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at the end of the New England Fire-Brand Quenched; but, to bring it nearer home, and that he may not go to spy or pick a mote in another's eye, while a beam is in his own, I shall show him and others his own face, by setting down some of his own language, desiring the reader's patience a little to hear, viz., "miserable heretics; heretics, heretics; prodigious and comprehen"sive heresy, Quakerism; multitudes of people being bewitched; "that sink of blasphemies; sink of all errors, Quakerism; a new "sect; first perversion; their spirit of the hat; fopperies of thou "and thee; those heretics; horrid end of their heresies; pit of "darkness; spiritual plague; contagion; venomous pamphlets; "wolves; hideously blacked, and fearfully torn; possession of the "devil; seducers; real and proper witchcraft; enchantments; "Ignes Fatui; that odd sect of people called Quakers; heretics "acting under the energy of the old serpent; a people of wrong "understanding; he that made them shall not save them; worst "of heretics that this age has produced; Quakerism, sink of all "heresies; vomit cast out by whole kennels of seducers, licked "up again for new digestion, exposed for the poisoning of man"kind; bewildered souls in chains under darkness; conduct of an "ignis fatuus; most venomous, upstart sect; Quakers, certain "fanatics, seducing the people; so great a plague; old Foxian "Quakerism, grossest collection of blasphemies and confusion "that ever was heard of; heresies, heresies; quaking holders"forth; blasphemous and confused generation; evil-doers; "wretches, whom the devil drives; these devil-driven creatures "made return; chief offenders; a fierce, raging, sullen, revengeful "spirit, and a degree of madness inspired them; miserable Qua"kers; heresies; intolerable contempt; madmen; a sort of luna"tics, demoniacs and energumens; dangerous villains; the phren"sy of the old Circumcellians; mad subjects; mad baggages; "devilism; proud fool; gross heresies of the old Foxian Quaker"ism; chokewood of Christianity; fallacious and ambiguous; "Fox's gross Quakerism; gross errors; odd symptoms of quak"ings; quaking a symptom of diabolical possession; bewitched "people; crew of Quakers; porcupines; kilderbrands; spiritual

"assaults; enchant and poison; first born of nonsensicality; Tom "Maule; nonsensical blasphemies and heresies; his Alcoran; "bloody stuff; a liar of the first magnitude; the very Daloe or "Prester-John of all the English Tartars; Foxian Quakerism; "Pennsylvania dragons; sect of energumens; gross tenets of the Quakers; greatest plague that ever came upon that sect; dangerous generation; error of the wicked Foxian Quakers; as "horrid idolaters as those that worship the rats of Egypt; dam"nable heretics; Cretians; unaccountable enchantments; spiritual "plague; English Batonists; their Mahomet, George Fox;" and such like. And is this one to correct others, that is so foul himself? can he produce any such out of the Quakers' books? And is this the civility he pretends he would have us treated withal, page 100? And can he yet call himself Friend Mather? Well, I cannot but apply the words of Christ, "Blessed are ye when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice and be exceeding glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you."-Matt. v. 11, 12. And the Lord said, "I have heard the reproach of Moab, and the reviling of the children of Ammon, whereby they have reproached my people," (Zeph. ii. 8,) and to him I leave it to answer further.

Page 28. When they were persecuting some of the Baptists for their Nonconformity, though but to imprisonment, several of their Independent brethren in England, as Goodwin, Owen, Nye, Caryl, &c., could write to the governor to put a stop to it, saying, as in their letter which he recites, chap i., "Though the Court "might apprehend that they had grounds in general, warranting "their procedure in such cases, in the way wherein they have "proceeded; yet that they have any rule or command, rendering "their so proceeding indispensably necessary, under all circum"stances of fines or places, we are altogether unsatisfied. Chap. ii., "We only make it our hearty request to you, that you would trust "God with His truth and ways, so far as to suspend all rigorous "proceedings in corporal restraints or punishments on persons


"that dissent from you, and practice the principle of their dissent "without danger or disturbance to the civil peace of the place." Now this was well in them to show their dislike of such proceedings against the Baptists, for which I commend them; but whoever of them, or their party, wrote to them to show their dislike or dissatisfaction with their procedure, though ever so unwarrantable, against the Quakers, though they practiced the principle of their dissent, without danger or disturbance to the civil peace of the place, as much as any? Or to endeavour to put a stop to their persécution of them, though it was much further than imprisonment, even to whipping, cutting off ears, banishment, and death? Did any of them show their dislike to that? If they did, Cotton Mather is unfaithful to them and his reader, as well as to us, in not setting it down, but all against them that he can; nor did I ever hear of any such dissuasive from them, as to the proceedings against our Friends; no, no, they had no helper in the earth, nor none to take their part, or plead their cause, as to any of them, but instead thereof, the said party was proceeding rigorously at home against the said people, as far as they could, not trusting God with His truth and ways, though they could not proceed so far as to put them to death outright, yet they actually took away the lives or were guilty of the death of several :—as,

