A NEW VERSION OF THE PSALMS OF DAVID, FITTED TO THE TUNES USED IN CHURCHES. BY N. BRADY, D. D. AND N. TATE, Esq. OXFORD: PRINTED AT THE CLARENDON PRESS, BY SAMUEL COLLINGWOOD AND CO. PRINTERS TO THE UNIVERSITY. Sold by E. GARDNER, at the Oxford Bible Warehouse, Paternoster Row, and by G. WHITTAKER, Ave-Maria Lane, London; By HENRY MOZLEY, Derby; and by Messrs. WILSON, York. 1825. PSALMS. PSALM I. How bleft is he who ne'er consents by ill advice to walk; Nor ftands in finners' ways, nor fits where men profanely talk. 2. But makes the perfect law of God Devoutly reads therein by day, his business and delight; 3 Like some fair tree, which, fed by streams, with timely fruit does bend, He still shall flourish, and success 4 Ungodly men and their attempts Untimely blafted and dispers'd 5 Their guilt shall ftrike the wicked dumb No formal hypocrite shall then 6 For God approves the just man's ways, But finners, and the paths they tread, all his defigns attend. before their Judge's face: PSALM II. WITH restless and ungovern'd rage in rash attempts engage, 2 The great in counsel and in might Against the Lord they all unite, 3 5 Thick clouds of wrath divine shall break 7 Attend, O earth, whilft I declare "The utmost limits of the lands why do the heathen storm? presumptuously they say: 9" Thy threat'ning fceptre thou shalt shake, and crush them every where; As massy bars of iron break 12 Appease the Son with due respect, the potter's brittle ware." your timely homage pay; How num'rous, Lord, of late are grown the troublers of my peace! 2 Insulting they my foul upbraid, so does their rage increase. on thee my hopes rely; 5 Guarded by him, I laid me down my fweet repose to take; who oft haft own'd my cause, PSALM IV. Lord, that art my righteous Judge, How long will ye, O fons of men, 7 So shall my heart o'erflow with joy, Than theirs, who stores of corn and wine 8 Then down in peace I'll lay my head, No other guard, O Lord, I crave, to my complaint give ear: have mercy, Lord, and hear. to blot my fame devife? and spread malicious lies? is God's peculiar choice; he always hears my voice. flee ev'ry thing that's ill; and bend them to his will. let righteousness supply; on God alone rely. more profp'rous times to fee, shine brightly, Lord, on me. more lafting and more true, fuccessively renew. and take my needfulreft; of thy defence posseit. PSALM V. accept my lecret pray'r; LORD, hear the voice of my complaint, 4 For thou the wrongs that I sustain 6 The fland'ring tongue, O God of truth, 8 Conduct me by thy righteous laws, 10 By their own counsels let them fall, For they against thy righteous laws II But let all those who trust in thee Let them rejoice whom thou preserv'st, 12 To righteous men the righteous Lord And with his favour all his faints, canft never, Lord, approve; all evil doft remove. unpunish'd in thy view; thy vengeance shall purfue. by thee shall be destroy'd, and in deceit employ'd. to thy lov'd courts reftore, and humbly there adore. for watchful is my foe; wherein I ought to go. their heart is fet on wrong; they flatter with their tongue. oppress'd with loads of fin; have harden'd rebels been. with shouts their joy proclaim; and all that love thy Name. his blessing will extend, as with a shield, defend. PSALM VI. HY dreadful anger, Lord, restrain, 2 Have mercy, Lord, for I grow faint, 3 My tortur'd flesh distracts my mind, and spare. a wretch forlorn; thy glorious acts proclaim;*. |