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twenty. Positively I have not a care on earth." | cent young monsters of a family of Centaurs, "When will we have the wedding?" asked had given her an invitation to a fox chase; an the wife, with a smile which discovered some- invitation which, making an experiment with the thing of the hopeful cheerfulness of the husband. “atra cura post equitem," she readily accepted. "I did not forget that. Time defeats us too Animated by the exercise, and gathering that conoften to trust over much. A month from to-day|fidence in self which the swift but controlled mothe wedding will take place. What a lucky dog tion of a free horse creates in the rider, Minny Tom is, to be sure. Thank you, my little fairy came in a resolute humor to the rendezvous. of the primp cap, for this son who secures so much to us. We must send for Georgiana. She must come from school to her brother's wedding."

Major Wright, his daughters and a number of other persons were assembled in an open field when Miss Blair arrived. Dogs were howling, whining and yelping, horses were snorting and pawing, young gentlemen were laughing, elderly gentlemen were directing and swearing.

"My dear young lady," cried Major Wright, who had come to the ground in a sulky, and seemed, by ridding himself of a superfluous coat, to be preparing to get on horseback-"my dear young lady, you are quite an acquisition, and I appoint myself your servant in the ride. But here comes that black-guard Tom Herries, to deprive me of the greatest pleasure in the world. Tom, you rascal, what are you doing in that extraordinary toggery? Do you think that you cut a creditable figure?"

"Whatever mistake there is, Major, Jerry Maddox the tailor made. But attend to your own business."

Major Wright, without deigning an answer to Tom's rebellious request, brought his long whip over his right shoulder, and then into contact with a particular portion of the body of a small

With such talk Herries cheered himself after his successful visit to Lindores. His cares seemed to have been broken up and blown away, like a bank of cloud which a March wind assails, and lashes, huddling, beyond the horizon. His welkin was blue again, and flooded with a sunstream. Meantime, as the days flew by, Minny Blair became less and less braced for the sacrifice, to which, in a moment of extreme emotion, she had devoted herself. The first visit of poor Tom Herries gave a beginning to this unnerving process. She spent a wretched night after enduring the interview with her intended bridegroom, whose misfortune it was to conceal many genuine qualities, of which the reader will become cognizant, under a mask of awkward folly. What an end did this marriage seem to those beautiful dreams which the imaginative girl had treasured, and which the young and pure of her sex, even where the instinct of love is yet objectless, "the maiden meditation fancy free," al-boy who, doubled up behind him on the bars of ways pour upon the future! Poor Minny con- the sulky, held a saddled horse by the bridle. cealed, as well as could be, the despondency into The manœuvre displayed practice; the tip of the which she sank deeper and deeper. Her nature thong came down with precision; the little knot had an unusual degree of force, and those con- of a boy unrolled himself as a matter of course, trolling grasps with which the strong of soul hold got down and led the horse forward. The dogs, down their feelings and hide their sufferings were meantime, had been turned off into a swampy possible to her; she could put self down, and thicket near at hand; as the Major mounted they cheer the old man who had devoted her to wretch-broke suddenly into full cry. Almost at the same edness, with a brave ease and quite a genuine instant a member of the party gave the view appearance of contentment with her fate. But halloo. The fox had waited to be flushed like a this noble hypocrisy, exacting so much of her, woodcock, and now made a gallant dash forward was a stifling mask which might be assumed for at his best pace, with the pack thundering after a time, not worn constantly. She found her best him, all in a body, over open ground. escape from it in those out-of-door exercises to which she had always been accustomed, wandering walks to the woodlands, or gallops over the breezy slopes.

"He'll never get clear. They'll have him down at the first fence. We must give up all hopes of a run," sighed a rosy old gentleman, as the well-disciplined party awaited with drawn reins the moment for dashing on after fox and hounds.

"He's over. That snap of Black Bell's just missed him," cried Major Wright. "Set forward-slowly."

The beautiful weather of which I have spoken continued, with only some temporary interruptions. On a day as bright as that which saw her consent yielded to the approaching marriage, Minny Blair rode her swift mare Flight at a restrained gallop over a firm road at the foot of the Thirty good horses went forward with one Lindores' hill. A servant followed her at a short will. Tom Herries rode at Minny Blair's side, distance. She rode to a rendezvous. Our friend, Flap-ear keeping an even stride with Flight. Major Wright, and his daughters, two magnifi-Poor Tom, generally an ardent fox-hunter, looked

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moody. A minor trouble had grown out of Major Wright's critical remarks upon his coat. His tailor, perhaps a runaway English apprentice, had made it after a subdued and correct English fashion; Nimrod might have approved of itMajor Wright did not. Tom was enflamed with disgust for it.


