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and the other in the storm of life; and only hearts like Ellen Stewart's hear the whisperings of the Father's love, and see so much of heaven upon the earth.

One visit alone was paid to the grave of her noble lover, and Ellen Stewart went home to her mother's cottage-to sit in that chair, to remember, to think, and to suffer.

When these facts had been communicated to her absorbed listener, he sat for some time unable to speak; for a feeling of unutterable sadness had taken possession of him. "Pardon me," she said anxiously, "if I have obtruded my sorrows upon you and made you unhappy, but it is such a comfort to unburden one's thoughts to a sympathising ear; and such I took you to be."

"Don't mention it," he said; "but, poor


Pray don't call me POOR," she replied, with a loftiness which awed him, "who have such noble memories and such glorious hopes. Not to speak of heaven and all it contains for me, I would not part with 'the light of other years' for untold wealth-nay, not for perfect health, which is infinitely better."

Such language hardly tallied with a thatched cottage and a peatfire. But her story came back to his memory with a rush, and he thanked God that he belonged to a race capable of such heroism. In haste he had to bid her adieu, for he had several miles to travel that evening; but before doing so he gave his promise to call on her again whenever opportunity presented. That opportunity has never come, but since then the young man, now a minister, has often found himself going back in thought to the occupant of that humble cottage, and repeating to himself sadly the now hackneyed lines, "Full many a flower," &c., but he has always checked the thought. No! there is no waste of the precious fragrance of this Highland flower-so lovely, so rare. The great Soul Gardener has planted it for His pleasure, is guarding its fragile life, and in His own good time will transplant it to the heavenlies in Christ Jesus. Many a time has the memory of this obscure yet noble sufferer inspired the preacher's breast, and begotten within him the desire that

"In joy and in sorrow, through praise and through blame,
Oh still let me, living and dying the same,

In Thy service bloom and decay

Like some lone altar, whose votive flame
In holiness wasteth away."


THERE will not be a tear in heaven-there will not be a smile in hell; there will

be no weeping in the former, and nothing but weeping in the latter.

He that would commune much with God, must commune little with the world. FORBIDDEN pleasures, though loved at first, are loathed at last.

HUMILITY is a grace not merely ornamental but essential-not what may be in the Christian, but what must be.

Household Treasury.


A GENERAL, after gaining a great victory, was encamping with his army for the night. He ordered watch to be kept all around the camp as usual. One of the sentinels, as he went to his station, grumbled to himself, and said : "Why could not the general let us have a quiet night's rest for once, after beating the enemy? I'm sure there is nothing to be afraid of."

The man then went to his station, and stood for some time looking about him. It was a bright night, with a harvest-moon, but, as he could see no sign of danger anywhere, he said to himself, "I am terribly tired; I shall sleep for just five minutes, out of the moonlight, under the shadow of this tree." So he lay down.

Presently he started up, dreaming that some one had pushed a lantern before his eyes, and he found that the moon was shining brightly down on him through the branches of the tree above him. The next minute an arrow whizzed past his ear, and the whole field before him seemed alive with soldiers in dark-green coats, who sprang up from the ground, where they had been silently creeping onward, and rushed toward him.

Fortunately the arrow had missed him; so he shouted aloud to give the alarm, and ran back to some other sentinels. The army to which he belonged was thus saved, and the soldier said, "I shall never forget, as long as I live, that when one is at war, one must watch."

Our whole life is a war with evil. Just after we have conquered it, it sometimes attacks us when we least expect it. For example, when we have resisted the temptation to be cross and pettish or disobedient, sometimes when we are thinking, "How good we have been !" comes another sudden temptation, and we are not on our guard, and do not resist it. Jesus says us, "Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation."



COUNT What? Why, count the mercies which have been quietly falling in your path through every period of your history. Down they come every morning and evening, angel messengers from the Father of lights to tell you of your best friend in heaven. Have you lived these years, wasting mercies, treading them beneath your feet, and consuming them every day, and never yet realised from whence they came? If you have, Heaven pity you! You have murmured under your affliction; but who has heard you rejoice over your blessings? Do you ask what are these mercies? Ask the sunbeam, the rain-drop, the star, or the queen of night. What is life but a mercy? What is the propriety of stopping to play with a thorn-bush when you may just as well pluck sweet flowers and eat pleasant fruits? Happy is he who looks at the bright side of life, of providence, and of revelation; who avoids thorns and sloughs, until his Christian growth is such that, if he cannot improve them, he may pass among them without injury. Count mercies before you complain of affliction.


