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long ago," he said: "I suppose you are curious to know for whom it was intended."

"I am not curious," replied Hester, "because I heard the story soon after I discovered the miniature, and it gave me deep trouble and pain."

"Then, I conclude," said Mr. Wareham, knitting his brows, "that you heard a garbled account of the wrongs endured by one person, and the injuries inflicted by another."

"Far from it," said Hester: "I heard the account from Mrs. Hawdon, and she seemed disposed to blame your daughter's conduct rather than your own."

"Mrs. Hawdon is a sensible woman," said Mr. Wareham, relaxing his countenance; "and I would advise you, Hester, to forbear from meddling with matters that do not concern you. There is a Blue Chamber in every house."

"There need not be one in yours," said Hester: "it is never too late to forgive. Dear Mr. Wareham, your daughter has been sufficiently punished by her long exile from your house and heart; let me implore you to receive her again to them." "And do you actually dare to make this request of me, Hester ?" asked Mr. Wareham.

"I dare to do so," replied Hester, "because I am sure that you would be both a happier and a better man if you would have the kindness to comply with it."

"And has it never occurred to you," said Mr. Wareham, "that if I granted your presuming request, your own position in my family might be greatly changed by the entrance of Mrs. Atwood into my house?"

"Enough, Hester, and more than enough on this subject," said Mr. Wareham; "you are going too far, even for a privileged favorite."

"Let me ask you one question," said Hester; "am I the only person who has endeavored to persuade you to take compassion on your daughter ?"

"I will answer your question," said Mr. Wareham, "because I hope my answer may serve as a lesson to you. My old, trusty, and esteemed friend, John Grayson, has repeatedly tried to bring about a reconciliation between Mrs. Atwood and myself, and was only induced to desist from his endeavors when I assured him that another word from him would terminate our long friendship, and compel me to consider him as a stranger."

Hester made no reply to this speech, wisely relinquishing the privilege of her sex to have the last word, and after a short pause, proposed to read aloud; but Mr. Wareham refused her offer, muttering, somewhat uncourteously, that "he much preferred reading to himself."

Hester remarked, however, that he never turned over a leaf of his book, and that he retired half an hour earlier than usual.

Many a speech works an effect quite different from that which was intended by the speaker. Mr. Wareham's brief account of his own spirited repudiation of John Grayson's interference was meant to serve as an awful warning to Hester of the danger that would accrue to herself from any obstinate perseverance in the cause which she had undertaken to plead; but it conveyed a piece of information to her which she had almost despaired of obtaining.

"I think it could only be changed for During the whole of the morning, Hesthe better," replied Hester. "Judging of ter had been anxiously longing to get a others by myself, I imagine that Mrs. At-letter conveyed to Mrs. Atwood, but had wood would feel so much obliged to me for having exercised my poor services in her behalf, that I should have two kind friends in the family instead of one."

"If you judge of other people by yourself, Hester," said Mr. Wareham, slightly smiling, "you must conceive the world to be very full of simpletons."

"Perhaps I may be right in so conceiving," said Hester, returning his smile; "but mine is not now a question of wis dom and justice, but one of mercy and kindness. For your own sake, for mine, and for your daughter's sake, I conjure you to forgive her."

felt the impossibility of ascertaining her place of residence; doubtless it had been many times changed in the course of seven-and-twenty years. Hester's determination was now taken; she would write to Mrs. Atwood, and she would inclose her letter in one to Mr. Grayson; since he had befriended the poor deserted widow so perseveringly and kindly, it was not likely that he should subsequently lose sight of her.

Hester knew Mr. Grayson's address; she had gradually taken the office of Mr. Wareham's amanuensis, and had only recently written to him. She fulfilled her

