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pervades eastern nations generally, though it is to be noticed that the latter are often represented as using their power malignantly. See MAGIC.


FA'MILY (Lat. familia). Though we are in the habit of regarding the life of antiquity, and more particularly that of Greece, as less domestic than that of Christian Europe (and probably with reason), the idea of the family or house (Gr. oikós), as the nucleus of society, as the political unit, was there very early developed. Aristotle speaks of it as the foundation of the state, and quotes Hesiod to the effect that the original family consisted of the wife and the labouring ox, which held, as he says, to the poor the position of the slave (Polit. i. 1). The complete Greek family then consisted of the man and his wife and his slave; the two latter, Aristotle says, never having been confounded in the same class by the Greeks, as by the barbarians (16.). In this form, the family was recognised as the model of the monarchy, the earliest, as well as the simplest, form of government. When, by the birth and growth of children, and the death of the father, the original family is broken up into several, the heads of which stand to each other in a co-ordinate rather than a strictly subordinate position, we have in these the prototypes of the more advanced forms of government. Each brother, by becoming the head of a separate family, becomes a member of an aristocracy, or the embodiment of a portion of the sovereign power, as it exists in the separate elements of which a constitutional or a democratic government is composed.

nected with domestic life. The formal bond of the family is Marriage (q. v.; see also POLYGAMY); and an essential condition of its right development seems to be a distinct abode, which shall be not a mere shelter, but a house or home, affording a certain measure of comfort and decency, according to the standard prevalent in the community. See Genius and Design of the Domestic Constitution, by Rev. Christopher Anderson (Edin. 1826).


FA'MINE, PORT, an abortive settlement of Spain, on the northern side of the Strait of Magellan, is situated in lat. 53° 38′ S., and long. 70 58 W. It owes its name to the death, by starvation, of the Spanish garrison; and it is said to be now a penal colony of the republic of Chili. Some voyagers, ¦ however, have spoken of the neighbourhood as 'covered with flowers,' and 'decorated with luxu riance,' and capable of being made, so far as soil is concerned, one of the finest regions in the world.'

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FAN, an instrument or mechanical contrivance for moving the air for the sake of coolness, or for winnowing chaff from grain. In the East, the use of fans is of remote antiquity. The Hebrews, Egyp tians, Chinese, and the miscellaneous population of India, all used fans as far back as history reaches. At the present day, it is customary, in the better classes of houses in India, to suspend a large species of fan from the ceiling, and keep it in agitation with strings, pulled by servants, in order to give a degree of coolness to the air. See PUNKAH. Among the oldest notices of winnowing fans are those in the Scriptures. There the fan is always spoken of as an instrument for driving away chaff, or for cleansing in a metaphorical sense; and such notices remind us of the simple processes of husbandry employed by a people little advanced in the arts. In its more It was a long stride from the use of a simple hand-instrument for winnowing to that of the modern mechanism employed for a similar purpose. See FANNERS.

But at Rome the idea of the family was still more closely entwined with that of life in the state, and the natural power of the father was taken as the basis not only of the whole political, but of the whole social organisation of the people.

special aspects, the Roman idea of the family will be explained under PATRIA POTESTAS. Here it will be sufficient to state that with the Romans, as with the Greeks, it included the slave as well as the wife,! As is observable from the collection of Egyptian and ultimately the children; a fact which indeed antiquities in the British Museum, the fan as an is indicated by the etymology of the word, which article of female taste and luxury is of quite as belongs to the same root as famulus, a slave. In its old date as the instrument is for commoner purwidest sense, the familia included even the inanimate poses. Terence, a writer of Latin comedies, who possessions of the citizen, who, as the head of a lived in the 2d c. B. C., makes one of his characters house, was his own master (sui juris); and Gaius speak of the fan as used by ladies in ancient Rome: (ii. 102) uses it as synonymous with patrimonium. Cape hoc flabellum, et ventulum huic facito-Take In general, however, it was confined to persons-this fan, and give her thus a little air.' From the wife, children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, if such there were, and slaves of a fullblown Roman citizen. Sometimes, too, it signified all those who had sprung from a common stock, and would have been members of the family, and under the potestas of a common ancestor, had he been alive. See AGNATE. In this sense, of course, the slaves belonging to the different members of the family were not included in it. It was a family, in short, in the sense in which we speak of the royal family,' &c., with this difference, that it was possible for an individual to quit it, and to pass into another by adoption. See ADOPTION. Sometimes, again, the word was used with reference to slaves exclusively, and, analogically, to a sect of philosophers, or a body of gladiators. See Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities.