But," he resolved, "I will carry it with the foremost, and a tumble or two will make it plain and common enough. However, if I live, I shall beat Jerry Maddox."


By breaking my neck in this ride." "He possesses generosity and courage," mused Minny. She smiled kindly, but gave no answer in words.

Riding side by side, the unmatched lovers took every obstacle with equal strides; the chase had kept a direct line; only Major Wright and his elder daughter, Miss Boadicea, were well up with them. The crowd came in long-drawn array behind. The chase had continued an hour at a quick pace. Miss Araminta Wright, who

But this minor annoyance was only one trivial surely would otherwise have been with the first, cause of his moodiness.

The party presently came to a strong fence with a single panel half down. All took it, in turn, at the gap-all except Tom Herries. He diverged and selected a high and strong panel; he touched Flap-ear with the spurs, lifted him and went handsomely over.

"A good, and bold horseman," mused Minny Blair.

loitered with a lover-a young townsman who thought a gallop a dreadfully fast gait, and was by no means comfortable in a pair of close-fitting buck-skin breeches, which the same innovating Jerry Maddox had made for him.

Major Wright, observing Tom Herries and Minny Blair, said to himself:

"I never before thought 'em matched." Then he shouted to them. They were fifty yards before him, but his voice was sharp and practised, and they heard him very well.

"Turn to the right-bear down."
Tom and the lady made no answer, but gal-

A word from the lady showed Tom that her criticism had been favorable; and this word chained him all the more surely to her side. As they rode on, Minny was forced to perceive that her lover was many times on the point of speak-loped straight on. ing, and that the subject which occupied him was quite too engrossing for his enjoyment of the chase.

"You have something to say to me, Mr. Herries," she said kindly.

"Yes," Tom answered; "but how did you know it, Miss Minny? It is kind of you to give me a chance of speaking what I have to say. I could never find courage to speak out on my legs; but on horseback it is different. I feel myself more of a man when I have a fast horse

under me."


"Bear to the right,” shouted the Major again. 'The Deep Cut is half a mile ahead—just before you."

"I know that very well," Tom shouted back. "I think I shall go over it, Major. Remember Rattlesnake Bob."

"Hold up-hold up," cried the old fox-hunter. "It is a real gulf-thirty feet across, and fifty feet deep. Turn you fool-turn to the right."

"Rattlesnake Bob rode at a gully thirty feet wide," answered Tom, without turning in his


"Speak, Mr. Herries-I am listening." "I exaggerated," screamed the Major. "Be"Miss Minny, the old folks have arranged that sides, he fell in. Stop-stop-fof God's sake." we are to be married. If any man in the world As he said this, Tom and Minny Blair, gallopsays that any man in the world—you see I hitching over descending ground, came within view of in what I had to say already; but I mean no the gully. It was indeed more than enough to man in the world ever loved a person more than justify Major Wright's remonstrance. The gathI love you. Do you see the cabin there-to your ered waters of a wide extent of sloping country, left? I would give the best part of my life if you contributed in rills, made a torrent here after were a poor girl living there, that I might show every dashing rain, and had ploughed out not a how dearly I love you, by lifting you up to be mere gully but a frightful chasm. my wife. Pardon me, Miss Minny, if I am too bold."

"We are to be man and wife, Mr. Herries," replied Minny coldly, "and, of course, you are not over-bold in saying that you love me."

"Do you mean to try that leap?" said Minny calmly, as she saw the gulf full in front, at a distance of some four hundred yards.

"Answer me one question." Tom Herries replied with fire in his eyes. "Do you love me, Miss Minny, or am I to marry you and break our hearts ?" Tom reduced his speed as he spoke. "Do not try the leap," said Minny. "I warn

"Thank you," sighed poor Tom, "but you talk so coldly, and look so sad, that I am afraid the old folks are forcing you to marry me. If so, say the word; I think I can manage the mat-you."


"Yes or no." Tom raised his reins; the fire "How would you manage it, Mr. Herries?" of his eyes burned brighter.

The mind will sometimes take in at a glance called to his daughter, whose large-featured face, the full picture of life; condense thoughts and surrounded with superb red curls, he saw thrust passions into the throb of a moment. Minny forward beyond the brink above. Blair, as Tom Herries spoke, sounded the pres


Gallop down and head the crowd; bring ent, and despaired of the future. Then a reso-Gaunt; you'll find him amongst the foremost; ride fast, you jade, ride fast.”

lution, as swift as that with which Bianca Capello halved the poisoned cake and ate with her As he spoke a shadow fell on the ground near husband, took possession of her. him; he was kneeling with the head of Tom "Perhaps you are wise," she said. "Death Herries on his arm; as he looked up from this posture he saw Minny Blair coming to join him. The red face of the immense gully was in most parts nearly precipitous, but Minny had chosen her path well, and the nimble-footed girl was presently at the bottom.

is nothing."

