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Fenelon (F. de), Abrégé de la Vie des Phi-|
losophes, 419-remarks thereon, 421.
Fish, of extraordinary size, caught in New
South Wales, 63.

Flanders, state of gardening in, 411, 412.
Food, adulterations of, 343.

Forbin (Count), false assertions of, exposed,
151 note, 164.

Forgery, observations of the Committee of
the House of Commons on the punish-
ment of, with death, 207, 208-observa-
tions thereon, 208–215.

Forging entries of various sorts, a capital
offence by 26 Geo. III. c. 23, 198-
reasons why such statutes ought not to
be repealed, 200.

Foscolo (Ugo), Ricciarda, Tragedia di, 72
--fable of it, 91, 92-analysis of this
tragedy, with extracts, 92-96-remarks
on it, 97-and on his tragedies of Thy-
este and Ajax, 90-suggestion to, re-
specting the choice of subjects for his
future dramas, 101, 102.

France, state of gardening in the south of,


Fraser (James Baillie), Tour through the
Snowy Range of the Himala Mountains,
102-occasion of his tour, 103-charac-
ter of his work, 104-observations on
the height of the mountains, 105, 106-
visits to the town of Nahn, 107—and
fortress of Jytock, ib.-state of agricul-
ture in its vicinity, ib. 108-the inhabit-
ants a mixed race of Hindoos and Tartars,
108-revolting practice of polyandry,
108, 109-extraordinary modes of nurs-
ing children to sleep, 109, 110-produc-
tions and cultivation of the Sine Range,
110-character of the Mountaineers,
111, 112-description of some captive
Ghoorkas, 113-high notions of military
obedience and fidelity among them, 113,
114-the Roman catapulta in use, 114,
115--simple mode of smelting iron, 115
-the author arrives at the state and vil-
lage of Comharsein, ib.—and at the tem-
ple and village of Manjnee, 116-reaches
the pass and range of Moral-ke-kanda,
ib.-town of Rampoor in the district of
Bischur, 117-crosses the river Sutlej by
a singular species of bridge called a
j'hoola, ib. 118-character of the natives,
118-description of their rajah, ib. 119—
and of the musk-deer, 119-the unicorn
of the Scriptures discovered in the Hi-
mala mountains, 120-Mr. Fraser reaches
the source of the river Junna, 121–
description of Jummotree, 122-124-
crosses the mountains to Gangotree, the
source of the Ganges, 125-difficulty of
ascending the mountains, 125, 126-

crosses the crag of Byrum Gattee, 127.
ablutions of the pilgrims, 127-the peaks
of Roodroo Himala described, ib. 128-
observations on Mr. Fraser's conjectures
respecting the height of the Himala
mountains, 129.

Frederick (Cæsar), notice of the travels of,
in Pegu, 337.

Freedom of Commerce, Reports and Tracts
on, 282-evils of unlimited freedom of,
considered, 282, 283-it would injure
our manufactures, 283-288. 294-296
-would diminish our productive sources
of industry, 288—290—would take away
employment for capital, 291—and dimi-
nish the nation's power of ministering to its
consumption, 292-294-the influence
of free trade on our subsistence and ma-
ritime security, 297-301-proper limits
to be assigned to commerce, 301, 302.
French Prophets, Wesley's caution against,


Fry (Mrs.), benevolent efforts of, to re-
form female criminals, 252.


Gangotree, the source of the Ganges, dan-

gerous approach to, 125, 126-descrip-
tion of it, 127, 128.
Gardening, import of the term, 401-state
of in Lombardy, 409-in European Tur-
key, ib.-in the South of France, 410-
in Germany, ib.-in Russia, Poland and
Sweden, 411-in Denmark, ib.—in Hol-
land and Flanders, ib. 412.-See Horti-

Genlis (Madame de), Pétrarque et Laure,
529-nature and execution of her work,
ib. 530, 533.

George III. beautiful verses on, 137, 138,


Gerard (Lieut.), notice of his journey over
the Himalaya Mountains, 340.
Germany, state of gardening in, 410.
Ghizeh, second Pyramid of, explored, 165.
Ghoorkas, incursions of, into the territories
of the India Company, 103-their cha-
racter, 111, 112-high notions of military
obedience and fidelity, 113, 114-the
Roman catapulta known to and used by
them, 115.

Gournou, caverns of, explored by M. Bel-
zoni, 147, 148.
Greenwich Hospital out-pensioners, person-
ating, a capital offence, 200-reasons
why 3 Geo. III. c. 16. should not be
repealed, 201.

