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37, 38 To devils they did facrifice their children with relentless eyes; Approach'd their altars through a flood of their own fons' and daughters' blood.

No cheaper victims would appease
No blood her idols reconcile,

Canaan's remorseless deities;
but that which did the land defite.

The Fourth Part.

39 Nor did these savage cruelties
For after their hearts' luft they went,
40 But fins of fuch infernal hue
Till he, their once indulgent Lord,
41 He them, defenceless, did expose
And made them on the triumphs wait of
42 Nor thus his indignation ceas'd:
Till they, who God's mild sway declin'd,
43 Yet when distress'd they did repent,
But freed, they did his wrath provoke,
44 Nor yet implacable he prov'd,
45 But did to mind his promife bring,

46 Compaffion too he did impart
And pity for their fuff'rings bred
47 Still fave us, Lord, and Israel's bands
So to thy Name our thanks we'll raife,
48 Let Ifrael's God be ever blefs'd,
Let all his faints, with full accord,


the harden'd reprobates suffice;
and daily did new crimes invent.
God's wrath against his people drew,
his own inheritance abhorr'd.

to their infulting heathen foes;
those who bore them greateft hate.'
their lift of tyrants he increas'd,
were made the vaslals of mankind.

his anger did as oft relent;
renew'd their fins, and he their yoke.
nor heard their wretched cries unmov'd;
and mercy's inexhausted spring.
e'en to their foes' obdurate heart,
in those, who them to bondage led.
together bring from heathen lands;
and ever triumph in thy praife.
his name eternally confefs'd:
fing loud Amens---Praise ye the Lord.



who does your daily patron prove; attend on his eternal love.

O God your grateful voices raise,
2,3 Let those give thanks whom he from bands of proud oppressing foes releas'd;
And brought them back from diftant lands, from north and fouth, and weft and

nor could a peopled city find; [eaft. their fainting foul within them pin'd did they their mournful cry address; and freed tliem from their deep diftrefs.

4, 5 Thro' lonely defert ways they went,
Till, quite with thirst and hunger spent,
6 Then foon to God's indulgent ear
Who gracioufly vouchsaf'd to hear,
7 From crooked paths he led them forth,
To wealthy towns of great refort,
80 then that all the earth with me
And for the mighty works which he
9 For he from heav'n the fad eftate
To hungry fouls that pant for meat,

and in the certain way did guide where all their wants were well fupplied. would God for this his goodness praife, throughout the wond'ring world difplays i

of longing fouls with pity views; his goodness daily food renews.

The Second Part.

10 Somelie with darkness compass'd round, in death's uncomfortable shade, And with unwieldy fetters bound, 11, 12 Because God's counsel they defy'd, With these afflictions they were try'd: 13 Then foon to God's indulgent ear Who gracioufly vouchfaf'd to hear, 14 From difmal dungeons, dark as night, He brought them forth to cheerful light, and welcome liberty bestow'd. 15 0 then that all the earth with me would God for this his goodness praife,

by preffing cares more heavy made. and lightly priz'd his holy word, they fell, and none could help afford. did they their mournful cry address; and freed them from their deep distress, and shades as black as death's abode.

And for the mighty works which he 16 For he with his Almighty hand Nor could the mafly bars withstand,

throughout the wond'ring world difplays! the gates of brafs in pieces broke; or temper'd steel refift his stroke.

The Third Part.

17 Remorseless wretches, void of fenfe,
And, for their multiply'd offence,
18 Their foul, a prey to pain and fear,
And they by faint degrees draw near

19 Then straight to God's indulgent ear
Who graciously vouchsafes to hear,

with bold tranfgreffions God defy, opprefs'd with fore diseases lie. abhors to tafte the choiceft meats; to death's inhofpitable gates.

do they their mournful cry addrefs, and frees them from their deep distress.

20 He all their fad diftempers heals, And, when all human fuccour fails, 21 O then that all the earth with me And for the mighty works which he 22 With off'rings let his altar flame, And with loud joy his holy Name

his word both health and fafety gives; from near deftruction them retrieves. would God for this his goodness praife, throughout the wond'ring world difplays! whilft they their grateful thanks exprefs, for all his acts of wonder bless.

The Fourth Part.

