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words, however, when examined, I was complete; in this way would the what serious truths did they not property be handed over to a new disclose? For what did such lan-race. Let it not be supposed, that

guage mean? It meant the laying the destruction of the landed inwaste a large and fair portion of terest meant the destruction of the England [hear, hear]. The break-owners physically, or that the land ing up of the best and dearest rela- was to be sunk in the sea, and the tions-the destruction of local at- men and their habitations were to tachments, than which nothing be destroyed, and the traces of could give a deeper agony to the their existence sown with salt human heart-the tearing up by (a laugh.) But when so great a the roots of that fabric of society, change was produced that the prowhich, though in its summit, it perty of a commanding interest flourished in the ornaments of rank like that of the landed proprietors and distinction, was bottomed, sup- was changed, the interest of this ported in the landed interest [hear, class was allied as affected themlear], and must crumble to decay selves and society; and the dewhenever the landed interest was struction of this class must become no more [hear, hear, hear]. And the ruin of the State (hear, hear!). he said the landed interest was no Parliament was therefore bound to more if it trafficed in securities. that which could be effective in If from day to day the proprietor relieving the public burdens, and endeavoured to live on by having ought to run every risk in order to recourse to loans, and all the expe- save the State (hear, hear!). God dients of trade, instead of living in forbid, that any man should even the style and spirit of an old coun- whisper such an expedient as that, try gentleman [hear, hear]; if he from which every well-constituted were to be distressed at a neigh- mind must recoil-such as the combour's appearance, of a neighbour pounding with the public creditor or at his gate-if he were to be fear- the tampering with the currencyful of every new-comer who ap-while Parliament possessed the peared upon his premises-if he power of relieving the existing were to wrest from a tenantry, suf- distress, by a diminution of taxfering like himself, the price of hisation, and by the enforcement of " labours, and having wrung from him economy. He said, therefore, that his earnings, was to come upon his the only measure of mitigating the savings, and these not being suffi- great evil which at present oppressed cient, was then to drive him out society was to reduce, by every and then to mortgage his own pro- expedient, the burdens of taxaperty, and to sell till the transfer tion."

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Bravo, my buck! But, do not | My Bill was drawn up in Long think, that the public do not see Island. I knew it would be what you are after! Do not think wanted, and I had it ready. Both to escape being set down amongst factions subscribed money to keep my disciples! Do not think that me out; and I now enjoy their conyou are going to treat me as Ame-fusion. They have Peter Moore ricus did Columbus. My old and and Edward Ellice; they have faithful disciples are all on the Mackintosh, Scarlet, Brougham, watch. But, mind, and the sooner you tell it your JOLTERHEADS the better, they have no reduction of interest without parliamentary reform. Mind that! You may talk as long as you please about para-to see them executed, they have mount unreasoning necessities and Burke's books to be their guide; about tearing up society by the roots; you may pillage the Re

gister of sixteen years ago as long as you please; but, neither the reasons drawn from me, nor the descriptions drawn from yourself,

will avail your principles aught,

Abercrombie and all the wise men, selected by all the wise fillers of seats; they have Six Acts, and they have parson Hay and Bolton Fletcher and Traffard and others,

they have his executors to`pay; and God send them all the natural consequences!

Lord Castlereagh's answer to Mr. Brougham was very personal and angry. He did not relish the passage I have quoted above. He was aware that it was but too true a picture. In short he was scared But, if that scares him, what will be his affright next year!

unless there be a reform of the -parliament. If I had been elected for Coventry instead of Peter Moore, there would, long ago, have been on the table of the parliament, the safe and easy Brougham's Oracle) sported some means of putting all to rights of his opinions, already pretty without injustice to any man. well known; amongst the rest,


Mr. RICARDO (formerly Mr.

