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give reputation, and the kind words charities of the heart. The benef of those who are really pleased, in-cence of the public was awakened, and duce similar remarks from others we hope the unfortunate objects of the who purchase books as they become lieved from the pangs of orphanage and benefit have been in some degree re fashionable, and express those opin- penury. ions only for which they can pro- The play before us has considerable duce standard authority. Many per- merit. Mrs. Inchbald combines much sons are desirous of being thought chasteness of humour with some skill in wise, and comparatively few are pathetic; her plots however are often willing to undergo the labour that sentiments are more commonly the exmore singular than natural, and her will make them so; it becomes ertions of laboured thought, than the easier therefore to borrow from the genuine effusions of passion. The destock of other men's information, sign in the present piece, is to harmo than to acquire a proper quantity perceived in the world, by making her nize the jarrings, which are too often by industry, and very little less im- characters well pleased with each other posing to retail the opinions of oth-by means of flattery. In prosecuting ers, than to originate them one's self-Hence it is that what has once been famous, retains its reputation with very little toil, secure from censure by the imposing splendor of its name; while other men or other books less known, but of more valuc, have to glide along without notice, wasting their talents without acquiring honour, and losing the chances of preferment from the impossibility of making manifest their claim.

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THE ORDEAL.....No. 10.


this design, she is often obliged to sacrifice propriety to convenience; and although the end she aims at may be by which she attains it are neither reworthy of her philanthropy, the means markable for their ingenuity nor com mendable for their justice.

The character of Harmony we think over-drawn and tedious. The acquiescence to the will of others, is too much like servility: and the expedient of general flattery, has a constant sameness to contend with-Yet the goodness of his motives renders the part a pleasing one.

Mrs. Placid and Solus, are something like caricatures ; yet their humour gratifies though it does not satisfy the mind.

Mr. Irwin, is faithfully delineated; such men too frequently are seen in the world. The other parts are in no res

Every one has his Fault (Mrs. Inchbald)pect very remarkable.

and the Sultan.
Friday, Doc. 10.


Mrs. Inchbald seems to have copted some German originals for many of her incidents, and we think we can trace a

Yet still shall calm reflection bless the night parallel between the principal incident When lib'ral pity dignified delight ; of Lovers' Vows and this play. In Lov When pleasure fir'd her torch at virtue'sers' Vows, the father is robbed by the flame, And mirth was bounty with an humbler this fact is a reconciliation effected.son for a mother's necessities; and from THE charity of the Boston audience In Every one has his fault, the father never was more worthily bestowed, is robbed by the husband and son for than on this evening. The play of the daughter's necessities; and from Every one has his fault, was well cho-this fact a reconciliation is effected. sen for the benefit of the orphans of Mr. and Mrs Jones, as it naturally impresses the mind with the feelings of maternal sympathy, and excites to deeds of benevolence all the tender

The expedient of Lord Norland to entrap Miss Wooburn into a marriage with Harmony, neither consists with his character as a man of honour, nor with any circumstance of probability.

The play, on the whole, however, the same time strongly enforced. The pleases; its humour is neat, its senti-sympathy she excited with the child, ments generous, and the feeiings it was highly wrought, and accorded with excites are the most sympathetic in the fine feelings of the audience. In this scene, the passage she uttered after the child informs her that he is the grand-child of Lord Norland, had universal effect:


"You are-you are his grand-childI see-I feel you are ;-for I feel I am your mother."

Mr. Caulfield undertook the part of Mr. Irwin the principal defects in his representation of this character are his whine or mouthing at the end of his periods, his measured words, and his manner of acting to the audience. Of The whole scene was undoubtedly the whine, it prevailed during most of the scenes of feeling with his wife, and the best played of any one in which she this together with equal quantities of was engaged. Not but that she shone words being dofed out between each in the different scenes with her husband pause of the voice, combined to render and father, we recollect the following his performance uninteresting. Some-sentence impressed us favourably. times a natural manner sprung up, and Speaking to her husband, she says, seemed to confer a solidity to the part which made it respectable. This manner occured with Harmony in the Tavern scene. In general we might with propriety say to Mr. Caulfield as Cæsar said to one who was pronouncing before him, "Do you speak or do you sing? If From her performance this evening, you sing, you sing very ill." Lord Norland, we are still more impressed with the was sustained respectably by Mr. Ush. opinion, that if Mrs. Shaw would bend er; his morose honesty, and rigid dis.her attention to such parts as Mrs. countenance to vice, were distinctly Placid, she would shew her abilities to marked. He played the scene with advantage, besides becoming a favorite Miss Wooburn well, and his first inter- with the audience. view with his daughter was not wanting either in conception or execution.

"I would not lose the remembrance of you or of them, for all my father's for tune."

In many instances she rose to an excellence that surprised us the more, because it was unexpected.

