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3. For his Face look'd bright as the Sun, and his Cloaths appeared whiter than Snow, fo as no Art of Man could make any thing like them.

4. And there appeared at the fame time Mofes and Elias, in fhining Apparel likewife, talking with Jefus.

5. Then Peter, aftonished with the Glory and Beauty of the Vifion, faid to Jefus: Lord, what a glorious Place is this! Let us abide here always; and we will make Apartments, for Thee, and for Mofes, and for Elias.

6. Thus weakly did the good Man talk, being wholly fwallowed up with the mix'd Paffions of Admiration, Fear, and Joy; fo that he scarce knew what he said.

7. But while he was yet speaking, fuddenly there came a Cloud, intercepting Jefus and the Two Prophets from the Apoftles Sight; And out of the Cloud came a Voice, faying: This is my beloved Son, whom I have fent to reveal to you my whole Will; him hear ye attentively, and obey fincerely and univerfally.

8. And immediately, when the Cloud was paffed over, the Three Apoftles, awaking as it were out of a Dream, and looking about them, saw Jefus alone left with them, in his ufual Form and Garb.

9. Then they came down from the Hill. And as they were going, Jefus, knowing that this Hiftory of his Tranffiguration would appear very incredible to thofe who faw only his Humiliation and Sufferings, commanded the Three Difciples not to fay any thing of what they had feen, till after his Refurrection.


3 And his raiment became fhining, exceeding white fnow: fo as no fuller on earth can

white them.


4 And there appeared unto them Elias, with Mofes; and they were talking with Jefus.

5 And Peter anfwered and faid to Jefus, Mafter, it is good for us to be here: and let us make three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Mofes, and one for Elias.

6 For he wist not what to fay, for

they were fore afraid.

7 And there was a cloud that overfhadowed them: and a voice came out of the cloud, faying,

This is beloved
Son: hear him.

8 And fuddenly
when they had look
ed round about, they
saw no
more, fave Jefus on-
ly with themselves.

man any

9 And as they came down from the mountain, he charged them that they fhould tell no

man what things they had feen, till the Son of man were rifen from the dead.

10 And

10 And they kept that faying with themselves, questioning one with another what the rising from the dead Thould


11 And they asked him, faying, Why fay the scribes

that Elias must first come?

1 2 And he answered and told them, Elias verily cometh firft, and restoreth all things, and how it is written of the Son of man, that he muft fuffer many things, and be fet at nought.

10. Accordingly they kept the Thing fecret for the prefent: Only, having their Minds ftill filled with the Thoughts of prefent worldly Glory, they debated privately among themselves, what it was that Jefus meant by his Refurrection from the Dead.

11. That he fpake of fome remarkable Manifeftation of himself, as the Meffiah, they could not doubt: But one great Difficulty raised it self in their Minds, which was, that the Jewish Doctors had conftantly taught, that Elias muft firft appear, before the Manifestation of the Meffiah. This Scruple they could not get over, and therefore they asked Jefus about it.

12. fefus told them; 'Twas true indeed, as the Scribes had taught, that Elias ought firft to appear, to preach Repentance and prepare Mens Hearts for the Reception of the Gofpel, before the Meffiah manifefted himself. He fhewed them alfo,* how the Scriptures had exprefly foretold, that the Meffiah must be rejected, and fuffer by the Hands of cruel and wicked Men, before his appearing with Power and Glory.

*The Conftruction of these words looks as if they were tranfpofed from Verfe 10. which then would run thus; Tí 151 Tò ix vexpāv, draσtival xs, &c. But this Conjecture not being confirmed by any various Reading, nor by the Opinion of any Commentator that I have feen, I have not ventured to take any Notice of it in the Paraphrafe.

10. But

13. But, faith he, this Prophecy of Elias's appearing firft, needs not raife in your Minds any Scruple about the Things which I have told you will fhortly be accomplished in me. For Elias is indeed come already, according as the Prophet foretold he should: For John the Baptift was the Person, of whom Malachi prophefied: But the Jews not knowing that it was He, who was to come in the Power and Spirit of Elias; defpifed him and fuffered him to be flain.

