TO THE ENGLISH POETS. VOLUME THE FIRST. LONDON: PRINTED BY J. NICHOLS; FOR C. BATHURST, J. BUCKLAND, W.STRAHAN, J. RIVING- MDCCLXXX. ADVERTISEMENT. T HE following Index is a synoptical view of the English Poets in these particulars; namely, in prudential, moral and religious sentences; in remarkable proverbial sayings, either of a ludicrous or ferious turn; in characters of celebrated persons, both ancient and modern; in descriptions of places and countries, and in accounts of remarkable events, either in the natural or political world, and of the ancient customs or antiquities; in critical observations on poets and poetry, by Dryden, Addison, Pope, &c. with strong remonstrances against the vile prostitution of the gift of heaven to impure and immoral purposes: |