Grueber, notice of the journey of, over the
Himalaya Mountains, 339.
Gunpowder known and used in Asia before
it was known in Europe, 321.


Hale (Lord Chief Justice), opinion of, on
altering the laws of England, 266, 267.
Hastings (river), in New South Wales, no-
tice of, 69.

Hemans (Mrs.), Poems of, 130-general
character of them, ib. 131-particularly
of her Restoration of the Works of Art to
Italy, 131- - her Tales and Historic
Scenes, 131, 132-beautiful extract from
the Abencerrage, 132-her translations,
133-exquisite dirge on the death of a
child, ib. 134-character of her Sceptic,
with specimens, 134, 135-137-verses
on the death of his Majesty George III.


Hieroglyphics, ancient, interpreted by Dr.
Young, 160, 161.

Himala Mountains, the Imaus of the an-
cients, 103-names and general direction
of the chain, 104, 105-character and
height of the inferior hills, 105, 106—
state of agriculture among them, 107,
108-disgusting practice of polyandry
among the inhabitants, 108, 109-notice
of some singular customs, 109, 110—
productions and culture of the Sine
range, 110-description of the moun-
taineers, 111, 112-the Roman catapulta
in use among them, 114, 115-singular
mode of smelting iron, 115-state of
Comharsein, ib.-temple and village of
Manjnee, 116-pass and range of Moral-
ke-kanda, 116-notice of the town of
Rampoor, 117-singular mode of cross-
ing the rivers that flow through these
mountains, ib. 118-character of the
natives, 118, 119-the musk-deer found
here, 119-and also the unicorn of the
Scriptures, 120-description of Jumno-
tree, the source of the river Jumna,
122-124-dangerous travelling to Gan-
gotree, the source of the Ganges, 125-
127-description of it, and of the peaks
of Roodroo Himala, 127, 128-remarks
on the elevation of the Himala Moun-
tains, 129, 130—were crossed by various
early travellers, 337-339-aud recently
by Lieutenant Gerard, 340.
Holland, state of gardening in, 411, 412.
Hope (Thomas, Esq.), Memoirs of Anasta-
sius, 511-analysis of the fable, with
extracts and remarks, 513-526-cha-
racter of his work, 511, 527, 528.
Horticultural Societies, Transactions of, 400
-origin of horticulture, 401-state of
among the Jews, 402-the Romans, ib.
403-in England during the early ages,
404 in the sixteenth century, ib.-in
the reign of James I. 435-of Charles
II. 406—improvements in it by Philip

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Miller, 407-progress of, in Scotland,
408-comparison of British horticulture
with that of other countries, 409-412
-the horticultural productions of Britain
superior to those of all other countries,
413, 414-origin of the London and
Caledonian Horticultural Societies, 416
-character of their Transactions, 417,

Huntington (Wm. S.S.), Works and Life
of, 462-his birth and early adventures,
ib. 463-his superstitious fears, 463—
falls in love, 464-his reflections on his
conduct, and on marriage, 466-changes
his name from Hunt into Huntington,
467-origin of his degree of S.S. ib. 468

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-removes to Mortlake, 468-account
of his religious scruples, and temptations,
469-474- his conversion, described,
475-his reflections thereon, 476, 477 –
and on the clergy, 477-begins to preach
in private, 478- -removes to Thames
Ditton, 479- and commences a public
preacher, ib. 480-is ordained by Toriel
Joss, 480-Huntington's detestable re-
flections on the death of some who op-
posed him, 481-his reasons for writing
and publishing the Bank of Faith,' 482
-curious anecdotes from it, ib 483-
adventure of the breeches, 483, 484,
485-is recognized as William Hunt, and
pays a fine for an illegitimate child, 486,
487-removes to London, 487, 488-
his reflections on the burning of his
chapel in Tichfield Street, 503, 504—
account of his building Providence Cha-
pel, 488, 489-peculiar characteristics
of his preaching, 489, 490—remarks on
his doctrine of imputed righteousness,
491, 492-his address to Rowland Hill,
493-and to Timothy Priestley, 494-
implicit dependence of his congregation
upon his preaching and writing, 495-
character of his writings, 496-speci-
mens of his poetry, ib. 497-extracts
from his epistles, with remarks, 497-
502-instances of his good fortune, 502,
503-his loyalty, 504-specimens of his
predictions, 505-his absolute power
over his congregation, 506-manner of
preaching, 507- -causes of its success,
and its effects, 507, 508—his reflections
at the approach of old age, 509—death
and epitaph, 510.


