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Where kindred spirits dwell,
There may our music swell,
And time our joys dispel-
Never-no, never.

4 Soon shall we meet again,

Meet ne'er to sever;

Soon will peace wreath her chain,

Round us forever:

Our hearts will then repose,
Secure from worldly woes:
Our songs of praise shall close-


Never-no, never!

L. M.

Exhortation to work while it is Day.

AWAKE-awake! each sluggish soul, Awake-and view the setting sun! See how the shades of death advance, Ere half the task of life is done! 2 Soon will he close our drowsy eyes, Nor shall we hear these warnings more: Soon will the mighty Judge approach; Ev'n now he stands before the door!

3 To-day, attend his gracious voice! And hear the summons which he sends"Awake! for on this passing hour, Thy long eternity depends!" 4 O Saviour! let these awful scenes Be ever present to our view: Teach us to gird our loins about, And trim our dying lamps anew. 5 Then, when the king of terror comes, Our souls shall hail the happy day: Haste, then, O Saviour, from above, Nor let thy chariot wheels delay.


58 & 11s.

A New Year.

COME, let us anew

Our journey pursue,

Roll round with the year,

And never stand still, till the Master appear.

2 Our life is a dream,

Our time, as a stream,

Glides swiftly away,

And the fugitive moment refuses to stay.

3 The arrow is flown,

The moment is gone;

The millennial year

Rushes on to our view, and eternity's here.

4 Oh that each in the day

Of his coming may say,

"I've fought my way through,


I've finished the work thou didst give me to

5 Oh that each from his Lord

May receive the good word,

"Well and faithfully done!

Enter into my joy, and sit down on my



С. М.

Brevity of Human Life.

TEACH me the measure of my days,
Thou Maker of my frame :
I would survey life's narrow space,
And learn how frail I am.

2 A span is all that we can boast;
How short the fleeting time!
Man is but vanity and dust,
In all his flower and prime.

3 What can I wish, or wait for then, They make our expectations vain, And disappoint our trust.

From creatures, earth and dust?

4 Now I forbid my carnal hope,
My fond desire recall:
I give my mortal interest up,
And make my God my all.



Praise for sparing and protecting Mercy.
SPARED, through grace, another year,
Good it is to praise the Lord;
Good to meet our Saviour here;
Good his mercies to record.

2 When our foes we greatly feared,
When we seemed an easy prey;
Then it was the Lord appeared,
Then he drove our foes away.

3 Saviour, all our sin forgive;
Make us what we ought to be;
Let us by thy mercy live,

And in heaven thy glory see.


S. M.

Rapid Flight of Time.

MY few revolving years,

How swift they glide away!
How short the term of life appears,

When past-'tis but a day!-

2 A dark and cloudy day,

Made up of grief and sin;
A host of dangerous foes without,
And guilt and fear within.

3 Lord, through another year,
If thou permit my stay,
With watchful care may I pursue


The true and living way!

С. М.

Rapid Flight of Time.

BEHOLD, my soul, the narrow bound

That marks the passing year!
How swift the weeks complete their round!
How short the months appear!

2 So fast eternity comes on,
And that important day,
When all that mortal life has done,
God's judgment shall survey.

3 Yet, like an idle tale, we pass
The swiftly gliding year,
And study artful ways t' increase
The speed of its career.

4 Awake, O God! each trifling heart
Its great concern to see,
That all may act the Christian part,
And give the year to thee.

5 So shall their course more grateful roll,

If future years arise;
Or this shall bear the willing soul
To joy which never dies.


L. M.

Praise for Providential Goodness.

ETERNAL God! I bless thy name,

The same thy power-thy grace the same ;

The tokens of thy friendly care

Begin, and close, and crown the year.

2 Supported by thy guardian hand,
Amid ten thousand deaths I stand,
And see, when I survey thy ways,
Ten thousand monuments of praise.

3 Thus far thine arm has led me on,
Thus far I make thy mercy known;
And, while I tread this desert land,
New mercies shall new songs demand.

4 My grateful voice on Jordan's shore,
Shall raise one sacred pillar more;
Then bear, in thy bright courts above,
Inscriptions of immortal love.


С. м.

Reflections at the End of the Year.

AND now, my soul, another year
Of thy short life is past;
I cannot long continue here,
And this may be my last.

2 Much of my dubious life is gone,
Nor will return again;
And swift my passing moments run,
The few that yet remain.

3 Awake, my soul-with utmost care
Thy true condition learn:
What are thy hopes?-how sure? how fair?
What is thy great concern?

4 Behold, another year begins!
Set out afresh for heaven;
Seek pardon for thy former sins,
In Christ so freely given.
5 Devoutly yield thyself to God,
And on his grace depend;

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