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Gardens, the, Wolsey's, 8, 40; Henry
VIII.'s, 100, 102; in the reign of
Elizabeth, 142; in Cromwell's
time, 250; in Charles II.'s time,
described by Evelyn, 268; altered
by William and Mary, 296, 297,
304, 316, 326, 338; in George
II.'s time, 376; in George III.'s
time, 381; their enchanting beauty
at the present time, 402-406.
Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester,
126, 132, 136.

Gatehouse, Wolsey's great, 117.
George I., removed from London
to Hampton Court, 359; dulness
of his Court, 368; quarrels with
his son, 369; sets up a theatre in
the Great Hall, 369; his shameful
dismissal of Wren, 370; his letter
concerning the unauthorized occu-
pation of apartments in the palace,

George II., as Prince of Wales,

360; his flirtations with the ladies-
in-waiting, 363; quarrels with his
father, 368; leaves Hampton Court
and holds an opposition Court at
Richmond, 369; his visits as King,
373; dulness of his Court, 374;
his bedroom and bed, 378; boxes
his grandson's ears, 379.
George III., abandons Hampton
Court, 380; divides the palace
into private apartments, 382; his
reforms as to private apartments
at Hampton Court, 383; his in-
dignation at the lending of private
apartments, 384; gives the Stadt-
holder of Holland apartments, 386.
George IV., accession of, 388.
Ghosts supposed at Hampton Court,
97, 98, 109, 235; and see Penn,
Mrs., Jane Seymour, and Catherine

Gibbons, Grinling, 314, 323, 355.
Giustinian, the Venetian ambas-

sador, 14, 28, 44, 62.

Gloucester, William, Duke of, son of
Queen Anne, birth and baptism
of, 295.

Gondomar, Count, 199.
Goodwin, Dr., Cromwell's chaplain,

gives him an organ from Mag-
dalen College, 251; his prayer,

Grammont, M. de, 264.


Great Hall, built by Henry VIII.,
20, 72, 74, 80, 82, 84, 153; crea-
tion of peers in, by James I., 161;
plays and masques in, 164;
Daniel's masque in, 166; more
plays, 183; theatre erected in, by
George I., 369.

Great Watching Chamber, Henry,
VIII.'s, 86, 88, 92.

Green, the, Hampton Court, Wren's
house on the, 370; Faraday's house
on the, 396.

Gresham, Sir Richard, 28.
Guard Chamber, William III.'s, 332.
Gunning, the Misses, story of, 379.

Halifax, Lord, 294.



Hampton, parish and manor of, 2, 4.
Hampton Court, manor of, 5; leased
to Cardinal Wolsey, 5; extraordin-
ary salubrity of, 6, 262; Henry
VIII. acquires the fee-simple of,
74; erected into an 'honour,'
103; survey of the manor and
parks by the Commonwealth, 238;
excepted from sale, 239; bill for
its sale introduced, 240; it sales
discussed, 240; offered to Crom-
well, but declined, 242; manor
sold to Mr. John Phelps, 242;
bought back for Cromwell, 243;
again to be sold, 259; bill for
settling the honour and manor on
Monk, 260.

"Hampton Court Beauties," the,
Harewarren, in Cromwell's time,
240; Cromwell's ponds in, 250;
in William III.'s time, 332.
"Haunted Gallery," the, 107, 406.
Heath, his account of Oliver Crom-
well, 246, 248, 252.

Henrietta Maria, her household
train, 201; Buckingham's rude-
ness in his interviews with her,
202; bickerings between her and
her husband, 203; misbehaviour
of her confessor, 204; fresh out-
break of disagreement with
Charles, 207; her passionate dis-
course, with her husband, 208;
visits Hampton Court in 1662,
283; gives a ball to Charles II.
and his Queen, 285.

Henry VIII., I; with Katharine of
Arragon at Hampton Court, 5;

