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reckoned Four in Number; which may be juftly diftinguished by Things, as well as by Names of Men, after the following Manner.

I. THE Swearing and Forfwearing HighChurch.

II. THE Non-fwearing High-Church, that contends for being prefent at the finful Prayers of the Church.

III. THE Non-fwearing Wine and Water

IV. THE Non - fwearing
Non-fwearing No Water





Wednesday, January & 100

An Analogy between Ancient Ha
thenifm and Modern Prieftcraft

S Extremes meet in a Por, and
Corruption in terreira Bots
is the next State from Perfec-
tion; fo all the Commands and
Denunciations of Heaven have

not been able to keep the Chritian Preithood, in most Countries, from running beadong mo the Superftitions and Follies of the Geattle do laters. By a ftrange Sort of Fatairy, they hare jumped in the fame Thoughts, and played over and over again the fame Tricks; infomach th if we but make fmall Allowances for the coftant Alterations of Time, and fuch as mut ne ceffary refult from different Languages and Fa hions, the prefent Romish Churches might be

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reckoned Four in Number; which may be juftly diftinguished by Things, as well as by Names of Men, after the following Manner.

I. THE Swearing and Forfwearing HighChurch.

II. THE Non-fwearing High-Church, that contends for being prefent at the finful Prayers of the Church.

III. THE Non-fwearing Wine and Water Church.

IV. THE Non- fwearing No Water Church,




Wednesday, January 4. 1721.

An Analogy between Ancient Heathenifm and Modern Prieftcraft.


S Extremes meet in a Point, and Corruption in terrestrial Bodies is the next State from Perfection; fo all the Commands and Denunciations of Heaven have not been able to keep the Christian Priesthood, in most Countries, from running headlong into the Superftitions and Follies of the Gentile Idolaters. By a ftrange Sort of Fatality, they have jumped in the fame Thoughts, and played over and over again the fame Tricks; infomuch that if we but make fmail Allowances for the conftant Alterations of Time, and fuch as muft neceffary refult from different Languages and Fahions, the prefent Romish Churches might be



eafily mistaken for Heathen Temples, and the Services performed in them for Pagan Worfhip.

THE Devil, as fubtle and cunning as he is reprefented to be, with all the Affiftance of corrupt Priests, has not been able to find out a new Device; but has ever danced the Hay, and made his Rounds within the fame Circle. The fame Arts and Stratagems have been always made ufe of to feduce and delude Mankind; the fame Advantages taken of their Weakneffes and Paffions, and in all Times equally applied to deftroy true Religion, advance the Priesthood, and make the honeft and industrious, but unthinking, Part of the World, the Prey and Property of Hypocrites and Impoftors.

THE All-powerful, All-wife, and All-merciful God himself, is too often represented, like the Heathen Deities, to be revengeful, cruel, capricious, impotent, vain, fond of Commendation and Flattery; and, in Effect, subject to all the other Paffions and Imperfections of the weakest Men: His Being, which is boundless as Extenfion, and which the whole World cannot contain, is pretended to be confined to fingle Structures, and narrow Edifices built with Hands; nay, to Parts of thofe Edifices


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