The whole social fabric is based on the grouping of human beings in families; an arrangement which is in harmony with all the conditions and wants of human life, and which tends to foster those habits and affections that are essential to the welfare of mankind. A prosperous community must be an aggregate of happy families; there being little true happiness in the world that is not intimately con

this Roman origin, the fashion of carrying fans could scarcely fail to be handed down to the ladies of Italy, Spain, and France, whence it was in advanced times imported by the fair of Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth, when in full dress, carried a fan. Shakspeare speaks of fans as connected with a lady's 'bravery' or finery :

With scarfs and fans, and double charge of bravery. It is proper to say, however, that the fan was in these and also in later times not a mere article of finery. There were walking as well as dress fans. The walking or outdoor fan which a lady carried with her to church, or to public promenades, was of large dimensions, sufficient to screen the face from the sun, and answered the purpose of the modern Parasol (q. v.). In old prints, ladies are seen carry. ing these fans in different attitudes according to fancy. The dress fan, which formed part of a lady's equipment at court ceremonies, drums, routs, and theatrical entertainments, was of a size considerably less than the walking fan, and altogether more elegant. Of these dress fans there exist numerous specimens bequeathed as heirlooms from one generation to another; indeed, there are few ladies who


Each lady's fan a chosen Damon bore,
With care selected many a day before;
For unprovided with a favourite beau,

cannot shew several of different eras throughout been the practice to select a partner for a whole the 18th c.; some being in good preservation, season, the fans of the ladies were carefully studied. while in others the gilded stars and cupids which Sir Alexander Boswell alludes to this species of delighted the eyes of great-grandmothers have a stratagem in one of his poems: mournfully tarnished appearance. In the finer kinds of these old fans, the open part of paper is painted with pretty rural scenes and groups of figures in the style of Watteau (q. v.). All were probably of French manufacture. The more costly fan imported from China was and still is altogether of ivory, highly carved and pierced; but it wants the lightness and flexibility which were essential in the ordinary management of this article of the toilet. Strictly speaking, the fan was used less for the purpose of cooling than for giving the hands something to do, and also for symbolically expressing certain passing feelings. In the hand of an adept, the fan, by peculiar movements, could be made to express love, disdain, modesty, hope, anger, and other emotions. Gay, speaking of Flavia's accomplishments, says:

In other hands, the fan would prove An engine of sinall force in love. Considering the coarseness of language, even in the higher circles, in the early part of the 18th c., we cannot wonder that the fan should have been

indispensable to a lady going into company. It was held up to shield the countenance when anything too shocking for female ears was uttered. Pope has an allusion to this use of the fan

The modest fan was lifted up no more, And virgins smiled at what they blushed before. Steele, in a paper in the Tatler, No. 52, August 9, 1709, gives an amusing account of Delamira, a fine lady, resigning her fan when she was about to be married. One of her female acquaintances, having envied the manner in which this charming and fortunate coquette had played her fan, asks her for it. Delamira acknowledges the wonderful virtues of the fan, and tells her that all she had above the rest of her sex and contemporary beauties was wholly owing to a fan (that was left her by her mother, and had been long in the family), which, whoever had in possession, and used with skill, should command the hearts of all her beholders; "and since," said she smiling, "I have no more to do with extending my conquests or triumphs, I will make you a present of this inestimable rarity." Two years later, Addison, in a paper in the Spectator (No. 102), gives a humorous account of the tactics of coquettes in the use of fans: Women are armed with fans as men with swords, and sometimes do more execution with them; then he goes on to describe how ladies are instructed to handle, discharge, ground, and flutter their fans-the whole being a pleasant satire on the fan-manoeuvring in the reign of Queen


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The nymph, chagrined, the ball must needs forego. In Italy, Spain, the West Indies, and also some parts of the United States, fans are largely in use for giving the sensation of coolness during hot be seen in the hands of gentlemen as well as ladies. weather, and for this purpose they may sometimes In Spain, the old fashion of fan-flirting appears to be still in vogue. A late traveller in that country says: I was vastly interested in the movements of that Spanish fans are in perpetual motion, and betray each feeling, real or assumed, that passes through the mind of the bearer. I felt convinced I could guess the nature of the service at every particular moment by the way in which the fans were waving. The difference between a litany and a thanksgiving was unmistakable; and I believed that

the ladies' fans at church. All the world knows

minuter shades of devotion were also discoverable.' -Vacation Tourists (1861).