visits the Cardinal, 11; sings and
plays on the lute, 12; repairs un-
expectedly to Wolsey's palace,
12; his implicit trust in Wolsey,
13; at Wolsey's banquets and
masquerades, 14; his affection for
Wolsey, 19; his additions to and
alterations of the palace, 20;
praises Wolsey's choir, 36; re-
ceives Hampton Court from Wol-
sey, 45; his affectionate letters to
Wolsey, 50; sends him some pills,
51; dismisses Wolsey, 52; occu-
pies Hampton Court, 52; sends
tokens of goodwill to Wolsey, 53;
his additions to the palace, 55;
his galleries, 56; comes to Hamp-
ton Court with Katharine of Arra-
gon, 57; summons an assembly to
consider his divorce, 57; threatens
the Nuncio, 58; his affection for
Anne Boleyn, 58; gives her a
shooting dress, 59; makes Hamp-
ton Court one of his favourite re-
sidences, 60; his sports, jousts,
and tournaments, 61; shooting at
the butt, 62; plays tennis, 62;
plays backgammon, etc., 63; his
songs, 63; his taste for literature,
64; his transaction of business,
64; his household, 66; the mak-
ing of his bed, 68; domestic
offices in his palace, 70; his new
hall, 72; his architect, 73; ac-
quires the fee-simple of the manor
of Hampton Court, 74; his work-
men, 75; his enormous expenses
in building, 76; his honeymoon
with Anne Boleyn, 77; flirts with
the ladies of Anne Boleyn's Court,
77; his Hall, 80; his passion for
Anne Boleyn cools, 86; marries
Jane Seymour, 88; his delight at
the birth of his son, 89; embellishes
the chapel, 90; with Jane Sey-
mour, blesses Edward VI., 94;
leaves Hampton Court on the
death of Jane Seymour, 95; his
new buildings completed, 100;
his parks, 103; erects Hampton
Court manor into an honour, 103;
marries Anne of Cleves, and
Catherine Howard, 104; goes a
honeymoon trip with Catherine
Howard, 106; hears the accusa-
tion against his Queen, 107;

marries Catherine Parr, 110; his
home life, III; his frenzy of irrita-
bility, 112; his death, 112; his
cane, hawking glass, gloves, and
comb-cases, 238.

Henry, Prince of Wales, at the con-
ference, 173; resides at Hampton

Court, 181.

"Heron Ponds." See Harewarren.
Hervey, John, Lord, 362; married

to Miss Lepell, 368; his sketch
of Hampton Court life, 374; his
satire against Pope, 376.
Home Park. See House Park.
Hospitallers, Knights of St. John
of Jerusalem, 4, 5, 22, 74.
Hounslow Heath, James II. en-
camped on, 288.

House or Home Park, 2, 3, 103;
acreage and valuation of, by the
Commonwealth, 240, 242; Crom-
well riding in, 255; avenues and
canals made by Charles II., 260,
272: canal and avenues of, 296,
299, 308; William III.'s accident
in, 349, 351; description of, in

[blocks in formation]

James I., 160; creates hundreds of
new knights, 161; founds the
noble order of Baronets, 161;
creates a large batch of new peers,
162; incorporates the King's
Company of Comedians, 164; his

[ocr errors]

Booke of Sports," 166; attends
Daniel's masque, 167; presides at
conference between Anglicans and
Puritans, 171; holds forth on theo-
logy, 172; summons the Puritan
divines before him, 173; brow-
beats the Puritan divines, 175;
jeers at Dr. Reynolds, 176; his
own estimate of his achievement,
180; leaves Hampton Court for
London, 181; sends for the Pres-
byterian ministers from Scotland,
183; argues with them on religion,
184; has them preached at, 185;
"in a great passion," 186; issues
a proclamation against poaching,
187; flings curses at the followers
of the hounds, 188; his costume
while hunting, 190; his hatred of
war, 191; visits his sick wife, 193;
his callous conduct at his wife's


death, 198; portrait of, 199; sa-
tirical description of, 199; never
washes his hands, 199; entertains
the French ambassador, 200; en-
tertains the Spanish ambassador,
201 his death, 201.
James II. discusses a plan for the
murder of Cromwell, 252; his
camp on Hounslow Heath, 288;
death of, 342; and see York, Duke
Jane Seymour, flirts with Henry

VIII. and becomes Queen, 86;
her arms and badge, 88; retires
to Hampton Court, 89: gives
birth to a son, 89; illness and
death of, 94; her body em-
balmed and laid in state, 96;
her obsequies, 96; 1,200 masses
for her soul, 97; her spectre in
theSilver-stick Gallery," 97.
Jones, Inigo, 162, 199.

Kent, Edward, Duke of, at the Pavi-
lions, 386.

King's Great Staircase, 312, 322-325.
King's State Bedchamber, 323, 334.
Kitchen, Cardinal Wolsey's, 36;
Henry VIII.'s 70.

Kneller, Sir Godfrey, 302, 343.

Laguerre, Louis, 312, 314; his
sprawling saints, 325, 360.
Leicester, Robert Dudley, Earl of,
140, 146, 154.

Lepell, Miss, 362, 363; married to
Lord Hervey, 367; her cherished
reminiscences of Hampton Court,
368; Pope's moonlight walk with,

London, George, appointed gar-
dener to William and Mary, 298;
his style of gardening, 327.
Long Canal, made by Charles II.,
262, 268; mentioned, 295, 296;
its beauty in summer, 402; by
moonlight, 406.