Imprisonment, considerations on, as a spe-
cific for the cure and prevention of every
sort of crime, 245-247-inefficacy of,
for the reformation of convicts, 248-
250-p isons and houses of correction
more efficacious than confinement on

board the hulks, 251-remarks on the J'ytock (fortress), described, 107—state of
descriptions of persons imprisoned, 253, agriculture in its vicinity, ib. 108.
254-the present system of imprison-
ment not calculated to produce terror,

Industry, productive sources of, would be
injured by unlimited freedom of com-
merce, 288--290.

Insanity, erroneous notions of the ancients
concerning, 169, 170-arguments and
facts to show that recoveries from insa-
nity would exceed those from corporeal
diseases, were the same chances of cure
given in both cases, 173-176—compa-|
rative view of cures of insane persons, in
different institutions for lunatics, 194-
proofs that insanity is not increasing, nor
extraordinarily prevalent in England,
176-180. 182, 183-has increased in
Ireland, 181-religion, how far a cause
or an effect of insanity, 184-189-on
the qualifications of superintendants and
keepers of insane persons, 190, 191-
-necessity of keeping registers of them,
191-suggestions for the proper manage-
ment of lunatics, 192-193-importance
of an inquiry into the present condition
of asylums for the insane, 193.
Instantaneity, how far requisite to conver-
sion, 22.

Ipsambul (temple of), explored by M. Bel-
zoni, 149-description of its interior, 152
-and of its exterior, 153.
Ireland, insanity on the increase in, 183-
why fewer catholics than protestants, 189.
Iron, how smelted in the Snowy Mountains,

Italy, literature of, influenced by the poetry
of Dante and Petrarch, 564, 565.
Itinerancy practised in England during the
early periods of the Saxon church, 33-
remarks on its necessity at that time, ib.
-proposed to be retained by Cranmer
on a reduced plan, 32—why not adopted,


Jews, state of horticulture among, 402.
J'hoola, a singular species of bridge, de-
scribed, 117, 118.

Johnson (Richard), notice of his Aristarchus
Anti-Bentleianus, 377, 378.
Jokers (professional), a companion of a
Grecian feast, 446.

Joseph II. (Emperor), observations on the
penal code of, 235. 237, 238.
Judges, observations on the discretionary
power vested in, 239, 240.
Jumnotree, the source of the river Jumna,
described, 121-124.

Jupiter Ammon, notice of M. Belzoni's ex-
cursion to, 168.


King (Lieut.), notice of the nautical surveys
of New South Wales by, 71, 72.
Kingswood colliers, Whitfield's preaching
to, described, 31-John Wesley preaches
to them, 32-notice of some supposed
conversions at, 37-remarks on them, ib.


Lachlan (river), in New South Wales, state
of the country surrounding, 62, 63.
Larceny, number of persons convicted and
executed for, 206, 207-value of stolen
articles ought to be raised, 207.
Latter (Captain), discovers the unicorn of
the Scriptures in the Himala mountains,

Laura, first interview of Petrarch with, 531
-nature of his love for her, considered,
534-538-her death, 538-Petrarch's
memorandum concerning it, 539-re-
marks on her character, ib.
Lavington's (Bishop), enthusiasm of the
Methodists and Papists compared, how
far confirmed by fact, 36, 37.
Laws, made with too great facility, 233.
Leopold (Grand Duke of Tuscany), abo-
lished capital punishments in his territo-
ries, 234-beneficial effects of that mea-
sure accounted for, 235—remarks on his
system of punishment, 237, 238.
Literature of Italy, influence of the poetry
of Dante and Petrarch on, 564, 565.
Liverpool, in New South Wales, state of, 59.
Lombardy, state of gardening in, 409.
London Horticultural Society, origin of,

416-character of its Transactions, 417.
Lunatics (Pauper), number of, in the pa-
rish of Mary-le-Bone, 179-remarks
thereon, 179, 180-defects of the sta-
tute 59 Geo. III. c. 127, concerning
them, 192.-See Insanity.


Macquarie (river), state of the country, on
each side of, 67, 68-notice of Port
Macquarie, 69.

Maffei's tragedy of Merope, characterized,


Mahommed Ali, Pasha of Egypt, character
of, 142-mutiny among his troops, and
its effects, 143.

