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MR. POWERS, writing from Oorfa, Central Turkey, mentions a want which might readily be supplied by some church or churches, when procuring new communion ware, and disposing of the old, which might be sent to the Missionary House for him. He states:

"In this Oorfa field there are four organized churches, but not one set of com

munion ware. Four cups, by some means, have found their way into the field, but no plate, or tankard. For these churches, at the very least, four tankards, four plates, eight cups, and four baptismal basins are needed. Two plates for each church would be a convenience, but we can do with one for each. Can you, in some way, procure these articles for us, and thus subserve the good cause, and rejoice these churches."



The Treasury. The receipts of the Board during the month of March were and only from donations, $26,866.67, from legacies, $4,071.05; in all, $30,937.72. Last year, for the same month, they were, from donations, $30,908.14; legacies, $6,299.51; total, $37,207.65; showing a falling off, this year, of $6,299.51. For the first seven months of the current financial year, up to March 31st, the receipts have been, in all, $230,558.05, against $212,815.80 last year, a gain of $17,742.25. This is by no means equal to the gain needed to meet appropriations for Will not pastors and churches note the facts, and see to it that deficiencies are made up?



from Mrs. Capron, of the Madura mission; Mrs. Wheeler, of Eastern Turkey; Mrs. Ladd, from Western Turkey, and others. A letter was also read, written thirty-one years ago, by Mrs. Champion, one of the first missionaries in South Africa. The letters read, remarks from different ladies, and devotional exercises, all combined to make this, in many respects, a model meeting, and to inspire hope for the future.

Beside the three ladies above mentioned,

the Society assumes the support of ten native Christian women, employed as Biblereaders, two at Smyrna, two at Constantinople, two in the Nestorian mission, and four in India.

The receipts of the first quarter were $2,133.25. From the churches in Boston and vicinity, as follows: Old South, $448,25; Essex Street, $209.50; Park Street, $158; Mount Vernon, $166.50; Central, $125; Berkley Street, $25; Salem Street,

THE NEW ENGLAND WOMEN'S FOREIGN MIS- $57; Shawmut, $212; Maverick, East


THE first quarterly meeting of this Society was held at Old South Chapel, in Boston, on the 6th of April. The occasion called out a large number of active Christian ladies, and the meeting was one of very great interest. Letters were read from different parts of the country, expressing lively sympathy with the object,-from Mrs. Edwards, soon to join the Zulu mission; from Miss Andrews, now on her way to China; and from Miss Parmelee, appointed all of to Mardin, in Eastern Turkey, whom are to be supported by the Society;

Boston, $200; Phillips, South Boston, $66; Elliot, Roxbury, $40; Jamaica Plain and West Roxbury, $85; Chestnut Street, Chelsea, $58; Broadway, Chelsea, $108; a friend in Boston, to support a Biblereader in the Mahratta mission, $30. M.," Providence, R. I., $5; and From " L. S. R. H., Littleton, Mass., $5.

The following persons have been made life members by the payment of $25 each, during the last month: Mrs. Julius A. Palmer and Mrs. E. C. Parkhurst, of Mount Vernon church; Mrs. M. H. Simpson, Mrs. Ezra Farnsworth, and Mrs. J.

Kittredge, of Park Street church; Mrs. William B. Wright, by ladies of Berkley Street church; Miss Sarah E. Holland, and "a friend," Essex Street church; Mrs. C. W. Freeland, Mrs. S. Grover, Mrs. Elizabeth Kendall, Mrs. Linus Child, Central church; Mrs. Jeremy Drake, Phillips church, South Boston; Mrs. James Stone, Shawmut church; Mrs. William R. Lovejoy, Mrs. W. Bates Lovejoy, Salem Street; Mrs. E. B. Huntingdon, Elliot church, Boston. Mrs. Jacob Mitchell, Chestnut Street, Chelsea; Mrs. A. Sweetser, Broadway church, Mrs. J. A. Copp and Mrs. S. E. Herrick, by ladies of Broadway church, Chelsea; Mrs. N. G. Clark, Mrs. R. Pierce, and Mrs. Fiske, of West Roxbury; Mrs. Richard Borden, Miss Carrie Borden, Mrs. Nathan Durfee, Mrs. Hall Remington, and Mrs. Robert K. Remington, Fall River, Mass.


Greece. Dr. King wrote February 17: "Nothing further has been done with regard to my trial, before the criminal court." "The native laborers here, mentioned in my letter of December 7, [Herald for March, page 82,] are doing a great work."

Syria. The Syria mission sends an earnest appeal for a reinforcement of at least three men, giving urgent reasons for sending them at the earliest possible time, and showing that any long delay must "endanger vital interests."

A sad accident occurred, in February, in the new church-building at Beirut. By some mistake of the workmen, the necessary support of arches which were being erected in the inside was removed too soon, and they "fell with a terrible crash, killing two men and injuring three others."