THE REV. JOHN KELLY, LIVERPOOL. Few names are more familiar to our readers than that of the venerable minister of Christ whose decease it is our sad duty to record. Mr. Kelly was for many years one of the managers of the EVANGELICAL MAGAZINE, and a frequent contributor to its pages. In the June number, a few days before his death, an article, entitled "The Glory of God His Chief End, and the Highest Motive in Christian Service," appeared from his pen. Within the limited space at our command it is only possible to glance at a few of the incidents of the protracted and useful career of the deceased. John Kelly was born in Edinburgh December 1st, 1801, and died in Liverpool June 12th, 1876. Nearly fifty years of his life were passed in the ministry of the Gospel in the latter place. Mr. Kelly received his early education at Heriot's Hospital, Edinburgh. He was led to a knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus by the ministry of the Rev. Dr. Gordon, through whose frequent and earnest persuasions he was led to a diligent study of the Scriptures. Sometime after his conversion, circumstances induced Mr. Kelly to remove to England. He took up his abode in the West Riding of Yorkshire. Whilst there he became actively engaged in various forms of Christian work, and, at length, on the suggestion and recommendation of his minister, Rev. Robert Martin, he entered Idle-now Airedale-College, at that time under the care of Rev. W. Vint. Mr. Kelly made his first visit to Liverpool in January, 1827, and such were the impressions produced by him, that the people to whom he ministered, bereaved, within the past year, of their pastor, the Rev. S. P. Charrier, earnestly besought his permanent services. With much hesitation, and with the understanding that he should be allowed to complete his curriculum at Airedale, he accepted the

overtures made to him. He entered upon his ministry in July, 1829. His ordination took place the following September. The charge to Mr. Kelly was delivered by the Rev. Richard Winter Hamilton, of Leeds. The early ministry of Mr. Kelly was crowned with great success; a larger chapel than the one occupied became needful, and in November, 1837, Crescent Chapel, built at a cost of £9,000, was opened, and became the scene of his after public ministry. No pastor was ever more faithful in the discharge of the various obligations to his flock than Mr. Kelly. His oversight of his people was in every respect conscientious and tender. His preparations for their spiritual instruction were most thorough. The fruit of such labours as those indicated were seen in the devotion of several young men of the church to the ministry at home, or important missionary service abroad. Passing over many marks of confidence and esteem which he received, it may be noted that he was elected Chairman of the Congregational Union of England and Wales in 1851, and was the Congregational Lecturer in 1860. The impulse given by Dr. Gordon to Mr. Kelly, in his early youth, became stronger with the increase of years. Few men knew the Bible so well, could handle it better, or were prepared to resist more resolutely any attack upon its integrity. Our narrow space forbids particular reference to controversies in which he became engaged. An illness from which Mr. Kelly suffered, about twelve years ago, put a considerable check upon his labours beyond his own church. He continued unwearied in his exertions for his charge up to the term of his pastorate. He preached his farewell sermon September 28th, 1873, and on October 14th following a public meeting was held, under the presidency of Dr. Raleigh, at which he was presented with an address and £2,700. Mr. Kelly

lived three years after his retirement from his official duties. It was a calm, bright, blessed eventide. At home he was made perfectly happy by the unremitting, tender attentions of his children; he received frequent visits from ministerial friends; and, up to January last, joined, with all his heart, in the social enjoyments of his brethren. Frequent were his expressions of gratitude for the abounding mercies of God. We could have wished, and he would have been willing, that this tranquil, grateful season had been prolonged; but it was otherwise ordained. From the beginning of the year his strength began to fail. He was obliged to desist from preaching altogether, but, within a week or two of his death, he kept up his old studious habits.