With other changes in manners, fans are longer used in English fashionable circles for the frivolous purposes noticed in their past history; they still continue, however, to form an article of ceremonial dress at dinner and other evening parties. In embellishing them, foreign as well as native art is exerted on a scale commensurate with

their price. From the superior kinds, composed of ivory and silk, costing twenty guineas, down to those of wood and paper, which are sold at 18., there are varieties to suit every toilet and pocket. Lately, fans made tastefully of feathers, also fans constructed of straw and variously coloured ribbons, have been among the novelties of fashion. In the case of a general court mourning, ladies are enjoined to use 'black paper fans.' The manufacture of fans of various kinds is carried on in England, France, Belgium, Spain, and other European countries, likethe fan is an article of export from China to many wise in the United States; and now, as formerly, parts of the world.

W. C.

FAN PALM, a name common to all those palms which have fan-shaped leaves, as the species of Mauritia, Lodoicea (Double Cocoa Nut), Hyphone (Doum Palm), Corypha, Livistona, Chamaerops, &c. The only truly European palm, Chamaerops humilis (q. v.), is a F. P., as is also the North American Palmetto. The Talipot Palm (Corypha umbraculi fera) is sometimes called the Great Fan Palm. The Palmyra Palm is another fan palm. The fan-shaped leaf is produced by an abbreviation of the midrib of a pinnated leaf.

Later in the 18th c., fans served another import- FANA'RIOTS, the general name given to the ant purpose. At dancing assemblies in London, Greeks inhabiting the Fanar or Fanal in ConstanBath, and elsewhere, it was usual for the gentlemen tinople, a quarter of the city which takes its name to select their partners by drawing a fan. All the from the beacon (Gr. phanarion) situated in it. ladies' fans being placed promiscuously in a hat, each They first appear in history after the taking of gentleman drew one, and the lady to whom it Constantinople by the Turks, and appear to have belonged was his allotted partner. Mrs Montagu, been originally descendants of such noble Byzantine in one of her letters, refers to this custom: In the families as escaped the fury of the barbarians. afternoon, I went to Lord Oxford's ball at Mary-le- Afterwards, however, the class was recruited by bone. It was very agreeable. The partners were emigrants from different parts of the old Byzantine chosen by their fans, but with a little supercherie.' empire. Subtle, insinuating, intriguing, they soon Of the trick or fraud which this authoress deli- took advantage of the ignorance of the Turkish cately veils under a French term, the beaux of that governors, and made themselves politically indisperiod were far from guiltless. A lady's fan was pensable to their rulers. They filled the offices of almost as well known as her face, and it was not dragomans, secretaries, bankers, &c. One of them, difficult, with a little connivance, to know which named Panayotaki, at a later period, was appointed to draw. At Edinburgh, where it appears to have | Dragoman to the Divan, and his successors obtained


still greater honours. Through their influence, the lucrative office of Dragoman of the Fleet was called into existence, which gave them almost unlimited power in the islands of the Archipelago. Besides, from them were chosen, until the outbreak of the revolution in 1822, the Hospodars of Wallachia and Moldavia, while, in addition, the disposal of most of the civil and military posts under the Turkish government was in their hands. In spite of their power, however, the F. never exhibited much patriotism; they were animated by the petty motives of a caste, and when the war of liberation broke out among their countrymen, they took no part in it. In the present altered state of affairs in Turkey, they have no political influence. See Marco Zalloni's Essai sur les Fanariots (Marseille, 1824; 2d ed. 1830). Consult also Finlay's History of the Greek Revolution (Edin., Blackwood and Sons, 1861).


FANDA'NGO, like the Bolero, is an old Spanish national dance, in time. It is danced most gracefully in the country, usually to the accompaniment

of a guitar, while the dancers beat time with castanets, a custom borrowed from the Moors. It proceeds gradually from a slow and uniform to the liveliest motion; and notwithstanding the simplicity of the pas, vividly expresses all the graduations of the passion of love, in a manner sometimes bordering on licentiousness. The people are so passionately fond of it, that the efforts of the clergy have never been able to suppress it.