Long Parliament, the, 258, 260.
Long Walk, or Pavilion Terrace,
made by William III., 339.
Longford, or King's River," re-
paired by Cromwell, 250.
Lord Chamberlain, the, disclaims
authority over ghosts, 235; George
I.'s letter to, about irregularities
at the palace, 372; his orders and



warrants or apartments, 381;
his rule against lending apart-
ments, 383; his severe letter against
letting apartments, 384; further
remonstrances from, 384; his
sphere of jurisdiction, 399; his
control over doors and locks, 400.
Lord Steward of the Household, his
mysterious authority, 400.

Maiano, Joannes, terra-cotta medal-
lions by, 22.

Mantegna, Andrea, his "Triumph
of Julius Cæsar," 238, 249, 314.
Marlborough, Sarah, Duchess of,
describes Queen Mary's unseemly
conduct on taking possession of
her father's palace, 290; her ac-
count of King William's vulgarities
and rudeness to Princess Anne,

Mary I., as Princess, at Prince
Edward's (Edward VI.) christen-
ing, 92; her christening presents,
94; at Jane Seymour's obsequies,
97; mentioned, 100; as Queen, her
honeymoon, 122; "very pious and
very badly dressed," 122; retires
for her accouchement, 126; her
expected child, 127; said to have
given birth to a prince, 128; sends
for her sister Elizabeth, 130; her
interview with her at night, 133;
her hopes of offspring dashed, 136;
removes from the palace, 137.
Mary II., Queen of England, pro-
claimed Queen, 289; her unseemly
delight at taking possession, 290;
her impression of the palace, 291;
appoints George London her gar-
dener, 298; remains in seclusion
at Hampton Court, 299; occupies
the Water Gallery, 300; her china,
delft ware, and needlework, 300;
her Gallery of Beauties, 302; her
love of gardening, her bower,
304; reports the progress of the
works, 305; her arms, 317; dies
at Kensington, 320.
Melville, Sir James, envoy of Mary
Queen of Scots, 139; deputed by
Hans Casimir to urge his suit to
Elizabeth, 140; his interviews with
Elizabeth, 141, 142, 143; hears
her play music, 144; sees her
dance, 146.

Milton, John, 162, 168, 251.
Mitford, Mr. A. B., appointed Secre-
tary to the Board of Works, 397:
his care and zeal for Hampton
Court, 397; his precautions
against fire, 397.

Mornington, Countess of, her apart-
ments and garden, 389.
Murray, Earl, Regent of Scotland,
148, 149, 151.

Norfolk, Thomas, 4th Duke of, 146,

Parks, the, 60; game in, 256; and

see Bushey, Course, House.
Parliament, the, 217, 219, 221, 222,

224, 231, 233, 237-243, 258, 259.
See also Commons, House of.
Pavilions, the, building of, 339;
mentioned, 357; Princess Caroline
and the Court at, 364; the Duke
of Gloucester and the Waldegraves
at, 386; the Duke of Kent occu-
pies, 386; recent occupants of,

Penn, Mrs. (Sibell Hampden), 97-


Pepys, Samuel, 261, 267, 284.
Philip II. of Spain, honeymoon of,
122; his exclusiveness, 123; goes
in procession round the cloisters,
126; induces Mary to pardon
Elizabeth, 130; his secret inter-
view with Elizabeth, 130; his
sneaking tricks, 135; his courtesy
to Elizabeth, 136; his spies, 139.
Pope, Alexander, couplet on Cibber,
316; on Verrio and Laguerre,
326; his "Rape of the Lock," 356-
359; his admiration for Miss
Lepell, 363; his description of
Hampton Court life, 368; his
attack on Lord Hervey, 375; his
reply to Hervey's satire, 376;
criticises the new style of garden-
ing, 377, 378.

Pope, the, gives Wolsey a dispensa-
tion from the Lenten observances,
18; reproached by Henry VIII.,
58; his authority horribly reviled,
Presbyterians, sent for by James I.,
183; preached at, 184; plot of,
against Cromwell's life, 245.

Presence Chamber, William III.'s,

304, 334; described, 343.
Private apartments, 372: palace ap-
portioned into, by George III.,
382; occupants of in George III.'s
reign, 383, 386; lax practices of
Occupants, 384; gross abuse of
letting apartments, 385; stringent
letter against lending of, 385; oc-
cupants of in George IV.'s reign,
388; in William IV.'s reign, 390;
size and accommodation of, 397;
authority of various departments
over, 398.