23, 24 They that in ships, with courage bold, o'er swelling waves their trade purDo God's amazing works behold, 25 No fooner his command is paft, Which sweeps the fea with rapid hafte, 26 Sometimes the ships, toss'd up to heav'n, Then down the steep abyfs are driven; 27 They reel and ftagger to and fro, Nor do the skilful feamen know

and in the deep his wonders view. [fue, but forth the dreadful tempeft lies, and makes the stormy billows rife. on tops of mounting waves appear; whilft ev'ry foul diffolves with fear. like men with fumes of wine oppreft; which way to fteer, what courfe is beft. they do their mournful cry address; and frees them from their deep diftrefs. and makes the billows calm and ftill; and their intended course fulfil.

28 Then straight to God's indulgent ear
Who graciouily vouchsafes to hear,
29, 30 He does the raging storm appease,
With joy they fee their fury ceafe,
31 O then that all the earth with me
And for the mighty works which he
32 Let them, where all the tribes refort,
And in the elders' fov'reign court,

would God for this his goodness praife, throughout the wond'ring world difplays! advance to heav'n his glorious Name, with one confent his praise proclaim!

The Fifth Part.

33, 34 A fruitful land, where streams abound, God's juft revenge, if people fin, Will turn to dry and barren ground, to punish those that dwell therein. [wells, 35, 36 The parch'd and defert heath he makes to flow with streams and springing Which for his lot the hungry takes, and in ftrong cities safely dwells. 37, 38 He fows the field, the vineyard plants, which gratefully his toil repay; Nor can, whilft God his blessing grants, his fruitful feed or ftock decay. 39 But when his fins heav'n's wrath proroke, his health and fubftance fade away; He feels th' oppreffor's galling yoke, and is of grief the wretched prey. [throne; 40 The prince who flights what God commands, expos'd to scorn, must quit his

And over wild and defert lands,

41 Whilft God, from all afflicting cares, And makes in time his num'rous heirs

where no path offers, ftray alone. fets up the humble man on high, with his increasing flocks to vie.

42,43 Then finners shall have nought to say, the just a decent joy shall show; The wife these strange events shall weigh, and thence God's goodness fully know.


God, my heart is fully bent
My tongue with cheerful fongs of praise


2 Awake, my lute; nor thou, my harp,
Whilft I with early hymns of joy
3 To all the lift'ning tribes, O Lord,
And to those nations fing thy praise
4 Because thy mercy's boundless height
And far beyond th' afpiring clouds

5 Be thou, O God, exalted high
And let the earth, with one confent,
6 That all thy chofen people thee
Let thy right hand protect me still,
7 Since God himself has faid the word,
With joy I Shechem shall divide,
8 Gilead is mine, Manasseh too,
Their strength my regal pow'r supports,
9 Moab I'll make my fervile drudge,
And through the proud Philistine lands

to magnify thy Name;
shall celebrate thy fame.
thy warbling notes delay;
prevent the dawning day.
thy wonders I will tell;
that round about us dwell.
the highest heav'n tranfcends,
thy faithful truth extends.
above the starry frame;
confefs thy glorious Name.
their Saviour may declare:
and answer thou my pray'r.
whose promife cannot fail,
and measure Succoth's vale.
and Ephraim owns my caufe
and Judah gives my laws.
on vanquish'd Edom tread;
my conqu'ring banners fpread.

to By whose support and aid shall I
Who will my troops securely lead
I Lord, wilt not thou affift our arms,
And wilt not thou of these our hofts

12 O, to thy servants in distress
For vain it is on human aid
13 Then valiant acts shall we perform,
For God it is, and God alone,

their well-fenc'd city gain!
through Edom's guarded plain?
which late thou didit forfake?
once more the guidance take?

thy speedy fuccour fend;
for fafety to depend.
if thou thy pow'r disclose;
that treads down all our foes.