intention that very evening: duties, she felt, | readings were resumed, and the passing were not to be delayed; and she was tho- storm seemed lulled into a calm; but, roughly aware that she was performing a like many other calms, it was destined in duty. It seemed to her that she was usurp a few days to be disturbed by the sound ing the place of poor Elizabeth Atwood: of the postman's knock. Hester received she felt as if she had no claim to be partak- a letter from Mrs. Atwood, full of gratiing of the comforts that surrounded her, tude for her kind interest, but fearing while the daughter of the house was living that her father was too sternly resolute far from the home of her youth, and living, in his determination of casting her off, to perhaps, scantily provided even with the render any hope of a reconciliation pronecessaries of life. She briefly and kindly bable. She was happily raised above expressed to Mrs. Atwood her anxiety to want, she said; Providence had been be of use to her in any way she could very kind to her. Mr. Grayson, the point out; she offered to convey a letter friend of her early childhood, had not or message to Mr. Wareham, or to bring only insisted on defraying the expenses about an interview should it appear de- of her son's education, but had, very soon sirable; and this letter she inclosed in after the death of her husband, obtained one to Mr. Grayson, telling him how for her an asylum under the roof of an inearnestly she wished that it might reach valid relative of his own, whose declining Mrs. Atwood, and that it might prove the days, she trusted, were rendered more means of reconciling her with her father. easy by her attentions. Of that home Hester felt thus sanguine of success, she had recently been deprived by the because she could not be blind to the fact death of the lady, but she was still comthat she had obtained wonderful influence fortably supported by the liberal assistover the mind of Mr. Wareham. Since ance of her son, who was now tutor in a her residence with him he had gradually family of distinction. To receive the forbecome more charitable to the poor, more giveness and blessing of her father would kind to his servants, and more courteous be the greatest of joys to her; she did to his equals; and although the ground not ask for any portion of the wealth on which she was now treading was al- which she had justly forfeited by her dismost as dangerous as a quicksand, she obedience. had faith in her own powers of peace- Hester's tears fell fast over poor Elizamaking; in fact, in her late place of resi- beth's letter; she had not been aware dence, she had been the general peace- that she had a son, and she felt more maker of the neighborhood, and had than ever grieved and hurt at the imoften succeeded in her benevolent minis-placable cruelty of Mr. Wareham in altrations when older and more experienc-lowing another to give the boon of edu ed persons had given up the point in des- cation to the innocent boy who had never pair. Hester escaped the infliction of offended him. And how patiently, how Mrs. Hawdon's threatened visit, that calmly, did the poor widow endure her lady having on the preceding evening sorrow; speaking thankfully of her long received an invitation from a titled dow-residence as companion to an infirm invaager in the neighborhood to spend, ac- lid, and now living contentedly on the companied by her son, a few days at her portion dutifully allotted to her from her house. It is true that this invitation was son's stipend as a tutor! couched in the most cold and curt terms; it is true that Mrs. Hawdon was perfectly sensible that she had only been invited because some other persons had sent refusals, and because her son could dance well and could take a second in a duet; but she had no more idea of refusing it than if it had been a royal command; and Edward was not so deeply enamored of Hester, that the prospect of being separated from her for a few days gave him any overwhelming anxiety.

Mr. Wareham soon fell into his former kind ways towards Hester, the evening

"This can not, must not last," thought Hester. "I must make an appeal to the better feelings of Mr. Wareham this very evening."

Hester endeavored to dissipate her sadness by a long walk, and on her return found Mr. Wareham in excellent spirits; Mrs. Hawdon and her son had come home, and had paid him a long visit.

"Mrs. Hawdon," he said, "remarked that she had never seen me look so well; she has always something pleasant to say."

Hester wondered what he would think! of Mrs. Hawdon's talent for pleasant sayings if he could know that, a few days ago, she had uttered a fearless, unequivocal prediction that "within a month he would be attacked by apoplexy!"

In the quiet evening hour, when the tea-tray had been removed, Hester was just summoning courage for her proposed communication to Mr. Wareham, when he forestalled her by saying, "Hester, I have something to tell you which I think you will be very much pleased to hear." Hester merely replied by a look of inquiry, and Mr. Wareham continued.

"This morning I received a proposal of marriage for you. Now are you not eager to know the name of your suitor ?" "Not at all," said Hester, "because I am convinced that he can be no other but Mr. Hawdon, and as he has chosen to make his proposals through you, may I request that, in return, you will give him a courteous but decided refusal in my name?"

"Hester," said Mr. Wareham, " you are trifling with your own happiness. You do not know how earnestly I wish for your settlement in life. My kind friends may tell me that I appear to be in good health; but I feel that my life is very precarious; and when you are left alone in the world, many designing persons will immediately begin to hover round an heiress."

"An heiress!" repeated Hester, with genuine uncontrollable astonishment.

"Yes, dear Hester," said Mr. Wareham; "I have studied your character; I feel grateful for your kind attention to me; and, with the exception of a few legacies, I have bequeathed to you the whole of my property: I should be grieved to think that it made you the prey of a needy fortune-hunter; Edward Hawdon may not be a hero of romance; he may not be exactly calculated to win the affections of a warm-hearted girl, but he is a man of good family and fortune; his character is highly respectable, and I have known him from childhood. Think better of the matter, Hester, before you refuse your consent to a marriage which would give me so much gratification."

