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aking of Men; which accordingly came to pass foon after: for at one Sermon he caught no less than three thousand Souls, who all gladly received his Word, and were baptized; as we read Alts 2. 41. Neither were these words fpoken to Peter only, but to the other Difciples, to whom our Savionr likewife promis'd to make them Fishers of Men; Mat. 4. 18. And thefe alfo drew in many Converts, and daily added to the Church fuch as fhould be faved. And being thus encourag'd by our Saviour's Call and Command, when they had brought their Ships to Land, they forfook all, and followed, him. The common Form of Speech, us'd in our Saviour's calling his Difciples, was Follow me, as may be feen in fundry Places of the Gofpel, and their Compliance with it is ufually exprefs'd by their leaving all, and following him. So it was here, Chrift had no fooner fpoke the Word, but they readily obey'd, by forfaking all, and following him; for as foon as they came to Land, they difpos'd of their Concerns and Goods into the hands of Friends (as all prudent Men are wont to do) and immediately forfook all: that is, they left their Trade, with all the Bufinefs of it, and all farther Expectations of Benefit by it, and caft themfelves upon Chrift's Care and Difpofal of them. And well enough they might: for he who with a word's fpeaking could draw up fuch vaft Quantities of Fifh at one Draught, could provide better for them than they could for themfelves; and he that could feed five thousand Perfons with a few Loaves, and two little Fishes, was able to take care of them, and would not fuffer them to want. But however that were, they caft off all worldly Cares, and devoted themselves to his Service by following him.


But what is here meant by their following of Chrift? Why, three Things are manifeftly intended by it.

If, The following of his Perfon, by attending upon him. 2dly, The following of his Doctrine, by learning of him. And,

3dly, The following of his Example, by imitating of him.

For the

, The Difciples were the conftant Followers and Attendants upon his Perfon; for they went up and down with him wherever he went, they were the Eye-witneffes of his Miracles, and the Ear-witneffes of his Difcourfes: and tho he fometimes withdrew from them into Places of Solitude and Retirement upon fome extraordinary Occafions, yet, for the most part, they were daily Companions

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with him, and the conftant Spectators both of his Glories and Troubles; as we may read at large in all the four Evangelifts. This way of following Chrift was peculiar to the Apoftles and firft Difciples, who had the Honour of living, feeing and converfing with him during his Abode upon Earth; which was a Privilege not to be enjoy'd by any fince his Afcenfion into Heaven. But there are two Ways of following Chrift ftill attainable by us; in both which Senfes we are ftil'd his Followers. As,

2dly, By following his Doctrine, and learning of him : This Privilege the Apoftles had by receiving the Word from Chrift's own Mouth; but we have it at fecond hand, by receiving it from them who have handed it down to us. However, the Doctrine is the fame in both, and we are as well taught by him now, as they were then. He that teaches another, and inftils his Inftructions into him, is faid to be his Mafter; and they that are taught by him, and embrace his Tenets, are ftil'd his Followers. Now we are bid as much to learn of him as his first Difciples; and his Apoftles inculcate upon us the fame Leffons as he did upon them; to wit, that the fame Mind fhould be in us, as was in Chrift Fefus: So that as he was equally a Teacher to them and us, fo are we equally his Difciples and Followers well as they; and fo we may all well be, for he was a Teacher come from God, and was alone able to deliver the Words of eternal Life. He hath given us the best Inftructions and Affiftances too that were ever communicated to the World, and hath deliver'd the moft fublime and heavenly Truths that we are capable of receiving; by learning whereof we cannot miss the Way to eternal Life: and fo by em bracing of them we are truly and properly faid to be his Followers.

3dly, To be a Follower of Chrift, is to follow his Example, and to act by the Pattern that he hath fet us: He that treads in the fame Steps after another, is faid to follow him; and he that takes Chrift for his Director and Guide, and walks even as he walked, may be juftly reckon'd in the number of his Followers. Now Chrift hath given us the best Example for our Imitation; he hath gone every step of our way to Heaven before us, to the intent (faith the Apoftle) that we should follow his Steps, who did no Sin, neither was any Guile found in his Mouth. He hath fet before us the moft excellent Pattern of Love, Meeknefs, Humility and Patience, and indeed of all other Ver


tues; in which we are bid to be Followers of him as dear Children: And when we are arriv'd to that, we may be faid with the Difciples in the Text, to forfake all, and follow him,

This is the whole Drift and Design of this Day's Gofpel; which having improv'd all along as I have gone in it, there can be no need of any farther Application. Briefly then let us learn from hence,

Ift, To confirm our Faith and Hope in our Bleffed Saviour, and in all times of Difficulty and Disappointment ftedfaftly to believe and ftick to him.

2dly, From this Inftance of his miraculous Power and Goodness, learn to go on diligently and chearfully in the - Duties of your feveral Callings, and in the Ufe of all lawful Means firmly truft and rely upon his Providence for the Iffue and good Succefs of them.

3dly, Let us from hence learn to be conftant and faithful Followers of Christ, both in his Doctrine and Example; fo fhall we, who now follow him in Grace and Holiness here, hereafter follow him to Glory: Which God grant, for the Merits of Jefus Chrift, &c.

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