Tom Herries saw the purpose of the gallant girl; a sudden appreciation of this sole fellowship of which she could assure him, made him furious with joy.

Major Wright, thundering on, screamed with a cracked voice:

"Stop-stop-you d—d fool.”

Tom, now within a hundred yards of the chasm, answered:

"If the boy is dead," said Major Wright, "a good rider, and a bold fellow has gone to his account."

"And a generous and true-hearted man"added Minny Blair, with white lips, as she sought

"Good-bye, Major. Your fiue story gave me with tremulous fingers for the pulses of life. this glorious idea."

"Be wary," almost whispered Minny Blair," with a sudden return to love of life. "It is possible to get over."

Flight and Flap-ear were within ten yards of the brink. The sharp whip of the lady stung the shoulder of the gallant mare. Flap-ear felt the grinding rowels tear his flanks. Then both bounded. Major Wright dashed a hand over his eyes to clear their vision. He saw the mare clinging to the opposite brink of the chasm, Minny bending forward in the saddle to aid her. His heart was in his mouth. But in another moment he found words. “Thank God," he said-for he saw Flight rise with a struggle, which broke away several feet of the bank, and escape with her burthen. Tom Herries was not visible.


"See how this arm falls," said the Major; and here is a bloody cut on the head. Look at his neck. It is as white as your own, and as round as a column. And his breast here-what

muscle the boy shows!"

Minny searched the wound on the head, cleansed it of the clay, and bound it up with the kerchief from her neck. Then with no feminine fastidiousness she placed her fingers upon the natural surface above poor Tom's heart.

Meanwhile Miss Boadicea, with fast riding, had overtaken Dr. Gaunt. Long, slim, sallow, high-cheeked, with hat aslant from the stress of the wind, and skirts puffed wide, loose-riding and enthusiastic, the good Doctor took his fences and snuff alternately and with equal precipitation. He reminded one, in some points, of Punch's imagination of Lord Brougham hunting the wild boar at his French chateau. Miss Boadicea, overtaking, laid violent hands on him.

"You must come, Doctor. Mr. Herries is hurt. Father sends for you."

"In five minutes-the fox will be down in four," remonstrated Dr. Gaunt.

Major Wright, by a circuitous course, reached the bottom of the Deep Cut. He hurried to the Miss Boadicea, with a "gentle force," wrenchspot which must have received the falling man ed the old gentleman's hand from its hold on the and horse. He came near it; he gave that first reins, drew these over his horse's ears, and led eager look which we give with beating hearts, him at a canter to a place of descent into Deep when we dash on to learn if life has become Cut. Dr. Gaunt took snuff out of his waistcoat death. The horse was lying on his back, with pocket, like Napoleon. his neck bent beneath him, and the foaming mouth turned up near the saddle. There could in silence, for a minute, he said: be no life with such a posture. At the distance of several feet from the dead horse lay the rider. Major Wright bent over him.

"Tom-Tom-my boy"-cried the old gentleman "if there's any life left in you, for God's sake inform me of the fact."

When the Doctor had examined Tom Herries

"Life is still in him."

Major Wright snorting like one of his horses, blew off a thousand motes of trouble. But he quickly asked

"Will life stay in him?"

"Get him up," answered Dr. Gaunt; "get him

Tom Herries made no answer. Major Wright up without a rub. We may save him.”

"Thank God," escaped Minny's lips, with a

"You must excuse me," answered the poor girl, only slowly recovering a firm tone. "Iride

The young ladies stared.

"Well, I thought Miss Minny detested Tom Herries!" said Miss Boadicea.

subdued sob.
News of the fall into the Deep Cut had reach-after Mr. Herries."
ed the hunting party at various stages of the
chase. Some were already at hand to aid in
getting Tom Herries up. When this had been
accomplished, Dr. Gaunt plied his art with judg-
ment. In a short time plain signs of returning
animation appeared. At last the lips moved,
and the eyes opened.

"The left arm is broken, and the cut on the head has let out a great deal of blood," said the Doctor. "But the bleeding has saved the brain. If there is no serious internal damage, we will make him all right again. Go some of you to the next cabin and bring the door and a bed. What an escape to be sure! He must have been terribly stunned," concluded the old gentleman as he looked over, and down, into Deep Cut.

"If the boy is alive this day month," said Major Wright with a fine energy, "I'll give him such a dinner as will put the county under the table; and, Gaunt, we'll drink his health before a tip-top appreciating company as a fine, dashing, dare-devil fellow. We will. I have made up my mind. After that," added Major Wright, 66 never say die."

