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the new-confecrated Bishop shall stand up, and pronounce this Benediction, the People reverently bowing their heads.

Thich thunde HE peace of God, which passeth all under

knowledge and love of God, and of his Son Jefus Christ our Lord. And the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be amongst you, and remain with you always.

Anfw. And with thy spirit.

Then skall the new-confecrated Bishop make a discourse to the People, and afterwards proceeds in the Communion-Service, beginning where the Confecrator left off.





Ordaining or Confecrating PRIESTS.

When there is occafion for a Prieft to be ordained, the Clergy of the Diocese shall elect a proper person out of the Deacons of that Diocese; after which they shall propose the perfon elected to the Faithful of the Parish; and if the majority of them agree and consent to the faid election, notice thereof shall be given to the Bishop; and if after the perfon elected hath been examined by the two Priests, who are to present him at the Ordination, and by the Bishop himself, he approve of him, he shall give notice of the day of Ordination (which shall always be a Lord's day) both to the Clergy of the Diocese and to the Faithful of the Parish.

On all Wednesdays and Fridays between the time of the Bishop's notice and the day of Ordination, the following prayer shall be used in the Penitential Office after the prayer for all forts and conditions of men.


Lmighty God our heavenly Father, who hast purchased to thy self an universal church by the precious blood of thy dear Son; mercifully look upon

upon the fame, and at this time so guide and govern the mind of thy fervant our Bishop, that he may not lay on hands fuddenly, but may faithfully and wisely ordain a fit person to the Priestly office. And to him who shall be ordained to that holy function, give thy grace and heavenly benediction, that both by his life and doctrine he may fet forth thy glory, and fet forward the falvation of all men, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Note, that a Priest is not to be ordained, till he is Thirty years of age, unless upon a particular occafion, of which the Bishop is to be judge.

When the day appointed by the Bishop is come, he and as many of the Clergy of the Diocese as conveniently can, shall repair to the Cathedral Church or to the Parish Church where the Priest Elect is to officiate. And after the Creed in the Morning Prayer there Shall be a fermon or exhortation, declaring the duty and office of Priests, how necessary that Order is in the Church of Christ, and also how the People ought to esteem them in their office.

When all things are duly prepared in the Church, and Set in order; at the time appointed for celebrating the Holy Eucharift, before the Communion Service begins, the Elected Priest (being decently habited) hall be presented by two Priests unto the Bishop fitting in his Chair near the Altar, the Priests that present him faying,

R Ight Reverend Father in God, we present unto you this person to be admitted to the Order of Priesthood.


The Biskop.

TAKE heed that the person whom ye present unto us, be apt and meet, for his learning and godly converfation, to exercise this holy office duly, to the honour of God and the edifying of his Church.

The two Priests shall say,

We have enquired of him, and also examined him, and think him fo to be.

Then the Bishop shall say unto the People,

REloved, this perfon we purpose, God willing, to

receive this day unto the holy office of Priefthood: For after due examination we find not to the contrary, but that he is lawfully called to that function and miniftry, and that he is meet for the fame. But yet if there be any of you, who knoweth any impediment or notable crime in him, for the which he ought not to be received into this holy office, let him come forth in the name of God, and shew what the crime or impediment is.

And if any great crime or impediment be objected, the Bishop shall furceafe from ordaining that perfon, until fuch time as the party accused shall be found clear of that crime.

But if no great crime or impediment be objected, the Bishop shall begin the Communion Service, in which the Collect, Epistle, and Gospel shall be as follow.



The Collect.

A Lmighty God, giver of all good things, who by thy Holy Spirit haft appointed divers Orders of Minifters in thy Church: mercifully behold this thy servant now called to the office of the Priesthood, and replenish him fo with the truth of thy doctrine, and adorn him with innocency of life, that both by word and good example he may faithfully serve thee in this office, to the glory of thy name, and the edification of thy Church, through the merits of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, world without end. Amen.

The Epistle. Ephef. 4. 7.

UNTO every one of us is given grace, accord

ing to the measure of the gift of Chrift. Wherefore he faith, When he afcended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men. (Now that he afcended, what is it, but that he also defcended first into the lower parts of the earth? He that defcended, is the fame also that afcended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.) And he gave fome Apostles, and some Prophets, and fome Evangelifts, and some Pastors and Teachers, for the perfecting of the Saints, for the work of the Ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ; till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Chrift.


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