FANEUIL HALL, a spacious public hall in Boston, Massachusetts, erected in 1742 by Peter Faneuil, and presented by him to the town. In its original condition as so gifted, the building con tained a hall for public meetings, with lesser apartments above, and a basement used as a market. In 1761, it was destroyed by fire, and rebuilt. During the revolutionary struggle with England, the hall was so often used for important political meetings, that it became known as 'the cradle of American liberty. In 1805, the building was increased in height by an additional story, and also increased in width. It is now an edifice about 80 feet square; the hall contains some fine paintings; and the basement is no longer used as a market. The cut

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here given, which is taken from an original drawing, represents this interesting historical edifice as it existed in 1768.

FANFARE is the French name of a short and lively military air or call, executed on brass instruments. It was brought by the Arabs into Spain, whence it passed into Mexico and the New World. Fanfaron, derived from fanfare, is the name given to a swaggering bully or cowardly boaster, probably because of the empty noise he makes when blow. ing his own trumpet,' or threatening timid people, and the term applied to his idle braggadocia and vapouring vaunts is Fanfaronnade.

FANG (Ang.-Sax. and Ger., anything caught or taken, from the verb fangen, to catch). In the

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Snap went the shears, then in a wink,
The fang was stowed behind a bink.'
Morison's Poems, p. 110

In England, also, the verb fang was still in use in Shakspeare's time: 'Destruction fang mankind!' (Timon of Athens, iv. 3); and Master Fang,' in Henry IV., is named after his office. We still use the phrase 'in the fangs,' for in the clutches; and the fangs of a dog or of a serpent are its teeth with which it catches or holds.


FANNERS, a machine employed to winnow grain. In passing through the machine, the grain is rapidly agitated in a sieve, and falling through a strong current of wind, created by a rotatory fan, the chaff is blown out at one end, and the cleansed particles fall out at an orifice beneath. The apparatus is composed chiefly of wood, and though ordinarily moved by the hand, it is sometimes connected with the driving power of a thrashing mill. The fanners superseded the old and slow process of winnowing, which consisted in throwing up the grain by means of sieves or shovels, while a current of wind, blowing across the thrashingfloor, carried away the chaff. A machine for the winnowing of corn was, as far as can be ascertained, for the first time made in this island by Andrew Rodger, a farmer on the estate of Cavers in Roxburghshire, in the year 1737. It was after retiring from his farm to indulge a bent for mechanics, that he entered on this remarkable invention, and began circulating what were called Fanners throughout the country, which his descendants continued to do for many years.'-Domestic Annals of Scotland, by R. Chambers, vol. iii. Strangely enough, there was a strong opposition to the use of this useful instrument; the objectors being certain rigid sectaries in Scotland, who saw in it an impious evasion of the Divine will. To create an artificial wind, was a distinct flying in the face of the text, 'He that formeth the mountains, and createth the wind.'-Amos iv. 13. Apart from the folly of the objectors, who carried their fancies to the extent of petty persecution, we are amazed at their apparent neglect of the fact, that the winnowing of corn by artificial means, in which fans performed a conspicuous part, is mentioned repeatedly in the Old Testament. See FAN. The advantages in using the fanners soon overcame all prejudices on the subject, and the objections to the use of the machine are now remembered only by tradition, and by a passage in one of the imperishable fictions of Scott. In the tale of Old Mortality, Mause Headrigg is made anachronously to speak to her mistress about a newfangled machine for dighting the corn frae the chaff, thus impiously thwarting the will o' Divine Providence, by raising wind for your leddyship's use by human art, instead of soliciting it by prayer, or patiently waiting for whatever dispensation of wind Providence was pleased to send upon the shieling-hill.'