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these:That taxation does not where, I would take the liberty cause the distress; that, because to ask, is Mr. Ricardo's twina tax on leather does not injure brother in talent, Mr. Baring? When the guests were bidden to the banquet, one said, "1 have bought a piece of land, and must needs go and see it ;" and the newspapers tell us, that Mr. Baring has recently bought another piece

the currier, taxes cannot injure the farmer and landlord; that the repeal of taxes would not relieve agriculture; that the letting of land go out of tillage was necessary to relieve the husbandman and landlords; and of land, and a pretty large piece was one of the remedies to be too! Oh! what sport for us! applied; and that "the stock- How the Jolterheads must boil "holder, by receiving a portion with rage! Well; it is all their "of the taxes, MAY BE SAID own work. "TO HAVE THE LAND IN "POSSESSION," and he added,

that this was just; and that it was "absurd to talk of sacrificing the interests of the Stockholder."

If we had been listened too; if the Hampshire pe

tition for Reform, for reduction of salaries, and reduction of interest of Debt; if that petition, presented by Lord Cochrane, in

February 1817, had been granted,

This was a pretty little treat for the Jolterheads:" out-of-doors" how comfortable the Jolterheaded I mean! A pretty little beginning landlords would have been now! for them. Oh, God, I thank thee It is all their own doing. They have nobody to blame but themselves. How well they deserve

for that thou hast been pleased to cause this lesson to be given to to those who passed and approved the expression of Castlereagh of of Six-Acts; and who answered" crying distress!" How well as they did our petitions for reform they deserve to be laughed at. in 1817!

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Mr. BARING will drop in, I

But, in the midst of all this, hope, soon, and repeat what he


so manfully said last year; there be to have kept the namely, that he could see no THING held up, staring the reason for the "Debtor" to cease people in the face! I knew this to pay the interest in full; no well; and, for that very reason I reason except that he had nothing came home when I did. The left to pay with! This will very moment I saw that the Bill was soon be the case with landlords at passed, I knew that I should be any rate; and a comfortable wanted here. There is no way state of things it will be. We out of the difficulty, except that shall have a new race of landlords of a reduction of the interest of which is a thing by no means to the Debt, and that cannot be frighten us. We, to whom the effected without a reform. So present ones refuse reform, can- that it is quite useless to justle not want them to remain. No about. The thing must be done; new set can do more than what and, yet, if it be not done this

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How easy a job, for the pre- Of the Pretty Gentlemen at

sent, all this would be, if I had


remained in America! - How

snugly the thing would have been

THESE stern-path-of-duty-men

got over, for a while, by repeal-seem to be now in a grand quaning Peel's Bill? Who would dary, God be praised: to say

which is neither blasphemy nor remark on them at Epsom, on sedition, and, in spite of the Monday. But, how do I know Devil, can bring no man under that I shall not approve of them? Six-Acts. There, then: you Do I say, that I shall not? I say have got Six- Acts, have you, remark on them; perhaps, though pretty gentlemen! Keep them! [not likely, in the way of approMuch good may they do you; bation. I am sure I shall apbut they will not enable the Jolter-prove if they embrace Reform of heads to get any rents next year, Parliament, and, if they do not, I can tell them that; and this II am sure I shall disapprove of I said, even while the Six-Acts were them.

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passing. Oh, God! how just art It is to be, I guess, some 'Exthou! Weak, querulous, impa-chequer-Bill project, and, pertient mortals as we are! Little haps, a repeal of Peel's Bill, in did we think, that thou wast, even whole or in part. There is no in that moment of our deepest doubt of the desire of the pretty humiliation, providing the sure gentlemen to give relief. No means of our deliverance and doubt of that; for they must wish triumph! It is always remem- to be able to go on. But, I am bered by me, with great gratitude sure, that they can do it in no way to God, that those who passed other than that of repealing taxes. Six - Acts, also passed Peel's As to a repeal of Peel's Bill now, either in whole or in part, it would only produce another shock; another rumbling of the thunder, previous to the dreadful crack and the falling of the bolt. However, let them do it; or, in short, let them do what they like. I do not


But, what are these same famous measures of the pretty gen

tlemen to be? Who can tell? They are to be broached to

morrow (to-day is Thursday,) and

my Register must go to press to-night. What a pity! I must

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care a straw what they do; but,

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