducted-and all classes wander about the lawns and avenues, or enjoy the entertainments in the halls. It is a delightful spot, and it is to be doubted if its exact counterpart is to be found anywhere in Europe.

Very brief must be our glance at the environs of Copenhagen, much as there is to linger over. At Frederiksborg (connected by tramway with the city-and, by the way, there are first-rate tramcars in Copenhagen) there are a much-frequented park and zoological gardens. The Palace, built by Frederick II. in 1562, has been once or twice burnt and rebuilt, and is now a military academy. Railways give speedy access to all parts of Zealand; Elsinore is a two hours' journey from the capital. Here, where foreign vessels for so many years paid the Sound dues to Denmark, is the famous Kronborg Castle, to which Caroline Matilda, the sister of George III. of England, and queen of Christian VII., was hurried half-dressed from the Palace in the dead of night. Close by is the marine royal residence of Marienlyst, and on a terrace behind it is a "grave of Hamlet," kindly supplied by the local guides on account of the English demand for one. A "brook of Ophelia" has been discovered for the same reason. Passing over the Castle of Frederiksborg, and the crown lands of Jægerspriis, we must mention Roskilde, the residence of Danish kings from the tenth to the fifteenth century, and the first city of Denmark till Copenhagen supplanted it. The Cathedral and Vor Frue Kirke alone represent the fourteen churches and six convents that once existed here. The Cathedral rose, in the twelfth century, on the site of an earlier edifice, built by Harold Blaatand in 975. Fires have repeatedly damaged it, and consequent alterations have introduced a mixture of various styles. Most of the sovereigns of Denmark are buried here, and the various chapels and other parts of the church are a deeply interesting historical study. Under some portraits of early kings are the words "et Rex Angliæ," a title no doubt retained long after England had forgotten her Danish masters, just as the title of King of France was applied to English monarchs till comparatively recent times. Roskilde is now a little town of five thousand inhabitants, and many rural lanes in the neighbourhood bear the names of once populous streets, and "where once the chivalry of Denmark trod, the rush grows long and rank, and Roskilde and its glories are part and parcel of the past."

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