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angels, and in the presence of

the Lamb:

God only in "the future world." See, melting fire burneth, the fire causeth also, 2 Kings xiii. 23; xxiv. 20. To the waters to boil, to make thy name worship God was to come into his pres- known to thine adversaries, that the ence; his presence was in the temple; nations may tremble at thy presence! Psa. xcv. 2; c. 2. So when the judg- When thou didst terrible things which ments of God came triumphantly, his we looked not for, thou camest down, presence is said to be with them; Isa. the mountains flowed down at thy xix. 1. When men seek to flee away presence;" Isa. lxiv. 1—3. Here, from responsibility, and from the dis- again, God's presence accompanies charge of their duty, they are said to his judgments; these judgments were flee away from the presence of the evidently in the present world, on the Lord. "Jonah rose up to flee unto earth. God is said to come, that is, to Tarshish from the presence of the be present, when his enemies are punLord." "The men knew that he ished. This is also true of the Lord [Jonah] fled from the presence of the Jesus Christ. How frequently do we Lord because he had told them;" read in the New Testament of his Jonah i. 3, 10. These are but a few coming to judge and punish his eneout of the multitude of texts that mies. He comes too, with his angels; might be quoted to illustrate the Matt. xiii. 39, 41, 49; xvi. 27; xxv. phraseology of the sacred writers in 31; Mark viii. 38; Luke ix. 36; 2 regard to the divine presence. And Thess. i. 7. Jesus and his angels are there is one fact to which we desire present in the judgment—i. e., such to call special attention, viz., the di- is the figurative language of the Scripvine judgments, above all things else, tures. Although Jesus is represented are said to take place in the divine under the metaphor of the Lamb to presence, even in cases where it is show his meekness; Acts viii. 32; and known and acknowledged of all men to shadow forth the sacrificial characthat the judgments are in the present ter of his death; John i. 29; 1 Peter i. life. How strictly in agreement is it, 19; still he is present also in his judgthen, with the style of the sacred wri- ments in that character. Hence we ters, to represent the punishment of read of "the wrath of the Lamb;" the Roman persecutors in fire and Rev. vi. 16. Why should we be surbrimstone, as being "in the presence prised, then, to be told, that the temof the holy angels and in the presence poral judgments of his enemies are of the Lamb." We are confident that inflicted "in the presence of the holy Professor Stuart, if he had looked into angels, and in the presence of the this subject as impartially and as fully Lamb?" Things manifestly belongas he has into many others, could noting to this world are said to be done have regarded this phraseology as in the presence of Jesus and the proof that the punishment must be in angels. "We are made a spectacle the future world. "Behold, the Lord unto the world, and to angels, and to rideth upon a swift cloud, and shall men ;" 1 Cor. iv. 9. Paul to Timocome into Egypt: and the idols of thy said: "I charge thee before God, Egypt shall be moved at his presence, and the Lord Jesus Christ, and the and the heart of Egypt shall melt in elect angels, that thou observe these the midst of it;" Isa. xix. 1. Here things without preferring one before the presence of the Lord is said another, doing nothing by partiality;" to accompany his fiery judgments. 1 Epis. v. 21. "For what is our Again: Oh that thou wouldst rend hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? the heavens, that thou wouldst come Are not even ye in the presence of down, that the mountains might flow our Lord Jesus Christ at his com. down at thy presence, as when the ing?" 1 Thess. i. 19. Thus we see