FA'NO (Lat. Fanum Fortunæ, so called from the temple of Fortune which the Romans erected here in commemoration of the defeat of Asdrubal on the Metaurus) is the name of a town and seaport of Italy, in the province of Urbino e Pesaro, finely situated in a beautiful and fertile district on the shore of the Adriatic, 30 miles north-west of Ancona, and near the mouth of the Metaurus. It is well built, is surrounded with walls and ditches, has a cathedral dedicated to St Fortunato, and numerous churches containing many valuable paintings, among which are several of the best works of Domenichino, and an excellent Annunciation' by Guido. The remains of a triumphal arch of white marble, raised in honour of Augustus, form perhaps the chief object of classical interest at Fano. Pop. 19,646, who carry on considerable trade in corn and oil, and in silk goods. Here, in 1514, Pope Julius II. established the first printing-press with Arabic letters known in Europe. The port of F. was once well known to the traders of the Adriatic; its commerce, however, has declined, and the harbour become, to some extent, choked up with


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FANS, THE, a race of aborigines in Equatorial

Africa, residing on the tributaries of the Gaboon river, and said to be cannibals; the accounts of this savage race are, however, still imperfect, and what is mentioned respecting them wants confirmation.

FANSHAWE, SIR RICHARD, was born in 1608

at Ware Park, in the county of Hertford; studied at Jesus College, Cambridge; and in 1626, became a member of the Inner Temple. On the outbreak of the civil war, he took part with the king; and in 1648, became treasurer to the navy under Prince Rupert. He was taken prisoner at the battle of Worcester; and on his release, withdrew to Breda in Holland, where Charles II. was holding his court in exile. After the Restoration, he was appointed ambassador at the court of Madrid, where he died tion. His most celebrated work, now very rare, is in 1666. F. was an author of considerable reputaa translation of Guarini's Pastor Fido, the lyrical passages of which are rendered with remarkable skill and elegance. The volume in which it appeared was published in 1664, and contains other pieces in prose and verse.

FANTA'SIA, in Music, the name of a composition of a similar character to the capriccio; also given to extempore effusions performed by a musician who possesses the rare gift of producing, as it were, offhand music like a well-studied, regular composition. Hummel was more celebrated for his extempore fantasias on the pianoforte than even for his published compositions. Frederick Schneider was equally great for his free fantasias on the organ.


FAN-TRACERY VAULTING, a kind of Late Gothic vaulting (15th c.), so called from its resemblance to a fan. The ribs or veins spring from one point, the cap of the shaft, and radiate with the same curvature, and at equal intervals, round the surface of a curved cone or polygon, till they reach the semicircular or polygonal ribs which divide the roof horizontally at the ridge level. The spaces between the ribs are filled with foils and cusps, resembling the tracery of a Gothic window; hence the name fan-tracery. The spaces between the outlines of the fans at the ridge level, are called by Professor Whewell (German Churches) ridge lozenges. In Henry VII.'s Chapel, Westminster, one of the

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nothing. They are, however, supported with great ingenuity by internal arches, rising high above the visible vaulting. This is one of the tours-de-force which astonish the vulgar, but are only adopted when art has reached a low level, and has in a great measure given place to artifice. Fan-tracery is a very beautiful kind of vaulting, and is peculiar to England, where it originated, and where alone it was practised. Among the finest examples are Henry VII.'s Chapel at Westminster; St George's, Windsor; and King's College Chapel, Cambridge. Fan-tracery is also frequently used in the vaulting of cloisters, as at Canterbury, Chester, &c.

liquids and solids, though previously effected by others (and F. has ever been the foremost to acknowledge another's priority), he has really made his own, not only by the extent and accuracy of his experiments, but by the exquisite experimental methods by which he effected the results. His ideas on regelation, and its connection with the motion of glaciers, have not met with universal acceptance, though (see HEAT, ICE, GLACIER) there is no dispute as to his being correct in his facts. In regard to Conservation of Force, there can be no doubt that he has been led into a fallacy, by mistaking the technical use of the word force (see FA'RADAY, MICHAEL, D.C.L., 1832, one of the FORCE), for in his article on the subject he describes most distinguished chemists and natural philoso- experiments made with the view of proving the phers of the present century; a splendid instance of conservation of statical, not dynamical force, success obtained by patience, perseverance, and whereas the doctrine of conservation asserts merely genius, over obstacles of birth, education, and for- the conservation of energy,' which is not statical tune. He was born in 1791, near London, his father force. He may be right also, but if so, it will be being a blacksmith. He was early apprenticed to a by a new discovery, having no connection whatever bookbinder; yet even then he devoted his leisure with conservation of energy.'

illustration, and his felicitous choice of expression, though the subjects were often of the most abstruse nature, were such as to charm and attract all classes of hearers. Besides two sets (already mentioned) on chemical subjects, we have his Lectures on the Physical Forces, a simple work, but in reality must profound, even in its slightest remarks.