"My dear, kind friend," said Hester, "I have no words to express my gratitude for your munificent intentions in my favor; but I can not marry where I do not love; neither do I think that Mr. VOL. XLIV.-NO. III.

Hawdon would continue to wish for my hand, if he could hear what I am now going to say to you."

"What are you going to say to me?" asked Mr. Wareham, with a darkened brow; "have you formed some foolish and disgraceful attachment in your late place of residence ?"

"I have formed no attachment of any kind," replied Hester, "but, my dear Mr. Wareham, I can not accept of your generous bequest, because I feel that by so doing I should be injuring the rights of your daughter and of your grandson."

"I had hoped," said Mr. Wareham sternly, "that you would not again have alluded to Mrs. Atwood; and your information seems to have increased within the last few days; you mentioned nothing of Mrs. Atwood's son on a former occasion."

"Circumstances," said Hester, "have lately put me in possession of several particulars concerning your daughter. She is living in seclusion, and in confined circumstances; nay, she would even be in indigence did not her dutiful son share with her the stipend that he receives as a tutor. She is anxious, most anxious, for your pardon and for your kindness; she does not ask for more, but I feel that she alone should be the heiress of your wealth; I have done nothing to deserve it, and I do not wish to receive it."

"This to me, Hester ?" said Mr. Wareham indignantly. "Is this your gratitude for my kindness? Do you conspire with my disobedient daughter to wound and outrage my feelings?"

"I am showing the best and truest gratitude to you," said Hester, "when I implore you for your own sake, as well as that of your daughter, to practice the divine precept of forgiveness of injuries."

"It is easy for you to extenuate the faults of Mrs. Atwood, Hester," said Mr. Wareham; "she has never transgressed against you."

"True," replied Hester; "but then, on the other hand, I am not drawn towards her by the ties of close kindred, and of early association. There is also another claim that she has upon you, if I may venture to allude to it."

You have ventured to say so much," returned Mr. Wareham dryly, "that I beg you will not restrain yourself. Pray proceed; I am listening with attention." "You have often," pursued Hester,


"Hester has evidently quarreled with Mr. Wareham," said Mrs. Hawdon handing the note to her son: "I always thought that she concealed an imperious temper beneath the vail of apparent meekness."

"She has shown herself completely blind to her own interest," replied Edward. "I must say that I am disappointed; it would have been very convenient to have found a rich wife without the trouble of leaving one's own village in search of her."

"spoken to me of your late beloved wife; you have even indulged the hope that her spirit may be permitted to watch over you till the time arrives when you may rejoin her. If so, would not that guardian spirit rejoice to behold your reconciliation with the daughter whom she left to be your companion and solace in this world of trouble?" Mr. Wareham did not immediately reply; rapid changes passed over his countenance, and good and bad feelings seem ed contending in his mind. Alas! the latter prevailed. "Hester," he replied, you have addressed me with unwarrant- Before night, Mrs. Hawdon again heard able freedom; but I am willing to believe news from Mr. Wareham's house that had that you have been carried away by a tem- rapidly spread through the village. Mrs. porary fit of romantic enthusiasm. I give Hawdon had been right in her prediction you one more night to reflect on the line-Mr. Wareham was stricken with apoof conduct that you choose to pursue; either cease from any further allusions to Mrs. Atwood, and remain with me as my heiress, and the affianced bride of Edward Hawdon, or cease to remain with me at all, and let our paths of life hereafter be wide apart."


Mr. Wareham left the room before Hester could reply to this speech, even if she had wished to do so. She slept but little on that night; but she was not rendered wakeful by any doubt as to the course she should pursue: she could not act against the dictates of her conscience; she must therefore quit Mr. Wareham, visit London, and make her long-contemplated experiment in the advertising column of the Times. Hester met Mr. Wareham at breakfast, and gravely and gently thanked him for his past kindness to her, and announced her intention of taking her departure on the following day. He was too proud to remonstrate with her, and coldly and formally hoped that she would be successful in her new plan of life.

Hester employed herself during the morning in preparing for her departure, but found time to write a short, courteous note to Mrs. Hawdon apologizing for not calling to take leave of her, as she and Mr. Wareham were about finally to separate, and she was going to London on the ensuing day. Hester made no allusion to Edward Hawdon's offer of marriage; she justly thought that the mere circumstance of her final separation from Mr. Wareham would convey to the worldly-wise mother and son intelligence which would effectually prevent them from wishing to have any nearer connection with her; and so it proved.


It is scarcely necessary to say that Hester immediately gave up all thoughts of her removal, and established herself by the side of the poor sufferer as his tender, skillful, and unwearied nurse he had excellent medical attendants: his life was in danger for some days, but a favorable change in his complaint then took place, and Hester was told that she might hope for the best.

