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When we come to Liverpool,
Each will look like a fool,
Finding no "Jonathan" to sponge on, O!
We must toil, and not relax,
And surrender half in tax,

Or S

will have us in a dungeon, O!

would but turn their eyes this way a little, and let Delia and Cain alone, their talents might be of some real use to their country.

I will, very soon, publish the

pedigree of this prodigy, as

This I wish to be regarded as No. I. of my "melodies;" for, it given in the Baronetage and as is likely, that I may get out a furnished by witnesses now living. dozen before we hold the feast of I do not find him to have been the gridiron; and, it will be absolutely "heaven-born ;” though very desirable that some of the the "presentiment" of the illusguests, who may have good voices, trious cotton-spinning Sire, does shall have learned them by that show that there must have been time. It is to be a jovial meeting; something supernatural at work and, amongst other things, we to produce him. When I shall shall, of course, have "melodies." have given the history of him in In the mean time, let all our voices plain prose, the poets may go to be tuned; let every pipe be work; for immortalized he must cleared and every cat-gut wax- and shall be!

ed; for the anniversary of the GREAT PEEL is at hand! The


[The following letter will speak

sixth of February is his natal day. The time is, I fear, too short, for us to make suitable preparations for the due observance of the day this year in a public manner. But, we may have pri- for itself. It was clear to me vate parties, and toast and sing from the outset of this Peelto the praise of this great man. adventure, and long before indeed; If Mr. Moore and Lord Byron that all mortgagers must be ruined,


This was one of the things foreseen, may be acceptable, I stated in my petition of 1818, think you should be acquainted

with what is passing in our Colonies; and in a very few words I must inform you, that the Mortgagees of the West India Estates,

e la

which Lord Folkestone refused to present, on account of its being too long. The West Indians are in a pretty plight; and, it is what they well merit; for, every man who are for the most part merof them has voted, and some of chants and bankers, and produce them spoken most bitterly, against brokers, are, with the utmost dilireform. The whole of their gence, prosecuting the proprieestates will go, and in quick time tors and their properties to the too. So that this Peel's Bill is a foreclosure and sale of their charming thing. Let no man pity estates: orders by a vast numthese West Indians it is feeling, ber are lately sent out to hasten misapplied. They have sided with all possible expedition the with the Boroughmongers; and, therefore, let them suffer. We shall see many of the insolent, haughty fellows come to the poorhouse.]

London, Jan. 6, 1822.

sales of the West India estates, and which is only the preamble to what is to take place here. It is surprising to me that the proprietors of landed estates in the Colonies, as well as in England, do

not apply to the Lord Chancellor to restrain such ruinous proceedings, and also to Parliament,which

SIR,-Admiring as I do, your great talents and services in the affairs of this unhappy country, would at once, or in a very little as at present circumstanced; and time, annihilate three-fourths of conceiving that every thing like the law and lawyers, which now information respecting what may either from ignorance or self-intebe considered as leading to the issue you have so long and so ably

rest, disturb more or less every family in the kingdom, and from

exciting distrust by insinuations, existing state of circumstances,

annihilates all confidence in the nearest relations in life.

what can West India estates be expected to sell for? The West Indian paid an Income Tax in the Colony, another Income Tax in

It is of importance the landed interest of this country should know what the West India mort- England, &c. beside taxes for the

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gagees are about, for it is utterly impossible to believe that the


property being conveyed across the ocean; and every article he consumed at double and trebble the Peace price; while his product from the government policy

mortgagee of an English estate will be more considerate than the mortgagee of a West India estate, and I know persons who are mort-was often utterly unsaleable for gagees to both species of pro-any thing, but to a few monied perty.

Thus this dreadful system of taxation, which, together with the Continental exclusion, gave the mortal blow to the West Indian's property-now works at home, as you have most prophetically long since apprized the nation, would be the result.

Agents have left London and Liverpool and Glasgow, to bring West India estates to sale with

speculators, who, in some instances, bought it for the mere freight that was due upon it, the proprietor (or, rather, the worthy consignee !) clearing it even of the Dock and Warehouse charges to the day of disposing of it. In the tumult of home grievances, the Colonists seem to be entirely forgotten, but they make an important part of the disorders of the State. The Negro is a very different creature

such positive orders and instruc- in regard to comprehension than tions as would have been tedious he was thirty years since, and

to have transmitted by writing

If English estates cannot be sold

while the Whites in England are struggling which party shall yield

for half their value, under the to the other, it is not to be ex

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pected the Black will, like the fabout 800 acres at a rental of ass, remain passive until the vic-about 9007. per annum. tor shall put the burthen again on poor's rates are now 1,2007., being

his back!

I am, Sir,

Your great admirer,

With respect,

T. B.



SIR, The Statement below

about 24s. 6d. in the pound. To

leave the farm, so long occupied,

is like "cutting off a right hand,
or plucking out a right eye;"
but he sees the absolute necessity
of doing it to save a little-others
must do it from necessity—so that
all have come to this heart-rending
determination. Is not this fact
sufficient to open the eyes of the
most besotted disciple of Webb
Hall? Surely these Sussex men
must have read the Register.
I could, with great propriety, sign
"A Constant Reader,"
but see no reason why I should
not give my name and address,
though it could do no good for
my name to appear in public:

I had this day from a most respectable young man, the son of one of the renters of a large farm in the estate, whose family has been on the same farm for several generations; the estate consists of about 4,800 acres, the property of one “Lord.”—In Sussex, near Hastings, every farmer on this estate, to a man, have determined The "Lord" of this estate knows to resign their farms next March! it well. Perhaps Mackintosh, -The one above alluded to, has member for Knaresborough, will

[The writer puts his name; but it could do no good to publish it, and therefore, I do not do it. I had heard nearly as much before; and, from very good authority.

be able to tell this "Lord" how [chiefly a strong and deep loam, to get tenants! Ah! by all that's with the gravel a good distance just, I enjoy this! However, this from the surface. The land is really is nothing to what we shall good wheat-land; but, I observed see, if Knaresborough and the only three fields of Swedish turlike of it continue unchanged as nips in the 23 miles, and no wheat to power of fitting us out with le-drilled. The wheat is sown on gislators! This is just the way ridges of great width here-andI said it would work!]

there; sometimes on ridges of ten, at others on ridges of seven, on

those of five, four, three, and even

two, feet wide. Yet the bottom is

HUNTINGDON JOURNAL. manifestly not very wet gene


rally; and, that there is not a
bottom of clay is clear from the
poor growth of the oak trees.
the trees are shabby in this coun-
try; and the eye is incessantly
offended by the sight of pollards,

ROYSTON, Monday morning, 21st Jan. 1822.—Came from London, yesterday noon, to this town on my way to Huntingdon. My road was through Ware. Royston is just within the line (on the Cam-which are seldom suffered to disbridgeshire side), which divides grace even the meanest lands in Hertfordshire from Cambridgeshire. On this road, as on almost

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Hampshire or Sussex. As you approach WARE the bottom becomes chalk of a dirtyish colour, and, in some parts, far below the surface. After you quit WARE, which is a mere market town, the

nearly to WARE which is in Hert-land grows by degrees poorer; the fordshire, and which is twenty-chalk lies nearer and nearer to three miles from the Wen, is the surface, till you come to the

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