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Short Notes.

CASE OF MR. Bennett, of Frome. -We are told, in the "History of Richard Baxter's Life and Times," that on the landing of the Prince of Orange, the clergy who wished well to his cause were "subject to the inconvenience of being confined to particular forms in Divine worship, and that, while they privately prayed for the Prince's success, they were forced in public to pray according to the Liturgy, that God would be the keeper and defender of King James, and give him victory over all his enemies." "But God," remarks the biographer, "to the unspeakable comfort of the nation, preferred their private prayers to those which were public." ,, A similar case of antagonistic supplication to the throne of mercy is exhibited in our own time. The suit against Mr. Bennett, of Frome, has long been lingering in the Courts, but has at length reached the court of final appeal, the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, and it is now to be decided by that mixed tribunal of lay and clerical judges, whether the doctrine of the Real Presence, as asserted by the Church of Rome, is the doctrine of the Reformed Church of England. When the case came on, Mr. Bennett declined to appear, either in person or by counsel, and the decision will turn on the address of Mr. Stephen. We are informed that the Catholic members of the Established Church are praying, with Dr. Pusey, for a decision favourable to Mr. Bennett, while the Record is urging its readers to united prayer in an opposite direc in an opposite direc

tion. It remains to be seen which prayers will be successful. The decision, it is announced, is likely to be long delayed; and we may readily suppose that if the prayers of the Judicial Committee were accepted, it would be postponed sine die. It will tax their legal ingenuity beyond all example to frame a judgment which shall equally satisfy the Ritualists and the Evangelicals, and a decisive opinion on either side may lead to consequences detrimental in the highest degree to the interests of the Established Church. It is just possible, however, that, considering the comprehensive character of the Establishment, they may come to the conclusion that clergymen may continue in its bosom who hold opposite opinions on this subject.

ROME.-Monday, the 4th of De cember, will long be considered a memorable day in the annals of Italy, as that on which the Italian Parliament commenced its sittings in Monte Citorio. Italy was again in Rome, and its representatives assembled for the first time in the capital since the august Roman senate was dissolved by the barbarians. The Pope, who has never ceased to denounce the kingdom of Italy and its sovereign, and its parliament, was subjected to the mortification of being a witness of the universal enthusiasm with which those who were once his subjects greeted the triumph of Victor Emmanuel. The flag of Italy waved from every roof; the cannon from the castle of St. Angelo boomed forth a royal sa

lute; the streets resounded with acclamations mingled with martial music, and the great bell of Monte Citorio tolled in the assembly. In his address to the senators, the king alluded in the most conciliatory terms to the Pope: He "pledged himself to recognize the fullest independence of the Pontiff's spiritual authority on the principle of the separation of Church and State, and engaged to leave untouched those religious institutions which might be considered part of the universal government of the Church." On these conditions he expressed his firm faith that "Rome might be at the same time the capital of Italy and the Pacific, and respected seat of the Pontificate." At the same hour the Vatican was resounding with utterances of a different character. It was dramatically arranged that while the king was opening Parliament, the Pope should be receiving three deputations; one from Romans of all classes, but chiefly the nobility, who still cling to the Popedom, from which they sprung; one from strangers, and one from the women. They were introduced to his Holiness in the audience chamber, and delivered loyal addresses. In his reply to them, he rejected with indignation that reconciliation of which Victor Emmanuel was then expressing a hope, and protested that none could be possible between "Jesus and Belial, between light and darkness; between truth and falsehood." So deeply were the Romans impressed with the conviction that the Pope would accept the accommodation which the king and Parliament were offering him, that prints were exhibited in the shop windows representing the Holy Father with his left arm linked in the king's, while his right hand was extended in the act of blessing the people. One of