Privy Gardens, Charles I. escapes
through the, 231; mentioned, 263;
Queen Mary plants in the, 304;
their old-fashioned air, 381; their
exquisite beauty, 404.
Puritans, the, their divines at the
conference, 170-179; their hatred
of Queen Henrietta Maria, 210;
desecrate the chapel, 220.
"Purr Corner," 389.

Push," the, 400, 401.

[blocks in formation]

Raleigh, Sir Walter, 160, 193.

Rape of the Lock," Pope's, 352,
Raphael's Cartoons valued at the
Commonwealth for £300, 238.-
Roy, satirist of Wolsey, 22, 37, 38, 42.

Salisbury, Earl of, Robert Cecil,
suggests the sale of knighthoods
to James I., 160; implores James
I. to postpone a hunting party,
Shakespeare, William, at Hampton
Court, 164; his plays acted before
the King of Denmark at Hampton
Court, 183; his plays acted before


Charles I. in the Great Hall, 214;
his "Henry VIII." acted before
George I., 369.

Shaw, Huntingdon, worker in iron,
his claim to the designing of the
iron screens confuted, 318,
Shooting, Henry VIII. fond of, 59,
60, 62; Queen Elizabeth goes out,
156; James I. goes out, 186;
Anne of Denmark shoots the
King's favourite hound, 192.
Skelton, John, Wolsey's satirist,
reflects on the Cardinal's peremp-
toriness, 16, 17; attacks him for
eating meat, 18; comments on
his magnificence, 28; satirizes his
love for tapestry, 30; alluded to,
37, 38; vilifies his political pre-
eminence, 45.

Somers, Will, Henry VIII.'s jester,
accompanies him on the lute, III.
Somerset, Duke of, his administra-
tion, 112; dissatisfaction against
him, 113; invokes assistance, 114;
fortifies the palace, 116; presents
Edward to the multitude at the
gate, 118; flees to Windsor, 119;
conspiracy against him, 120; ar-
rested, 120; beheaded, 120.
South Front of Wren's building
criticised, 308-310; carving on, 316,

State Apartments, unoccupied and
dismantled in George III.'s time,
380; in George IV.'s reign, 387;
in William IV.'s reign, 392;
opened free to the public, 393;
open on Sunday, 394.
Swift, Jonathan, 359.

Tennis Court, Henry VIII.'s, 55;
Henry VIII. playing in his shirt in
the, 60; Henry, Prince of Wales,
plays in the, 181; renovated by
Charles II., 261.

Thornhill, Sir James, paints the
ceiling of the Queen's State Bed-
chamber, 360.

Tijou, Jean, his book of designs in
ironwork, 317; designs the famous
screens at Hampton Court, 318;
his bill unpaid, 355.
Tilt Yard, the, 60; tournaments in,


Vansomer, his portrait of Christian


IV. of Denmark, 182; his picture
of Anne of Denmark and her
hounds, 192; his portrait of James
I., 197, 198.

Verrio, Antonio, anecdote of him
and Charles II., 287; mentioned,
312, 318; paints William III.'s
State Bedchamber, Little Bed-
chamber, and Great Staircase, 323-
325; cries out for cash, 353; paints
the Queen's Drawing Room, 354.
Victoria, Queen, her accession, 392;
throws the palace open free, 393;
visits Princess Frederica, 396;
attachment of her people to, 409.
"Vision of the Twelve Goddesses,"
166; and see Daniel, Samuel.
Visitors in former days, 379; since
the free opening, 393; their number
on Sundays, 394.

Walpole, Horace, remarks on an
alternative scheme for a new
palace, 291; his mention of Knel-
ler's Hampton Court Beauties,
302; mentions Laguerre, 314;
mentions Verrio, 324, 354; men-
tions Miss Bellenden, 363; his
interest in Hampton Court, 379;
his relatives in the palace, 385,

Water Gallery, the, Queen Eliza-
beth confined in, 130; Arran
admitted at, to see Queen Eliza-
beth, 138; the French ambassa-
dor lodged in, 206; refurnished
for Mary II., 300; Kneller's
Beauties at, 301; Queen Mary
resides at, 302; mentioned, 338.
Weldon, Sir Anthony, his remarks
about James I.'s love of sport,
188; his satiric description of
him, 199.
Whalley, Colonel, Parliamentary
officer, 221, 222; his interview
with Ashburnham, 225, 226;
shows Cromwell's alarming letter
to Charles I., 228; looks through
the keyhole of Charles I.'s room
door, 230; seeks for Charles I.
by the back way, 231; finds that
he has fled, 231; his full relation
of the manner and circumstances
of Charles I.'s escape, 233.
Whitehall, Wolsey's palace at, 8, 45,
56; Henry VIII.'s palace at, 64;

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