The part of which we are now to speak, can only be mentioned in terms Mr. Bernard's Sir Robert Ramble, of approbation or passed over in silence; and the reason is evident. We now was distinguished for its easy deportment and vivacity; but the broad hu-say, Mr. Fox's child in Edward, surmour which he now and then gave to passed expectation, both in strength of memory and apprehension of the sense; it, did not become the part. It was tru-and in the gratification of the audience ly however the zest of the comedy. Mr. Fox played Mr. Harmony, with success ; he should turn his attention to a more gentlemanly deportment in such parts. His voice we thought not so strong as we often have observed it; nor so hesitating, as unfortunately it of

ten is.'

Solus, under the endeavours of Mr. Dickenson, gave us satisfaction; it is of the same species with most of the characters in which he chiefly excels.

Placid by Mr. Downie, was heard and understood: this, as to him, is a praise we cannot always bestow; and even now we are unable to say more.

Whilst we confess we have seldom seen Mrs. Powell appear to more advantage than on this evening in Lady Eleanor Irwin, we must also observe, the opinion we have expressed that her forte lays in sentimental comedy, is at

those who tutored it, must have received their recompence.

In general, all the parts were well filled. Those we have omitted we could have both praised and censured. The performance was conducted satisfactorily; and few persons but were pleased in feeling at the same time the delight of conferring happiness on others, and deriving pleasure to them


School of Reform (Coleman) and the
Monday, Dec. 22.

As you like it (Shakespeare) and Four
Seasons. Wednesday, Dec. 24.

To no comedy of Shakespear are we
more indebted for variety of character,
force and elegance of
ments and singularity of original setti
play of As you like it

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The story while it is simple, inter- Inever before seen given. His sleeping ests us for the fate of Rosalind and the while Rosalind and Celia were bargitDuke, and both the Fables of which ing with the Shepherd, was well desig the plot consists contributes to the ge- ed; and his vivacity in many instances neral catastrophe. The mind is agitat- which it would he tedious to insert, added rather from the striking sentiments ed new life and force to his personation and wit of the dialogue, than from any Adam, we have never seen better passionate concern in the fable. done than by Mr. Dickenson this even Jaques "wrapped in a most humour-ing; he never did half so well before. ous sadness," filled with benevolence and sensibility, is from this cause overflowing with indignity, when vice is in any degree triumphant. Led by his passions and affections, his humour, his gall, or his tendernes by turns occupy . his mind, and his thoughts are sooner formed than uttered.


Orlando is a character of great in terest; as a lover, one of the best on the stage.

The Duke Senior, Mr. Usher persone ated with some success ; but he di not endeavour to make it as conspicuous as it may be made.

Rosalind, by Mrs. Stanley. We could not but be surprised at the new beauties given to this part by the colouring of Mrs. Stanley. But she was imperfect in recollection; the short notice she probably received must account for it. The beauties we most Touchstone's folly is the conceal-particularly remarked were the passa ment, from behind which his shafts of wit are driven; and by reason of this guise his severity is not felt, and "his taxing like a wild goose flies, Unclaim'd of any man."

Dr. Johnson says, "I know not how the ladies will approve the facility with which both Rosalind and Celia give away their hearts. To Celia much may be forgiven for the heroism of her friendship." When this play is well represented it never fails of producing gratification to the audience.

ges wherein she pretends to have coterfeited her sensations at the sight of Orlando's handkerchief.

Ros. Ah sir, a lady would think this was well counterfeited. I pray you tel your brother how well I counterfeited; heigh ho!

The epilogue must have been spoken consummately well, as at the conch sion, Mrs. Stanley was greeted with six universal expressions of rapturous ap plause.

Mrs.Usher, filled Celia quite respect The performance on this evening, as ably. The same may be said of Mrs regards acting was truly respectable; Dykes in her part. In truth, we have but the play was curtailed and mutilat-not often observed a play which throughed, and so far is liable to strong objec-out was better performed; and notwith tions. standing our displeasure at the unwarrantable curtailments and alterations of the comedy, it must on the whole com

Mr. Caulfield in Jaques, was the man "who could suck malancholy from a song," he was the unsocial being dis-mand our unequivocal approbation. cribed by the bard of nature.

The Seven Ages," was given with great justness in conception and delivery; his manner was more discriminating and natural than we have ever before observed it.

The description of "the fool in the forest" was uttered well; though rather forced and strained in the laugh. We have no hesitation in pronouncing the Jaques of Mr. Caulfield, though he omitted many occasions in which he might have shown more of the character, the best the Boston audience has


Mr. Bernard's Touchstone never was more inimitable; several points were introduced in the part, which we had



PERHAPS there is no character so seldom to be met with as that of a man who is stricly reasonable in the value he sets on property, who can be liberal without profusion and economical without avarice.

