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to 133. High-Church Priests the greatest Athe-
139 to 142
Atheists, (fpeculative ones) owe their Rife to Super-
ftition and Priestcraft,
134 to 139
Authority (human) in Religion, difclaimed and pro-
hibited by our Saviour, 169, 170. Proofs of
this, 170 to 173. But the Opinion and Practice"
of High-Churchmen different,
173, 174


IBLE, the Ufe and Excellency of it, 44,
&c. Dreaded, calumniated, and fuppreffed
by moft Priefts, 45, 46. It ought to be read
without regard to the Opinions and Interpreta-
tions of weak and fallible Men, 47, 48. The
Reafon of this, ib. By what Arts and Prejudices
the Reading of it is render'd ufelefs, 49, 50.
The Encouragements given for understanding it.
wrong, 51. Mr. Chillingworth's Obfervations

Bowing to the Eaft, how to be regarded,





HRISTIAN Religion, a Character of it,
221. It contains but one Article of Faith, ib.
Nothing neceffary in it but what produces Pra-
&tice, 222. It commands us to believe nothing but
what we can comprehend, 223. Proofs of all
this, 223 to 225. In what it does not confift, 225
to 227. And in what it does confift, 228 to 236
Christians, their Unanimity and Benevolence to-
wards each other, till their Priests inflamed and
divided them, 75. The wicked Means and Arts
by which they did fo, 75, 76. The common
Right which they all have to preach Chrift, 179,

Church, the best constituted one, a fure Mark of it,
3. The three High Churches in England, an


Account of them, 192 to 200. Church, by Law

eftablished, what it is,


Clergy, their Folly in demanding

Refpect, when

83, & feq.

their Characters are bad,

Confcience, the only Guide in Religion,
Crimes, what Crimes are damning,


40 to 43

EACONS, the Difference between modern
Deacons and Scripture Deacons,


Devoti n confits neither in mechanical Joy nor




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XCOMMUNICATION, (primitive) what

it was,



ASTING, the roguish Ufe made of it by the
Pagan Priests, 15. Not made a Duty by the
Law of Nature, ib. No stated Fast appointed in
the New Testament, 17. The Gain which the
Popish Priests make of it, 18, 19. Priests have
no Power to injoin it, 20. The Abfurdity of fuch
a Power, ib. The Evils occafioned by it, 21, 22.
Fafting and Feafting made neceffary Duties,
though Contradictions to each other,



OD, how certainly to please him, 38, 39, 40
I Gravity, what it is, and what it produces,
64. Its Influence upon the Vulgar,




IERARCHY, an independent one of the
State, not confiftent with the Goodness of
God, nor with Christianity, nor with Civil Hap-
piness and Liberty, 158 to 161. The Abfurdity
and Impoffibility of it, ib. The ridiculous Man-
ner in which it is proved,
1611ɔ 163

High-Church Clergy, A Sample of their Honesty and
juft Reasoning, 4 to 9. How grofly they pervert
Truth and Piety, and abuse their Followers, 9 to
12. They do not fuffer them to know the Chri-
ftian Religion, 13. The Inconfiftency of their
Pretenfions and Practices, 65 to 68. Hence the
Caufe of their Contempt, ib. They caufe Ridi-
cule, and rail at it, ib. A remarkable Inftance of
the Popish Priests Jealoufy and Vigilance in Behalf
of their Trade,
68 to 72
Hobbes, his Affertion of the Power of the Civil Ma-
giftrate in Matters of Religion, answered, 112
Holy Days, what Idlenefs, Wickedness, and De-
bauchery are committed in them, 60, 61
Humanity, infeparable from Grace and Goodness, 73



AMES (King) the Firft, a ftupid Saying of his
in a Difputation with the Puritans,
Independent Whig, an Account of his Religion,

Indifferent Things, none in Religion,



235, 232


LAUD (Archbishop), governed by a Spirit of

Cruelty and Dominion, 86. Impiously bent
upon destroying Confcience and the Conftitution,
and exalting the Priesthood, 87. He intimidated
the Judges from relieving Perfons oppreffed in
the Bishops-Court, ib. An infolent and faucy
Saying of his, ib. His barbarous Sentence against
Law, Promulgation and Plainnefs, the Effence of
a Law, 155. This more particularly true of the
Divine Law,
Laymen have the fame Means of knowing Chrift
that Priefts have, and lefs Temptations to falfify

his Gospel,



Lefey, (Mr.) a remarkable Saying of his concerning
the Clergy,
Locke, (Mr.) his Opinion of the Universities, 95




OLIERE, the Behaviour of the Popish
Priefts towards him on account of his Play
of Tartuffe,

Mofes, his Law, a Character of it,

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68 to 72


PINIONS, abftrufe ones, how little they


Orders, (of Priefts) the Popish ones, taken from
thofe of the Pagans,


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EACE of the Church, what it naturally fig-
nifies, 35, 36. How broken, ib. Its Mean-
ing perverted, 37. When lawful to break it,
39. Who they are that break it, 40.
wicked Means it is often preferved,


By what
Penance, how little it fignifies to Religion, 53, 54
The terrible Lengths which Priefts have carried
it, 55. Defined, 57. Expofed and ridiculed, ib.
It is inconfiftent with the Bounty and Mercy of
Povers (Apoftolic) no Clergyman can exercile
them, nor ought to pretend to them, 165, 166.
Power, mentioned in the Gofpel, relates intirely
to the other World, 168. Power, fovereign and
independent, cannot depend upon Ambiguities,
and figurative Expreffions
Prayer, how it becomes a Duty,
Preachers, the primiti e ones, not an Order of Men
diftin&t from other Chriftians, 181. They under-
took a Burden, not a Command, 182. They were
poor Men, ib. They had no Jurifdiction, nor pre-
tended to any,


182 to 187


Predeftination, made an Article of Faith in King
James the First's Days, but a fure Sign of Fana-
ticifm in King Charles the Firft's Reign, 9
Priefts, High ones, disfigure and destroy Religion,
to fupport their own Claims, 62, 63. Their
amazing Cruelty, 75 to 82. The Perfecutions.
raised by them more merciless, and more dreadful,
than thofe raised by the Heathen Princes, 78.
They have almoft difpeopled the Earth, 81. The
Hardship put upon those who difpute with them,
145. No Priefts inftituted by the Chriftian Re-
144 to 153
Prieftcraft, Heathen and Popifh, how much alike,

201 to 208

Priefly Power, inconfiftent with the Gospel, and
renounced by it, 154 to 174. Its Impiety and
Tyranny, 157. Prieftly Empire founded on the
Weakneffes of human Nature, 209 to 219


EASON, the Ufe and Extent of it, 24, 25.

It is a Ray of the Divinity, and effential to
Religion, 26, 27, 28. It diftinguishes the true
Religion from false, 30. Who are its Friends,
and who its Foes, 31. It is the Test of every
Falfhood and Impoiture, and every Superftition,

32, 33
Religion, why inftituted, 74. It is natural to Man,
and almost all Nations have fome Religion, 96,
97, 98. The Folly and Outrages committed for
fale Religions, ib. The Ufe of Religion to Go-
vernment, 98. The Advantages which ill Priests
make of Religion, and their Readiness to change
from one Religion to another for Intereft, 99. A
remarkable Inftance of this, ibid. There is no
Danger of its Overthrow, but from the Falfhood
and Superftition put upon us, and the detestable
and wicked Practices introduced, by the High-

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