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A.M. 1.]

a rib taken out of the side of Adam during a deep sleep. (Gen. ii. 21.)

Name of the


Being brought to Adam, he

called her name Eve, which means the mother of all living.

"She was called woman, because she was taken out of man." (Gen. ii. 23.)

how interrupted.

The joys of Eden. The happiness of Adam and Eve was destroyed by the subtlety of Satan in the form of a serpent.

How it was done. He tempted Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit; and when she had tasted of it, she prevailed on her husband to do so too.

Their pun- In punishment of this dis



(1.) Adam and all his posterity were made liable to sorrow, want, and death; (2.) The woman was doomed to bring forth children in great pain;

(3.) The ground was cursed, and made to bring forth thorns and thistles; and (4.) Both Adam and Eve were driven

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out of Eden, to earn their bread by the sweat of their brow.

The consciousness of sin made Adam and Eve ashamed and afraid. They were ashamed because they had no clothing, but God gave them "coats of skin."* They were afraid, and therefore hid themselves amongst the trees when they heard God walking in the garden at the cool of the day. The promise God made them a promise made them. in their wretchedness: that a time should come when "the seed of the women should bruise the serpent's head." (Gen. iii. 15.)

Who is meant.

The SEED of the WOMAN meant

Jesus Christ, who, 4000 years after

wards, was born of a woman.

How Jesus Christ

bruised the ser

pent's head.

HE bruised the serpent's head by dying for sinners

on the cross, whereby he counteracted the evils of the fall. (Gal. iv. 4.)

Chief evils The chief evils of the fall are

of the fall.

*These coats were probably skins of beasts offered in sacrifice. If so, we may trace a real or fanciful emblem between them and "the wedding garment of the Lamb." As the beasts were first sacrificed, and their skins then given for clothing, so Christ, the Lamb of God, was first slain, and then became the "garment of righteousness" to all believers.

A.M 1.]

sin and death, which Jesus Christ came

to destroy.

How Jesus Christ destroys sin.

He destroys sin: (1) By the example he set; (2) By the teaching of the Gospel; and (3) By the gift of the Holy Ghost to convert the heart and to direct it in the right way. How Jesus Christ He destroyed death: (1) By making it no longer a penalty of sin; and (2) By obtaining for sinners a joyful resurrection to immortal life.

destroyed death.

he lived.

Adam, how long Adam lived, after his expulsion from Eden, about 930 years, and had sons and daughters.

It is probable that Adam's disobedience brought death only on the human species, and that all other animals were subject to death before the fall.

1. All organized matter, animal as well as vegetable, is formed on a plan which renders death necessary;

2. Corporal life is supported by the agency of death. The processes of nutrition, assimilation, growth, &c., continue only by death and decay. Every root, leaf, and drop of water, teems with living creatures;

3. The jaws of carnivorous animals, the beaks

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of birds of prey, and their digestive organs, are so made that they could not live except upon animal food;

4. The threat "thou shalt die" like other animals, would have had no terror if Adam did not know what death meant;

5. "By man came death, and by man the resurrection from the dead;" if these terms are equal, then by man came death on those only who will hereafter rise from the dead;

6. "The wages of sin is death." Where there is no sin, death has no sting, and is no penalty. Death to dumb animals is no punishment, it is punishment only to man, and that because of sin.


The religion of Adam.

and the

The precept.


The religion of Adam before the fall consisted in the worship of God, obedience to one precept.

He was wholly to abstain from the fruit of the forbidden tree, on pain of death. This has been called by some theologians the dispensation of innocence.

His religion af

ter the fall.

After the fall his religion probably consisted of these three things:

1. The worship of God;

A.M. 1.]

2. Repentance for sin; and

3. Faith in the promise of a Redeemer about to come.

This has been called the Ad'amic dispensation.

How faith

was shewn.

were offered.

FAITH, before the coming of Christ, was shewn by the sacrifice of certain animals, such as lambs, bulls, and goats. Why sacrifices To remind men of two things: that without shedding of blood is no remission; and that the promised Redeemer would himself die a sacrifice for sin. Ordinances in- Two sacred ORDINANCES were instituted in the time of man's innocency: That of the Sabbath and that of Marriage.

stituted in Eden.

The Sabbath, when instituted.

The SABBATH was instituted when God sanctified and blessed the seventh day, on which he ceased from his work of creation.

Marriage, when The ordinance of MARRIAGE was instituted. instituted when God made woman from a rib taken out of Adam; "Therefore (saith the Scripture), shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife; and they shall be one flesh." (Gen.ii. 24.)


(1.) He was in a peculiar sense the Son of God, seeing he came direct from the hands of his Maker;

(2.) He was made "in the image of God,” and Jesus


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