First, James Parnel, at Colchester Castle, committed by Justice Wackering and others, for speaking in the steeple-house, at Coggeshall, after Priest Willis had done, and beat and abused so, to have his blood as they threatened, and at last had, endeavouring all they could to take away his life, giving or offering him water with quicksilver in it the morning before he went to the Assizes, eighteen miles on foot, and after he came home, leaving him out in the court all night where he had no place to sit or lie but under the wall; then putting him in the high hole in the wall, where he must go up and down by a ladder, six feet too short, and a rope, or starve, so that once being benumbed in Winter, missing his hold, he fell down, and was taken up for dead; then put in the lower hole, called the Oven, not so big as some bakers' ovens, though higher, where he, being almost stifled for want of

air, going out once, when the door was open, into the yard, they locked him out all night, in the coldest time of Winter; and so continued their cruelty, notwithstanding all endeavours to the contrary, till he grew weak and died; and then they were not satisfied, but made lies about him, as Cotton Mather hath of our Friends; but miserable was the end of several of his persecutors, as Wackering, the jailer, and his wife, &c.

Secondly, George Harrison, of Suffolk, violently haled out of a Friend's house, and cruelly beat and bruised; and afterwards put out of an inn, and forced to travel in a cold, wet, snowy night; being weak and sickly, he suddenly grew weaker, and within a month after died.

Thirdly, Boniface Norris, an old man, near eighty, riding to a meeting, was taken up and imprisoned at Cambridge, by Dudly Pope, who had imprisoned his wife before, where, falling sick about a week after he was let out, he died.

Fourthly, Elizabeth Fletcher, at Oxford, a young woman of account in the world as to birth, for. speaking to the scholars of John's College, under the Vice-chancellorship of John Owen, abovesaid, with Elizabeth Heavens, was so abused, by pumping, dragging about, and throwing against a grave-stone, which bruised her so, that she never recovered from it, and spit blood till she died.

Fifthly, Richard Sale, for declaring against the wickedness of the priests and people of Chester, was, by command of P. Leigh the mayor, put into and pressed in a hole in a rock, called Little Ease, which so bruised and crushed his body, that blood gushed out of his nose, and he soon after died.

Sixthly, Rebecca Barns, in Lancashire, going from a meeting with Elizabeth Holmes, who spoke a few words to Priest Ellison, he set his wife upon them, by whom and the priest's party she was so beaten with hedgestakes, and bruised about her breast, &c., that she presently fell sick and, within seven days after, died.

Seventhly, Richard Hebson, imprisoned for speaking to a priest, was, with others, cruelly beaten and abused by the jailer, at Appleby, and soon after died.

Eighthly, George Humble, for standing by some of his neighbours, whom George Lilburn had set in the stocks for speaking to a priest, and reproving the said Lilburn for the same, was by him sent to prison at Durham, where, after nine or ten months' durance, he died.

Ninthly, Temperance Hignel, of Bristol, for speaking to Jacob Brint, priest, was struck down by his hearers, imprisoned, and soon after died.

Tenthly, Jane Ingram, for going to visit Friends that were imprisoned and lay on straw, in Doomsdale, in Launceston, was by John Champion cast into Exon-prison, and there kept on straw till she died, and many others also died in prison, through hard usage, by cruel and hard imprisonments, for not paying tithes to hireling priests, and refusing to swear in obedience to Christ's command,* as Richard Asburner, an old man, at Lancaster; Thomas Broomby, a poor man, at Lincoln; Robert Jacob, about eighty years old, in Norwich; Edward Roberts, at Northampton; John Cason, at Ipswich; William Serjeant, at Ilchester, and near twenty more, by one abuse or other. It was therefore unlikely that those who were acting such things, and abundance more, at home, should any way go to intercede for such as were under sufferings abroad; but now it was their own turn, in some measure, though not comparable to what others suffered from them, they could show their dissatisfaction with it; and how much it tended to strengthen their adversaries at home against themselves, as well it might; well, I hope they will all take warning, and be wiser for time to come, and that is all the harm I wish them, or use I would make of it.

Page 29.-Having "to stop the great noise that," he says, "has been made in the world about the persecution in New England," transcribed the words uttered in the sermon to the First great and General Assembly of the Province, after the two Colonies of Massachusetts and Plymouth were united; of which these are some: "When a man sins in his political capacity, let political

* See A Broadside to the Parliament of the Commonwealth of England, in 1659, and W. P.'s Ser. Apol.

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