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and has no intention of doing so in extremely careful not to place a prem thrifty men who are as a rule the best sions; a number of our old employes b keepers. We realize fully that under man who learns to take care of hims age receives no pension; on the other h those who are not unfortunate but a personal affairs."

One of the largest plants in the State each case individually, giving due weig of service, loyalty of service, character in, number of dependents, present mo physical conditions at the time of app on its pension roll at present about for from $15 to $40 per month with one or rates are paid." The Company has which embodies no pension feature.

"At the Johnstown plant of the Can another report, "the Cambria Benefit composed of our employes and operat directors, embodies a pension fund int is paid by the members. Cambria St the same fund at the rate of 10 cents to about $20,000 per annum. The Co cost of operation; i. e. salaries, expens C. M. B. A. officers and clerks. This that the aggregate contribution by the Last year's report of the 19



s Company further assures us that "we alwa where we are assured that they are deserve fidelity," or as is stated in another letter because, "the number of our employes and ich the officers of our concern come in con make a system advisable in our opinion at

d of dealing with the individual employe, us Large corporations which undoubtedly could a of a regular scheme is seriously objected to d thinkers among the employers. The princip tated by L. W. Squire when he warns us of employes that favoritism and partiality may d amount of pension, which suspicion seriously ent, loyalty and industry of workmen growing on's service."

besides the obvious difficulties which would naller concerns in establishing a formal pens e many other reasons given which can be red o the following: (1) That the business has n g enough to warrant adopting a plan of this working force is not stable enough and nev This is particularly true of industries where are employed who according to the reports, al tendency to get married" or as stated by a similar industry that "being located in the h on they marry when they reach maturity." This

cern in P

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at the pre

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to even cipal objec of "the sus y determine usly affects ving old in

ld be con

ension Sy reduced in s not been this kind."

never stay here many ts. "either y another e heart of This insta

can afford to establish well defined sys
from our analysis of the situation. A
state that all the systems proposed w
practical for their purposes," "that it
the part of the company which it could
objections are given with regard to th
systems. Some of the most interesting
large shoe manufacturing concern state
vation we believe it is very hard to get
such a system. It would certainly red
employes, as well as assistance in som
might be necessary for the State to mal
employe co-operate with the employer
It occurs to us that this ought to be a
small corporations to take up and look
do not have the officers and equipment
a system as far as our information goes.'

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And not only is a state pension syst even further and advocate a national s large glass company in the western par believe in the pension system, but we th movement, for the reason that any per necessarily come out of earnings. If th or otherwise enforce pension laws, it manufacturers within the State, as the c would probably be from factories locate such tax or expense was involved. If system, it would put all factories and m

ld age provisions, established by many large i the State. The following few may be select Known cigar company reports of this plan: chasing of stock in this Company, as a mea age. This stock, while valued at conside ed at par and payments are arranged for, ac capacity of the employe. All employes who oll more than two years are paid their full sa of incapacity due to illness. In the even city a special arrangement is made. Two adjusted and in each case an arrangement of

All married men are insured at Compa two or three thousand dollars based on lengt r concern reports: "In 1912 we distribu ng certain mill employes of the Company for fa inued service, who had been with us fifteen ye method used was based on length of service ed from $2,000 to $500 each. While this did ent, it is just possible that at some future tim n may be made."

oncerns have either "an aid association where e monthly a certain sum and their estate recei they be injured or die"; or as is reported by of nstitutions here which operate for the benefit and those who die during service. These a voluntary membership and are conducted by t ves with our assistance." And again anoth

a of some h may or ge indus

elected as n: "We

means of


the problem of what to do with the su up earlier in this industry than in a country have therefore begun to establis at the same time when European gover instituting systems of public pensions a

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