"And you actually have been devoting yourself to the care of me for eight days, dearest Hester?" said Mr. Wareham. "You will soon be ill yourself, if you do not take needful rest."

"Nay," said Hester cheerfully, "I have not been your sole nurse, nor have I debarred myself from rest. I am quite rewarded for all my cares by seeing you in the way of recovery."

"And will you give up your journey to London, Hester, and remain with me ?" asked Mr. Wareham.

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Willingly," replied Hester, "as your nurse and friend, but not as your heiress."

"Stay with me on any terms, dear Hester," said Mr. Wareham; "and now I think I feel inclined to sleep, and shall cease for a little while to be troublesome to you."

In about an hour Hester was summoned from her own room by the violent ringing of Mr. Wareham's bell.

"Hester," he exclaimed, on her entrance, "I am convinced that my senses are failing me: I have seen a strange vision; I beheld my departed wife standing by my bed-side, and regarding me with a look of sorrowful tenderness."

"You are wrong in thinking you have

beheld a spirit," said Hester; "but yet your senses are not affected. Consider if there is not any one living who may be supposed to bear a resemblance to your late wife."

"My daughter, my poor banished daughter," exclaimed Mr. Wareham; "I see it. Hester, you have summoned her to my house to receive my blessing before I die."

"I summoned her," said Hester, "to receive your forgiveness, trusting that you would not withhold it from her in the season of sickness and sorrow. Her cares and my own have, by the blessing of Providence, been rewarded by your restoration to health; do not, my dear and kind friend-do not make use of this gift to banish from your house the devoted, affectionate daughter who has attended to you so duteously in your time of need."

"Dear Hester," said Mr. Wareham, "I required a bitter lesson to lead me to the consciousness of my unrelenting severity of temper. I have come to the sense of my fault; I will see dear Elizabeth, not only to pronounce her forgiven, but to receive forgiveness from her."

Hester immediately summoned Mrs. Atwood from the adjoining room, and then withdrew; she felt that the meeting between the long-separated father and daughter ought to take place without a witness.

Six months elapsed. Mr. Wareham was restored to his usual state of health. Mrs. Atwood took her place as the mistress of his house, and Hester was still his loved, petted relative. Yet was there another individual of the party, who appeared to occupy a still larger share of Mr. Wareham's favor than either of the ladies aforesaid; and strange to say, instead of being jealous of this preference, they actually seemed quite delighted with it, and even jested on the subject of the minor degree of estimation in which they were held. This fortunate person was Mr. Wareham's grandson, the young tutor, whom he had summoned to his house immediately after his reconciliation to Mrs. Atwood, warmly commending his dutiful conduct to his mother, and entreating him to resign his situation without delay, and

to come and see whether he liked him well enough to take up his future abode with him.

Well," said Mrs. Hawdon, as she welcomed Edward home again, who had just returned from an unsuccessful heiresshunt at Harrowgate, 66 strange events have happened at Mr. Wareham's. Hester will possess the property after all."

"Indeed!" exclaimed Edward, with animation! "I suppose, then, he has quarreled with his daughter and grandson, and Hester has grown more wise than she was formerly, and is willing to accept of the honors of a residuary legatee. I shall make a point of paying my respects to her at an early hour to-morrow morning."

"Your attention would avail you nothing," said Mrs. Hawdon, "for at an early hour to-morrow morning Hester becomes the bride of young Atwood. I have no doubt that she foresaw from the very first how matters would turn out."

"Nay," said Edward, "we must acquit her of that instance of foresight, for she had never seen young Atwood when she declined the heiresship. After all, she is a noble girl, and deserves to be happy as well as rich."

A few friends were assembled at the breakfast-table of Mr. Wareham on the wedding morning. Many kind and affectionate speeches were made to Hester on the occasion, but I will only quote that of John Grayson, as being the most original of them all.

"Other people, my dear Mrs. Atwood," he said, "tell you of their gratitude and affection; I do much more; I assure you of my forgiveness! You have actually been guilty of doing well and quickly what I could never do at all. I labored ineffectually for years to bring about a reconciliation between my good old friend and his daughter; but you came to the rescue, and all was accomplished in the course of a few days. Mr. Jellaby said to his daughter Caddy, on her wedding-day, 'Never have a mission! But I am not quite inclined to agree with him, and I heartily congratulate Atwood that he has gained a wife who is so well able to carry out that admirable mission-the Mission of Peace-Making!"

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