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all these important subjects revealed in the scriptures which are given to lead and guide us unto all truth, our faith will dispose us to act agreeably to his will, as the only means of obtaining his approbation. It will excite us to entertain those sentiments of veneration, dependence, and confidence, which are so justly due to the Father of mercies, and to express these in suitable acts of devotion.

Faith will also teach us to perceive how reasonable a service religion is, how it is founded in the constitution of things, and consonant to the feelings of the human mind. For since it represents God as infinitely powerful, who is able to save or to destroy us, we shall be thereby led "to fear him and stand in awe that we sin not;" as it persuades us that "he is wise in counsel and excellent in working," we shall be induced to regard all his dispensations as the best that could befal us; since it exhibits him "as good to all, and his tender mercies as over all his works," we are thereby stimulated to gratitude for his loving kindness, and since it teaches us that he is ever ready to grant us all things "pertaining to life and to godliness," we are instructed to pray to him for the daily supply of all our wants.

This principle informs us, likewise, how necessary it is to serve God with a perfect heart and a willing mind; because in the keeping of his commandments there is great delight, because the ways of religion are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace, and happy are all those who maintain a conscience void of offence. And even when we feel the prevalence of sinful inclinations, and are sensible that in many things we offend and come short of our duty, faith will still encourage us to hope for mercy to pardon us, through the meritorious righteousness of Christ Jesus our Lord, "who is the propitiation for our sins," and induce us to rely on him for salvation, according to the tenour of the gospel-covenant. It will urge us to receive him in all his offices, as our prophet to teach us in opening our blinded eyes, and turning us from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God; as our priest who hath offered up the sacrifice of himself

upon the cross to satisfy the claims of divine justice, and now intercedes for us in heaven at the right hand of God, to bestow on all those who believe in him the blessings of redemption; and as our king who is appointed to rule and govern his church and people by his laws and precepts, defend them from all their spiritual enemies, and at last to distribute rewards and punishments to men, according to their works.

While faith will thus lead us to trust in Christ for all the benefits which he hath purchased, it is no less efficacious in enabling us to walk as he also walked, in all godliness and honesty. It will convince us, that holiness of heart and life is the great attainment which we should propose as the end of our existence, that unless we are holy in all manner of conversation, we cannot be acceptable in the sight of God, nor qualified for admission into his heavenly kingdom. It will suggest to us, that all the precepts given for the direction of our conduct are intended to renew us in the spirit of our minds," and that unless we acquire some measure of conformity to them in our dispositions and temper, it will be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment, than for us who have known our duty and done it not.

It will remind us, that God is now the spectator of our actions, and records all our omissions of duty and commissions of sin in the book of his remembrance, to be produced against us at the day of judgment, and therefore if we would not be condemned, when the secrets of all hearts shall be revealed, it behoves us now to avoid the paths which lead to destruction, and if we would find favour with our righteous judge, we should now live in uniform obedience to his holy laws, that "we may have our fruit unto holiness, and in the end everlasting life."

As faith assures us, that the scriptures contain those rules, by which the whole of our conduct should be regulated, therefore it will urge upon us the necessity and importance of searching them diligently, and comparing our character with the delineations of duty therein pourtrayed, that we may discover in what respects we fail in the discharge of our several obligations. It will prompt us

to an earnest endeavour after the acquisition of those virtues of which we are destitute, and the mortification of those vices to which we are addicted, that we may gradually be "transformed by the renewing of our minds, and prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God."

As this life is the only period allotted us for working out our salvation, and making our calling and election sure, hence faith will inspire us with a determination to make the best use of our time and opportunities, for im proving our minds in knowledge, and our characters in excellence. It will not suffer us to spend a considerable portion of our lives without acquiring religious principles and virtuous habits, but, reminding us that our season of probation is short, it will induce us" to think of our ways, and turn our feet unto the divine testimonies, to make haste and delay not to keep God's commandments," and speedily to form such a course of conduct as is suit able to the profession of the gospel. It will make us diligent in employing every moment of our lives either in receiving or doing good, so that we may be able to render an account unto God of the upright manner in which we have spent our earthly pilgrimage.

Finally, as faith anticipates that rest which remains for the people of God, it will be often recalling to our thoughts the pleasures and enjoyments which we shall participate, when we are admitted to the company of" saints made perfect." As it conceives these to be of a spiritual and devotional nature, hence it engages the mind to relish the exercises of piety and contemplation, as a preparation for those celestial employments in which it shall afterwards delight in the mansions of bliss. It will reckon all other concerns unsatisfactory, which the world recommends to our pursuits; and fixing its hopes on a future state as its only portion, will enable the Christian to pass through things temporal with patience and equanimity, from the joyful assurance, that he shall finally inherit things eternal. In these respects, then, faith produces the most salutary effects upon the heart and life.

As an application of the whole subject, we should learn,

1. To have our faith firmly established in those unseen realities which revelation unfolds, by reflecting on the evidence by which they are supported, and applying them to our judgments to produce conviction of their truth. If we study the arguments on which the doctrines of religion are founded, we shall be led to believe them, not from a principle of blind credulity, but because they appear in the demonstration of the spirit, and with power. And when we are persuaded of those invisible objects which our faith apprehends, let us endeavour to obtain a more lively sense of them by frequent meditation, and forming as definite a conception of them as the application of our faculties will enable us to do. Let us realize as much as possible the idea which we have of God and his -attributes, of Christ and his offices, of the Holy Spirit and his operations, of the employments and enjoyments of another world, that thus we may attain to the full assurance of faith, and live as seeing the things that are invisible.

2. Let us frequently ponder on these invisible objects, till faith become the prevailing temper which governs our hearts and lives. It is a great disadvantage under which we labour in this sublunary state, that present objects occupy our attention almost exclusively, and we are in danger of regarding them as our only portion. Now, faith is designed to counterbalance the prevalence of the world in our hearts, by teaching us that there are other beings and other scenes not now perceptible, with which we are more concerned than our fellow creatures, and the business of life. Let us therefore reduce every object of faith one way or other to practice. Thus, as God is ever present with us on the right hand and on the left, let us be circumspect in all our ways, that we may approve ourselves to him in well-doing; as Christ is standing at his right hand with crowns of glory to bestow on those who continue faithful unto death, let us look up to him as preparing mansions of glory in the kingdom of heaven; as Tophet is prepared of old for those who commit iniqui


ty, let us be thereby as much deterred from wicked practices, as if we saw the torments of that place, where there is weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth. Let us meditate on these things, and give ourselves wholly to them, that our profiting may appear unto all.


Finally, let us continue to walk by faith, till we arrive at the regions of immortality. Let us consider, that as long as we are in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eye, and the pride of life will be constantly obtruding themselves upon our attention, and therefore, if we would maintain a sense of our interest in those things which are not seen, it is necessary to keep them habitually in view by frequent meditation. Let us often by the eye of faith penetrate behind the veil which conceals futurity; that while we live on earth our conversation may be in heaven; and then, when we depart from the body we shall be present with the Lord, and dwell together with him through endless ages.

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