thus had a kind of hankering for her still; beside that there was matter of interest in the case; and a pestilent tongue he had, that the poor husband dreaded above all things under the sun. But the man was willing however to make the best of a bad game, and so his wits and his friends were set at work, in the fairest manner that might be, to get her home again. But there was no good to be done in it, it seems; and Xanthus was so visibly out of humour upon it, that Æsop in pure pity bethought himself immediately how to comfort him. Come master, says he, pluck up a good heart, for I have a project in my noddle, that shall bring my mistress to you back again, with as good a will as ever she went from you. What does my Æsop, but away immediately to the market among the butchers, poulterers, fishmongers, confectioners, &c. for the best of every thing that was in season. Nay, he takes private people in his way too, and chops into the very house of his mistress's relations, as by mistake. This way of proceeding set the whole town agog to know the meaning of all this bustle; and Æsop innocently told every body that his master's wife was run away from him, and he had married another: his friends up and down were all invited to *come and make merry with him, and this was to be the wedding feast. The news flew like lightning, and happy were they that could carry the first tidings of it to the run-away lady (for every body knew Æsop to be a servant in that family). It gathered in the rolling, as all other stories do in the telling; especially where womens' tongues and passions have the spreading of them. The wife, that was in her nature violent and unsteady, ordered her chariot to be made ready immediately, and away she posts back to her husband, falls upon him with outrages of looks and language; and after the easing of her mind a little, No Xanthus, says she, do not you flatter yourself with the hopes of enjoying another woman while I am alive. Xanthus looked upon this as one of Æsop's masterpieces; and for that bout all was well again betwixt master and mistress, Of the literary productions of sir Roger L'Estrange, Mr. Gordon, author of the Independent Whig, speaks in the following disparaging terms. He says, they are "not fit to be read by any who have taste or good breeding. They are full of technical terms; of phrases picked up in the street, from apprentices and porters; and nothing can be more low and nauseous." And again, "Sir Roger had a genius for buffoonery and a rabble, and higher he never went. His style and his thoughts are too vulgar for a sensible artificer. To put his books into the hands of youth, or boys, for whom Æsop by him burlesqued, was designed, is to vitiate their taste, and to give them a poor low turn of thinking; not to mention the vile and slavish principles of the man. He has not only changed Æsop's plain beasts from the simplicity of nature into jesters, and buffoons; but out of the mouths of animals, inured to the boundless freedom of air and deserts, has drawn doctrines of servitude, and a defence of tyranny." ANDREW MARVEL. MR. ANDREW MARVEL, Son of the rev. Mr. Andrew Marvel, was born at Kingston on Hull, in Yorkshire, in the year 1620. At the early age of thirteen, he was admitted member of Trinity College, Cambridge, Dec. 14. 1633. Here he became acquainted with some Jesuits, who observing his promising talents, conceived the design of making him a proselyte. They succeeded so far as to seduce him to London, where, after some months, he was found in a bookseller's shop by his father, who prevailed upon him to return to college. He now pursued his studies with indefatigable diligence; and in 1688, proceeded bachelor of arts, and the same year was admitted scholar of the house. The next twenty years he spent chiefly in travelling, in what quality is unknown, though during a part of the time he was secretary to the embassy at Constantinople. His first appearance in England as a public character was in 1657, in quality of assistant to Milton, when Latin secretary to the protector. The year before the restoration, he was returned member for Hull, his native place, and sat in the parliament held at Westminster, April 25, 1660. After the restoration, he was again chosen for the parliament which began May 8, 1661. He continued in the house to his death, and conducted himself with such uniform integrity, and with such satisfaction to his constituents, that they generously allowed him a handsome pension for life. He seldom spoke in the house, though his influence without doors over the members of both houses, was considerable. He was particularly intimate with prince Rupert, who paid great deference to his opinion. He was a zealous and constant patriot. The king, having been often delighted in his company, was desirous of conferring on him some marks of his favour; but all such overtures he declined with a magnanimous firmness; alledging, "that he must be either ungrateful to the king in voting against him, or false to his country in giving |