God, whose former mercies make
Hold not thy peace, but my sad ftate

2 For finful men, with lying lips,
And with their studied slanders seek
3 Their reft less hatred prompts them still
And all against my life combine,
4 Those whom with tend'reft love I us'd,
Whilst I, of other friends bereft,

5 Since mischief for the good I did
And hatred's the return they make
6 Their guilty leader shall be made
And, when he's tried, his mortal foe
7 His guilt, when sentence is pronounc'd,
Whilft his rejected pray'r but ferves
8 He, snatch'd by fome untimely fate,
Another, by divine decree,

9, 10 His feed shall orphans be, his wife
His vagrant children beg their bread,

His ill-got riches shall be made

The fruit of all his toil shall be
12 None shall be found that to his wants
Or to his helpless orphan feed
13 A fwift deftruction foon thall seize
And the next age his hated name
14 The vengeance of his father's fins
God on his mother's crimes thall think,
15 All these, in horrid order rank'd,
Till his fierce anger quite cuts off

my conftant praise thy due,
with wonted favour view.
deceitful speeches frame,
to wound my spotless fame.
malicious lies to spread;
by causeless fury led.
my chief oppofers are;
refort to thee by pray'r.
their strange reward does prove,
for undissembled love:
to fome ill man a flave;
for his accufer have.

shall meet a dreadful fate,
his crimes to aggravate.
sha'n't live out half his days;
shall on his office seize.

a widow plung'd in grief;
where none can give relief.
to ufurers a prey;
by strangers borne away.
their mercy will extend,
the leaft affiftance lend.
on his unhappy race;
shall utterly deface.
upon his head shall fall;
and punish him for all.
before the Lord shall stand,
their mem'ry from the land.

The Second Part.

16 Because he never mercy show'd,
And fought to slay the helpless man,
17 Therefore the curse he lov'd to vent
And bleffing, which he still abhorr'd,
18 Since he in curfing took fuch pride,
Through all his veins, and stick like oil,
19 This, like a poifon'd robe, shall still
Or an envenom'd belt, from which

20 Thus thall the Lord reward all those
That with malicious false reports
21 But for thy glorious Name, O God,
And for thy gracious mercy's fake
22 For 1, to utmost straits reduc'd,
My heart is wounded with diftress,
23 I, like an ev'ning thade, decline,
Like locufts, up and down I'm toss'd,

but ftill the poor oppress'd;
with heavy woes distress'd:
shall his own portion prove;
shall far from him remove.

like water it thall spread
with which his bones are fed.
his conftant cov'ring be,
he never shall be free.

that ill to me defign,
against my life combine.
do thou deliver me;
preserve and fet me free.
am void of all relief;

and quite pierc'd through with grief.
which vanishes apace:
and have no certain place.

All that behold me shake their heads,
26, 27 But for thy mercy's fake, O Lord,
That all may fee'tis thine own act,

My knees with fafting are grown weak, my body lank and lean;

and treat me with disdain.
do thou my foes withstand;
the work of thy right hand.

28 Then let them curse, so thou but bless; let shame the portion be
Of all that my destruction feek;
29 My foe shall with disgrace be cloth'd,
His own confufion, like a cloke,

30 But 1 to God, in grateful thanks,
And, where the great afsembly meets,
31 For him the poor shall always find
And he shall from unrighteous dooms

THE Lord unto my


while I rejoice in thee.
and, spite of all his pride,
the guilty wretch shall hide.
my cheerful voice will raise;
set forth his noble praise.
their fure and conftant friend;
their guiltless fouls defend.


Lord thus pake
"Sit thou in ftate at my right hand;

2 " Supreme in Sion thou shalt be,

"Till I thy foes thy footstool make, and all thy proud oppofers fee

"Subjected to thy just command.

3 "Thee, in thy pow'r's triumphant day, the willing nations shall obey:

"And, when thy rifing beams they view,

"Shall all (redeem'd from error's night) appear as numberless and bright

"As crystal drops of morning dew.

4 The Lord has sworn, nor fworn in vain, that, like Melchifedech's, thy reign

And priesthood shall no period know:

5 No proud competitor to fit

at thy right hand will he permit,

But in his wrath crown'd heads o'erthrow.