Mr. Eddy wrote from Sidon, January 31, that the female boarding-school there had been in quite successful operation since the first of November. There were 13 pupils. The missionaries had been unable to procure suitable native teachers, and Mrs. Watson, a pious English lady, who has long had a very flourishing school in Shemlan, on Mount Lebanon, kindly

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The report of the Beirut station, for 1867, notices "manifest tokens of the presence and favor of the Holy Spirit," and the addition of fourteen members to the church by profession. During ten months, the Native Evangelical Society had collected 7,000 piasters, expended chiefly in the support of a book magazine in the city, and a traveling colporter, who had found much to encourage him in his work. Young men of the church had sustained a Sabbath service, throughout the year, at Kefr Shima, six miles from the city, a monthly collection being taken in the church to defray the expenses. This collection had amounted to 463 piasters; and monthly collections for the poor, including the persecuted community at Safeeta, amounted to 3,648 piasters. The number of pages issued from the press during the year was 5,089,000, of which 508,000 were pages of Scripture. Number of volumes, 16,800.

Central Turkey. Mr. and Mrs. Adams removed to Adana in November last, where they were "warmly received by the brethren." Mr. Adams wrote, January 31st, that difficulties which had long existed in the Protestant community there, so that he "greatly shrank" from going to that field, had been apparently settled; the congregation had increased from 140 to 260, as an average number; and the women, who have heretofore strongly resisted the light, "now come to public worship in such numbers that, last Sabbath, there were more than could be accommodated in our little chapel." "Several Greeks have avowed themselves Protestants"; and the Armenians have "hurried one of their so-called eloquent preachers down from Constantinople, to stem the current setting so strongly in favor of an inquiry into Protestantism." "The little

Tarsus church and congregation seem to be in an unusually healthy condition."

Mr. Parmelee gives valuable facts respecting the Erzroom field, (page 150,) and some extracts from certain station reports will be found at page 152.

Eastern Turkey. Mr. H. N. Barnum wrote from Harpoot, February 1st: "The Week of Prayer has passed, but in nearly all the places heard from the daily meetings are continued, and with profit. Christians have been refreshed, and there has been, and is still, an awakening of interest among all classes in our various congregations. There is, however, no marked revival influence, such as we enjoyed one year ago, and which we have longed to see again. In the new out-stations there is an unusual readiness to listen to the truth. No season has witnessed so little persecution and opposition as the present. We now occupy about sixty out-stations, and in several other villages teachers are earnestly sought, but we have not the men to supply the demand at present. The Ichme church, self-moved, is sending out colporters in various directions; who find great joy in the work, from the unexpected favor with which they are received in vil lages hitherto much opposed to the truth. If we except the time of revival, last winter, the aspect of the whole field was never more hopeful than at present."

Letters from Mr. Perry, respecting the week of prayer, and personal Christian effort, will be found at page 149.

Nestorians. Mr. Labaree wrote January 13: "I have returned to-day from a tour among the villages during the week of prayer. I can truly say I never passed this interesting season more delightfully. In each of the five villages labored in there were cheering evidences of the special presence of the Lord, in the quickening of the Christian brethren and sisters. They seemed to be awakened to pray and labor earnestly for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the multitudes of the unconverted about them. In each village, two meetings were held every day, and were attended by considerable numbers outside of the church, several of whom

evinced a deep personal interest in the great subject of their soul's eternal salvation."

Mahratta Mission. Reports for 1867, from several stations in the Mahratta field, have been received, but the more interesting facts have already been published in the Herald. A single paragraph from Mr. Bruce's report of the stations under his care brings to view the agency of native helpers. He writes: "There have been 21 catechists and 8 teachers employed under my direction, during the year, in the three districts of Rahûri, Khokar, and Pimplus. Each of these helpers has a number of villages assigned to him, which it is his duty to visit as often as possible, for the purpose of preaching the gospel. In the village and by the way-side, in the field and in the threshing-floor, wherever they can find a few to listen, they are ready to make known the glad tidings of salvation. According to the monthly reports of these assistants, they have preached, during the year, 7,362 times, to audiences amounting in the aggregate to 96,373 persons, of whom 16,363 were women."

Mr. Fairbank, of Wadale, reports much sickness at his station, and the death, after very severe suffering, of a young man who had "worked for him a part of the day and studied the rest." The suffering, if not the death, was owing to "the barbarous and cruel Hindu style" of medical treatment, pursued in Mr. Fairbank's absence. He writes: "But I must tell you a little about his death, though I have heard only by report. Every one is talking about it; and several have expressed the wish, in my hearing, that they might die in a similar manner. It appears that on Friday his reason and his speech returned. He knew all who came by the tones of their voices, though he could not see them. He had been blinded by the pepper, perhaps, as his eyes were much swollen and blood-shot, or else sight had failed as death was near. He called his four brothers and all his friends, bade them good-by, and exhorted them to trust in Christ; told them of his peace and confidence; said he was glad to go to be with the Lord; begged them to be kind to his

wife, who had no home to go to, as her mother is a widow and poor; sent messages to us and others; preached Christ to the many villagers who came to see him; and at last quietly fell asleep in Jesus. It was such a death as those who were there never saw before a death of faith and joy in the Saviour. His brothers say that they have chosen his Saviour to be theirs. Neither of them had before shown any regard for Christianity. Perhaps he did more for the Master that forenoon than he would have done in years, had he recovered."

Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson, who sailed from Boston August 13th, 1867, reached Bombay after a very long passage, on the 18th of December. Mr. Atkinson writes: "The voyage was profitable; I feel stronger and more active than when in Boston." At Bombay, he says, "we felt at home from the first. The greetings of the brethren and sisters were like those of members of the same family. We were not strangers." They expected to start for Ahmednuggur January 29th.

North China. Mr. Blodget wrote, December 23, that two new members were received to the church at Peking on the previous Sabbath - a pupil in the boys' school and his mother. Mr. Chapin had removed to Túngchau, so that the mission has now "four stations, on the great line of travel from the sea-board toward Mongolia and Russia."

Dr. Treat writes that he arrived at Tientsin November 23, (where he spent ten days,) and reached Peking December 6th, "76 days from New York;" "with great joy and thankfulness" taking his "place among the missionary laborers" there. Hon. S. Wells Williams writes respecting Dr. Treat, to his father: "I congratulate you on having a son who is so willing to carry out your own views, and seems likely to enter into the work with faith and patience. He has an open door for usefulness among the sick and sinful in this region, and our best wishes for long service in the vineyard. It is a warning note to me, of the drawing nigh of the eventide of life, to see one of the boys who, in 1845, was around your table in

Tremont Street, thinking chiefly of hard lessons contrasted with jolly play, coming suddenly to view as a co-worker in mission plans, in this far-off city. I hope the churches in the United States will send hundreds of their best youths, to elevate the Chinese to be the true Celestials' in Christ Jesus. They would, I am sure, if they only knew what a glorious work it is of itself, and how satisfactory, as a preliminary to immortality in the higher courts. of the Master's mansions."

Sandwich Islands. Mr. Coan, of Hilo, reports the dedication of "a new and beautiful meeting-house' 50 feet by 25, the organization of a church, and the ordination of a pastor, in January, at a "picturesque and romantic place" in North Hilo, called Laupahoehoe (lava-leaf), about thirty miles from the town of Hilo. "Hilo has now three native pastors," and there were three licentiates in Puna, one of whom was expected to be ordained early in March. Mr. Coan states: "Converts come into our churches gradually. Contributions of the church under my care have been about $4,000 during the past year."

Micronesia. Letters from Messrs. Bingham, Snow, Sturges, and Doane, in this number of the Herald, (pages 153–159,) present statements of much interest in regard to this field.

Dakotas. Mr. J. P. Williamson reports the addition of five to the church at Niobrara, by profession, on the first Sabbath in February. A series of meetings terminated that day, with the quarterly communion season. The Indians are much scattered in search of employment; "but many returned, coming from 50 to 75 miles, to attend the meetings. The native pastors did most of the preaching." Mr. Williamson visited the Yankton Agency in January, and thinks God is fast removing the obstacles to missionary labor there. "Heathen opposition is fast giving way." He had also visited the Ponca Agency, where he spoke, through an interpreter, "to 50 or 100" Indians, who came together to hear him preach. There

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francs. It is the only missionary journal of the Roman Catholic Church; and it has a circulation of 233,300.

London Society — Death of Dr. Tidman. The Rev. Dr. Tidman, for many years the able and much esteemed Foreign Secretary of the London Missionary Society, "quietly entered his rest" on the 8th of March.

Danish Missionary Society. It is stated in the Bulletin du Monde Chrétien, for February, 1868, that the Danish Missionary Society has in Greenland eight stations, ten missionaries, forty native catechists, and two normal schools. The largest congregation consists of three thousand persons, and the smallest, seven hundred. This Society was formed in 1706.

China. The Record for April (Presbyterian Board) notices the recent addition of four adults, by profession, to the church at Hangchow, and fifteen "during the year" at Tungchow. It also states:"Writing at Shanghai, January 16th, the Rev. J. M. W. Farnum says, 'I think four boys and four girls of the boardingschool united with the church during the year covered by this report. A week ago, last Sabbath, [subsequent to the report,] twelve more were received.' Nearly all the scholars, who are not communicants, express a strong desire publicly to profess Christ; more than thirty applicants for admission were examined by the Church Session. Besides the twelve scholars, two other persons were admitted to the communion."

The dedication of a new church at Yuyiao, Ningpo mission, "the gift of Mr. William Rankin, of Newark, N. J.," is noticed, and, it is said,—“Affecting recollections were revived of the lamented young pastor, Mr. Ling-yin, whose labors were commenced in 1863 at this place, with but five church members on the list. Now there are eighty-nine, most of them admitted to the church under his ministry.... The Rev. Mr. Bao Kwong-hyi was installed by Presbytery as the pastor of this church, after having been the stated supply for a year. The same spirit,' Mr. Dodd says,

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