11 And the smoke of their that as the angels and the Lamb are said metaphorically to be present to observe the doings of men on earth, and especially in the infliction of judgments, nothing could be more natural than to speak of those judgments as being inflicted in their presence. If there are any, after all, who suppose that the wine of the wrath of God is to be administered to the Roman persecutors in the immortal or postmortem state, let them observe, that the voice from heaven said to the seven angels who had the seven last plagues, in which was filled up the wrath of God, (xv. 1,)" Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth." (xvi. 1.) This is the fulfilment of what is predicted xiv. 10. The wrath of God is described as an infuriating liquid, in xiv. 10, and there said to be contained in a cup; but in xv. 7, and xvi. 1, it is represented as being in vials. In xvi. 19, the revelator goes back to the figure of the cup again: "And great Babylon (Rome) came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath." The metaphor of the succeeding verse (xvi. 20) is precisely such as was applied to temporal punishments, vi. 14. To sum up in a few words: the wine of the wrath of God, mentioned xiv. 10, has seven vials prepared to receive it; see xv. 1; these vials "full of the wrath of God" are put into the hands of the seven angels; see xv. 7; and these angels were directed to pour them out upon the earth; xvi. 1. That this is the same thing as the cup of the wine of God's wrath is fully proved by xvi. 19. And what the plagues of the seven vials were is distinctly shown in xviii. 8: Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her." These judgments are of such a nature that they must certainly have been

torment ascendeth up forever

endured on the earth. For further remarks I direct the reader to the comments on xix. 20, where similar phraseology from the pen of the revelator is found. We submit it, then, to the candid reader, whether it afford any proof that punishment must be in the future state, merely because it is said to take place "in the presence of the holy angels, and the presence of the Lamb." Observe, the question here is not whether the doctrine of future punishment be true; that question we have discussed nowhere in this Commentary, neither shall we discuss it. The question simply has been, whether the verse before us (Rev. xiv. 10) refers to a future state of punishment. For further remarks, see our note on verse 20 of this chapter.

11. The smoke of their torment ascendeth up. This is but a continuation of the imagery; it adds nothing to the fact. As the punishment had been represented as being in fire and brimstone, it was natural for the revelator to heighten his imagery by speaking of the smoke ascending. ¶Forever and ever. —' The term "forever and ever" is very frequently applied in the Scriptures to the continuance of temporal things, without any reference to the future state. It is the translation of one of the combinations of the Greek word aion, which does not necessarily signify endless duration. In fact, there seems no room to doubt, that this expression of the revelator was borrowed from Isaiah's description of the punishment of Idumea, in which it is said, "the smoke thereof shall go up forever;" chap. xxxiv. 10; or, as the revelator has it, "The smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever." It is certain that the punishment of Idumea was on the earth; and by what sound rule of interpretation can we apply the language of the revelator to the immortal state, if we apply that of Isaiah to the destruction of Idumea ?