The days of absolute prostration were few, and in his weakness the truth he had preached was his stay and solace. The end came at last, and, thankful as we should have been for its postponement, we must feel, to use his own words, in a letter regretting his absence from a meeting convened to do honour to Dr. William Rees, "all is right," and bow submissively to the will of the Sovereign Ruler of life and death. The respect shown to the memory of Mr. Kelly on the occasion of his funeral was very marked. The services were conducted by Revs. W. C. Bishop, C. M. Birrell, W. Graham, J. M. Blackie, R. Wardlaw Thompson, and E. Hassan. The Independent ministers of Liverpool and neighbourhood, with scarcely an Ministers of exception, attended.

various religious denominations, and representatives of different societies in the town, were present. The respective Synods of the United Presbyterian Church, and the English Presbyterian Church, and the Synod of the newlyconstituted Presbyterian Church of England sent deputations. In the presence of those referred to, and hundreds besides, the remains of our venerated friend were committed to their last restingplace. Sermons, with special reference

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Ox the 4th of May last, died at his resi dence, Northwood-place, West Cowes, the Rev. Thomas Mann, at the advanced age of 80 years. He had for some time retired from active work through failing health, and received from the Pastors' Retiring Fund a liberal provi sion until his decease. For upwards of 40 years he was the esteemed minister of the Sun Hill Independent Chapel, West Cowes, and he was well known throughout Hampshire during that career as a lecturer on various topics, there being few towns in that county he had not frequently visited in this capacity. He was the author of several thoughtful and suggestive little works; among these his Hints on the Gift of Prayer deserves special mention, and up till within a few days of his death he was engaged in his literary occupation. Amongst his numerous family, two are in the Christian ministry, both abroad, and the others occupying positions of usefulness in England and other parts of the world. His sufferings during the last few years were, at intervals, very great; yet his mind and faculties, up to the last, were remarkably clear, and his frequent letters to his near relatives throughout his whole declining life were pithy, instructive, and pleasing. In writing to one of his grandchildren last December, he said "I have reason to rejoice in possessing more strength than I had last Christmas, but a severe cold, and consequent difficulty of breathing, occasion me some trial. The wonder is that I am yet sustained on earth and so greatly blessed in this my 80th Christmastide. I have been very mercifully dealt with

by the God of my life." In the last letter, only a few weeks before his death, in reference to one of his favourite studies, he says:-"On my own account I am glad I once paid attention to the subject, and it has well repaid me. But the calls have now passed away. Since I last wrote, Mr. M——, who once employed me to write on the Island, has passed to that world to which I am hastening." The remains of the late Rev. T. Mann were interred at Northwood Cemetery, West Cowes, and the event was attended by every mark of

respect from those to whom he was so well known, including the Rev. J. B. Atkinson, late incumbent of St. Mary's, West Cowes, who for upwards of 50 years had been intimate with the deceased as a neighbour and fellow Christian worker; the deacons and a great number of the members, teachers, and elder scholars, all anxious to give this expres. sion of their esteem for him they had lost, and to exhibit, for the last time, the affectionate respect which had been won by a life of usefulness and rectitude.

Notices of Books.

The Archaeology of Baptism. By WOLFRED NELSON COTE. (London: Yates and Alexander.)

Here is a volume which will delight the hearts of Ritualists, and of all such as prefer the Fathers to the Apostles as the fountains of pure theology. If the reader loves to trace the development of doctrine through ante-Nicene and postNicene and mediæval times down to the present day, especially if he be a little fanatical on the subject of immersion, here are pages which will be marrow and fatness to his soul. The first part of this book is on 66 Baptism;" the second on "Baptisteries and Fonts." It does not trouble the reader with much reference to Scripture; but it clearly shows the heathen origin of immersion as a religious rite, while it has many well-executed engravings of ancient pictures and frescos, some of them exhibiting its administration by baptised pagans, others the "Baptisteries," &c., used for the purpose, nearly all of them the drivelling superstition which had grown up around what some of our brethren call “ Baptism." The book is really not worth noticing, but it comes with some show of authority. It is "respectfully and affectionately inscribed to the Rev. Charles Stovel,"

and the thanks of the author are given to some most eminent Baptist divines and laymen of the day for aid generously rendered by them towards its production.

Commenting and Commentaries.

By C. H. SPURGEON. (London :
Passmore and Alabaster.)

By commenting, the author understands the application of the Scriptures to the heart, as well as the exposition of them to the understanding. Perhaps improvement in the public reading of the Bible would help more to the comprehension of its meaning and force, than the current remarks of the reader upon it. Good expositions of the Word of God are among the urgent wants of our times, and the catalogue of Biblical Commentaries and Expositions appended to these lectures may contribute to further one of the most difficult, but also one of the most beneficial modes of public teaching.

Sanctification as Exhibited in the

Word of God. (London: Religious
Tract Society.)

We think the writer of this brief treatise on a subject most important has rendered good service by "gathering,"

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