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Bliss, the second, praise of doing well,


- fortune here below can give no richer meed,
which Christian schemes alone enfure,

without the fting receive,

fublunary bliss! proud words and vain, Young 3:10

Weft 207

West 201

Young 2:56

Prior 2: 155

that changeth with the moon,

Prior 1: 228

of man is, not to act beyond mankind,

Pope 2:36

Blissful vision, each shares in, as he can bear,

Dry. 2: 183

[blocks in formation]

Blood-stain'd Exile, ever doom'd to roam,

Pope od. 4:57

and forefathers are not our own,

Bloffom'd beans, Arabia cannot boaít a fuller gale, Thom. 1: 20

Blount, epistle to,

Blown-up veal,

Blows, to rain a storm of,

Blunt honeft Heroes, what easy tools!

Bluth, that spurious virtue in a maid,

Boadicia boasts of Orinda,

Boar, Arabian method of hunting,

bled by boar, and goat by goat lay flain,

Boaster enormous, doom'd to vaunt in vain,

Boafters of liberty, fast bound in chains,

Boasting is but an art, our fears to blind,

Pope 2: 335

Butl. 1:80

Butl. 1: 130

Smith 159

Swift 1: 106

Cow. 1:16г

Som. 58, feq.

Pope od. 3:72

Pope il. 2:37

Young 2: 203

Pope il. 2: 275


Boafting and with false terror sink another's mind, Popeil. 2:275

Boat, the bear in,

Boccace, author of the octave rhyme,

Bodies to their proper centre move,

Body, anagram of the world,

how acts on mind,

does not its investing weed exceed ?
only I give o'er to death,

Gay 2: 137

Dry. 3:15

Aken. 44

Butl. 1: 300

Garth 21

Thom. 2: 182

Prior 2: 16

[blocks in formation]

where brothers were by brothers flain, Pope 1:288

[blocks in formation]

from the ancients, like the ancients writ, Lytt. 28

Bold, a way will find or make,

without rudeness,

King 356

Pom. 290

[blocks in formation]


Bombaft, crying fin,
Bombay, trade to,

Cow. 1: 132

Dyer 115

Bonduca brandish'd high the British spear,

Prior 1: 230

bold, fwift flew her arrows,

Book and bell, to curse with,

Broome 135

Dry. 3: 208

Book-learned wife, a great plague,

Dry. 7: 270

Books, ends of,

Den. 91

and the world to be conjoined,

Butl. 2: 284

perfection in, to be plain and brief,

Butl. 2: 346

as affected are as men,

Gay 2:27

are furniture,

Young 1:89

Parn. 66

[blocks in formation]

Born to try the lot of man, to suffer and to die, Pope od. 3: 85

[blocks in formation]

Bounty, like the fun, spreads her ray,

Pope 2: 187

[blocks in formation]

stony, how melt in those, who never pity felt, Swift 2:263



[blocks in formation]

Boyne, already sung in strains that ne'er shall die, Hughes 30

run thick with gore,

Add. 9

shall raise his laurel'd head,

Prior 1: 175

Brabantia, clad with fields and crown'd'with towers, ib. 160

[blocks in formation]

afks no omen, but his country's cause, Pope il. 1: 366

[blocks in formation]

Brave doom'd to bear the gripes of poverty,
and stings of care,.

Pope od. 4: 122

Pope od. 4: 122.

fire the brave,

Brocme 75

live glorious, or lamented die,

Popeil. 1:173

Pope il. 2:87

o'erpower'd by numbers, but brave in vain, Pope od. 4:74

[blocks in formation]

Bravely-patient to no fortune yields,

Brazen age,

[blocks in formation]

their generous discord with the battle ends, ib.130.

on rolling oceans, and in fighting fields, ib. 102

Dry. 3: 302-

Bread, that decaying man with strength supplies, Pope od. 3:72



and wine, outward figns,

Pope od. 4: 102

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