and ever: and they have no

rest day nor night, who wor

The above argument seems to us con- not be that of endless duration, that clusive; and therefore we add nothing we shall hardly do justice to the whole further in this place; but as to the by the few references we shall make. fact that aion in all its forms is used It is applied to the Jewish possession to describe the continuance of tempo- of the land of Canaan; Gen. xiii. 15; ral judgments, we might, if necessary, Exod. xxxii. 13; Josh. xiv. 9- to the extend the proofs and illustrations to Mosaic ordinances; Exod. xii. 14, 24; great length. So far was the argu- Numbers x. 8-to the bondage of ment extended, in the form in which the Hebrew slaves; Exod. xxi. 6; our Commentary on the Apocalypse Lev. xxv. 46; Deut. xv. 17 to the was first published. But we esteem ownership of a house; Lev. xxv. 30 it proper here, where we have more -to a structure of stones, a monuroom, to extend it. Any person who mental memorial; Josh. iv. 7 — to the looks at the common version alone, continuance of the disease of leprosy must be satisfied that no dependence in a family; 2 Kings v. 27, &c. &c. can be placed on the phrase "forever &c. What can be more plain, than and ever" to prove the endless dura- that the Jews were accustomed to tion of punishment. We do not deny use the phrase forever in application that it is sometimes used to signify to things of known and undeniable endless duration; it is equally appar- earthly character that long ago had an ent that it is also used in cases where end? If, then, both the phrases, ever it cannot have that sense. The force and forever, are unquestionably used to be given to the phrase must there- separately in numerous instances, fore depend, in all cases, on the sub- in cases where only earthly or limitject to which it is applied. That it is ed duration could have been intended, frequently used in the limited sense can it be possible that when they will be made certain to the mind of are combined, they invariably signievery person who will carefully con- fy endless duration? On the consider the following facts. We will ana- trary, it is certain that forever and ever lyze the expression, and consider the is used where nothing but earthly or Scriptural use, 1st of Ever, 2d of For- limited duration is intended. See the ever, and 3d of Forever and ever. And, following: 3d, FOREVER AND EVER: 1st, EVER: The fire was ever burning This phrase is applied by the sacred on the altar; Lev. vi. 13; David ever writers to earthly life, or "length of had a sense of his sins; Psa. li. 3; the days;" Psa. xxi. 4-to the duration word is applied to the threshing of of a book; Isa. xxx. 8- to the resicorn; Isa. xxviii. 28; to the continu-dence of the Jews in Canaan ; Jer. vii. ance of the bounds of Zion, xxxiii. 20; 7; xxv. 5; out of which they were the brother of the prodigal was ever long ago expelled; and also to the with his father; Luke xv. 31; Jesus temporal punishment of Idumea, the ever taught in the synagogue; John streams of which were turned into xviii. 20-which could not have been pitch, the dust thereof into brimstone, longer than his life at the most; and and the land thereof was made "burnsome were ever learning and never ing pitch." This judgment is decoming to the knowledge of the truth; scribed as having been by fire and 2 Tim. iii. 7. From these quotations it brimstone; and yet the merest tyro must be evident to every person, that in Scripture criticism would know, the word ever is frequently used in the that it was simply a highly wrought common version in cases where end- metaphor to describe the desolation less duration was not intended. 2d, produced in the land by the judgments FOREVER: This word is used in so of God. "It shall not be quenched many instances where the sense can- night nor day; the smoke thereof

ship the beast and his image, mark of his name. and whosoever receiveth the

shall go up forever; from generation to generation it shall lie waste: none shall pass through it forever and ever. But the cormorant and the bittern shall possess it; the owl also and the raven shall dwell in it: and he shall stretch out upon it the line of confusion, and the stones of emptiness. They shall call the nobles thereof to the kingdom, but none shall be there, and all her princes shall be nothing. And thorns shall come up in her palaces, nettles and brambles in the fortresses thereof: and it shall be a habitation of dragons, and a court for owls;" Isa. xxxiv. 10-13. This punishment, although it was said to endure forever and ever, we know cannot be in the future and immortal world; but was a temporal judgment on a section of the sinful earth. "It would be very unreasonable (say the editors of the Improved Version) to infer the gloomy doctrine of eternal misery from the loose and figurative language of a prophetic vision, in opposition to the plainest dictates of reason and justice, and to the whole tenor of divine revelation. But if any one is disposed to lay undue stress upon this text, it may be sufficient to remark, that it is not here asserted that the torment continues, but that the smoke of it ascends forever and ever. The smoke of a pile in which a criminal has been condemned may continue to ascend long after the wretched victim has ceased to suffer. And a memorial of the punishment which has been inflicted on vice may remain long after vice itself has been utterly exterminated. After all, as the prophecy relates wholly to the states of things in the present world, the punishments threatened ought, in all reason, to be understood of temporal punishments, and not of the sufferings of a future life. So in Jude, ver. 7, Sodom and Gomorrah are represented as suffering the vengeance

