Gentleman, Sav. 146 the social manners, and the heart humane, Sav. 146 knowledge of various life, of learning too, Sav. 146 an humble, though an elevated mind, Sav. 146 --- who married his cast mistress, Som. 246 Gentle fleep, in thy embrace all forrow dies, Gay 1: 245 George-Nim-Dan-Dean, verses to and from, Swift 1 : 224, feq. Georgia, culture of filk in, Dyer 123 Georgic, what, Add. 201, 202 of Virgil, most finished piece of antiquity, Add. 211 German prince, proud of pedigree, is poor of purse, Pope 2: 207 Geron, Hobbinol, Lanquet, A. Phil. 322 Gethin, verses to memory of, Ghofts, by saucer eye-balls known, Giant of the hundred hands, Briareus named above, Ægeon here, Giant-ills of earth are dwarf'd by grace, Giants, origin of, tower-like warriors, rear an hundred arms, Cong. 64 Gay 2:12 Tick. 178 Tick. 178 Young 3: 136 Milt. 2:108 Broome 143 Broome 143 Giants. no fattening dews be on thy lawns distill'd, Som. 204 no kindly showers refresh, Som. 204 - accurs'd by men, and hateful to the skies, Som. 104 Glover, liberty and virtue claim thy song, Glutted market makes provifions cheap, Lytt. 9 Gay 1:292 Pope 1: 264 Lans. 247 - could not be, could we conceive him, Young 3:29 God, not a necessary cause, but freely acting, acts to one end, but by various laws, Black. 157 Popc 2:55 not by partial, but by general laws, Pope 2:34 by arbitrary laws, Black. 103 - frames creatures distinguish'd in perfection, Black. 103 whofe broad eye, future and past joins to present, Young 3:75 all-knowing, all-unknown, Young 3:75 -caufe uncaused, fole root of nature, Young 3:75 father of this immeasurable mass of matters, Young 3:75 -- in uncreated light, deep invested, dwells, Tham, 1:49 guards my life, and shields me from my foes, Pitt 250 sees and moves all, himself unmov'd, unfeen, Broome 100 present, by providential care, Young 3: 121 fupreme, the regislers of fate expanded lie to, Pope od.4:164 |