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Note, that if the time and present exigence will not fuffer all this to be done, the Prieft may begin with exorcizing the child, and then anoint it with theHoly Oil, and proceed as above prescribed; and if the cafe be very extream, he may baptize the child directly.

Then shall the Priest anoint the child with the Holy Chrism, making the sign of the cross upon it's forehead, and Jaying,

N. the servant of God is sealed with the feal of the Cross, and anointed with Holy Ointment, as an emblem of the inward unction of the Holy Spirit, In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

Then shall the Prieft fay the following prayer.
Lord God, who art unbegotten and without

fuperiour; thou Lord of all, who hast made the sweet favour of the knowledge of the gofpel to go forth among all nations: Do thou now grant, that this Chrism may be effectual in this baptized child, that the sweet favour of thy Christ may remain firm and stable in him, and that he dying with him in his death, may rise again with him in his refurrection, and live together with him; by whom and with whom, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, all honour and glory be unto thee, O Father Almighty, world without end. Amen.

Then shall the Priest give the child the Holy Sacra-
ment of Chrift's Body and Blood: After which he
Shall conclude with this Blessing.
THE grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the
Love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy
Ghost, be with us now and evermore. Amen.


Note, if no Priest can be procured, a Deacon may baptize the child according to the directions above prescribed, except that he shall omit the confecration of the Water, and the anointing the child with the Holy Chrism, but immediately after baptizing it, shall conclude with the Bleffing: After which as foon as a Prieft can be procured, he shall anoint the child with the Holy Chrism, and give it the Holy Sacrament of Christ's Body and Blood: But if a Prieft cannot be had, the Deacon may communicate the child.

If the child which is after this fort baptized, do afterward live, it must be brought by the Sponfor to the Church-door, at the time that the Prieft by bis difcretion shall appoint; to the intent that if the Priest of the fame Parish did himself baptize that child, the congregation may be certified of the true form of Baptism, by him privately before used: in which cafe he shall say thus.

I Certify you, that according to the due and pre

fcribed order of the church, at fuch a time and at fuch a place before divers witnesses I baptized with Water In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, this child, who being conceived and born in fin, is now by the laver, &c. proceeding according to the form fet down hereafter.

But if the child were baptized by any other lawful Priest or Deacon; then the Priest of the Parish where the child was born or baptized, shall examine and try whether the child be lawfully baptized, or no. In which cafe, if the Sponfor that brings any child to church, do answer that the fame child is already already baptized, then shall the Priest examine him or her farther, faying,

By whom was this child baptized?
Who was present, when this child was baptized?
With what matter was this child baptized?
With what words was this child baptized?

And if the Priest shall find by the answers of the child's Sponsor, that all things were done as they ought to be; then shall not be baptize the child again, but fhall receive him as one of the flock of true Chriftian people, faying thus,

↑ Certify you, that in this case all is well done, and

according to due order concerning the baptizing of this child; who being conceived and born in fin, is now by the laver of regeneration in Baptifm, received into the number of the children of God and of the heirs of everlasting life. For our Lord Jefus Christ doth not deny his grace and mercy unto fuch infants, but most lovingly doth call them unto him, as the Holy Gospel doth witness to our comfort.

Then shall the Deacon fay,

Hear the words of the Gospel written by Saint Mark, in the tenth chapter, at the thirteenth verse. People. Glory be to thee, O Lord.

Then shall the Deacon read the Gospel.

THey brought young children to Chrift, that he should touch them; and his disciples rebuked those that brought them. But when Jesus saw it, he was much difpleased, and said unto them, Suffer the

the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of fuch is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. And he took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blefsed them.

And the Gospel ended, the Deacon shall fay, Here endeth the Holy Gofpel.

People. Thanks be to thee, O Lord.

Then shall the Priest take the child by the right hand; and as he walks towards the Baptistery or Font, be Shall fay,

THE Lord vouchsafe to receive thee into his holy houshold, and to keep and govern thee always in the fame, that thou mayest have everlasting life. Amen.

When they are all come to the Baptistery or Font, the Priest shall make this brief exhortation upon the words of the Gospel.

Beloved, ye have heard in the Gospel the words

of our Saviour Christ, that he commanded the children to be brought unto him; how he blamed thofe that would have kept them from him; how he exhorteth all men to follow their innocency. Ye perceive how by his outward gesture and deed he declared his good-will toward them; for he em braced them in his arms, he laid his hands upon them, and blessed them. Doubt ye not therefore, but earnestly believe, that he hath likewife favourably received this present infant, that he hath embraced him with the arms of his mercy, and (as he hath promised in his holy word) will give unto him



the blessing of eternal life, and make him partaker of his everlasting kingdom. Wherefore we being thus perfuaded of the good-will of our heavenly Father, declared by his Son Jesus Christ, towards this infant, let us faithfully and devoutly give thanks unto him.

Then shall the Priest say the following thanksgiving. A Lmighty and everlasting God, heavenly Father, we give thee humble thanks, that thou hast vouchsafed to call us to the knowledge of thy grace and faith in thee: Increase this knowledge, and confirm this faith in us evermore. Give thy Holy Spirit to this infant, that he being born again, and being made an heir of everlasting salvation, through our Lord Jesus Christ, may continue thy servant, and attain thy promise, through the fame our Lord Jesus Christ thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, now and for ever.


Then shall the Priest speak to the Sponsor on this wife.

DEarly beloved, thou haft brought this child here

to be received into the congregation of Christ's flock; thou hast heard what our Lord Jesus Christ hath done for him, and hath promised to him. Wherefore this infant must faithfully for his part, promife by thee who art his surety, that he will renounce the devil and all his works, and constantly believe God's holy word, and obediently keep his commandments. I demand therefore,


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