12 Here is the patience of

of eternal fire, i. e., of a temporal
calamity, a fire which completely
destroyed them." Note on Rev. xiv.
11. As the case of Sodom and
Gomorrah is here referred to, and as
it is a similar case to that of the
Roman persecutors spoken of in the
Apocalypse, we give the opinion of
the learned Dr. Whitby, himself a
strong believer in endless misery, as
to the extent of the torment intended
by the phrase "eternal fire." "That
this is spoken not of the cities them-
selves, but of the inhabitants which
dwelt in them, that is, of them
who had given themselves over to forni-
cation, and gone after strange flesh,
is evident; but yet I conceive they
are said to suffer the vengeance of
eternal fire, not because their souls are
at present punished in hell fire, but
because they, and their cities, per-
ished from that fire from heaven,
which brought a perpetual and irrep-
arable destruction on them and their
cities." "To deigma, an example,
is to be taken from something visible
to, or knowable by, all who were to
be terrified by it, especially when it is
an example manifested and proposed.
Now such was not the punishment
of their souls in hell fire; but noth-
ing was more known and celebrated
among authors, sacred and profane,
Jewish, Christian, and heathen wri-
ters, than the fire that fell down upon
Pentapolis, or the five cities of Sodom,
they being mentioned still in Scrip-
ture as the cities which God over-
threw with a perpetual desolation."
- See Whitby's Com. on Jude, ver. 7.
12. Here is the patience of the saints.
-That is, the worshippers of the
beast are put down; they are de-
stroyed; they can aid in the persecu-
tion of the Christians no more; this
is the cause of the patience of the
saints, and of those who keep the
commandments of God, and the faith
of Jesus. In xiii. 10, we found sim-
ilar words: "Here is the patience

the saints here are they that keep the commandments of God,

and the faith of the saints;" referring back to the preceding words, viz., the punishment of the Roman persecutors. So in the words before us, the allusion is to the preceding words, and to the punishment of the Roman persecutors, as described in verses 9-11.

13. Voice from heaven. - Any communication from heaven to men was said to come by the voice of the Lord from heaven, even when no words were actually spoken. Voice is often used metaphorically, as of Abel's blood; Gen. iv. 10; voice of a sign; Exod. iv. 8; the thunder is God's voice; Job xxxvii. 4, 5; xl. 9, &c., &c. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. - This passage is difficult of construction, as is agreed by persons of all sects. There are several questions of great importance involved: 1st. In what sense are the dead here mentioned? Are they the dead to sin, such as have been crucified with Christ? or are they the actually and literally dead? 2d. Why is it said, blessed are they from henceforth? The other questions, 3d. In what sense do they rest from their labors? and 4th. In what sense do their works follow them? depend much on the answer given to the first question. The usual interpretation of the passage is: "Blessed are the dead who die (i. e., pass away from the world) from henceforth, as it will be a time of great persecution, and the dead in Christ are to be regarded as happy rather than the living. Yea, saith the Spirit, for they are relieved from their sufferings, and their works follow them to the immortal state, where they will be suitably rewarded. But it is fatal to this interpretation, that it was not a time of persecution of the church that the revelator was describing, but the time of the punishment of the enemies of Christianity, and their final over

and the faith of Jesus.

13 And I heard a voice from


throw. Lightfoot says: "And now, as in the 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th chapters, the relation is concerning those things that should be against the church, - from henceforth the prophecy is more especially of things that make for the church and against her enemies' works;" iii. 351. Examine the context, and the truth of this will be seen. Babylon is fallen, is fallen;" ver. 8. The worshippers of the beast are made to drink of the wine of the wrath of God, and are tormented with fire and brimstone; ver. 10; evidently describing the fall of the persecutors. "Here is the patience of the saints;" ver. 12; i. e., this has caused the patience of the saints, and of those that keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. And then follow the words: "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth;" i. e., it seems to us, things are to be different henceforth from what they have been heretofore. The past has been a time of persecution; but soon the power of the persecutor will be broken; and from that time, from henceforth, the Christians will be. blessed; they will have rest, when their persecutors are overthrown, and their works of triumph shall attend them wherever they go. Blessed are the dead in Christ, those who are crucified with him "from henceforth,"


- from the time the revelator was describing, because the power of the oppressor was broken. Blessed, in a peculiar manner, are those who become united to Christ from that time; for they rest from their labors, viz., their toils and sufferings, whereas previous to this time the Christians had been compelled to suffer great afflictions and some of them horrid deaths. But from the time that the revela or was describing, they were to have a season of comparative peace, and their works, their glorious

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