these prints was then before him, and he did not consider it beneath

his dignity to point to it and "denounce it as foreshadowing that reconciliation by which God's enemies hoped to overcome his noble resistance, and induce him to disown his most sacred rights." It is difficult to withhold some tribute of respect for the indomitable spirit of the aged Pontiff, even while we deprecate his fatuity. To all present appearances his temporal power is gone beyond all hope of recall. It is buried in the tomb of a past age. Even in this period of rapid and astounding change we can scarcely fancy the possibility of any new combination of circumstances which should induce the Continental powers to kindle the flame of war in order to wrest Rome from the sovereign and people of Italy, and restore it to the Pope. Though he endeavours to attract the general sympathy of Roman Catholics by representing himself as the captive of the Vatican, it is certain that in no country of Europe would he enjoy the degree of liberty, and exercise the princely prerogatives which are still guaranteed to the ruler of the Vatican; and the mere fact of his being able, with impunity, to fulminate these denunciations within a mile of the Parliamentary assembly, is an unquestionable proof of the freedom he enjoys. He still wields a mightier sovereignty than any emperor, king, or president in Europe or America, and regulates the faith and the consciences of a hundred and fifty-according to Roman Catholic authorities, two hundred-millions of subjects with absolute power. Yet the vicar, as he styles himself, of Him who declared that His kingdom was not of this world, is whining at Rome, because he has been deprived of his

temporal power over a million of impatient subjects.

EDUCATION IN IRELAND-In a former number we noticed the demands made by Cardinal Cullen and the Roman Catholic hierarchy on the subject of education in Ireland, and we have now the result of the efforts made to procure signatures to a requisition for convening a meeting to promote the concession of these demands. The prelates have denounced the mixed system of education in the national schools, though it is so popular that a million of children, out of a population of five millions and a half, attend the schools. They demand the right to exclude from the schools any chance admixture of Protestants, whom the Catholic children are thus taught to consider heretics and accursed. In the national schools, the teaching of religious doctrine is separated from secular instruction by a rigorous time table. This is reprobated by the Cardinal, inasmuch as Catholics "can never sanction a system which withdraws for a moment from the eyes of the school children the emblems of their faith." They must not be allowed to imagine that any thing can subsist in the sphere of knowledge apart from the mysteries of dogmatic belief. Where it becomes indispensable to admit Protestant children into Roman Catholic schools, because they are not sufficient in number to justify a separate school, they must conform to the system of Catholic education established there. They also demand the establishment and the endowment of a college, or university, where none but Catholic youths shall be educated, by none but Catholic professors, and none but Catholic bishops shall have the control of the examinations on which degrees are to be conferred.

The requisition has received 30,000 signatures, and there can be no doubt that under the influence of the priesthood three times that number may be obtained in Ireland. But on analyzing the names appended to it, it is found to be remarkable chiefly for the absence of the influential laity. Out of thirtyeight Roman Catholic members of Parliament only eleven have signed it. It has not been supported by a single Roman Catholic judge, of whom there are ten besides the Lord Chancellor. Of twenty-six Roman Catholic Queen's Counsel only six have affixed their signatures to it, and only twenty-two appear on the list out of hundreds of Roman Catholic barristers. Of the roll of householders of what may be termed the west-end of Dublin, consisting of the wealthiest citizens and the leading merchants, only twenty-five have signed it, out of more than a hundred. That so large a number of gentlemen in the highest and most influential stations should thus have given their tacit protest against the bigoted policy of the hierarchy, notwithstanding the pressure put on them by the Roman Catholic system, is a most significant fact. It remains to be seen how the Ministry, with their strong denominational bias, will deal with this question of ultradenominationalism;-whether they will allow themselves to be influenced by the wishes of the most enlightened laity of Ireland, or yield to the demands of an imperious hierarchy. Who knows but that the fate of the Cabinet may turn upon this question?

THE PRINCE OF WALES.-During the first fortnight of the past month the dangerous illness of the Prince of Wales absorbed the attention of the nation to an extent which astonished Europe, not less than

England. For some time past democratic associations have been at work in London and some of the provincial towns, to procure the abolition of royalty and the establishment of a republic, and the hardihood with which republican sentiments have been vociferated at the meetings have led the friends of constitutional monarchy to apprehend that the country was beginning to be weary of it, and that a radical change in the constitution was impending. The illness of the Prince of Wales has had the effect of dispelling this impression, and demonstrating the warm feeling of loyalty which pervades the country. Never since the accession of the House of Hanover has such intense interest been manifested regarding the welfare member of the Royal Family. When, for several days, the recovery of the Prince appeared beyond hope, the eagerness to obtain the latest intelligence through all ranks of society, from the highest to the humblest, was without example. Wherever a bulletin was posted up on the walls, the spot


of any

immediately crowded with anxious inquirers. Marlborough House was besieged hour after hour. Business in the city was languid, and even the Stock Exchange was inanimate. The same passionate feeling was exhibited throughout the country, and the London daily journals were filled with column upon column of extracts from the provincial papers reflecting the profound anxiety which was felt in every town for His Royal Highness's safety. The heart of the people was at Sandringham, and, by means of the electric telegraph, which announced from time to time the condition of the royal patient, the whole nation may be said to have surrounded his couch, watching the fluctuations

