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Brothers, their tortur'd minds envy tears,

Pope 1: 284

who reprimand, first mend their own faults, Gay2:11

[blocks in formation]

mate, who cherishes, shall mourn the folly, Gay 2: 114

[blocks in formation]

Bubble breaking, and a fable told, emblems of life, Prior 2: 185

[blocks in formation]

Buckhurst, for pointed fatire,

playing with a cat,

Buckingham, Villers duke of, his character,

procures Clarendon's fall,

Roch. 338

Prior 1: 42

Duke 91, 92

Duke 93

rov'd wild, the public jest,

Pitt 281

now fome innholder's, now a monarch's guest, ib.

his life and politics of every shape,

Pitt 282

this hour a Roman, and the next an ape, ib. 282

death of,

Wall. 21

Sheffield duke of, testimonies of Authors to, 5

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Burgefs for Bramber is no place to die in,

Rowe 29

[blocks in formation]

scorch'd by a flaming speech on moderation, Parn. 278

[blocks in formation]

Butchers, always foremost in the hangman's train, Gay 1: 112

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Butterfly, what youthful bride can equal her array, Thom. 1:202

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- could scarce oppose Vanessa's flame, Swift 1:126

Pitt 239.

Add. 144

founded an empire in Boeotian fields, Pope 1:288

Cades trembles, when Jehovah speaks,

Cadmus, story of,

my verse inspire,

who the first materials brought,

Tick. 222

Tick. 222


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