Though every man cannot arrive at the perfection of taste, yet it may be necessary he should be sufficiently instructed not to be deceived in


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mur, and to interrupt this formida-
ble beginning. "But," continued
the orator, "to prevent my being
too prolix, I shall omit a dozen of
of them."

his judgment concerning the claim
of it in others. To this end the
following queries may be applied
with singular advantage. Is the
pretender to taste proud ?-Is he a
coxcomb ?-Is he a spendthrift ?.
Is he a gamester ?—Is he a stander-
Society is often pestered by some of
er? Is he a bad neighbour ?—A
those intolerable babblers who delight
sham patriot?-A false friend ?-
By this short catechism, every in their own wisdom, and are never so
youth, even of the most slender ca- happy as when able to communicate it.
them in the following sentences :
pacity, may be capable of deter-There are some pointed remarks at
mining who is not a man of taste.

It should be a rule to suspect persons who insinuate any thing against the reputation of others, of that vice or error with which they charge their neighbours; for it is very unlikely that their insinuations shoukl flow from a love of virtue. The resentment of the virtuous, towards those who are fallen, is that of pity, and pity is best discovered on such occasions by silence.



Men are unwilling to be hearers in society; and we find, invariably, that precisely those who will not listen one moment to the narration of another, require the most profound attention and unwearied nods of approbation, for their own..

The perfect hearer should be composed by the same receipt the Duc de Sully gives for making a great statesman. He should have little feeling-and no passions.

The heater must never be drow co-sy; for nothing perplexes a talker, or reader of his own works, like the accident of sleep in the midst of his harrangue and I have known a French talker rise up and hold open the eyelids of a Dutch hearer with

An hearer must not squint. For

"This prelate was illustrious in his line for his talents, erudition, and morals. One day the Emperor Sigismond asked of him instructions to obtain happiness. "We his fiuger and thumb. cannot, Sire, expect it in this world.” "Which, then, is the way to hap-no lover is so zealous as a true talker, piness hereafter?"" You must act who will be perpetually watching virtuously."—" What do you mean the motion of the eyes, and always by that expression ?"—"I mean," suspecting that the attention is disays Theoderic, "that you should rected to that side of the room to always pursue that plan of conduct, which they point. which you promise to do whilst you are labouring under a fit of the gravel, gout, or stone."


An hearer must not be a seer of sights. He must let an hare pass by as quietly as an ox; and never interrupt a narration by crying out at the sight of an highwayman, or An acquaintance of "An orator, at a meeting during a mad dog. the troubles of the League, began mine lost a good legacy by the illa speech with premising, that he timed arrival of a coach and six, should divide the subject he was which he discovered at the end of about to treat of, into thirteen heads. an avenue, and announced as an The audience were heard to mur-acceptable hearing to the pride of

the family. But it happened to be I was right. The judge feared to be

at the very time the lady of the house was relating the critical moment of her life, when she was in the greatest danger of breaking her vow of celibacy.

An hearer must not have the fidg-1 ets. He must not start if he hears a door clap, a gun go off, or a cry of murder. He must not sniff with his nostrils if he smell fire; because, though he should save the house by it, he will be as ill rewarded as Cassandra for her endeavours to prevent the flames of Troy, or Gulliver for extinguishing those of Lilliput.


A countess, handsome enough to prejudice the most rigid judge in fa

vour of the worst cause, was desired to take the part of a colonel in the army against a tradesman. The tradesman was in conferrence with the judge, who found his claim so clear and so just, that he assured him of success. At the moment, the charming countess appeared in the anti-chamber. The judge ran to meet her. Her address, her hair, her eyes, the tone of her voice, such an accumulation of charms were so persussive, that in a moment he felt more as a man than a judge, and he promised the lovely advocate that the colonel should gain his cause. Here the judge was engaged on both sides. When he returned to study, he found the tradesman in despair. I have seen her,' cried the poor man out of his senses, I have seen the lady who solicits against me, she is as handsome as an angel. O Sir! my cause is lost. Put yourself in my place,' said the judge, quite confused. Could I refuse her? and saying this, he took an hundred pistoles from his purse, which was the amount of the tradesman's demand, and gave them to him. The lady heard of this; and as she was scrupulously virtuous, she was fearful of lying under too great an obligation to the judge, and immediately sent him the hundred postoles. The colonel who was as gallant as the lady was scrupulous, repaid her the money, and so in the end exery one did what

unjust, the countess was cautious of lying under too great an obligation, the colonel paid his debt, and the trades

man received his due.


The Marrow of Complements
(Lond. 1654) contains the following
song in praise of tobacco :-
Much meat doth gluttony procure
To feed men fat like swine;
But he's a frugal man indeed

That with a leaf can dine.
He needs no napkin for his hands,
His fingers ends to wipe,
That hath his kitchen in a box,
His roast-meat in a pipe.


How soon likenesses were taken would be worth enquiry. It is told of Andreas de Orgagna, a Florentine, who died aged sixty years, in 1389, and was buried in Florence, that "He painted the Judgment, where he placed in hell most of his foes that had molested him, and among the rest a scrivener, whose name was Ceccho de Ascoli, and known for a notable knave in his profession, and a conjuror beside, who had many ways molested him. He was by children and boys discerned to be the same man, so well had he expressed him to the life."

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