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They are lovers. Love-love!" sighed Miss Araminta, looking affectionately upon the young gentleman from town.

"Do your ladies," inquired this latter, who had conceived, from her unimpressed demeanor, that Miss Blair appreciated himself too lightly-"do your ladies ride off, in this way, after their sweethearts, as a general thing? But a person who could bring herself to take such a jump as this, over such a terribly deep place, is capable of the most extravagant actions."

Minny Blair, unconscious of this censure, galloped away, saying:

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To-day has made a great change in my views."

Some hundred yards before her Dr. Gaunt and Major Wright rode, one on each side of Tom Herries.

"What are you thinking of, Gaunt?" said the Major. "Does the boy's case look worse?" "No-he does well enough," replied Dr. Gaunt.

"We must bring him through," said the Doe- He added after a sigh-"We lost the best end tor enthusiastically.

of the run.

"And this dear young lady," the Major con-men ?" tinued, “has positively succeeded in doing what this stout young fellow showed a glorious spirit in only attempting. The mare beats the world at a level leap. We must meet here shortly to measure the distance accurately. We must also look about for some expert writer to put the young lady and her mare into a spirited description. Gaunt-if it wouldn't disturb Tom, I should like very much to make myself comfortable with a shout or two."

By this time a door and bed had been procured; Tom, placed on these, was borne homeward. Minny Blair remained with Miss Boadicea, whilst a servant went after Flight, who browsed beyond the gully. As they waited, Miss Araminta approached with her lover. They came on, now swiftly, now cautiously-cantering and walking by turns-like the measure of Mr. Poe's Ulalume. The young gentleman from town was in a gay humor. The pair had heard nothing of the misadventure-love is so engrossing. When the owner of the uncomfortable buckskins was enlightened, and looked, craning, into the depths of Deep Cut, his whiskers stood on end, and his boots rattled in the stirrups.

Miss Blair, once more in the saddle, bade the young ladies adieu, and turned Flight's head. "Won't you ride home with us?" suggested Miss Araminta politely.

What became of the fox, gentle

[To be Continued.]


I heard upon the plain of life

A strange and thrilling sound,-
And louder still the anthem grew,

Deepening and swelling round;
A tone of hope-a tone of joy,-

From the heart of youth it broke,
And it swelled and rolled triumphantly
As the glad New Year awoke.

I saw a youthful throng appear,
Like the billows of the ocean,
Swelling and heaving everywhere

With a torrent's wild commotion;
And deeper grew the golden haze,

And louder pealed the song,
As swiftly to the measured tune
Their footsteps glanced along.

I saw a maiden's airy form
As it floated softly by,
And love was on her smiling lip
And gladness in her eye;

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Schiller's Correspondence with Korner.


Part First; From 1784 to 1788.


THE CORRESPONDENCE between Schiller, the most widely popular, the most European of all Teutonic writers, and the lamented author of the LYRE AND SWORD, whose thrilling, patriotic songs are dear and familiar to all German ears and hearts, having recently been given to the public, we have thought that American readers would perhaps not unwillingly share in the legacy of these noble minds. This correspondence, covering nearly the whole of Schiller's life as an author, is characterized by the warmest and noblest mutual esteem and regard, and by a singular and earnest devotion to all literary, philosophical and artistic pursuits. The letters of Schiller, in particular, are marked by a hearty frankness, often by a fervid impetuosity of feeling, clearly indicating the source of many of his earlier productions. In general, this correspondence will be found to contain the freest and fullest expression of the private and personal feelings and sentiments of these gifted men, any where upon record. In this respect, these letters differ widely from the "Correspondence between Schiller and Goethe," a volume of which recently appeared. The heart as well as intellect, is here brought fully into play, and we read the unreserved communications of the sincerest friendship.

Many of Schiller's favorite moral and aesthetic theories, and numerous criticisms, hints and suggestions of both poets, will be found in this | correspondence. Indeed, except "Goethe's Conversations with Eckerman," we know of no running commentary upon German literature by any means to be compared with this.

The origin of this correspondence is not less beautiful than characteristic. "Some days ago," says Schiller," I met with a very flattering surprise. There came to me, out of Leipsic, from unknown hands, four parcels and as many letters, written with the highest enthusiasm towards me, and overflowing with poetical devotion. They were accompanied by four miniature portraits, two of which are of very beautiful young ladies, and by a pocket-book sewed in the finest taste. Such a present, from people who can have no interest in it, but to let me know that they wish me well, and thank me for some cheerful hours, I prize extremely; the loud

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