Mahommedans (Two), notice of the Travels
of in the East, 316.

Maison de Force, number of convicts in,
255-state of that prison, 256, note.
Mandeville (Sir John), specimens of the
exaggerations of, 330, 331.


Maniac, beautiful address to, 135, 136.
Manjnee, temple and village of, 116.
Manufactures, evil consequences on of unli-
mited freedom of commerce, 283, 288,
294, 296.

Manzoni (Alessandro), Il Conte di Car-
magnola, tragedia di, 72-its defects, 87
-animated passages from it, 87, 90.
Marco Polo, notice of the travels of, in the
East, 325-his account of the Old Man
of the Mountain, 326, 327.
Maturin (Rev. Mr.), Melmoth, the Wan-
derer, a novel, 303-character of it, ib.
304, 305-specimens of nonsense, 305-
307-of want of veracity, 307-309-of
ignorance, 309, 310-of blasphemy and
brutality, 310-strictures on his obsce-
nity, 311-and on his apology for pub-
lishing this novel, ib.

Memnon, bust of, removed by M. Belzoni,
146, 147.

Memnonium, position of the true, disco-
vered, 165.


Methodists, numbers and influence of, 1, 2
-moral good produced by them, 3-
evils resulting from methodism, 3, 4—
origin of the appellation, Methodist, 13
-instances of enthusiasm among them,
36, 37 private meetings instituted
among them, 26-mischief resulting from
their meetings for mutual confession, 40
and note-evils resulting from the sys-
tem and machinery of methodism, 54.
Miller (Philip), notice of the improvements
made by horticulture, 407.

Missions of the Methodists and Moravians,
observations on, 1.

Monti (Vincenzo), fable of the Aristodemo

of, 83, 84-beautiful scene from that
tragedy, 84, 86-observations on his
other tragedies, 86, 87.
Moral-ke-kanda, mountainous pass of, de-
scribed, 116.

Moravians, successful missions of, 1-
anecdotes of some, 19-remarks on their
enthusiasm, 23-25.

Mummy Pits of the Egyptians, explored
by M. Belzoni, 155-description of a
mummy, 156.

Murray (Hugh), Historical Account of dis-
coveries in Asia, 311-remarks on the
plan of his work, 312.-See Asia.
Musk-deer, described, 119.


Nahn (town), notice of, 107.

Newcastle, settlement of, described, 59.
New South Wales, demands of the colo-
nists of, 56-account of the characters
and habits of the different classes of
convicts, 57-description of its chief
towns and places, 58-the town of Syd-
ney, ib.-Paramatta, 59-Windsor, New-
castle, and Liverpool, ib.-state of so-
ciety there, 60-climate, ib.-produce,
ib.-proofs of the increasing prosperity
of New South Wales, 61-excursion of
Mr. Evans and Lieut. Oxley beyond the
Blue Mountains, 62-improved state of
the settlement of Bathurst, ib.-appear-
ance of the country through which the
Lachlan flows, ib. 63-extraordinarily
large fish caught in it, 63-sufferings of
the travellers, 64-they retrace their
way, 65-new plants, animals, and a
native tomb discovered by them, 65—
abstract of their north-eastern tour, 66
-surprise two natives, ib.-face of the
country in the interior, on each side of
the river Macquarie, 67-great inunda-
tion accounted for, 68-river Castle-
reagh discovered, ib.-notice of Peel's
river, 69-and of Hastings river and
port Macquarie, ib. 70-Geographical
results of these excursions, 70, 71-
nautical surveys of Lieutenant King, 71,
72-what convicts are likely to be use-
ful there, 244.

Novels, observations on the defects of,
350-358-particularly of Miss Edge-
worth, 358, 359-excellent moral lessons
to be derived from those of Miss Austin,
359, 360-observations on the epistolary
form of, 361, 362.


Oasis of Jupiter Ammon, notice of M.
Belzoni's excursion to, 168.

Obelisks of Philæ, removed by M. Bel-
zoni, 163.

Odericus, notice of the travels of, in the
east, 328-terrific valley described by
him, 329.

Old Man of the Mountain, account of,
326, 327.

Ornamental Gardening, progress of, in
England, 415.

Oxley (John), Journal of Two Expeditions
into the Interior of New South Wales,
55.-See New South Wales.


