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in Divinity, ib. Their Opinion about Tythes
well-grounded, as alfo their Opinion about the
Clergy, 183. They follow the primitive Chri-
ftians therein, 184. As likewife their Opinion
against bearing Arms, ib. As alfo in their Prin-
ciple of not fwearing at all, 185. Are all ca-
pable of Reading, ib. Are fond of the Bible,
ib. Contend for private Judgment, 186. Their
excellent Regulations as a Society, 187. They
gain by a Comparison with High Church-men,
and are not the worfe for Want of Clergy, ib,
Quartilla, a Strumpet in Petronius, forgets that
ever he was a Virgin,



EASON, when and why Men are against

Not car-

Reformation, in Religion, who they are that al-
ways oppofed it, 27. The Reformation in Eng-
land, the Work of the Laity, but oppofed by
the Clergy, 92. What gave Occafion to it, ib.
The Arts of the Ecclefiaftics to defeat it, 93.
The Spirit which it produced, 252.
ried far enough,
253, 254
Religion, what the only Defign of it, 9. The two
great Parts of it, 23. The Religion established,
by what Arts to be altered, 91. When left to
the Priefts, always abused and facrificed to their
Intereft, 106. The Attempts of the High Cler
gy to change ours, but hindered by the Laity,
91. Religion, how proj agated, 207. The Ends
of it not ferved by human Mifery, 234. Chri-
ftian Religion made a Metaphyfical Science, 56,
The Advantage of this to the Priests, ib. The
true one, its Simplicity and Lovelinefs, 262.
Disfigured by human Inventions, ib. and 263

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Reproof of fmall Faults, of fmall Service,
Revelation, the Abfurdity of one that wants to be
Rome, (the Church of) why owned by the High
Clergy to be a true Church, 49. Her different
Treatment of the English Clergy, now and for-
merly, 142. The Clergy of that Church, the
two principal Arts by which they fupport them
felves, r45. Imitated by others therein,



ACRAMENTS, the Adminiftration of them,
not confined by our Saviour to any Set of
Men whatfoever,
Sacrilege, the Cry of it not regarded at the Refor

Sanctified Names, how little they fignify,



Sarum, (late Bishop of) his Character of the Clér-
gymen and Laymen,

Satan, what would do him too much Credit,
namely, making him a Match for a Million of
confecrated Perfons,


School Divinity, its Ufelefinefs and Abfurdity, 26.
Schoolmen, their Character,

Scripture, addreffed to all Men alike, 25.

Parts of it, why obfcure, 26.

Work for Interpreters, 63.

Simony, the Clergy fworn not to


Not given to make

How abused by

195, 196

practise it, 128.

In what Inftances that Oath is often broken,

Slavery, grows defirable through Habit,



Society, every voluntary one has a Right to create
their own Pastors, and to judge them,

Souls, not to be faved by Proxy,

P 2




200, 201


Sounds, how Men are deluded by them, 200. In-
ftances of this,
Speculations, the Combustions raised by the Priests
about fuch as fignify nothing, 94. Inftances of
94 to 97
Subjects, what worth a wife Man's Thoughts,
Succeffion, (uninterrupted) inquired into, 46. Not
once mentioned in Scripture, 47. The Clergy
at endless Odds about it, ib. Inftances of this,
ib. It is a Contradiction to the Reformation, 48.
Cranmer difowns it, ib. It is derived from Anti-
chrift, ib. The only one which has not been




ESTIMONY, Rules to try the Truth of
Tillotson, (Archbishop) a fine Obfervation of his, 55
Trade, the Parfons, what would spoil it,
Truth receives Advantage from Examination, 32.
Not to be discovered by those who have an In-
terest against it, 33. Can never fin, 82. Needs
no Masquerades, ib. How many Enemies it has,
especially fpiritual ones, 255. How it would
profper, were it encouraged,


UNIVERSITIES, the miferable State of

Learning and Religion there, 35, 36, and
253. They too often initiate Youth into Per-





HIMSIES of private Doctors, what
Contempt they deserve,


Whiston, (Mr.) his Charge upon the Clergy for not

believing their own Articles,


Words, how they deceive the World, 6. The Ab-
use of them,


World, the Way to debauch it is to debauch the



Writers, the finest often neglect important Sub-
Writings, (Controverfial) the Difference between
thofe of Gentlemen, and thofe of Divines, 36


YOUTH, how eafily fufceptible of Vice and

Yo Virtue,




EAL, (true) a Definition of it, and Chara-
eter of it, 197. Falfe Zeal, how much Mif-
chief it does, ib. It is brutish, implacabl, and
profane, 203. Its terrible Character, and vile
Pedigree, 199, 200. The Zeal of corrupt
Friefts, its Causes, and Motives, 201, 202. How
little they concern the Laity, 202. Zeal is often
the Effect of Conftitution, 204. A remarkable
Inftance of this, ib. How apt Men are to be
mistaken about it, ib. Chriftian Zeal, its Meek-
nefs, and excellent Effects, 203. Infeparable
from Charity, ib. Is an Enemy to all Severity,
ibid. Modern Zeal, its utter Inconsistency
with the Gospel, 205. Altogether unlike that
of the Apoftles, ib. Zeal of High-Church-
Priests, how wretchedly employed, 206. Not-
intended to promote Religion,.


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To the Second Volume.


ALMIGHTY GOD, not to be judged of


Apostles, how they executed their Commiffion to
preach the Gospel, 178, 179. They gave the
Holy Ghoft to all that believed, 180, 181
Arminianism, condemned in King James the First's
Reign, but reckoned orthodox in King Charles
the First's Reign,
Atheism never can be introduced among the Peo-
ple, 98. Nor overthrow Religion, 99. The
wicked and gainful Reafons of the Outcry of
the Priests about it, 100. They promote pra-
&tical Atheism, under Colour of combating fpe-
culative Atheism, 101. The Villainies commit-
ted by Priests as bad as thofe committed by
Atheifts, 102, 103. The priestly Atheism of falfe
Swearing, 105, 106. The profane Jefts that
they make about the facred Ties of an Oath,
107. Their fly and execrable Manner of pro-
moting this fort of Atheifm, 107, 108. Being.
Atheists, they are yet good Churchmen, 108.
How much worse they are than all other Athe-
ifts, 109, 110. How much their Atheism is ag-
gravated by a lying Pretence to Religion, 110..
Atheism, which produces no ill Action, is bet-
ter than a Religion that does, 111. The En-
mity to Toleration of Religion and Confcience,
proved to be Atheism, and the High-Church
Priests to be guilty of this Atheism, by many
Arguments and Inftances, 112 to 121. High-
Church Priests guilty of Atheifm, by fubverting.
all Morality: Proofs of this, and Instances, 124


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