6 'The sentenc'd heathen he shall flay,

and fill with carcases his way,

Till he hath ftruck earth's tyrants dead: 7 But in the high-way brooks shall first, like a poor pilgrim, flake his thirft,

And then in triumph raise his head

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ORAISE ye the Lord; our God to praise my foul her utmost pow'r shall raife, the throng of faints, his praise shall be my fong. 2 His works for greatness tho'renown'd, his wondrous works with ease are found By those who feek for them aright,

3 His works are all of matchless fame,
His truth, confirm'd through ages past,
4 By precept he has us enjoin'd
And to pofterity record,

5 His bounty, like a flowing tide,
And he will ever keep in mind
6 At once aftonish'd and o'erjoy'd,
Whereby the heathen were fuppress'd,
7 Juft are the dealings of his hands,
8 By truth and equity sustain'd,
9 He set his faints from bondage free,
For ever to remain the same;

and in the pious search delight.
and universal glory claim;
shall to eternal ages laft.
to keep his wondrous worksin mind;
that good and gracious is our Lord.

has all his servants' wants supplied; his cov'nant with our fathers fign'd. they saw his matchless pow'r employ'd; and we their heritage possess'd.

to Who wisdom'ssacred prize would win, Immortal praise and heavenly skill


immutable are his commands;
and for eternal rules ordain'd.
and then establish'd his decree,
holy and rev'rend is his Name.
must with the fear of God begin,
have they, who know and do his will.



THAIS HAT man is bless'd, who ftands in awe of God, and loves hisfacred law: 2 His feed on earth shall berenown'd, and with successive honours crown'd.

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9 His hands, while they his alms bestow'd, his glory's future harvest fow'd; Whence he shall reap wealth, fame, renown, a temp'ral and eternal crown. 10 The wicked shall his triumph see, and gnath their teeth in agony: While their unrighteous hopes decay, and vanish with themselves away. PSALM СХІІІ.

2 His facred Name for ever bless.

YE faints and fervants of the Lord, 3 Where'er the circling fun displays

the triumphs of his Name record; his rifing beams or setting rays,

Due praise to his great Name address. 4 God thro' the world extends his sway, the regions of eternal day

But fhadows of his glory are.


5 With him, whose majesty excels, who made the heav'n in which he dwells,

Let no created pow'r compare.

6 Though 'tis beneath his state to view in highest heav'n what angels do,

Yet he to earth vouchfafes his care:

He takes the needy from his cell,

Companion to the greateft there.

advancing him in courts to dwell,

he sends the blessing of an heir,
and joyfully her fruit to rear:

To rescue their expiring name;

7 When childless families despair, Makes her that barren was to bear,

O then extol his matchless fame!


HEN Israel, by th' Almighty led,


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> Jehovah, for his refidence,

His manfion royal, and from thence

[blocks in formation]

(enrich'd by their oppreffors' fpoil,) a foreign foil; chose out imperial Judah's tent, thro' Ifrael's camp his orders fent. from th' Almighty's prefence fled; retreated to their fountain's head. when danger near the fold they hear, affrighted by their leader's fear. and naked leave your oozy bed? reçoil'dft thou to thy fountain's head! when danger does approach the fold? when they their leader's flight behold? thy Lord and Maker's face to fee; 'tis time for earth and feas to flee. confirms and cancels at his will; and thirsty vales with water fill.

7 Earth, tremble on; well may'st thou fear
When Jacob's awful God draws near,
8 To flee from God, who nature's law
Who springs from flinty rocks can draw,


LORD, not to us, we claim no share,

but to thy facred Name
and truth's eternal fame.

glory for thy mercy's fake,

2 Why thould the heathen cry, Where's now the God whom we adore?

3 Convince them that in heav'n thou art,
4 Their gods but gold and filver are,
5 With speechless mouth and fightless eyes
6 The pageant has both ears and nofe,
7 Its hands and feet nor feel nor move,
8 Such fenfeless stocks they are, that we
But those who on their help rely,
90 Ifrael, make the Lord your trust,
10 Priefts, Levites, trust in him alone,
11 Let all, who truly fear the Lord,
Who them in danger can defend,
12, 13 Of us he oft has mindful been,
Priests, Levates, Proselytes, e'en all
14 On you, and on your heirs, he will
15 'Thrice happy you, who fav'rites are

and uncontroll'd thy pow'r.

the works of mortal hands;
the molten idol ftands.
but neither hears nor fmells;
no life within it dwells.

can nothing like them find,
and them for gods defign'd.
who is your help and thield:
who only help can yield.
on him they fear rely:
and all their wants fupply.
and Ifrael's house will blefs;
who his great Name confefs.
increase of bleflings bring;
of this almighty King!

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