Navy, commerce essential to the mainte-Palestine, notice of early travels in, by Wil-

nance of, 298,-probable effects of un-
limited free trade on our navy,299-302.
Nelson (John), his account of Wesley's
preaching, 40.

liam de Bouldesel, 313-by De la Broc-
quière and Baumgarten, ib.-by Sandys
and Lok, 314.


Peel's River, in New South Wales, dis- |
covered, 69.

Pegu, accounts of, by early travellers, 336,

Pellico (Silvio), Francesco da Rimini, Tra-
gedia di, 72-analysis of it, with ex-
tracts and remarks, 97-100-suggestion
to, concerning the choice of subjects for
his future dramas, 101.

Penal laws, a digest of, recommended, 268.

See Criminal Law.
Penitentiary System, inefficacy of, for the
purposes of reformation, or of terror to
criminals, 252-259.

[ocr errors]

Petrarch, first interview of with Laura, de-
scribed, 531-remarks on the portraits
and descriptions of his person, 532, 533
-inquiry into the nature of his passion
for Laura, 534-538-his account of
her death, 539--and of a dream in
which she appeared to him, 541, 542—
observations on the poetry of Petrarch,
and on his mind and character, as deve-
loped therein, with specimens, 543-
554-influence of religion on his mind,
554-and of politics, 555-558-patro-
nized by the great, 558, 559-remarks
on his political conduct, 560-Dante's
poem sent to him by Boccaccio, 561—
influence of the poetry of Dante and Pe-
trarch on the literature of Italy, 564,
565-general character of Petrarch, 565
-his death, 567.

with illustrative cases, how far it is a
cause or effect of insanity, 184-189.
Retreat for insane persons at York, remarks
on, 172-statement of cases admitted
into it, and of cures, from 1796 to 1819,
173, note.

Reviewers, abuse of, 398.

Romans, character of, why unfavourable to
tragedy, 72, 73-state of horticulture
among them, 402, 403.

Romilly (Sir Samuel), observation of, on
the discretionary power vested in the
judges, 239-remarks thereon, ib. 240.
Roodroo Himala, peaks of, described, 127,

Rubruquis, notice of the travels of in Tar-
tary, 322-324.

Russia, observation on the penal code of,
235, 236-state of gardening there, 411.


Sacrament, the case of expulsion from by a
clergyman, how far legal, 18.
Samarcand, account of, 334.
Scotland, progress of horticulture in, 408-
comparison of Scottish horticulture with
that of other countries, 409-412-su-
periority of its horticultural productions
over those of all other countries, 413, 414.
Scripture history confirmed by Belzoni's re-
searches in Egypt, 161, 162-and by the
discovery of the unicorn in India, 120,


Philæ, granite obelisks of, removed by M. Security (maritime), importance of com-
Belzoni, 163.

Physic, adulterations of, 344.

Pitt (Mr.), favourable to a revision of the
Penal Laws, 267.

Plato, analysis of the banquet of, with re-
marks, 429-441.

Plutarch, remarks on the banquet of, 421

Polyandry, practised in the Himala moun-
tains, 108, 109.

Potter (William), remarks on the case of,
202, 203.

Productions of New South Wales, 60.
Psammis, tomb of, discovered by M. Bel-
zoni, 157-description of it, 158-160—
observations on the plates representing
it, 160, 161-- confirms the truth of Scrip-
ture history, 161, 162.

Public houses, great numbers of, a cause of
crime, 258.

Publications (New), select lists of, 271. 567.
Pyramid of Ghizeh, the second, explored
by M. Belzoni, 163.


Rampoor, town of, described, 117.
Religion, state of, in France, 184—inquiry,

merce to, 298-302.

Sine range of the Himala mountains, pro-
ductions and cultivation of, 110.
Smelting of iron, how performed in the Hi-
mala mountains, 115.

Society, state of, in New South Wales, 59,

60-what constitutes good society in all
ages and countries, 451, 452.
Socrates, speech of, from the Banquet of
Plato, with remarks, 433-440.
Sortes Biblicæ, consulted by Wesley, 32.
Southey (Robert), Life of Wesley, 1-qua-
lifications of, for a biographer of Wesley,
9-sensible observation of, on preterna-
tural appearances, 11-benefits to be
derived from perusing his work, 55.—
See Methodists, Wesley.

Stefano, notice of the travels of, in Pegu,

Subsistence, influence of unlimited freedom
of trade on, 297.

Suicides on the continent, more numerous
than in England, 182.

Sutlej, river, singular mode of passing, 117,


Sweden, climate of, unfavourable to gar-
dening, 411.


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