time to science, and amongst other things, made | His Christmas lectures at the Royal Institution, experiments with an electrical machine of his own though professedly addressed to the young, con construction. Chance having procured him admis- tain in reality much that may well be pondered sion, in 1812, to the chemical lectures of Sir H. Davy by the old. His manner, his unvarying success in (q. v.), then in the zenith of his fame, he ventured to send to Davy the notes he had taken, with a modest expression of his desire to be employed in some intellectual pursuit. Davy seems to have at first endeavoured to discourage him, but finding him thoroughly in earnest, soon engaged him as his assistant at the Royal Institution. He travelled with Davy to the continent, as assistant and amanuensis. On their return to London, Davy confided to him the performance of certain experiments, which led in his hands to the condensation of gases into liquids by pressure. Here he first shewed some of that extraordinary power and fertility which have rendered his name familiar to every one even slightly acquainted with physics, and which led to his appointment, in 1827, to Sir H. Davy's post of Professor of Chemistry in the Royal Institution. We shall give a brief summary of his more important discoveries and published works, arranging the different subjects according to their position in various branches of science, rather than in their chronological order.

In chemistry, we have his treatise on Chemical Manipulation, 1827; 2d ed. 1842, even now a very valuable book of reference. His Lectures on the Non-metallic Elements, and Lectures on the Chemical History of a Candle, delivered at the Royal Institution in 1860, were published shortly after. As discoveries or investigations of a high order in this branch of science, we may mention-New Compounds of Chlorine and Carbon, 1821; Alloys of Steel, 1822; Compounds of Hydrogen and Carbon, 1825; Action of Sulphuric Acid on Naphthaline, 1826; Decomposition of Hydrocarbons by Expansion, 1827; and the very valuable series of experiments made in 1829-1830, on the Manufacture of Glass for Optical Purposes, which resulted in one of his greatest discoveries, to be afterwards mentioned.

As practical applications of science, his Preparation of the Lungs for Diving, and Ventilation of Light-house Lamps, are conspicuous, as are also his celebrated letter on Table-turning, and his lecture on Mental Education.

But the great work of his life is the series of Experimental Researches on Electricity, published in the Philosophical Transactions during the last forty years and more. Fully to understand all the discoveries contained in that extraordinary set of papers, would require a knowledge of all that has been discovered during that time as to Electricity, Magnetism, Electro-magnetism, and Diamagnetism. We may merely mention the following, almost all of which are discoveries of the first order. They are given in the order of publication, which is nearly that of discovery: 1. Induced Electricity, 1831, comprehending and explaining a vast variety of phenomena, some of which have already been applied in practice (especially as Magneto-electr city) to light-houses, electro-plating, firing of mines, telegraphy, and medical purposes. Electric currents derived from the earth's magnetism. 2. The Electrotonic State of Matter, 1831; 3. Identity of Electricity from Different Sources, 1833; 4. Equivalents in Electro-chemical Decomposition, 1834; 5. Electrostatic Induction-Specific Inductive Capacity, 1835; 6. Relation of Electric and Magnetic Forces, 1538; 7. The Electricity of the Gymnotus, 1839; Hydro-electricity, 1843; 9. Magnetic Rotatory Polarisation, 1846, effected by means of the optical glass already mentioned; 10. Diamagnetism ani the Magnetic Condition of all Matter, 1846; 11. Polarity of Diamagnetics, and the Relation of Diamagnetism to Crystalline Forces, 1849; 12 Relation of Gravity to Electricity, 1851. This, as before remarked, is F.'s attempt to prove a conservation of statical force. 13. Atmospheric Mag netism, 1851. An attempt to explain the diurnal changes of the earth's magnetic force by the solar effect on the oxygen of the air; a very interesting



To enumerate only the most prominent of his F., who had received a pension in 1835, was in publications on physical science, we may commence 1858 appointed a house in Hampton Court, where with the Condensation of the Gases (already referred he resided till his death in 1867. In 1862 he gave to); then we have Limits of Vaporisation, Optical his last discourse on gas-furnaces.' In this year Deceptions, Acoustical Figures, Regelation, Relation he advocated the use of magneto-electric light in of Gold and other Metals to Light, and Conservation light-houses. In 1865 he resigned the office of of Force. Of these, the condensation of gases into adviser to the Trinity House, which he had held

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