of hope and fear. Through the intellisame magic agent the gence was instantaneously diffused through the world, and every morning's telegram brought notice of the profound anxiety felt in India, in Canada, in China, on this subject. Sandringham became, in a measure, the magnetic pole which attracted to itself the sympathies of Britons from the remotest regions. This unexpected outburst of national feeling affords a gratifying proof of the strength of the bond which still binds the people to the throne, and of the vital principles of loyalty which still pervades the commonwealth.


The unity of feeling thus exhibited throughout the British empire in every quarter of the globe, has been further demonstrated by the prayers offered up to the throne of the Almighty for His Royal Highness's recovery in the most unexpected quarters, and in the most striking variety of forms. the West of India, the Parsees, the fire worshippers, the followers of Zoroaster, performed a solemn service on behalf of the Prince. The Jewish synagogues in London adopted a form of prayer drawn up by the Chief Rabbi, which reminded us of the prayer of Solomon on the dedication of the temple, and Sir Moses Montefiore telegraphed to the synagogues at Jerusalem, and elsewhere, to unite their supplications with those of their brethren in England. Archbishop Manning directed prayers to be offered up in all the Roman Catholic churches. The Dissenters, who are fettered by no forms, never ceased from the period when the disease assumed a serious aspect, to pray for his recovery; and at length a short and simple form of prayer, drawn up in the most appropriate language by the Archbishop of Canterbury, was ordered to be used in all churches

on the 10th of December, when it may be said that the united supplications of the whole nation arose from every church and synagogue in Great Britain to the God of Mercy for the interposition of His gracious Providence on behalf of the Prince of Wales.

It has pleased our Heavenly Father to vouchsafe a gracious answer to the prayers of the nation, and to restore the Prince to his country and his family, and we have now the grateful duty of uniting our thanksgiving in the same spirit of fervency which characterized our supplications.

MURDER OF BISHOP PATTESON. -The revival of the slave trade in the South Sea has been repeatedly brought before the English public and Parliament, but without attracting much notice. It has now culminated in a fearful tragedy, the murder of a bishop and his chaplain; and it is to be hoped that it will be taken up with such earnestness as to ensure its extinction. The trade is confined to the colony of Queensland, the semi-tropical section of Australia, which is peculiarly adapted to the cultivation of cotton and sugar and tobacco and spices. In soil and climate it may be said to correspond with the Southern States of the Union. The industries and enterprises are of a kindred character, and have led to a similar requisition for field labour, which has been supplied by the same nefarious means which stocked the plantations of Virginia and the Carolinas. The Queensland planters have resorted to the Polynesian islands; and a system has grown up, marked by the same atrocious features which drew down on the African slave trade the execration of the civilized world. Vessels are fitted out, which prowl about the islands, and kidnap the simple natives who

may come within their reach. Four vessels were employed recently in this "rough work among the

natives of New Hebrides. The men engaged in these operations are described as having no scruples of conscience, and, so long as they make money, are dead to all laws human or Divine. One instance we select, out of many, of the mode in which the system is worked will suffice to give an idea of the "immigration," as it is termed, in Queensland. The Jason was cruising off Ambrym, when the captain came up to Mr. Mecklejohn, the Government protecting agent on board, and said they were in luck's way, as two canoes were coming off with men for them. The ship's boats were immediately lowered, but one of the canoes took fright and fled. The other was pursued, and a shot fired at her by the mate, and she was at length brought alongside the vessel, when nine islanders and a lad of six or seven years of age were forced on board, the last man being hoisted up by a rope under his arms. The Government agent remonstrated, and the commander called him a scoundrel, and pursued him to his cabin with a loaded revolver. We have called it a new slave trade, but it is a misnomer to give it that designation. There is no trafficking, and no compensation offered, however trifling. It is as atrocious a kind of brigandage as that which has made Greece a byeword. A friendly intercourse was formerly maintained between the islanders and Europeans, to the advantage of both, but that has altogether ceased, and it is dangerous to land on the islands, except in a body, and fully armed. The islanders are now animated with a feeling of revenge for these intolerable outrages, which they wreak upon the first white man who comes within the reach of their weapons. Dr. Patteson, the devoted and exem

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