14. By this time, Jefus and the Three Apoftles that had been with him upon the Hill, were come to the Place where the reft of the Difciples had been left below. And when they drew near, Jefus found a great Multitude gathered together about his Difciples, and the Jewish Doctors difputing with them in hopes to get fome Advantage of them in their Master's Abfence.

15. Now when the People faw Jefus again, they were furprized with very great Joy. For they knew not to what Place Jefus had retired, nor for how long time he had defigned to abfent himself. Seeing him therefore re*St. Luke turn again * fo quickly, they were furfays it was prized, and ran to him with great Joy, the Day and faluted him. after, Luc.

ix. 37,

16. Then Jefus asked the Scribes, what it was that they difputed about with his Difciples,

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+ Καθώς γέγραπται ἐπ ̓ ἀυτὸν, plainly refers to ἐλήλυθε. And the Verfe ought to be tranflated thus; Elias is indeed come, as it is written of him: and they have done to him what they lifted; Or, but they have done to bim, &c.

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17. One of the People answered: Sir, it is about a Son of mine, who is afflicted by an evil Spirit with a fore Difeafe, which deprives him of the Ufe both of his Speech and Hearing.

18. And his Cafe is fo bad, that when the Fit takes him, it throws him upon the Ground, and he fomes at the Mouth, and gnasheth with his Teeth, and the perpetual Vexation of it makes his whole Body wafte away. Now I brought him hither in hopes to have him cured by you; when I found you not here, I defired your Difciples to caft out the evil Spirit, but they could not.


19. Then Jefus turning himself to his Difciples, rebuked them for their Want of Faith in his Power, which was the Cause why they could not caft out the evil Spirit; and he faid, What an unreasonable Slowness of Belief is this, that after all the Demonftrations I have given you of my Power, and all the Miracles that I have worked in your Sight, you fhould yet for want of Faith be unable to perform this Cure! Muft I always continue with you? And will you never be able to do any thing unless I be prefent? Bring the young Man hither to me.

20. Then they brought him to Jefus: And as foon as he came into his Prefence, the Spirit convulfed him, and put him into a violent Fit, and threw him down upon the Ground; and there he laid wallowing, and foming at the Mouth.

21. Hereupon Jefus, to fhow the People the Greatnefs and Dangeroufnefs of his Condition, asked the young Man's Father, how long his


Son had been tormented at this rate, and when he began firft to be fubject to this Calamity. The Man anfwered; It has been thus with him, even from a Child.

22. Nay and not only thus, but he has frequently been thrown into the Fire, and into the Water, fo as to be in great Danger of his Life. Wherefore, faith he to Jefus, if ever any Calamity moved your Compaffion, take Pity now on Us, and if you have any Power relieve us.

23. Jefus faid; If you have but true Faith, there is nothing fo difficult which God is not able and willing to do, for those who fincerely and heartily

believe on him.

24. Upon this the Man broke out into Tears, and with great Earneftness faid: Lord, I fincerely believe the Sufficiency of your Power; and I befeech you, let the Abundance of your Good nefs and Pity, fupply the Imperfection of my Faith.

25. All this time the People continued running together, and flocking about Jefus and the Man as they were talking. Which when Jefus obferved, he turned himself toward the afflicted Perfon, and with a Voice of Authority commanded the evil Spirit to depart from him, and never afflict him with that Disease more.



26. Whereupon the evil Spirit caufing him to roar, and convulfing him terribly, came out. And the

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And he said, Of a


22 And oft-times it hath cast him into the fire, and into the waters to destroy him: but if thou can't do any thing, have compaffion on us, and help us.

23 Jefus faid unto him, If thou canft believe, all things that believeth. are poffible to him

24 And ftraightway the father of the child cried out, and


with tears,

Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.

When Jefus 25 faw that the people came running together, he rebuked the foul fpirit, faying

unto him, Thou dumb and deaf fpirit, I charge thee, come out of him, and enter no more into him.

26 And the Spirit cried, and rent him fore, and came out of him; and he was

here very Emphatical. my felf command you.


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